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Last active September 28, 2023 13:21
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AWX Resource Graph Visualizer

This is a widget hacky thing for visualizing things in AWX which do not otherwise have visualization.

SVG here for the job was produced by

dnf install graphviz
/var/lib/awx/venv/awx/bin/pip install graphviz
awx-manage inspect_job --job 243 --file alan --ext svg

The SVG for the roles was produced by

awx-manage inspect_role --role=1520 --file alan --method downup --ext svg

This is where 1520 is the admin role of the organization from the full house script. More on that in the next section

Creating the Example Data

The job is created by a playbook that generates all forms of status.

The exact structure will depend heavily on the inventory you use this against.

The RBAC example is done by running the test_full_house script. After this is ran, search for the organization with "Full house" in its name. Then get the admin role for that organization. Exact instructions for running this from the CLI might be somewhat more complicated than these instructions suggest. You need an awxkit environment.

RBAC Relevance

There is some more information in comments in this issue:


The core idea is that a visualization in order to allow the proliferation of more permissions types.

from awxkit.utils import random_title
class TestAlan(object):
def test_alan(self, factories):
"""Make stuff of every type."""
for i in range(300):
ujts = [
factories.ad_hoc_command() # special case
for ujt in ujts:
if hasattr(ujt, 'launch'):
def test_org(self, factories):
"""This makes an organization to test deletion warnings with"""
o = factories.organization(name='Delete Meeeee! {}'.format(random_title()))
print('Creating Resources:')
for res in dir(factories):
if res.startswith('__') or res in ('clear', 'copy', 'fromkeys', 'get', 'items', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem',
'setdefault', 'update', 'values',
'access_token', 'ad_hoc_command', 'credential_type',
'group', 'host', 'instance_group', 'inventory_source', 'job_template',
'organization', 'workflow_job_template_node'):
print(' {}'.format(res))
obj = getattr(factories, res)(organization=o)
if res != 'user':
assert obj.organization ==
if res == 'project':
def test_full_house(self, factories):
"""Makes every object in an organization and delegates all permissions to everything"""
o = factories.organization(name='Full house!!! {}'.format(random_title()))
print('Adding people to organization roles, org name: {}'.format(
for role in o.get_related('object_roles').results:
u = factories.user()
role_field = role['name']
o.set_object_roles(u, role_field)
if role_field.lower() not in ('admin', 'member'):
team =
o.set_object_roles(team, role_field)
to = team.ds.organization
u2 = factories.user()
to.set_object_roles(u2, 'admin')
u3 = factories.user()
team.set_object_roles(u3, 'member')
u4 = factories.user()
team.set_object_roles(u4, 'admin')
print('Creating Resources:')
for res in dir(factories):
if res.startswith('__') or res in ('clear', 'copy', 'fromkeys', 'get', 'items', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem',
'setdefault', 'update', 'values',
'access_token', 'ad_hoc_command', 'credential_type',
'group', 'host', 'instance_group', 'inventory_source',
'organization', 'workflow_job_template_node'):
print(' {}'.format(res))
if res == 'job_template':
obj = factories.job_template(project=factories.project(organization=o))
obj = getattr(factories, res)(organization=o)
if res not in ('user', 'job_template'):
assert obj.organization ==
if res not in ('user',):
if 'object_roles' not in obj.related:
print(' resource {} does not have roles??? okay?'.format(res))
obj_roles = obj.get_related('object_roles').results
for role in obj_roles:
if res == 'credential':
u = factories.user(organization=o)
team =
u = factories.user()
team =
role_field = role['name']
obj.set_object_roles(u, role_field)
obj.set_object_roles(team, role_field)
to = team.ds.organization
u2 = factories.user()
to.set_object_roles(u2, 'admin')
u3 = factories.user()
team.set_object_roles(u3, 'member')
u4 = factories.user()
team.set_object_roles(u4, 'admin')
def test_inventory_org_admin(self, factories):
o = factories.organization(name='Inventory organization {}'.format(random_title()))
inv = factories.inventory(organization=o)
assert inv.organization ==
jt = factories.job_template(inventory=inv)
user = factories.user(organization=o, username='has_inventory_admin_{}'.format(random_title(non_ascii=False)))
o.set_object_roles(user, 'admin')
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