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Last active December 9, 2022 15:23
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Smart Inventory Research

Requested items to be solved with this feature

  • Searching on hostvars ansible/awx#371
    • Ability to filter natively
    • Filtering on "resolved" hostvars
  • Smart inventories don't contain groups ansible/awx#1999

Walkthrough of Smart Inventory Lifecycle

When an inventory is saved with properties kind="smart" and a non-blank host_filter then we override the relation .hosts, which will execute a query built from the host filter.

Thus, when viewing /api/v2/inventories/N/hosts/ you are seeing the result of the host filter query.

Initially, the model SmartInventoryMembership is not filled in for the inventory. Before every job run, objects of that model are created to reflect every result of the host filter. However, the inventory script used for the job is created from the host filter. This means we necessarily run the host filter twice.

After those are filled in, the reverse relationship /api/v2/hosts/M/smart_inventories/ is exposed in the API. Other than that, it is unclear what the model is used for.

Defining Time Costs of Interest

Using a smart inventory obviously must incur some performance penalty. It would be possible (even if slightly difficult) to write a host_filter that is very slow to run. However, running the filter is only part of the added time cost. Referring back to the lifecycle, we have costs for:

  1. Running the query from the host_filter --> a. slow down page load in smart inventory UI
  2. Building the SmartInventoryMembership for the given inventory --> a. slows down job pre_run_hook b. runs the host_filter as a part of this
  3. Creating the inventory script data --> a. slows down same as pre_run_hook time --> b. runs the host_filter as a part of this

Note that anything that slows down pre_run_hook will increase the time betweeen when the status changes to "running" and when the first events are created and seen by the user.

Production of Data

Add the related file in this gist to awx/main/management/commands/

Then run the command

awx-manage create_demo_inventories

In the original case of ~6k hosts this takes about 13 minutes to run. This is still un-optimized.

import yaml
import time
from jinja2 import sandbox
from import BaseCommand
# TODO: remove for cases that do not have this installed
from memory_profiler import profile
from awx.main.models import Inventory, Organization, Group
from awx.main.utils.common import parse_yaml_or_json
from awx.main.tasks.system import delete_inventory, update_smart_memberships_for_inventory
from awx.main.signals import disable_activity_stream
def str2bool(v):
if isinstance(v, bool):
return v
if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'):
return True
elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'):
return False
return True
def to_bool(a): # from Ansible
''' return a bool for the arg '''
if a is None or isinstance(a, bool):
return a
if isinstance(a, str):
a = a.lower()
if a in ('yes', 'on', '1', 'true', 1):
return True
return False
'{{ "host_" in inventory_hostname }}', # name__icontains=host_
'{{ host_marker is defined }}', # variables__istartswith=host_marker
'{{ "flavor_4_" in group_names | join("") }}', # groups__name__icontains=flavor_4_
class Command(BaseCommand):
help = 'Create demo data for smart inventory v2 feature'
def add_arguments(self, parser):
parser.add_argument('--sources', dest='sources', type=str2bool, default=True, help='Create the source inventories')
parser.add_argument('--results', dest='results', type=str2bool, default=True, help='Create the result inventories')
parser.add_argument('--proposals', dest='proposals', type=str2bool, default=True, help='Run the proposal scripts')
def handle(self, *args, **options):
with disable_activity_stream():
org, created = Organization.objects.get_or_create(name='smart_demo')
print(f'Organization {} being used, created here: {created}')
if options.get('sources'):
if options.get('results'):
for i, filter in enumerate(DEMO_FILTERS):
self.create_result_inventories(org, i, filter)
if options.get('proposals'):
# warmup imports
from awx.main.models import Group, Host
# warmup runs
host_pks = self.run_proposals(org, 1, '{{ "_" in inventory_hostname }}')
del host_pks
host_pks = self.run_proposals(org, 2, '{{ notavar is defined }}')
del host_pks
# real scenarios
host_pks = self.run_proposals(org, 1, '{{ "host_" in inventory_hostname }}')
del host_pks
host_pks = self.run_proposals(org, 2, '{{ host_marker is defined }}')
del host_pks
host_pks = self.run_proposals(org, 3, '{{ "flavor_4_" in group_names | join("") }}')
del host_pks
host_pks = self.run_proposals(org, 4, '{{ host_marker is defined }}')
del host_pks
host_pks = self.run_proposals(org, 5, '{{ "host_" in inventory_hostname }}')
del host_pks
# for i, template in enumerate(DEMO_TEMPLATES):
# self.run_proposals(org, i, template)
def create_source_inventories(self, org):
N_inventories = 5
N_countries = 3
N_regions = 3
N_datacenters = 3
N_hosts = 50
groups_per_inv = N_countries * N_regions * N_datacenters
total_groups = N_inventories * groups_per_inv
total_hosts = N_hosts * total_groups
print(f'Creating {N_inventories}, with tree structured groups, {total_hosts} hosts in total')
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(N_inventories):
inv_name = f'smart_demo_{i}'
existing_inv = Inventory.objects.filter(name=inv_name).first()
if existing_inv:
print(f'Deleting inventory {i}')
delete_inventory(, None)
print(f'Creating the {i} inventory {time.time() - start_time:.2f}')
inv = Inventory.objects.create(
variables=yaml.dump({'inventory_marker': f'inv_val_{i}'})
for j in range(N_countries):
print(f' {j} country {time.time() - start_time:.2f}')
country = inv.groups.create(
variables=yaml.dump({'country_marker': f'country_val_{j}'})
for k in range(N_regions):
print(f' {k} region {time.time() - start_time:.2f}')
region = inv.groups.create(
variables=yaml.dump({'region_marker': f'region_val_{k}'})
flavor_groups = [
variables=yaml.dump({'flavor_marker': f'flavor_val_{m}'})
) for m in range(N_hosts)
for l in range(N_datacenters):
dc = inv.groups.create(
variables=yaml.dump({'dc_marker': f'dc_val_{l}'})
for m in range(N_hosts):
host = inv.hosts.create(
variables=yaml.dump({'host_marker': f'host_val_{m}_{l}_{k}_{j}_{i}'})
# TODO: add ansible_facts
print(f'Total time taken for source inventory creation: {time.time() - start_time}')
def create_result_inventories(self, org, i, filter):
sm_name = f'smart_demo_result_{i}'
existing_inv = Inventory.objects.filter(name=sm_name).first()
if existing_inv:
delete_inventory(, None)
sm = Inventory.objects.create(
print(f'Scenario {i}, pk={}, host_filter={sm.host_filter}')
s = time.time()
host_pks = list(sm.hosts.values_list('pk', flat=True))
query_time = time.time() - s
s = time.time()
build_time = time.time() - s
s = time.time()
rebuild_time = time.time() - s
s = time.time()
script_time = time.time() - s
s = time.time()
for host in sm.hosts.all():
iterate_time = time.time() - s
print(f' host_ct={len(host_pks)}')
print(f' query_time={query_time} build_time={build_time} rebuild_time={rebuild_time}')
print(f' iterate_time={iterate_time} script_time={script_time}')
def add_parents_recursive(running_id_list, group_id, parents_for_group):
for parent_id in parents_for_group.get(group_id, []):
if parent_id not in running_id_list:
running_id_list = Command.add_parents_recursive(running_id_list, parent_id, parents_for_group)
return running_id_list
def proposed_get_host_pks_from_inv(self, inv, template):
host_pks = []
group_data_from_id = {}
for group in inv.groups.values('name', 'id', 'variables', 'inventory_id').iterator():
group_data_from_id[group['id']] = group
# Build in-memory mapping of groups and their children.
parents_for_group = {}
for from_group_id, to_group_id in Group.parents.through.objects.filter('from_group_id', 'to_group_id'):
parents_for_group.setdefault(from_group_id, []).append(to_group_id)
# Build in-memory mapping of groups and their hosts.
groups_for_host = {}
for group_id, host_id in Group.hosts.through.objects.filter('group_id', 'host_id'):
groups_for_host.setdefault(host_id, []).append(group_id)
inv_vars = parse_yaml_or_json(inv.variables)
for host in inv.hosts.order_by('name').values('name', 'id', 'variables', 'inventory_id').iterator():
hv = time.time()
hostvars = inv_vars.copy()
direct_group_ids = groups_for_host.get(host['id'], [])
host_group_ids = Command.add_parents_recursive(direct_group_ids, group_id, parents_for_group)
group_names = []
for group_id in host_group_ids:
group = group_data_from_id[group_id]
if '_resolved_vars' not in group:
group['_resolved_vars'] = parse_yaml_or_json(group.pop('variables'))
# TODO: build out rest of "magic" variables relevant to this context
hostvars['inventory_hostname'] = host['name']
hostvars['group_names'] = group_names
self.hostvars_time += time.time() - hv
ts = time.time()
sandbox_env = sandbox.ImmutableSandboxedEnvironment()
sandbox_env.filters["bool"] = to_bool
data = sandbox_env.from_string(template).render(**hostvars)
self.template_time += time.time() - ts
if to_bool(data):
return host_pks
def run_proposals(self, org, i, template):
s = time.time()
self.template_time = 0.0
self.hostvars_time = 0.0
host_pks = []
# Loop over all normal (non-smart) inventories in the organization
for inv in org.inventories.filter(kind=''):
host_pks.extend(self.proposed_get_host_pks_from_inv(inv, template))
print(f'Time taken in new proposal: {time.time() - s}')
print(f' discovered hosts: {len(host_pks)}')
print(f' time spent templating: {self.template_time}')
print(f' time spent combining hostvars: {self.hostvars_time}')
return host_pks
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