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Last active September 20, 2019 13:25
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For automation of publishing to Galaxy

Publishing to Galaxy via AWX or Tower

Make a project from:

Create an inventory with localhost.

Create a credential type with the credential type JSON here. Create a credential of that type with the relevant parameters.

Make a JT with that credential, inventory, project, and use playbook:


Then 🚀


If you specify a version that has already been uploaded, the the final command: should fail, but allow the failure.

ERROR! Error when publishing collection to galaxy ( (HTTP Code: 409, Message: Collection "alancoding-awx-0.0.3" already exists. Code: conflict.collection_exists)

If you specify a version which has not been uploaded, it should upload like this in stdout:

Publishing collection artifact '/tmp/awx_56__6ocy12h/project/awx_clone/awx_collection/alancoding-awx-0.0.5.tar.gz' to galaxy
Collection has been published to the Galaxy server galaxy
Waiting until Galaxy import task has completed
Collection has been successfully published and imported to the Galaxy server galaxy


"name": "Ansible Galaxy or Automation Hub",
"description": "This is used to uploading to Galaxy servers, plan is to use for uploading to \"awx\" namespace",
"kind": "cloud",
"inputs": {
"fields": [
"id": "server",
"type": "string",
"default": "",
"label": "Galaxy Server URL"
"id": "token",
"type": "string",
"label": "Galaxy API Token",
"secret": true
"required": ["token"]
"injectors": {
"extra_vars": {
"galaxy_token": "{{token}}",
"galaxy_server": "{{server}}"
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