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<meta name="description" content="Map of the world's electricity, telecoms, oil, and gas infrastructure, using data from OpenStreetMap">
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var t = {
4815: (t,e,r)=>{
"use strict";
var i = r(3379)
, n = r.n(i)
, o = r(7795)
, a = r.n(o)
, s = r(569)
, l = r.n(s)
, u = r(3565)
, c = r.n(u)
, p = r(9216)
, h = r.n(p)
, f = r(4589)
, d = r.n(f)
, m = r(1424)
, y = {};
y.styleTagTransform = d(),
y.setAttributes = c(),
y.insert = l().bind(null, "head"),
y.domAPI = a(),
y.insertStyleElement = h(),
n()(m.Z, y),
m.Z && m.Z.locals && m.Z.locals;
var g = r(2054)
, v = {};
v.styleTagTransform = d(),
v.setAttributes = c(),
v.insert = l().bind(null, "head"),
v.domAPI = a(),
v.insertStyleElement = h(),
n()(g.Z, v),
g.Z && g.Z.locals && g.Z.locals;
var _ = r(2739)
, x = r.n(_);
function b(t, e) {
var r = function(t) {
for (var e = t.split(/([#.])/), r = "", i = "", n = [], o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
var a = e[o];
"#" === a ? i = e[++o] : "." === a ? n.push(e[++o]) : a.length && (r = a)
return {
tag: r || "div",
id: i,
className: n.join(" ")
, i = r.tag
, n =
, o = r.className
, a = e ? document.createElementNS(e, i) : document.createElement(i);
return n && ( = n),
o && (e ? a.setAttribute("class", o) : a.className = o),
function w(t, e) {
var r = O(t)
, i = O(e);
return e === i && i.__redom_view && (e = i.__redom_view),
i.parentNode && (E(0, i, r),
function E(t, e, r) {
var i = e.__redom_lifecycle;
if (C(i))
e.__redom_lifecycle = {};
else {
var n = r;
for (e.__redom_mounted && k(e, "onunmount"); n; ) {
var o = n.__redom_lifecycle || {};
for (var a in i)
o[a] && (o[a] -= i[a]);
C(o) && (n.__redom_lifecycle = null),
n = n.parentNode
function C(t) {
if (null == t)
return !0;
for (var e in t)
if (t[e])
return !1;
return !0
var A = ["onmount", "onremount", "onunmount"]
, z = "undefined" != typeof window && "ShadowRoot"in window;
function S(t, e, r, i) {
var n = O(t)
, o = O(e);
e === o && o.__redom_view && (e = o.__redom_view),
e !== o && (o.__redom_view = e);
var a = o.__redom_mounted
, s = o.parentNode;
return a && s !== n && E(0, o, s),
null != r ? i ? n.replaceChild(o, O(r)) : n.insertBefore(o, O(r)) : n.appendChild(o),
function(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n = e.__redom_lifecycle || (e.__redom_lifecycle = {}), o = r === i, a = !1, s = 0, l = A; s < l.length; s += 1) {
var u = l[s];
o || t !== e && u in t && (n[u] = (n[u] || 0) + 1),
n[u] && (a = !0)
if (a) {
var c = r
, p = !1;
for ((o || c && c.__redom_mounted) && (k(e, o ? "onremount" : "onmount"),
p = !0); c; ) {
var h = c.parentNode
, f = c.__redom_lifecycle || (c.__redom_lifecycle = {});
for (var d in n)
f[d] = (f[d] || 0) + n[d];
if (p)
(c.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_NODE || z && c instanceof ShadowRoot || h && h.__redom_mounted) && (k(c, o ? "onremount" : "onmount"),
p = !0),
c = h
} else
e.__redom_lifecycle = {}
}(e, o, n, s),
function k(t, e) {
"onmount" === e || "onremount" === e ? t.__redom_mounted = !0 : "onunmount" === e && (t.__redom_mounted = !1);
var r = t.__redom_lifecycle;
if (r) {
var i = t.__redom_view
, n = 0;
for (var o in i && i[e] && i[e](),
o && n++;
if (n)
for (var a = t.firstChild; a; ) {
var s = a.nextSibling;
k(a, e),
a = s
function T(t, e, r) {
var i = O(t);
if ("object" == typeof e)
for (var n in e)
D(i, n, e[n]);
D(i, e, r)
function D(t, e, r) {[e] = null == r ? "" : r
var I = "";
function F(t, e, r, i) {
var n = O(t);
if ("object" == typeof e)
for (var o in e)
F(n, o, e[o], i);
else {
var a = n instanceof SVGElement
, s = "function" == typeof r;
if ("style" === e && "object" == typeof r)
T(n, r);
else if (a && s)
n[e] = r;
else if ("dataset" === e)
P(n, r);
else if (a || !(e in n) && !s || "list" === e) {
if (a && "xlink" === e)
return void B(n, r);
i && "class" === e && (r = n.className + " " + r),
null == r ? n.removeAttribute(e) : n.setAttribute(e, r)
} else
n[e] = r
function B(t, e, r) {
if ("object" == typeof e)
for (var i in e)
B(t, i, e[i]);
null != r ? t.setAttributeNS(I, e, r) : t.removeAttributeNS(I, e, r)
function P(t, e, r) {
if ("object" == typeof e)
for (var i in e)
P(t, i, e[i]);
null != r ? t.dataset[e] = r : delete t.dataset[e]
function M(t) {
return document.createTextNode(null != t ? t : "")
function L(t, e, r) {
for (var i = 0, n = e; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i];
if (0 === o || o) {
var a = typeof o;
"function" === a ? o(t) : "string" === a || "number" === a ? t.appendChild(M(o)) : U(O(o)) ? S(t, o) : o.length ? L(t, o, r) : "object" === a && F(t, o, null, r)
function R(t) {
return "string" == typeof t ? j(t) : O(t)
function O(t) {
return t.nodeType && t || !t.el && t || O(t.el)
function U(t) {
return t && t.nodeType
var V = {};
function j(t) {
for (var e, r = [], i = arguments.length - 1; i-- > 0; )
r[i] = arguments[i + 1];
var n = typeof t;
if ("string" === n)
e = q(t).cloneNode(!1);
else if (U(t))
e = t.cloneNode(!1);
else {
if ("function" !== n)
throw new Error("At least one argument required");
var o = t;
e = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(o, [null].concat(r)))
return L(O(e), r, !0),
var N = j;
function q(t) {
return V[t] || (V[t] = b(t))
function G(t) {
for (var e = [], r = arguments.length - 1; r-- > 0; )
e[r] = arguments[r + 1];
for (var i = O(t), n = Z(t, e, i.firstChild); n; ) {
var o = n.nextSibling;
w(t, n),
n = o
function Z(t, e, r) {
for (var i = r, n = new Array(e.length), o = 0; o < e.length; o++)
n[o] = e[o] && O(e[o]);
for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++) {
var s = e[a];
if (s) {
var l = n[a];
if (l !== i)
if (U(l)) {
var u = i && i.nextSibling
, c = null != s.__redom_index && u === n[a + 1];
S(t, s, i, c),
c && (i = u)
} else
null != s.length && (i = Z(t, s, i));
i = i.nextSibling
return i
j.extend = function(t) {
for (var e = [], r = arguments.length - 1; r-- > 0; )
e[r] = arguments[r + 1];
var i = q(t);
return j.bind.apply(j, [this, i].concat(e))
var X = function(t, e, r) {
this.View = t,
this.initData = r,
this.oldLookup = {},
this.lookup = {},
this.oldViews = [],
this.views = [],
null != e && (this.key = "function" == typeof e ? e : function(t) {
return function(e) {
return e[t]
function W(t, e, r, i) {
return new H(t,e,r,i)
X.prototype.update = function(t, e) {
for (var r = this, i = r.View, n = r.key, o = r.initData, a = null != n, s = this.lookup, l = {}, u = new Array(t.length), c = this.views, p = 0; p < t.length; p++) {
var h = t[p]
, f = void 0;
if (a) {
var d = n(h);
f = s[d] || new i(o,h,p,t),
l[d] = f,
f.__redom_id = d
} else
f = c[p] || new i(o,h,p,t);
f.update && f.update(h, p, t, e),
O(f.el).__redom_view = f,
u[p] = f
this.oldViews = c,
this.views = u,
this.oldLookup = s,
this.lookup = l
var H = function(t, e, r, i) {
this.View = e,
this.initData = i,
this.views = [],
this.pool = new X(e,r,i),
this.el = R(t),
this.keySet = null != r
H.prototype.update = function(t, e) {
void 0 === t && (t = []);
var r = this.keySet
, i = this.views;
this.pool.update(t, e);
var n = this.pool
, o = n.views
, a = n.lookup;
if (r)
for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++) {
var l = i[s];
null == a[l.__redom_id] && (l.__redom_index = null,
w(this, l))
for (var u = 0; u < o.length; u++)
o[u].__redom_index = u;
G(this, o),
r && (this.lookup = a),
this.views = o
H.extend = function(t, e, r, i) {
return H.bind(H, t, e, r, i)
W.extend = H.extend;
var K = ""
, J = {};
function Y(t) {
for (var e, r = [], i = arguments.length - 1; i-- > 0; )
r[i] = arguments[i + 1];
var n = typeof t;
if ("string" === n)
e = $(t).cloneNode(!1);
else if (U(t))
e = t.cloneNode(!1);
else {
if ("function" !== n)
throw new Error("At least one argument required");
var o = t;
e = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(o, [null].concat(r)))
return L(O(e), r, !0),
function $(t) {
return J[t] || (J[t] = b(t, K))
Y.extend = function(t) {
var e = $(t);
return Y.bind(this, e)
Y.ns = K;
var Q = r(6668)
, tt = r.n(Q)
, et = r(2307)
, rt = r.n(et);
class it {
constructor(t, e=[]) {
this._layers = t,
this._identifiers = this._initLayerIdentifiers(),
this._default_visible = e,
this._container = N("div", {
class: "mapboxgl-ctrl layer-switcher-list"
this._container.appendChild(N("h3", "Layers")),
this._visible = [...e]
_initLayerIdentifiers() {
let t = {};
return Object.keys(this._layers).sort().forEach((e=>{
let r = 1
, i = null;
do {
i = e.slice(0, r),
} while (i in t);
t[i] = e
_getLayerIdentifiers() {
let t = []
, e = tt()(this._identifiers);
return this._visible.sort().forEach((r=>{
_updateVisibility() {
var t = this._map.getStyle().layers;
for (let e of t) {
let t =;
for (let e in this._layers) {
let r = this._layers[e];
t.startsWith(r) && (this._visible.includes(e) ? this._map.setLayoutProperty(t, "visibility", "visible") : this._map.setLayoutProperty(t, "visibility", "none"))
this.urlhash && this.urlhash._updateHash()
setInitialVisibility(t) {
for (let e of t.layers)
for (let t in this._layers) {
let r = this._layers[t]; && !this._visible.includes( && ("layout"in e || (e.layout = {}),
e.layout.visibility = "none")
getURLString() {
return rt()(this._visible.sort(), this._default_visible.sort()) ? null : this._getLayerIdentifiers().join(",")
setURLString(t) {
if (t) {
const e = t.split(",");
0 == e.length ? this._visible = [...this._default_visible] : this._visible =>this._identifiers[t])).filter((t=>t))
} else
this._visible = [...this._default_visible];
this._map && this._updateVisibility()
onAdd(t) {
this._map = t,
t.isStyleLoaded() ? this._updateVisibility() : t.on("load", (()=>{
const e = N("div", {
class: "mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-group layer-switcher"
return e.appendChild(this._container),
e.onmouseover = t=>{ = "block"
e.onmouseout = t=>{ = "none"
_createList() {
var t = N("ul")
, e = 0;
for (let r in this._layers) {
let i = N("input", {
type: "checkbox",
id: "layer" + e,
checked: this._visible.includes(r)
, n = N("label", r, {
for: "layer" + e
i.onchange = t=>{ ? this._visible.push(r) : this._visible = this._visible.filter((t=>t !== r)),
let o = N("li", [n, i]);
function nt(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var i = e[r];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1,
i.configurable = !0,
"value"in i && (i.writable = !0),
Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i)
var ot = function() {
function t() {
!function(t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
}(this, t)
var e, r;
return e = t,
(r = [{
key: "onAdd",
value: function(t) {
var e = this;
this._map = t;
var r = N("button", "Edit in JOSM");
return r.onclick = function(t) {
this._control = N("div", r, {
class: "maplibregl-ctrl"
t.on("zoomend", (function() {
}, {
key: "updateVisibility",
value: function() {
this._map.getZoom() > 14 ? T(this._control, {
display: "block"
}) : T(this._control, {
display: "none"
}, {
key: "_getJosmURL",
value: function() {
var t = this._map.getBounds();
return "" + t.getWest() + "&right=" + t.getEast() + "&top=" + t.getNorth() + "&bottom=" + t.getSouth()
}, {
key: "_click",
value: function() {
var t = this._getJosmURL();
fetch(t).catch((function(t) {
alert("Unable to edit in JOSM - make sure it's running and has remote control enabled.\nError: " + t)
}]) && nt(e.prototype, r),
function at(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var i = e[r];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1,
i.configurable = !0,
"value"in i && (i.writable = !0),
Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i)
var st = function() {
function t() {
!function(t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
}(this, t)
var e, r;
return e = t,
(r = [{
key: "onAdd",
value: function(t) {
this._map = t;
var e = N("a", N("img", {
src: "img/maptiler.png"
}), {
href: "",
target: "_blank"
return this._control = N("div#maptiler-attribution", e, {
class: "maplibregl-ctrl"
}]) && at(e.prototype, r),
function lt(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var i = e[r];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1,
i.configurable = !0,
"value"in i && (i.writable = !0),
Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i)
const ut = function() {
function t(e) {
var r = this;
!function(t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
}(this, t),
this.content = N("div", {
class: "infobox-content"
var i = N("a", "×")
, n = N("div", e, i, {
class: "infobox-header"
this.el = N("div", n, this.content, {
class: "infobox"
i.onclick = function(t) {
w(document.body, r.el),
var e, r;
return e = t,
(r = [{
key: "update",
value: function(t) {
this.content.innerHTML = t
}]) && lt(e.prototype, r),
var ct = r(2021)
, pt = {};
pt.styleTagTransform = d(),
pt.setAttributes = c(),
pt.insert = l().bind(null, "head"),
pt.domAPI = a(),
pt.insertStyleElement = h(),
n()(ct.Z, pt),
ct.Z && ct.Z.locals && ct.Z.locals;
var ht = r(333)
, ft = r.n(ht)
, dt = r(1144)
, mt = r.n(dt)
, yt = ["en", "es", "de", "fr", "hi", "ur", "zh", "ru", "pt", "ja"]
, gt = mt().list().filter((function(t) {
return yt.includes(t)
)).map((function(t) {
return "name_".concat(t)
function vt(t, e) {
var r = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"];
if (!r) {
if (Array.isArray(t) || (r = function(t, e) {
if (t) {
if ("string" == typeof t)
return _t(t, e);
var r =, -1);
return "Object" === r && t.constructor && (r =,
"Map" === r || "Set" === r ? Array.from(t) : "Arguments" === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r) ? _t(t, e) : void 0
}(t)) || e && t && "number" == typeof t.length) {
r && (t = r);
var i = 0
, n = function() {};
return {
s: n,
n: function() {
return i >= t.length ? {
done: !0
} : {
done: !1,
value: t[i++]
e: function(t) {
throw t
f: n
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
var o, a = !0, s = !1;
return {
s: function() {
r =
n: function() {
var t =;
return a = t.done,
e: function(t) {
s = !0,
o = t
f: function() {
try {
a || null == r.return || r.return()
} finally {
if (s)
throw o
function _t(t, e) {
(null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length);
for (var r = 0, i = new Array(e); r < e; r++)
i[r] = t[r];
return i
function xt(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var i = e[r];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1,
i.configurable = !0,
"value"in i && (i.writable = !0),
Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i)
var bt = ["osm_id", "name", "wikidata", "wikipedia", "construction", "tunnel", "is_node", "area", "gid", "ref_len"]
, wt = function() {
function t(e, r) {
!function(t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
}(this, t),
this.layers = e,
this.min_zoom = r,
this.popup_obj = null
var e, r;
return e = t,
(r = [{
key: "add",
value: function(t) {
var e = this;
this._map = t;
var r, i = vt(this.layers);
try {
for (i.s(); !(r = i.n()).done; ) {
var n = r.value;
t.on("click", n, (function(t) {
e._map.getZoom() > e.min_zoom && e.popup(t)
t.on("mouseenter", n, (function() {
e._map.getZoom() > e.min_zoom && (t.getCanvas().style.cursor = "pointer")
t.on("mouseleave", n, (function() {
e._map.getZoom() > e.min_zoom && (t.getCanvas().style.cursor = "")
} catch (t) {
} finally {
}, {
key: "osmLink",
value: function(t, e) {
var r = ""
, i = "";
return t > 0 ? e ? (r = "".concat(t),
i = "Node ".concat(t)) : (r = "".concat(t),
i = "Way ".concat(t)) : (r = "".concat(-t),
i = "Relation ".concat(-t)),
N("a", i, {
href: r,
target: "_blank"
}, {
key: "renderKey",
value: function(t, e, r) {
if (bt.includes(t) || t.startsWith("name_"))
return null;
if (!e)
return null;
if (t.startsWith("voltage") && (e = "".concat(Number(parseFloat(e).toFixed(2)), " kV")),
"output" == t) {
var i = parseFloat(e);
e = i < 1 ? "".concat((1e3 * i).toFixed(2), " kW") : "".concat(i.toFixed(2), " MW")
return "frequency" == t && "0" == e && (e = "DC"),
"url" == t && (e = N("a", "Website", {
href: e,
target: "_blank"
t = "Website"),
"repd_id" == t ? (t = "REPD ID",
e = e.split(";").map((function(t) {
return N("span", N("a", t, {
href: "".concat(t),
target: "_blank"
}), M(", "))
))) : t = ft()(t),
N("tr", N("th", t), N("td", e))
}, {
key: "nameTags",
value: function(t) {
var e, r = "", i = vt(gt);
try {
for (i.s(); !(e = i.n()).done; ) {
var n = e.value;
if ([n]) {
r =[n];
} catch (t) {
} finally {
r || (r =;
var o = N("div.nameContainer", N("h3", r));
return && r != && S(o, N("h4",,
}, {
key: "popupHtml",
value: function(t) {
var e = this
, r = N("table", {
class: "item_info"
G(r, Object.keys( {
return e.renderKey(r,[r],
var i = N("div"); && S(i, N("a", N("div.ext_link.osm_link"), {
href: this.osmLink(,,
target: "_blank",
title: "OpenStreetMap"
var n = null;
if (
n = N("div"),
this.fetch_wikidata(, n, i);
else {
var o = this.wp_link(;
o && S(i, o)
var a = N("div", this.nameTags(t), i, n, r);
return"power_plant") && S(a, N("a", "More info", {
href: "/stats/object/plant/" +,
target: "_blank"
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key: "popup",
value: function(t) {
this.popup_obj && this.popup_obj.isOpen() && this.popup_obj.remove(),
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return t.json()
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src: i.thumbnail
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href: "".concat(i.image),
target: "_blank"
var n = mt().list();
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S(r, N("a", N("div.ext_link.wikipedia_link"), {
href: i.sitelinks["".concat(s, "wiki")].url,
target: "_blank",
title: "Wikipedia"
} catch (t) {
} finally {
i.sitelinks.commonswiki && S(r, N("a", N("div.ext_link.commons_link"), {
href: i.sitelinks.commonswiki.url,
target: "_blank",
title: "Wikimedia Commons"
S(r, N("a", N("div.ext_link.wikidata_link"), {
href: "".concat(t),
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value: function(t) {
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var r = "https://".concat(e[0], "").concat(e[1]);
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href: r,
target: "_blank",
title: "Wikipedia"
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, Et = {
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"text-halo-color": "rgba(230, 230, 230, 1)"
, Ct = ["step", ["zoom"], ["get", "name"], 14, ["case", ["has", "operator"], ["concat", ["get", "name"], " (", ["get", "operator"], ")"], ["get", "name"]]]
, At = ["any", ["==", ["get", "location"], "underground"], ["==", ["get", "location"], "underwater"], ["==", ["get", "tunnel"], !0], ["all", ["==", ["get", "type"], "cable"], ["==", ["get", "location"], ""]]];
function zt(t, e) {
(null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length);
for (var r = 0, i = new Array(e); r < e; r++)
i[r] = t[r];
return i
var St = [[null, "#7A7A85"], [10, "#6E97B8"], [25, "#55B555"], [52, "#B59F10"], [132, "#B55D00"], [220, "#C73030"], [310, "#B54EB2"], [550, "#00C1CF"]]
, kt = {
HVDC: "#4E01B5",
"Traction (<50 Hz)": "#A8B596"
, Tt = {
coal: "power_plant_coal",
geothermal: "power_plant_geothermal",
hydro: "power_plant_hydro",
nuclear: "power_plant_nuclear",
oil: "power_plant_oilgas",
gas: "power_plant_oilgas",
diesel: "power_plant_oilgas",
solar: "power_plant_solar",
wind: "power_plant_wind",
biomass: "power_plant_biomass",
waste: "power_plant_waste",
battery: "power_plant_battery"
, Dt = ["all", ["has", "frequency"], ["!=", ["get", "frequency"], ""], ["!=", ["to-number", ["get", "frequency"]], 50], ["!=", ["to-number", ["get", "frequency"]], 60]]
, It = ["all", ["has", "frequency"], ["!=", ["get", "frequency"], ""], ["==", ["to-number", ["get", "frequency"]], 0]];
function Ft(t) {
for (var e = ["step", ["to-number", ["coalesce", ["get", t], 0]]], r = 0, i = St; r < i.length; r++) {
var n = i[r];
null != n[0] ? (e.push(n[0] - .01),
e.push(n[1])) : e.push(n[1])
return ["case", It, kt.HVDC, Dt, kt["Traction (<50 Hz)"], e]
function Bt(t) {
var e = 7 * (t - 1);
return ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 9.999, 0, 10, ["case", ["has", "voltage_3"], .5 * (e - 7), ["has", "voltage_2"], .5 * (e - 3.5), 0], 13, ["case", ["has", "voltage_3"], e - 7, ["has", "voltage_2"], e - 3.5, 0]]
var Pt = ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 2, .5, 10, ["match", ["get", "line"], "bay", 1, "busbar", 1, ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["coalesce", ["get", "voltage"], 0], 0, 1, 100, 1.8, 800, 4]]]
, Mt = ["to-number", ["coalesce", ["get", "voltage"], 0]]
, Lt = ["to-number", ["coalesce", ["get", "output"], 0]]
, Rt = ["all", ["any", [">", Mt, 200], ["all", [">", Mt, 200], [">", ["zoom"], 6]], ["all", [">", Mt, 100], [">", ["zoom"], 7]], ["all", [">", Mt, 25], [">", ["zoom"], 9]], ["all", [">", Mt, 9], [">", ["zoom"], 10]], [">", ["zoom"], 11]], ["any", ["!=", ["get", "substation"], "transition"], [">", ["zoom"], 12]]]
, Ot = ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 5, ["interpolate", ["linear"], Mt, 0, 0, 200, 1, 750, 3], 12, ["interpolate", ["linear"], Mt, 10, 1, 30, 3, 100, 5, 300, 7, 600, 9], 15, 3]
, Ut = ["any", ["==", ["coalesce", ["get", "area"], 0], 0], ["all", ["<", ["coalesce", ["get", "area"], 0], 100], ["<", ["zoom"], 16]], ["all", ["<", ["coalesce", ["get", "area"], 0], 250], ["<", ["zoom"], 15]], ["<", ["zoom"], 13]]
, Vt = ["all", ["==", ["get", "substation"], "converter"], ["any", [">", Mt, 100], [">", ["zoom"], 6]]]
, jt = ["all", ["any", [">", Mt, 399], ["all", [">", Mt, 200], [">", ["zoom"], 8]], ["all", [">", Mt, 100], [">", ["zoom"], 10]], ["all", [">", Mt, 50], [">", ["zoom"], 12]], [">", ["zoom"], 13]], ["any", ["==", ["to-number", ["get", "area"]], 0], ["<", ["zoom"], 17]], ["!=", ["get", "substation"], "transition"]]
, Nt = ["all", ["any", [">", Mt, 199], ["all", [">", Mt, 99], [">=", ["zoom"], 4]], ["all", [">", Mt, 49], [">=", ["zoom"], 5]], ["all", [">", Mt, 24], [">=", ["zoom"], 6]], ["all", [">", Mt, 9], [">=", ["zoom"], 9]], [">", ["zoom"], 10]], ["any", ["all", ["!=", ["get", "line"], "busbar"], ["!=", ["get", "line"], "bay"]], [">", ["zoom"], 12]]]
, qt = ["all", ["any", ["all", [">", Mt, 330], [">", ["zoom"], 7]], ["all", [">", Mt, 200], [">", ["zoom"], 8]], ["all", [">", Mt, 100], [">", ["zoom"], 9]], [">", ["zoom"], 10]], ["any", ["all", ["!=", ["get", "line"], "busbar"], ["!=", ["get", "line"], "bay"]], [">", ["zoom"], 12]]]
, Gt = ["get", "construction"]
, Zt = ["case", Gt, " (under construction) ", ""]
, Xt = ["any", [">", Lt, 1e3], ["all", [">", Lt, 750], [">", ["zoom"], 5]], ["all", [">", Lt, 250], [">", ["zoom"], 6]], ["all", [">", Lt, 100], [">", ["zoom"], 7]], ["all", [">", Lt, 10], [">", ["zoom"], 9]], ["all", [">", Lt, 1], [">", ["zoom"], 11]], [">", ["zoom"], 12]]
, Wt = ["case", [">", Lt, 1], ["concat", Lt, " MW"], ["concat", ["round", ["*", Lt, 1e3]], " kW"]]
, Ht = ["coalesce"].concat( {
return ["get", t]
, Kt = ["step", ["zoom"], ["concat", Ht], 9, ["case", ["all", ["!", ["has", "name"]], ["has", "output"]], ["concat", Wt, Zt], ["has", "output"], ["concat", Ht, " \n", Wt, "\n", Zt], Ht]]
, Jt = ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 4, ["case", Gt, .3, .6], 8, ["case", Gt, .3, 1]]
, Yt = ["case", It, " DC", Dt, ["concat", " ", ["get", "frequency"], " Hz"], ""];
function $t(t, e) {
var r = Math.pow(10, e);
return ["/", ["round", ["*", t, r]], r]
var Qt = ["case", ["all", ["has", "voltage_3"], ["!=", ["get", "voltage_3"], ["get", "voltage_2"]]], ["concat", $t(["get", "voltage"], 3), "/", $t(["get", "voltage_2"], 3), "/", $t(["get", "voltage_3"], 3), " kV"], ["all", ["has", "voltage_2"], ["!=", ["get", "voltage_2"], ["get", "voltage"]]], ["concat", $t(["get", "voltage"], 3), "/", $t(["get", "voltage_2"], 3), " kV"], ["has", "voltage"], ["concat", $t(["get", "voltage"], 3), " kV"], ""]
, te = ["case", ["all", ["has", "voltage"], ["has", "name"], ["!=", Ht, ""]], ["concat", Ht, " (", Qt, Yt, ")", Zt], ["has", "voltage"], ["concat", Qt, Yt, Zt], Ht]
, ee = ["step", ["zoom"], Ht, 12, ["case", ["all", ["!=", Ht, ""], ["has", "voltage"]], ["concat", Ht, " ", Mt, " kV", Yt, Zt], ["all", ["==", Ht, ""], ["has", "voltage"]], ["concat", "Substation ", Mt, " kV", Yt, Zt], Ht]]
, re = [{
zorder: 60,
id: "power_line_case",
type: "line",
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_line",
filter: ["==", ["get", "tunnel"], !0],
minzoom: 12,
paint: {
"line-opacity": ["case", Gt, .2, .4],
"line-color": "#7C4544",
"line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 12, 4, 18, 10]
layout: {
"line-join": "round",
"line-cap": "round"
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zorder: 61,
id: "power_line_underground_1",
type: "line",
filter: ["all", At, Nt],
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_line",
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paint: {
"line-color": Ft("voltage"),
"line-width": Pt,
"line-dasharray": [3, 2],
"line-offset": Bt(1),
"line-opacity": Jt
layout: {
"line-join": "round",
"line-cap": "round"
}, {
zorder: 61,
id: "power_line_underground_2",
type: "line",
filter: ["all", At, Nt, ["has", "voltage_2"]],
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_line",
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"line-color": Ft("voltage_2"),
"line-width": Pt,
"line-dasharray": [3, 2],
"line-offset": Bt(2),
"line-opacity": Jt
layout: {
"line-join": "round",
"line-cap": "round"
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zorder: 61,
id: "power_line_underground_3",
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source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_line",
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"line-color": Ft("voltage_3"),
"line-width": Pt,
"line-dasharray": [3, 2],
"line-offset": Bt(3),
"line-opacity": Jt
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"line-join": "round",
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"source-layer": "power_plant",
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"fill-opacity": ["case", Gt, .05, .2]
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id: "power_plant_outline",
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"line-color": "rgb(80,80,80)",
"line-opacity": .4,
"line-width": 1
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"line-join": "round"
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"source-layer": "power_plant",
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"line-color": "rgb(163,139,16)",
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"line-width": 1,
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"line-join": "round"
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paint: {
"fill-opacity": .3,
"fill-color": Ft("voltage"),
"fill-outline-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
}, {
zorder: 162,
id: "power_solar_panel",
type: "fill",
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_generator_area",
filter: ["==", ["get", "source"], "solar"],
minzoom: 13,
paint: {
"fill-color": "#726BA9",
"fill-outline-color": "rgba(50, 50, 50, 1)"
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zorder: 260,
id: "power_line_1",
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source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_line",
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"line-color": Ft("voltage"),
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"line-join": "round",
"line-cap": "round"
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"line-offset": Bt(2),
"line-opacity": Jt
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"line-join": "round",
"line-cap": "round"
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"source-layer": "power_line",
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"line-color": Ft("voltage_3"),
"line-width": Pt,
"line-offset": Bt(3),
"line-opacity": Jt
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"line-join": "round",
"line-cap": "round"
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"icon-image": "power_transformer"
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id: "power_compensator",
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source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_compensator",
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paint: Et,
layout: {
"icon-image": "power_compensator"
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zorder: 263,
id: "power_switch",
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source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_switch",
minzoom: 14,
paint: Et,
layout: {
"icon-image": "power_switch"
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zorder: 264,
id: "power_tower",
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filter: ["==", ["get", "type"], "tower"],
source: "openinframap",
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minzoom: 13,
paint: Et,
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"icon-image": ["case", ["get", "transition"], "power_tower_transition", ["any", ["has", "transformer"], ["has", "substation"]], "power_tower_transformer", "power_tower"],
"icon-offset": ["case", ["any", ["has", "transformer"], ["has", "substation"]], ["literal", [12, 0]], ["literal", [0, 0]]],
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"icon-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 13, .6, 17, 1],
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"text-max-angle": 10
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source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_tower",
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paint: Et,
layout: {
"icon-image": ["case", ["get", "transition"], "power_pole_transition", ["any", ["has", "transformer"], ["has", "substation"]], "power_pole_transformer", "power_pole"],
"icon-offset": ["case", ["any", ["has", "transformer"], ["has", "substation"]], ["literal", [10, 0]], ["literal", [0, 0]]],
"icon-allow-overlap": !0,
"icon-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 13, .2, 17, .8],
"text-field": "{ref}",
"text-size": ["step", ["zoom"], 0, 14, 10],
"text-offset": [0, 1],
"text-max-angle": 10
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zorder: 266,
id: "power_wind_turbine",
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source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_generator",
filter: ["==", ["get", "source"], "wind"],
minzoom: 11,
paint: Et,
layout: {
"icon-image": "power_wind",
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"icon-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 11, .5, 14, 1],
"text-field": "{name}",
"text-size": ["step", ["zoom"], 0, 12, 9],
"text-offset": [0, 1],
"text-anchor": "top"
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zorder: 267,
id: "power_wind_turbine_point",
type: "circle",
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_generator",
filter: ["==", ["get", "source"], "wind"],
minzoom: 9,
maxzoom: 11,
paint: {
"circle-radius": 1.5,
"circle-color": "#444444"
}, {
zorder: 268,
id: "power_substation_point",
type: "circle",
filter: ["all", Rt, Ut, ["!", Vt]],
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_substation_point",
minzoom: 5,
layout: {},
paint: {
"circle-radius": Ot,
"circle-color": Ft("voltage"),
"circle-stroke-color": "#555",
"circle-stroke-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 5, .1, 8, .5, 15, 2],
"circle-opacity": Jt,
"circle-stroke-opacity": Jt
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zorder: 560,
id: "power_line_ref",
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filter: ["all", qt, ["!=", ["coalesce", ["get", "ref"], ""], ""], ["<", ["length", ["get", "ref"]], 5]],
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minzoom: 7,
layout: {
"icon-image": "power_line_ref",
"text-field": "{ref}",
"symbol-placement": "line-center",
"text-size": 10,
"text-max-angle": 10
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"text-field": te,
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"text-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 11, 10, 18, 13],
"text-offset": ["case", ["has", "voltage_3"], ["literal", [0, 1.5]], ["has", "voltage_2"], ["literal", [0, 1.25]], ["literal", [0, 1]]],
"text-max-angle": 10
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id: "power_substation_ref_label",
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filter: jt,
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_substation_point",
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layout: {
"symbol-z-order": "source",
"text-field": "{ref}",
"text-anchor": "bottom",
"text-offset": [0, -.5],
"text-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 14, 9, 18, 12],
"text-max-width": 8
paint: Et
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zorder: 562,
id: "power_substation_label",
type: "symbol",
source: "openinframap",
filter: jt,
"source-layer": "power_substation_point",
minzoom: 8,
layout: {
"symbol-sort-key": ["-", 1e4, Mt],
"symbol-z-order": "source",
"text-field": ee,
"text-anchor": "top",
"text-offset": [0, .5],
"text-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 8, 10, 18, ["interpolate", ["linear"], Mt, 0, 10, 400, 16]],
"text-max-width": 8
paint: Et
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zorder: 562,
id: "power_converter_point",
type: "symbol",
filter: ["all", Vt, Ut],
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "power_substation_point",
minzoom: 5.5,
layout: {
"icon-image": "converter",
"icon-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 5, .4, 9, 1],
"text-field": ee,
"text-anchor": "top",
"text-offset": [0, 1.2],
"text-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 7, 10, 18, ["interpolate", ["linear"], Lt, 0, 10, 2e3, 16]],
"text-optional": !0
paint: Object.assign({}, Et, {
"text-opacity": ["step", ["zoom"], 0, 7, 1]
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zorder: 563,
id: "power_plant_label",
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source: "openinframap",
filter: Xt,
"source-layer": "power_plant_point",
minzoom: 6,
maxzoom: 24,
layout: {
"symbol-sort-key": ["-", 1e4, Lt],
"symbol-z-order": "source",
"icon-allow-overlap": !0,
"icon-image": function() {
for (var t = ["match", ["get", "source"]], e = 0, r = Object.entries(Tt); e < r.length; e++) {
var i = (a = r[e],
s = 2,
function(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
return t
}(a) || function(t, e) {
var r = null == t ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"];
if (null != r) {
var i, n, o = [], a = !0, s = !1;
try {
for (r =; !(a = (i = && (o.push(i.value),
!e || o.length !== e); a = !0)
} catch (t) {
s = !0,
n = t
} finally {
try {
a || null == r.return || r.return()
} finally {
if (s)
throw n
return o
}(a, s) || function(t, e) {
if (t) {
if ("string" == typeof t)
return zt(t, e);
var r =, -1);
return "Object" === r && t.constructor && (r =,
"Map" === r || "Set" === r ? Array.from(t) : "Arguments" === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r) ? zt(t, e) : void 0
}(a, s) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
, n = i[0]
, o = i[1];
t.push(n, o)
var a, s;
return t.push("power_plant"),
"icon-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 6, .6, 10, .8],
"text-field": Kt,
"text-anchor": "top",
"text-offset": [0, 1],
"text-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 7, 10, 18, ["interpolate", ["linear"], Lt, 0, 10, 2e3, 16]],
"text-optional": !0
paint: Object.assign({}, Et, {
"icon-opacity": ["step", ["zoom"], ["case", Gt, .5, 1], 11, 0],
"text-opacity": ["step", ["zoom"], 0, 7, 1]
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id: "telecoms_line",
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"line-color": "#61637A",
"line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 3, .3, 11, 2],
"line-dasharray": [3, 2]
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zorder: 140,
id: "telecoms_data_center",
type: "fill",
source: "openinframap",
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"source-layer": "telecoms_data_center",
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"fill-opacity": .3,
"fill-color": "#7D59AB",
"fill-outline-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
}, {
zorder: 141,
id: "telecoms_mast",
type: "symbol",
source: "openinframap",
minzoom: 10,
"source-layer": "telecoms_mast",
paint: Et,
layout: {
"icon-image": "comms_tower",
"icon-anchor": "bottom",
"icon-size": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 10, .6, 14, 1],
"text-field": Ct,
"text-size": {
stops: [[11, 0], [12, 0], [12.01, 10]]
"text-anchor": "top",
"text-offset": {
stops: [[11, [0, 1]], [16, [0, 2]]]
"text-optional": !0
}, {
id: "telecoms_data_center_symbol",
type: "symbol",
source: "openinframap",
minzoom: 11,
"source-layer": "telecoms_data_center",
paint: Et,
layout: {
"text-field": Ct,
"text-size": {
stops: [[11, 0], [13, 0], [13.01, 10]]
"text-offset": [0, 1],
"text-anchor": "top"
}, {
id: "telecoms_line_label",
type: "symbol",
source: "openinframap",
minzoom: 9,
"source-layer": "telecoms_communication_line",
paint: Et,
layout: {
"text-field": ["coalesce"].concat( {
return ["get", t]
"symbol-placement": "line",
"symbol-spacing": 400,
"text-size": 10,
"text-offset": [0, 1],
"text-max-angle": 10
, ne = [{
zorder: 20,
id: "water_pipeline_case",
type: "line",
source: "openinframap",
minzoom: 7,
"source-layer": "water_pipeline",
paint: {
"line-color": "#bbbbbb",
"line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 8, 1.5, 13, 4]
layout: {
"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round"
}, {
zorder: 21,
id: "water_pipeline",
type: "line",
source: "openinframap",
minzoom: 3,
"source-layer": "water_pipeline",
paint: {
"line-color": "#7B7CBA",
"line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 3, .3, 13, 2]
}, {
zorder: 520,
id: "water_pipeline_label",
type: "symbol",
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "water_pipeline",
minzoom: 11,
paint: Et,
layout: {
"text-field": "{name}",
"symbol-placement": "line",
"symbol-spacing": 400,
"text-size": 10,
"text-offset": [0, 1],
"text-max-angle": 10
var oe = ["coalesce", ["get", "substance"], ["get", "type"], ""]
, ae = "#BFBC6B"
, se = "#CC9F83"
, le = [{
zorder: 0,
id: "petroleum_pipeline_case",
type: "line",
source: "openinframap",
minzoom: 7,
"source-layer": "petroleum_pipeline",
paint: {
"line-color": "#666666",
"line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 8, 1.5, 13, 5]
layout: {
"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round"
}, {
zorder: 1,
id: "petroleum_pipeline",
type: "line",
source: "openinframap",
minzoom: 3,
"source-layer": "petroleum_pipeline",
paint: {
"line-color": ["match", oe, ["gas", "natural_gas", "cng"], ae, se],
"line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 3, 1, 13, 3.5]
}, {
zorder: 100,
id: "petroleum_site",
type: "fill",
source: "openinframap",
minzoom: 8,
"source-layer": "petroleum_site",
paint: {
"fill-opacity": .3,
"fill-color": se,
"fill-outline-color": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"
}, {
zorder: 101,
id: "petroleum_well",
type: "circle",
source: "openinframap",
minzoom: 10,
"source-layer": "petroleum_well",
paint: {
"circle-color": se,
"circle-stroke-color": "#666666",
"circle-stroke-width": 1,
"circle-radius": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 10, 1, 12, 2, 14, 5]
}, {
zorder: 500,
id: "petroleum_pipeline_label",
type: "symbol",
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "petroleum_pipeline",
minzoom: 12,
paint: Et,
layout: {
"text-field": ["concat", ["get", "operator"], ["case", ["all", ["!=", oe, ""], ["!=", ["get", "operator"], ""]], ["concat", " (", oe, ")"], oe]],
"symbol-placement": "line",
"symbol-spacing": 400,
"text-size": 10,
"text-offset": [0, 1],
"text-max-angle": 10
}, {
zorder: 501,
id: "petroleum_site_label",
type: "symbol",
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "petroleum_site",
minzoom: 12,
layout: {
"text-field": "{name}",
"text-anchor": "top",
"text-offset": [0, 1],
"text-size": 11
paint: Et
}, {
zorder: 502,
id: "petroleum_well_label",
type: "symbol",
source: "openinframap",
"source-layer": "petroleum_well",
minzoom: 13,
layout: {
"text-field": "Well {name}",
"text-anchor": "top",
"text-offset": [0, .5],
"text-size": 10
paint: Et
function ue(t, e) {
(null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length);
for (var r = 0, i = new Array(e); r < e; r++)
i[r] = t[r];
return i
function ce(t, e) {
var r, i = function(t, e) {
var r = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"];
if (!r) {
if (Array.isArray(t) || (r = function(t, e) {
if (t) {
if ("string" == typeof t)
return ue(t, e);
var r =, -1);
return "Object" === r && t.constructor && (r =,
"Map" === r || "Set" === r ? Array.from(t) : "Arguments" === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r) ? ue(t, e) : void 0
}(t)) || e && t && "number" == typeof t.length) {
r && (t = r);
var i = 0
, n = function() {};
return {
s: n,
n: function() {
return i >= t.length ? {
done: !0
} : {
done: !1,
value: t[i++]
e: function(t) {
throw t
f: n
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
var o, a = !0, s = !1;
return {
s: function() {
r =
n: function() {
var t =;
return a = t.done,
e: function(t) {
s = !0,
o = t
f: function() {
try {
a || null == r.return || r.return()
} finally {
if (s)
throw o
try {
for (i.s(); !(r = i.n()).done; ) {
var n = r.value;
if ( == e)
return n
} catch (t) {
} finally {
return null
function pe(t, e) {
var r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : ""
, i = 15
, n = 30
, o = Y("line", {
x1: 0,
y1: i / 2,
x2: n,
y2: i / 2
return T(o, {
stroke: t,
"stroke-width": e,
"stroke-dasharray": r
Y("svg", o, {
height: i,
width: n
function he(t, e) {
var r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 2
, i = ce(t, e)
, n = "";
return i.paint["line-dasharray"] && (n = i.paint["line-dasharray"].join(" ")),
pe(i.paint["line-color"], r, n)
function fe(t, e) {
var r = ce(t, e)
, i = 1
, n = "";
return r.paint["fill-opacity"] && (i = r.paint["fill-opacity"]),
r.paint["fill-outline-color"] && (n = r.paint["fill-outline-color"]),
function(t) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : "black"
, r = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1
, i = 15
, n = 30
, o = Y("rect", {
width: n,
height: i
return T(o, {
fill: t,
stroke: e,
"stroke-width": 1,
opacity: r
Y("svg", o, {
height: i,
width: n
}(r.paint["fill-color"], n, i)
var de = r(3465)
, me = {};
function ye(t, e) {
return function(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
return t
}(t) || function(t, e) {
var r = null == t ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"];
if (null != r) {
var i, n, o = [], a = !0, s = !1;
try {
for (r =; !(a = (i = && (o.push(i.value),
!e || o.length !== e); a = !0)
} catch (t) {
s = !0,
n = t
} finally {
try {
a || null == r.return || r.return()
} finally {
if (s)
throw n
return o
}(t, e) || ge(t, e) || function() {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
function ge(t, e) {
if (t) {
if ("string" == typeof t)
return ve(t, e);
var r =, -1);
return "Object" === r && t.constructor && (r =,
"Map" === r || "Set" === r ? Array.from(t) : "Arguments" === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r) ? ve(t, e) : void 0
function ve(t, e) {
(null == e || e > t.length) && (e = t.length);
for (var r = 0, i = new Array(e); r < e; r++)
i[r] = t[r];
return i
function _e(t) {
return (_e = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(t) {
return typeof t
: function(t) {
return t && "function" == typeof Symbol && t.constructor === Symbol && t !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof t
function xe(t, e) {
if (!(t instanceof e))
throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")
function be(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
var i = e[r];
i.enumerable = i.enumerable || !1,
i.configurable = !0,
"value"in i && (i.writable = !0),
Object.defineProperty(t, i.key, i)
function we(t, e, r) {
return e && be(t.prototype, e),
r && be(t, r),
me.styleTagTransform = d(),
me.setAttributes = c(),
me.insert = l().bind(null, "head"),
me.domAPI = a(),
me.insertStyleElement = h(),
n()(de.Z, me),
de.Z && de.Z.locals && de.Z.locals;
var Ee = function() {
function t() {
xe(this, t),
this.el = N("td")
return we(t, [{
key: "update",
value: function(t) {
if ("object" != _e(t))
this.el.textContent = t;
else {
if (null === t)
S(this.el, t)
, Ce = W.extend("tr", Ee)
, Ae = function() {
function t() {
xe(this, t)
return we(t, [{
key: "onAdd",
value: function(t) {
var e = this;
return this._map = t,
this._control = N("button", {
class: "maplibregl-ctrl-icon oim-key-control"
this._container = N("div", {
class: "maplibregl-ctrl oim-key-panel"
this._control.onclick = function(t) { = "block", = "none"
setTimeout((function(t) {
return e.resize()
), 100),
this._map.on("resize", (function(t) {
return e.resize()
N("div", this._control, this._container, {
class: "maplibregl-ctrl maplibregl-ctrl-group"
}, {
key: "resize",
value: function() {
var t, e = window.getComputedStyle(this._map.getContainer());
t = "none" != ? this._control.getBoundingClientRect() : this._container.getBoundingClientRect();
var r = parseInt(e.height) - - 80 + "px";
T(this._pane, {
"max-height": r
}, {
key: "header",
value: function() {
var t = this
, e = N(".oim-key-close", "×");
return e.onclick = function(e) { = "none", = "block"
N(".oim-key-header", N("h2", "Key"), e)
}, {
key: "populate",
value: function() {
S(this._container, this.header());
var t = N(".oim-key-pane");
t.appendChild(N("h3", "Power Lines")),
S(t, this.voltageTable()),
t.appendChild(N("h3", "Power Plants")),
S(t, this.plantTable()),
t.appendChild(N("h3", "Power Generators")),
S(t, this.generatorTable()),
t.appendChild(N("h3", "Other Power")),
S(t, this.towerTable()),
t.appendChild(N("h3", "Telecoms")),
S(t, this.telecomTable()),
t.appendChild(N("h3", "Petroleum")),
S(t, this.petroleumTable()),
t.appendChild(N("h3", "Water")),
S(t, this.waterTable()),
this._pane = t,
S(this._container, t)
}, {
key: "voltageTable",
value: function() {
var t, e = [], r = function(t, e) {
var r = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && t[Symbol.iterator] || t["@@iterator"];
if (!r) {
if (Array.isArray(t) || (r = ge(t))) {
r && (t = r);
var i = 0
, n = function() {};
return {
s: n,
n: function() {
return i >= t.length ? {
done: !0
} : {
done: !1,
value: t[i++]
e: function(t) {
throw t
f: n
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.")
var o, a = !0, s = !1;
return {
s: function() {
r =
n: function() {
var t =;
return a = t.done,
e: function(t) {
s = !0,
o = t
f: function() {
try {
a || null == r.return || r.return()
} finally {
if (s)
throw o
try {
for (r.s(); !(t = r.n()).done; ) {
var i = t.value
, n = i[0];
n = null === n ? "< 10 kV" : "≥ ".concat(n, " kV"),
e.push([n, i[1]])
} catch (t) {
} finally {
for (var o = 0, a = Object.entries(kt); o < a.length; o++) {
var s = ye(a[o], 2)
, l = s[0]
, u = s[1];
e.push([l, u])
(e = {
return [t[0], pe(t[1], 4)]
))).push(["Underground", pe("#7A7A85", 2, "3 2")]),
e.push(["Line Reference", this.sprite("power_line_ref")]);
var c = W("table", Ce);
return c.update(e),
}, {
key: "sprite",
value: function(t) {
var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 25
, r = N("img.oim-plant-sprite", {
src: "/style/sprites/".concat(t, ".svg"),
height: e
return T(r, {
"max-width": e + "px"
}, {
key: "plantTable",
value: function() {
for (var t = [], e = 0, r = Object.entries(Tt); e < r.length; e++) {
var i = ye(r[e], 2)
, n = i[0]
, o = i[1];
t.push([n.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + n.slice(1), this.sprite(o)])
var a = W("table", Ce);
return a.update(t),
}, {
key: "generatorTable",
value: function() {
var t = [["Wind Turbine", this.sprite("power_wind")], ["Solar Panel", fe(re, "power_solar_panel")]]
, e = W("table", Ce);
return e.update(t),
}, {
key: "towerTable",
value: function() {
var t = [["Tower/Pylon", this.sprite("power_tower")], ["Transition Tower", this.sprite("power_tower_transition")], ["Pole", this.sprite("power_pole", 8)], ["Transition Pole", this.sprite("power_pole_transition")], ["Transformer", this.sprite("power_transformer")], ["Switch", this.sprite("power_switch")], ["Compensator", this.sprite("power_compensator")], ["Converter", this.sprite("converter")]]
, e = W("table", Ce);
return e.update(t),
}, {
key: "telecomTable",
value: function() {
var t = [["Cable", he(ie, "telecoms_line")], ["Tower/Mast", this.sprite("comms_tower")], ["Datacenter/Exchange", fe(ie, "telecoms_data_center")]]
, e = W("table", Ce);
return e.update(t),
}, {
key: "petroleumTable",
value: function() {
var t = [["Oil Pipeline", pe(se, 2)], ["Gas Pipeline", pe(ae, 2)], ["Petroleum Facility", fe(le, "petroleum_site")]]
, e = W("table", Ce);
return e.update(t),
}, {
key: "waterTable",
value: function() {
var t = [["Water Pipeline", he(ne, "water_pipeline")]]
, e = W("table", Ce);
return e.update(t),
const ze = JSON.parse('{"version":8,"name":"OpenInfraMap","sources":{"openmaptiles":{"type":"vector","url":""},"openinframap":{"type":"vector","url":""},"solar_heatmap":{"type":"vector","url":""}},"sprite":"","glyphs":"{fontstack}/{range}.pbf?key=ovWmI52zsF0gsGSw8mzW","layers":[],"id":"openinframap"}')
, Se = [{
id: "background",
type: "background",
paint: {
"background-color": "rgb(242,243,240)"
}, {
id: "park",
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source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "park",
filter: ["==", "$type", "Polygon"],
layout: {
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"fill-color": "rgb(230, 233, 229)"
}, {
id: "water",
type: "fill",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "water",
filter: ["==", "$type", "Polygon"],
layout: {
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"fill-color": "hsl(207, 12%, 78%)",
"fill-antialias": !0
}, {
id: "landcover_ice_shelf",
type: "fill",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landcover",
maxzoom: 8,
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["==", "subclass", "ice_shelf"]],
layout: {
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"fill-color": "hsl(0, 0%, 98%)",
"fill-opacity": .7
}, {
id: "landcover_glacier",
type: "fill",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landcover",
maxzoom: 8,
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["==", "subclass", "glacier"]],
layout: {
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"fill-color": "hsl(0, 0%, 98%)",
"fill-opacity": {
base: 1,
stops: [[0, 1], [8, .5]]
}, {
id: "landuse_residential",
type: "fill",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landuse",
maxzoom: 16,
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["==", "class", "residential"]],
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visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"fill-color": "rgb(234, 234, 230)",
"fill-opacity": {
base: .6,
stops: [[8, .8], [9, .6]]
}, {
id: "landcover_wood",
type: "fill",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "landcover",
minzoom: 10,
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["==", "class", "wood"]],
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visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"fill-color": "rgb(220,226,220)",
"fill-opacity": {
base: 1,
stops: [[8, 0], [12, 1]]
}, {
id: "waterway",
type: "line",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "waterway",
filter: ["==", "$type", "LineString"],
layout: {
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"line-color": "hsl(207, 20%, 78%)"
}, {
id: "building",
type: "fill",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "building",
minzoom: 12,
paint: {
"fill-color": "rgb(234, 234, 229)",
"fill-outline-color": "rgb(219, 219, 218)",
"fill-antialias": !0
}, {
id: "tunnel_motorway_casing",
type: "line",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "transportation",
minzoom: 6,
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "LineString"], ["all", ["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"], ["==", "class", "motorway"]]],
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"line-cap": "butt",
"line-join": "miter",
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"line-color": "rgb(213, 213, 213)",
"line-width": {
base: 1.4,
stops: [[5.8, 0], [6, 3], [20, 40]]
"line-opacity": 1
}, {
id: "tunnel_motorway_inner",
type: "line",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "transportation",
minzoom: 6,
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "LineString"], ["all", ["==", "brunnel", "tunnel"], ["==", "class", "motorway"]]],
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"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round",
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"line-color": "rgb(234,234,234)",
"line-width": {
base: 1.4,
stops: [[4, 2], [6, 1.3], [20, 30]]
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id: "aeroway-taxiway",
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source: "openmaptiles",
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filter: ["all", ["in", "class", "taxiway"]],
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"line-cap": "round",
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"line-color": "hsl(0, 0%, 88%)",
"line-width": {
base: 1.55,
stops: [[13, 1.8], [20, 20]]
"line-opacity": 1
}, {
id: "aeroway-runway-casing",
type: "line",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "aeroway",
minzoom: 11,
filter: ["all", ["in", "class", "runway"]],
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"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round",
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"line-color": "hsl(0, 0%, 88%)",
"line-width": {
base: 1.5,
stops: [[11, 6], [17, 55]]
"line-opacity": 1
}, {
id: "aeroway-area",
type: "fill",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "aeroway",
minzoom: 4,
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "Polygon"], ["in", "class", "runway", "taxiway"]],
layout: {
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"fill-opacity": {
base: 1,
stops: [[13, 0], [14, 1]]
"fill-color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"
}, {
id: "aeroway-runway",
type: "line",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "aeroway",
minzoom: 11,
filter: ["all", ["in", "class", "runway"], ["==", "$type", "LineString"]],
layout: {
"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round",
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"line-color": "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)",
"line-width": {
base: 1.5,
stops: [[11, 4], [17, 50]]
"line-opacity": 1
}, {
id: "highway_path",
type: "line",
source: "openmaptiles",
"source-layer": "transportation",
filter: ["all", ["==", "$type", "LineString"], ["==", "class", "path"]],
layout: {
"line-cap": "round",
"line-join": "round",
visibility: "visible"
paint: {
"line-color": "rgb(234, 234, 234)",
"line-width": {
base: 1.2,
stops: [[13, 1], [20, 10]]
"line-opacity": .9
}, {
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Labels: "place_"
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enable(t) {
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infinite;-ms-animation:maplibregl-user-location-dot-pulse 2s infinite;animation:maplibregl-user-location-dot-pulse 2s infinite}.mapboxgl-user-location-dot:after,.maplibregl-user-location-dot:after{border-radius:50%;border:2px solid #fff;content:"";height:19px;left:-2px;position:absolute;top:-2px;width:19px;box-sizing:border-box;box-shadow:0 0 3px rgba(0,0,0,.35)}@-webkit-keyframes maplibregl-user-location-dot-pulse{0%{-webkit-transform:scale(1);opacity:1}70%{-webkit-transform:scale(3);opacity:0}to{-webkit-transform:scale(1);opacity:0}}@-ms-keyframes maplibregl-user-location-dot-pulse{0%{-ms-transform:scale(1);opacity:1}70%{-ms-transform:scale(3);opacity:0}to{-ms-transform:scale(1);opacity:0}}@keyframes maplibregl-user-location-dot-pulse{0%{transform:scale(1);opacity:1}70%{transform:scale(3);opacity:0}to{transform:scale(1);opacity:0}}.mapboxgl-user-location-dot-stale,.maplibregl-user-location-dot-stale{background-color:#aaa}.mapboxgl-user-location-dot-stale:after,.maplibregl-user-location-dot-stale:after{display:none}.mapboxgl-user-location-accuracy-circle,.maplibregl-user-location-accuracy-circle{background-color:rgba(29,161,242,.2);width:1px;height:1px;border-radius:100%}.mapboxgl-crosshair,.mapboxgl-crosshair .mapboxgl-interactive,.mapboxgl-crosshair .mapboxgl-interactive:active,.maplibregl-crosshair,.maplibregl-crosshair .maplibregl-interactive,.maplibregl-crosshair .maplibregl-interactive:active{cursor:crosshair}.mapboxgl-boxzoom,.maplibregl-boxzoom{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:0;height:0;background:#fff;border:2px dotted #202020;opacity:.5}@media print{.mapbox-improve-map{display:none}}', ""]);
const lt = P
1424: (t,e,r)=>{
"use strict";
r.d(e, {
Z: ()=>s
var i = r(3645)
, n = r.n(i)
, o = r(7274)
, a = n()((function(t) {
return t[1]
a.push([, "html {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\n color: #333;\n}\n\nbody,\n#container,\n#map {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n margin: 0px;\n}\n\n#container {\n display: block !important;\n}\n\nheader {\n z-index: 2;\n padding: 4px;\n border-radius: 0px 0px 4px 0px;\n border-right: 1px #eee solid;\n border-bottom: 1px #eee solid;\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);\n top: 0px;\n left: 0px;\n position: absolute;\n display: block;\n font-size: 13px;\n}\n\nheader, .maplibregl-ctrl.maplibregl-ctrl-attrib {\n backdrop-filter: blur(3px) saturate(80%);\n}\n\nh1 {\n display: inline;\n margin: 0px;\n font-size: 18px;\n}\n\na {\n color: #333;\n}\n\n.infobox {\n display: block;\n position: absolute;\n bottom: 40px;\n min-width: 60px;\n max-width: 300px;\n left: 5%;\n background-color: white;\n padding: 5px;\n border: 1px solid #999;\n border-radius: 4px;\n}\n\n.infobox-header {\n font-weight: bold;\n padding-bottom: 5px;\n border-bottom: 1px solid #bbb;\n margin-bottom: 4px;\n}\n\n.infobox-header a {\n cursor: pointer;\n float: right;\n margin-top: -3px;\n}\n\n.infobox-content {\n clear: both;\n}\n\n.maplibregl-ctrl-attrib {\n font-size: 10px;\n line-height: 14px;\n border-radius: 4px 0px 0px 0px;\n}\n\ncanvas:focus {\n /* Remove unnecessary focus border */\n outline:none;\n}\n\n#maptiler-attribution {\n background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);\n backdrop-filter: blur(3px) saturate(80%);\n border-radius: 4px;\n}\n\n#maptiler-attribution img {\n display: block;\n width: 100px;\n padding: 2px;\n}\n", ""]);
const s = a
2021: (t,e,r)=>{
"use strict";
r.d(e, {
Z: ()=>y
var i = r(3645)
, n = r.n(i)
, o = r(1667)
, a = r.n(o)
, s = new URL(r(9617),r.b)
, l = new URL(r(7251),r.b)
, u = new URL(r(3478),r.b)
, c = new URL(r(6518),r.b)
, p = n()((function(t) {
return t[1]
, h = a()(s)
, f = a()(l)
, d = a()(u)
, m = a()(c);
p.push([, 'table.item_info th {\n\ttext-align: left;\n}\n\n.maplibregl-popup {\n max-width: 350px !important; \n}\n\n.maplibregl-popup .nameContainer {\n margin-bottom: 5px;\n}\n\n.maplibregl-popup h3 {\n margin-top: 0px;\n margin-bottom: 0px;\n}\n\n.maplibregl-popup h4::before {\n content: "("\n}\n\n.maplibregl-popup h4::after {\n content: ")"\n}\n\n.maplibregl-popup h4 {\n font-weight: normal;\n margin-top: 0px;\n margin-bottom: 0px;\n}\n\n.wikidata_image {\n border: 1px solid #ddd;\n}\n\ndiv.ext_link {\n display: inline-block;\n height: 30px;\n width: 30px;\n background-size: 30px 30px;\n}\n\ndiv.wikidata_link {\nbackground-image: url(' + h + ");\n}\n\ndiv.wikipedia_link {\n background-image: url(" + f + ");\n}\n\ndiv.osm_link {\n height: 20px;\n width: 20px;\n background-size: 20px 20px;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n padding-bottom: 5px;\n padding-right: 3px;\n background-image: url(" + d + ");\n}\n\ndiv.commons_link {\n height: 25px;\n width: 25px;\n background-size: 25px 25px;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n padding-bottom: 3px;\nbackground-image: url(" + m + ");\n}\n", ""]);
const y = p
3465: (t,e,r)=>{
"use strict";
r.d(e, {
Z: ()=>c
var i = r(3645)
, n = r.n(i)
, o = r(1667)
, a = r.n(o)
, s = new URL(r(1630),r.b)
, l = n()((function(t) {
return t[1]
, u = a()(s);
l.push([, ".oim-key-control {\n min-height: 30px;\n min-width: 30px;\n background: url(" + u + ") white;\n background-repeat: no-repeat;\n background-size: 20px 20px;\n background-position: center;\n}\n\n.oim-key-panel {\n display: none;\n min-width: 220px;\n min-height: 300px;\n margin: 0px 0px 8px 0px !important; \n}\n\n.oim-key-pane {\n padding-left: 8px;\n padding-right: 2px;\n overflow-y: scroll;\n}\n\n.oim-key-pane h3 {\n margin-top: 0;\n margin-bottom: 3px;\n border-bottom: 1px #eee solid;\n clear: both;\n}\n\n.oim-key-pane table {\n width: 100%;\n padding: 0px;\n}\n.oim-key-pane table tr {\n padding: 0px;\n}\n\n\n.oim-key-pane table td {\n vertical-align: center;\n}\n\n.oim-key-pane table tr td:nth-child(2) {\n width: 30px;\n text-align: center;\n}\n\n\n.oim-plant-sprite {\n margin-left: auto;\n margin-right: auto;\n vertical-align: middle;\n}\n\n.oim-key-header {\n width: 100%;\n height: 20px;\n padding-bottom: 5px;\n padding-top: 2px;\n padding-left: 8px;\n background-color: #eee;\n}\n\n.oim-key-header h2 {\n margin: 0px;\n display: inline;\n}\n\n.oim-key-close {\n padding-right: 14px;\n float: right;\n font-weight: bold;\n font-size: 1.6em;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n", ""]);
const c = l
3645: t=>{
"use strict";
t.exports = function(t) {
var e = [];
return e.toString = function() {
return {
var r = t(e);
return e[2] ? "@media ".concat(e[2], " {").concat(r, "}") : r
e.i = function(t, r, i) {
"string" == typeof t && (t = [[null, t, ""]]);
var n = {};
if (i)
for (var o = 0; o < this.length; o++) {
var a = this[o][0];
null != a && (n[a] = !0)
for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
var l = [].concat(t[s]);
i && n[l[0]] || (r && (l[2] ? l[2] = "".concat(r, " and ").concat(l[2]) : l[2] = r),
1667: t=>{
"use strict";
t.exports = function(t, e) {
return e || (e = {}),
t ? (t = String(t.__esModule ? t.default : t),
/^['"].*['"]$/.test(t) && (t = t.slice(1, -1)),
e.hash && (t += e.hash),
/["'() \t\n]|(%20)/.test(t) || e.needQuotes ? '"'.concat(t.replace(/"/g, '\\"').replace(/\n/g, "\\n"), '"') : t) : t
1144: t=>{
"use strict";
var e = function() {
var t, e, r = window.navigator || window.clientInformation || {}, i = [].concat(r.languages, r.language, r.userLanguage, r.browserLanguage, r.systemLanguage), n = [];
for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++)
(t = i[e]) && (t = t.replace(/-.*/, "").toLowerCase()) && -1 === n.indexOf(t) && n.push(t);
return n
t.exports = {
first: function() {
var t = e();
return t.length ? t[0] : null
list: e,
pick: function(t, r) {
var i, n = e(), o = null;
for (r = r || null,
i = 0; i < n.length && null === o; i++)
-1 !== t.indexOf(n[i]) && (o = n[i]);
return null === o && (o = r),
6668: t=>{
var e, r, i = 9007199254740991, n = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/, o = Object.prototype, a = o.hasOwnProperty, s = o.toString, l = o.propertyIsEnumerable, u = (e = Object.keys,
r = Object,
function(t) {
return e(r(t))
function c(t, e, r, i) {
return function(t, e) {
t && function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = -1, n = Object(t), o = r(t), a = o.length; a--; ) {
var s = o[++i];
if (!1 === e(n[s], s, n))
}(t, e, v)
}(t, (function(t, n, o) {
e(i, r(t), n, o)
function p(t, e) {
return !!(e = null == e ? i : e) && ("number" == typeof t || n.test(t)) && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t < e
var h = Array.isArray;
function f(t) {
return null != t && function(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t <= i
}(t.length) && !function(t) {
var e = function(t) {
var e = typeof t;
return !!t && ("object" == e || "function" == e)
}(t) ? : "";
return "[object Function]" == e || "[object GeneratorFunction]" == e
var d, m, y, g = (d = function(t, e, r) {
t[e] = r
y = function(t) {
return t
m = function() {
return y
function(t, e) {
return c(t, d, m(), {})
function v(t) {
return f(t) ? function(t, e) {
var r = h(t) || function(t) {
return function(t) {
return function(t) {
return !!t && "object" == typeof t
}(t) && f(t)
}(t) &&, "callee") && (!, "callee") || "[object Arguments]" ==
}(t) ? function(t, e) {
for (var r = -1, i = Array(t); ++r < t; )
i[r] = e(r);
return i
}(t.length, String) : []
, i = r.length
, n = !!i;
for (var o in t)
!e && !, o) || n && ("length" == o || p(o, i)) || r.push(o);
return r
}(t) : function(t) {
if (r = (e = t) && e.constructor,
e !== ("function" == typeof r && r.prototype || o))
return u(t);
var e, r, i = [];
for (var n in Object(t)), n) && "constructor" != n && i.push(n);
return i
t.exports = g
2307: (t,e,r)=>{
t = r.nmd(t);
var i = "__lodash_hash_undefined__"
, n = 9007199254740991
, o = "[object Arguments]"
, a = "[object Array]"
, s = "[object Boolean]"
, l = "[object Date]"
, u = "[object Error]"
, c = "[object Function]"
, p = "[object Map]"
, h = "[object Number]"
, f = "[object Object]"
, d = "[object Promise]"
, m = "[object RegExp]"
, y = "[object Set]"
, g = "[object String]"
, v = "[object WeakMap]"
, _ = "[object ArrayBuffer]"
, x = "[object DataView]"
, b = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/
, w = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/
, E = {};
E["[object Float32Array]"] = E["[object Float64Array]"] = E["[object Int8Array]"] = E["[object Int16Array]"] = E["[object Int32Array]"] = E["[object Uint8Array]"] = E["[object Uint8ClampedArray]"] = E["[object Uint16Array]"] = E["[object Uint32Array]"] = !0,
E[o] = E[a] = E[_] = E[s] = E[x] = E[l] = E[u] = E[c] = E[p] = E[h] = E[f] = E[m] = E[y] = E[g] = E[v] = !1;
var C = "object" == typeof r.g && r.g && r.g.Object === Object && r.g
, A = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self
, z = C || A || Function("return this")()
, S = e && !e.nodeType && e
, k = S && t && !t.nodeType && t
, T = k && k.exports === S
, D = T && C.process
, I = function() {
try {
return D && D.binding && D.binding("util")
} catch (t) {}
, F = I && I.isTypedArray;
function B(t, e) {
for (var r = -1, i = null == t ? 0 : t.length; ++r < i; )
if (e(t[r], r, t))
return !0;
return !1
function P(t) {
var e = -1
, r = Array(t.size);
return t.forEach((function(t, i) {
r[++e] = [i, t]
function M(t) {
var e = -1
, r = Array(t.size);
return t.forEach((function(t) {
r[++e] = t
var L, R, O, U = Array.prototype, V = Function.prototype, j = Object.prototype, N = z["__core-js_shared__"], q = V.toString, G = j.hasOwnProperty, Z = (L = /[^.]+$/.exec(N && N.keys && N.keys.IE_PROTO || "")) ? "Symbol(src)_1." + L : "", X = j.toString, W = RegExp("^" +[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$"), H = T ? z.Buffer : void 0, K = z.Symbol, J = z.Uint8Array, Y = j.propertyIsEnumerable, $ = U.splice, Q = K ? K.toStringTag : void 0, tt = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, et = H ? H.isBuffer : void 0, rt = (R = Object.keys,
O = Object,
function(t) {
return R(O(t))
), it = kt(z, "DataView"), nt = kt(z, "Map"), ot = kt(z, "Promise"), at = kt(z, "Set"), st = kt(z, "WeakMap"), lt = kt(Object, "create"), ut = Ft(it), ct = Ft(nt), pt = Ft(ot), ht = Ft(at), ft = Ft(st), dt = K ? K.prototype : void 0, mt = dt ? dt.valueOf : void 0;
function yt(t) {
var e = -1
, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < r; ) {
var i = t[e];
this.set(i[0], i[1])
function gt(t) {
var e = -1
, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < r; ) {
var i = t[e];
this.set(i[0], i[1])
function vt(t) {
var e = -1
, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.clear(); ++e < r; ) {
var i = t[e];
this.set(i[0], i[1])
function _t(t) {
var e = -1
, r = null == t ? 0 : t.length;
for (this.__data__ = new vt; ++e < r; )
function xt(t) {
var e = this.__data__ = new gt(t);
this.size = e.size
function bt(t, e) {
for (var r = t.length; r--; )
if (Bt(t[r][0], e))
return r;
return -1
function wt(t) {
return null == t ? void 0 === t ? "[object Undefined]" : "[object Null]" : Q && Q in Object(t) ? function(t) {
var e =, Q)
, r = t[Q];
try {
t[Q] = void 0;
var i = !0
} catch (t) {}
var n =;
return i && (e ? t[Q] = r : delete t[Q]),
}(t) : function(t) {
function Et(t) {
return Vt(t) && wt(t) == o
function Ct(t, e, r, i, n) {
return t === e || (null == t || null == e || !Vt(t) && !Vt(e) ? t != t && e != e : function(t, e, r, i, n, c) {
var d = Mt(t)
, v = Mt(e)
, b = d ? a : Dt(t)
, w = v ? a : Dt(e)
, E = (b = b == o ? f : b) == f
, C = (w = w == o ? f : w) == f
, A = b == w;
if (A && Lt(t)) {
if (!Lt(e))
return !1;
d = !0,
E = !1
if (A && !E)
return c || (c = new xt),
d || jt(t) ? At(t, e, r, i, n, c) : function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a) {
switch (r) {
case x:
if (t.byteLength != e.byteLength || t.byteOffset != e.byteOffset)
return !1;
t = t.buffer,
e = e.buffer;
case _:
return !(t.byteLength != e.byteLength || !o(new J(t), new J(e)));
case s:
case l:
case h:
return Bt(+t, +e);
case u:
return == && t.message == e.message;
case m:
case g:
return t == e + "";
case p:
var c = P;
case y:
var f = 1 & i;
if (c || (c = M),
t.size != e.size && !f)
return !1;
var d = a.get(t);
if (d)
return d == e;
i |= 2,
a.set(t, e);
var v = At(c(t), c(e), i, n, o, a);
return a.delete(t),
case "[object Symbol]":
if (mt)
return ==
return !1
}(t, e, b, r, i, n, c);
if (!(1 & r)) {
var z = E &&, "__wrapped__")
, S = C &&, "__wrapped__");
if (z || S) {
var k = z ? t.value() : t
, T = S ? e.value() : e;
return c || (c = new xt),
n(k, T, r, i, c)
return !!A && (c || (c = new xt),
function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
var a = 1 & r
, s = zt(t)
, l = s.length;
if (l != zt(e).length && !a)
return !1;
for (var u = l; u--; ) {
var c = s[u];
if (!(a ? c in e :, c)))
return !1
var p = o.get(t);
if (p && o.get(e))
return p == e;
var h = !0;
o.set(t, e),
o.set(e, t);
for (var f = a; ++u < l; ) {
var d = t[c = s[u]]
, m = e[c];
if (i)
var y = a ? i(m, d, c, e, t, o) : i(d, m, c, t, e, o);
if (!(void 0 === y ? d === m || n(d, m, r, i, o) : y)) {
h = !1;
f || (f = "constructor" == c)
if (h && !f) {
var g = t.constructor
, v = e.constructor;
g == v || !("constructor"in t) || !("constructor"in e) || "function" == typeof g && g instanceof g && "function" == typeof v && v instanceof v || (h = !1)
return o.delete(t),
}(t, e, r, i, n, c))
}(t, e, r, i, Ct, n))
function At(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
var a = 1 & r
, s = t.length
, l = e.length;
if (s != l && !(a && l > s))
return !1;
var u = o.get(t);
if (u && o.get(e))
return u == e;
var c = -1
, p = !0
, h = 2 & r ? new _t : void 0;
for (o.set(t, e),
o.set(e, t); ++c < s; ) {
var f = t[c]
, d = e[c];
if (i)
var m = a ? i(d, f, c, e, t, o) : i(f, d, c, t, e, o);
if (void 0 !== m) {
if (m)
p = !1;
if (h) {
if (!B(e, (function(t, e) {
if (a = e,
!h.has(a) && (f === t || n(f, t, r, i, o)))
return h.push(e);
var a
))) {
p = !1;
} else if (f !== d && !n(f, d, r, i, o)) {
p = !1;
return o.delete(t),
function zt(t) {
return function(t, e, r) {
var i = e(t);
return Mt(t) ? i : function(t, e) {
for (var r = -1, i = e.length, n = t.length; ++r < i; )
t[n + r] = e[r];
return t
}(i, r(t))
}(t, Nt, Tt)
function St(t, e) {
var r, i, n = t.__data__;
return ("string" == (i = typeof (r = e)) || "number" == i || "symbol" == i || "boolean" == i ? "__proto__" !== r : null === r) ? n["string" == typeof e ? "string" : "hash"] :
function kt(t, e) {
var r = function(t, e) {
return null == t ? void 0 : t[e]
}(t, e);
return function(t) {
return !(!Ut(t) || function(t) {
return !!Z && Z in t
}(t)) && (Rt(t) ? W : b).test(Ft(t))
}(r) ? r : void 0
yt.prototype.clear = function() {
this.__data__ = lt ? lt(null) : {},
this.size = 0
yt.prototype.delete = function(t) {
var e = this.has(t) && delete this.__data__[t];
return this.size -= e ? 1 : 0,
yt.prototype.get = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__;
if (lt) {
var r = e[t];
return r === i ? void 0 : r
return, t) ? e[t] : void 0
yt.prototype.has = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__;
return lt ? void 0 !== e[t] :, t)
yt.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
var r = this.__data__;
return this.size += this.has(t) ? 0 : 1,
r[t] = lt && void 0 === e ? i : e,
gt.prototype.clear = function() {
this.__data__ = [],
this.size = 0
gt.prototype.delete = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__
, r = bt(e, t);
return !(r < 0 || (r == e.length - 1 ? e.pop() : $.call(e, r, 1),
gt.prototype.get = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__
, r = bt(e, t);
return r < 0 ? void 0 : e[r][1]
gt.prototype.has = function(t) {
return bt(this.__data__, t) > -1
gt.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
var r = this.__data__
, i = bt(r, t);
return i < 0 ? (++this.size,
r.push([t, e])) : r[i][1] = e,
vt.prototype.clear = function() {
this.size = 0,
this.__data__ = {
hash: new yt,
map: new (nt || gt),
string: new yt
vt.prototype.delete = function(t) {
var e = St(this, t).delete(t);
return this.size -= e ? 1 : 0,
vt.prototype.get = function(t) {
return St(this, t).get(t)
vt.prototype.has = function(t) {
return St(this, t).has(t)
vt.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
var r = St(this, t)
, i = r.size;
return r.set(t, e),
this.size += r.size == i ? 0 : 1,
_t.prototype.add = _t.prototype.push = function(t) {
return this.__data__.set(t, i),
_t.prototype.has = function(t) {
return this.__data__.has(t)
xt.prototype.clear = function() {
this.__data__ = new gt,
this.size = 0
xt.prototype.delete = function(t) {
var e = this.__data__
, r = e.delete(t);
return this.size = e.size,
xt.prototype.get = function(t) {
return this.__data__.get(t)
xt.prototype.has = function(t) {
return this.__data__.has(t)
xt.prototype.set = function(t, e) {
var r = this.__data__;
if (r instanceof gt) {
var i = r.__data__;
if (!nt || i.length < 199)
return i.push([t, e]),
this.size = ++r.size,
r = this.__data__ = new vt(i)
return r.set(t, e),
this.size = r.size,
var Tt = tt ? function(t) {
return null == t ? [] : (t = Object(t),
function(e, r) {
for (var i = -1, n = null == e ? 0 : e.length, o = 0, a = []; ++i < n; ) {
var s = e[i];
l = s,, l) && (a[o++] = s)
var l;
return a
: function() {
return []
, Dt = wt;
function It(t, e) {
return !!(e = null == e ? n : e) && ("number" == typeof t || w.test(t)) && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t < e
function Ft(t) {
if (null != t) {
try {
} catch (t) {}
try {
return t + ""
} catch (t) {}
return ""
function Bt(t, e) {
return t === e || t != t && e != e
(it && Dt(new it(new ArrayBuffer(1))) != x || nt && Dt(new nt) != p || ot && Dt(ot.resolve()) != d || at && Dt(new at) != y || st && Dt(new st) != v) && (Dt = function(t) {
var e = wt(t)
, r = e == f ? t.constructor : void 0
, i = r ? Ft(r) : "";
if (i)
switch (i) {
case ut:
return x;
case ct:
return p;
case pt:
return d;
case ht:
return y;
case ft:
return v
return e
var Pt = Et(function() {
return arguments
}()) ? Et : function(t) {
return Vt(t) &&, "callee") && !, "callee")
, Mt = Array.isArray
, Lt = et || function() {
return !1
function Rt(t) {
if (!Ut(t))
return !1;
var e = wt(t);
return e == c || "[object GeneratorFunction]" == e || "[object AsyncFunction]" == e || "[object Proxy]" == e
function Ot(t) {
return "number" == typeof t && t > -1 && t % 1 == 0 && t <= n
function Ut(t) {
var e = typeof t;
return null != t && ("object" == e || "function" == e)
function Vt(t) {
return null != t && "object" == typeof t
var jt = F ? function(t) {
return function(e) {
return t(e)
}(F) : function(t) {
return Vt(t) && Ot(t.length) && !!E[wt(t)]
function Nt(t) {
return null != (e = t) && Ot(e.length) && !Rt(e) ? function(t, e) {
var r = Mt(t)
, i = !r && Pt(t)
, n = !r && !i && Lt(t)
, o = !r && !i && !n && jt(t)
, a = r || i || n || o
, s = a ? function(t, e) {
for (var r = -1, i = Array(t); ++r < t; )
i[r] = e(r);
return i
}(t.length, String) : []
, l = s.length;
for (var u in t)
!e && !, u) || a && ("length" == u || n && ("offset" == u || "parent" == u) || o && ("buffer" == u || "byteLength" == u || "byteOffset" == u) || It(u, l)) || s.push(u);
return s
}(t) : function(t) {
if (r = (e = t) && e.constructor,
e !== ("function" == typeof r && r.prototype || j))
return rt(t);
var e, r, i = [];
for (var n in Object(t)), n) && "constructor" != n && i.push(n);
return i
var e
t.exports = function(t, e) {
return Ct(t, e)
2739: function(t) {
t.exports = function() {
"use strict";
var t, e, r;
function i(i, n) {
if (t)
if (e) {
var o = "var sharedChunk = {}; (" + t + ")(sharedChunk); (" + e + ")(sharedChunk);"
, a = {};
r = n(a),
"undefined" != typeof window && (r.workerUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([o],{
type: "text/javascript"
} else
e = n;
t = n
return i(0, (function(t) {
function e(t, e) {
return t(e = {
exports: {}
}, e.exports),
var r = i;
function i(t, e, r, i) { = 3 * t,
this.bx = 3 * (r - t) -, = 1 - - this.bx, = 3 * e, = 3 * (i - e) -,
this.ay = 1 - -,
this.p1x = t,
this.p1y = i,
this.p2x = r,
this.p2y = i
i.prototype.sampleCurveX = function(t) {
return (( * t + this.bx) * t + * t
i.prototype.sampleCurveY = function(t) {
return ((this.ay * t + * t + * t
i.prototype.sampleCurveDerivativeX = function(t) {
return (3 * * t + 2 * this.bx) * t +
i.prototype.solveCurveX = function(t, e) {
var r, i, n, o, a;
for (void 0 === e && (e = 1e-6),
n = t,
a = 0; a < 8; a++) {
if (o = this.sampleCurveX(n) - t,
Math.abs(o) < e)
return n;
var s = this.sampleCurveDerivativeX(n);
if (Math.abs(s) < 1e-6)
n -= o / s
if ((n = t) < (r = 0))
return r;
if (n > (i = 1))
return i;
for (; r < i; ) {
if (o = this.sampleCurveX(n),
Math.abs(o - t) < e)
return n;
t > o ? r = n : i = n,
n = .5 * (i - r) + r
return n
i.prototype.solve = function(t, e) {
return this.sampleCurveY(this.solveCurveX(t, e))
var n = o;
function o(t, e) {
this.x = t,
this.y = e
o.prototype = {
clone: function() {
return new o(this.x,this.y)
add: function(t) {
return this.clone()._add(t)
sub: function(t) {
return this.clone()._sub(t)
multByPoint: function(t) {
return this.clone()._multByPoint(t)
divByPoint: function(t) {
return this.clone()._divByPoint(t)
mult: function(t) {
return this.clone()._mult(t)
div: function(t) {
return this.clone()._div(t)
rotate: function(t) {
return this.clone()._rotate(t)
rotateAround: function(t, e) {
return this.clone()._rotateAround(t, e)
matMult: function(t) {
return this.clone()._matMult(t)
unit: function() {
return this.clone()._unit()
perp: function() {
return this.clone()._perp()
round: function() {
return this.clone()._round()
mag: function() {
return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y)
equals: function(t) {
return this.x === t.x && this.y === t.y
dist: function(t) {
return Math.sqrt(this.distSqr(t))
distSqr: function(t) {
var e = t.x - this.x
, r = t.y - this.y;
return e * e + r * r
angle: function() {
return Math.atan2(this.y, this.x)
angleTo: function(t) {
return Math.atan2(this.y - t.y, this.x - t.x)
angleWith: function(t) {
return this.angleWithSep(t.x, t.y)
angleWithSep: function(t, e) {
return Math.atan2(this.x * e - this.y * t, this.x * t + this.y * e)
_matMult: function(t) {
var e = t[2] * this.x + t[3] * this.y;
return this.x = t[0] * this.x + t[1] * this.y,
this.y = e,
_add: function(t) {
return this.x += t.x,
this.y += t.y,
_sub: function(t) {
return this.x -= t.x,
this.y -= t.y,
_mult: function(t) {
return this.x *= t,
this.y *= t,
_div: function(t) {
return this.x /= t,
this.y /= t,
_multByPoint: function(t) {
return this.x *= t.x,
this.y *= t.y,
_divByPoint: function(t) {
return this.x /= t.x,
this.y /= t.y,
_unit: function() {
return this._div(this.mag()),
_perp: function() {
var t = this.y;
return this.y = this.x,
this.x = -t,
_rotate: function(t) {
var e = Math.cos(t)
, r = Math.sin(t)
, i = r * this.x + e * this.y;
return this.x = e * this.x - r * this.y,
this.y = i,
_rotateAround: function(t, e) {
var r = Math.cos(t)
, i = Math.sin(t)
, n = e.y + i * (this.x - e.x) + r * (this.y - e.y);
return this.x = e.x + r * (this.x - e.x) - i * (this.y - e.y),
this.y = n,
_round: function() {
return this.x = Math.round(this.x),
this.y = Math.round(this.y),
o.convert = function(t) {
return t instanceof o ? t : Array.isArray(t) ? new o(t[0],t[1]) : t
var a = "undefined" != typeof self ? self : {}
, s = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
function l(t, e, i, n) {
var o = new r(t,e,i,n);
return function(t) {
return o.solve(t)
var u = l(.25, .1, .25, 1);
function c(t, e, r) {
return Math.min(r, Math.max(e, t))
function p(t, e, r) {
var i = r - e
, n = ((t - e) % i + i) % i + e;
return n === e ? r : n
function h(t) {
for (var e = [], r = arguments.length - 1; r-- > 0; )
e[r] = arguments[r + 1];
for (var i = 0, n = e; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i];
for (var a in o)
t[a] = o[a]
return t
var f = 1;
function d() {
return f++
function m() {
return function t(e) {
return e ? (e ^ 16 * Math.random() >> e / 4).toString(16) : ([1e7] + -[1e3] + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, t)
function y(t) {
return !!t && /^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[4][0-9a-f]{3}-[89ab][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$/i.test(t)
function g(t, e) {
t.forEach((function(t) {
e[t] && (e[t] = e[t].bind(e))
function v(t, e) {
return -1 !== t.indexOf(e, t.length - e.length)
function _(t, e, r) {
var i = {};
for (var n in t)
i[n] = || this, t[n], n, t);
return i
function x(t, e, r) {
var i = {};
for (var n in t) || this, t[n], n, t) && (i[n] = t[n]);
return i
function b(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) ? : "object" == typeof t && t ? _(t, b) : t
var w = {};
function E(t) {
w[t] || ("undefined" != typeof console && console.warn(t),
w[t] = !0)
function C(t, e, r) {
return (r.y - t.y) * (e.x - t.x) > (e.y - t.y) * (r.x - t.x)
function A(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = 0, i = t.length, n = i - 1, o = void 0, a = void 0; r < i; n = r++)
e += ((a = t[n]).x - (o = t[r]).x) * (o.y + a.y);
return e
function z() {
return "undefined" != typeof WorkerGlobalScope && "undefined" != typeof self && self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope
function S(t) {
var e = {};
if (t.replace(/(?:^|(?:\s*\,\s*))([^\x00-\x20\(\)<>@\,;\:\\"\/\[\]\?\=\{\}\x7F]+)(?:\=(?:([^\x00-\x20\(\)<>@\,;\:\\"\/\[\]\?\=\{\}\x7F]+)|(?:\"((?:[^"\\]|\\.)*)\")))?/g, (function(t, r, i, n) {
var o = i || n;
return e[r] = !o || o.toLowerCase(),
e["max-age"]) {
var r = parseInt(e["max-age"], 10);
isNaN(r) ? delete e["max-age"] : e["max-age"] = r
return e
var k = null;
function T(t) {
if (null == k) {
var e = t.navigator ? t.navigator.userAgent : null;
k = !!t.safari || !(!e || !(/\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)\b/.test(e) || e.match("Safari") && !e.match("Chrome")))
return k
function D(t) {
try {
var e = a[t];
return e.setItem("_mapbox_test_", 1),
} catch (t) {
return !1
var I, F, B, P, M = a.performance && ? :, L = a.requestAnimationFrame || a.mozRequestAnimationFrame || a.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || a.msRequestAnimationFrame, R = a.cancelAnimationFrame || a.mozCancelAnimationFrame || a.webkitCancelAnimationFrame || a.msCancelAnimationFrame, O = {
now: M,
frame: function(t) {
var e = L(t);
return {
cancel: function() {
return R(e)
getImageData: function(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = 0);
var r = a.document.createElement("canvas")
, i = r.getContext("2d");
if (!i)
throw new Error("failed to create canvas 2d context");
return r.width = t.width,
r.height = t.height,
i.drawImage(t, 0, 0, t.width, t.height),
i.getImageData(-e, -e, t.width + 2 * e, t.height + 2 * e)
resolveURL: function(t) {
return I || (I = a.document.createElement("a")),
I.href = t,
hardwareConcurrency: a.navigator && a.navigator.hardwareConcurrency || 4,
get devicePixelRatio() {
return a.devicePixelRatio
get prefersReducedMotion() {
return !!a.matchMedia && (null == F && (F = a.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)")),
}, U = {
API_URL: "",
get EVENTS_URL() {
return this.API_URL ? 0 === this.API_URL.indexOf("") ? "" : 0 === this.API_URL.indexOf("") ? "" : null : null
}, V = {
supported: !1,
testSupport: function(t) {
!j && P && (N ? q(t) : B = t)
}, j = !1, N = !1;
function q(t) {
var e = t.createTexture();
t.bindTexture(t.TEXTURE_2D, e);
try {
if (t.texImage2D(t.TEXTURE_2D, 0, t.RGBA, t.RGBA, t.UNSIGNED_BYTE, P),
V.supported = !0
} catch (t) {}
j = !0
a.document && ((P = a.document.createElement("img")).onload = function() {
B && q(B),
B = null,
N = !0
P.onerror = function() {
j = !0,
B = null
P.src = "");
var G = "01"
, Z = function(t, e) {
this._transformRequestFn = t,
this._customAccessToken = e,
function X(t) {
return 0 === t.indexOf("mapbox:")
Z.prototype._createSkuToken = function() {
var t = function() {
for (var t = "", e = 0; e < 10; e++)
t += "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[Math.floor(62 * Math.random())];
return {
token: ["1", G, t].join(""),
tokenExpiresAt: + 432e5
this._skuToken = t.token,
this._skuTokenExpiresAt = t.tokenExpiresAt
Z.prototype._isSkuTokenExpired = function() {
return > this._skuTokenExpiresAt
Z.prototype.transformRequest = function(t, e) {
return this._transformRequestFn && this._transformRequestFn(t, e) || {
url: t
Z.prototype.normalizeStyleURL = function(t, e) {
if (!X(t))
return t;
var r = J(t);
return r.path = "/styles/v1" + r.path,
this._makeAPIURL(r, this._customAccessToken || e)
Z.prototype.normalizeGlyphsURL = function(t, e) {
if (!X(t))
return t;
var r = J(t);
return r.path = "/fonts/v1" + r.path,
this._makeAPIURL(r, this._customAccessToken || e)
Z.prototype.normalizeSourceURL = function(t, e) {
if (!X(t))
return t;
var r = J(t);
return r.path = "/v4/" + r.authority + ".json",
this._makeAPIURL(r, this._customAccessToken || e)
Z.prototype.normalizeSpriteURL = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = J(t);
return X(t) ? (n.path = "/styles/v1" + n.path + "/sprite" + e + r,
this._makeAPIURL(n, this._customAccessToken || i)) : (n.path += "" + e + r,
Z.prototype.normalizeTileURL = function(t, e) {
if (this._isSkuTokenExpired() && this._createSkuToken(),
t && !X(t))
return t;
var r = J(t);
r.path = r.path.replace(/(\.(png|jpg)\d*)(?=$)/, (O.devicePixelRatio >= 2 || 512 === e ? "@2x" : "") + (V.supported ? ".webp" : "$1")),
r.path = r.path.replace(/^.+\/v4\//, "/"),
r.path = "/v4" + r.path;
var i = this._customAccessToken || function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = t; e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e].match(/^access_token=(.*)$/);
if (i)
return i[1]
return null
}(r.params) || U.ACCESS_TOKEN;
return U.REQUIRE_ACCESS_TOKEN && i && this._skuToken && r.params.push("sku=" + this._skuToken),
this._makeAPIURL(r, i)
Z.prototype.canonicalizeTileURL = function(t, e) {
var r = J(t);
if (!r.path.match(/(^\/v4\/)/) || !r.path.match(/\.[\w]+$/))
return t;
var i = "mapbox://tiles/";
i += r.path.replace("/v4/", "");
var n = r.params;
return e && (n = n.filter((function(t) {
return !t.match(/^access_token=/)
n.length && (i += "?" + n.join("&")),
Z.prototype.canonicalizeTileset = function(t, e) {
for (var r = !!e && X(e), i = [], n = 0, o = t.tiles || []; n < o.length; n += 1) {
var a = o[n];
H(a) ? i.push(this.canonicalizeTileURL(a, r)) : i.push(a)
return i
Z.prototype._makeAPIURL = function(t, e) {
var r = "See"
, i = J(U.API_URL);
if (t.protocol = i.protocol,
t.authority = i.authority,
"http" === t.protocol) {
var n = t.params.indexOf("secure");
n >= 0 && t.params.splice(n, 1)
if ("/" !== i.path && (t.path = "" + i.path + t.path),
return Y(t);
if (!(e = e || U.ACCESS_TOKEN))
throw new Error("An API access token is required to use Mapbox GL. " + r);
if ("s" === e[0])
throw new Error("Use a public access token (pk.*) with Mapbox GL, not a secret access token (sk.*). " + r);
return t.params = t.params.filter((function(t) {
return -1 === t.indexOf("access_token")
t.params.push("access_token=" + e),
Z.prototype.setTransformRequest = function(t) {
this._transformRequestFn = t
var W = /^((https?:)?\/\/)?([^\/]+\.)?mapbox\.c(n|om)(\/|\?|$)/i;
function H(t) {
return W.test(t)
var K = /^(\w+):\/\/([^/?]*)(\/[^?]+)?\??(.+)?/;
function J(t) {
var e = t.match(K);
if (!e)
throw new Error("Unable to parse URL object");
return {
protocol: e[1],
authority: e[2],
path: e[3] || "/",
params: e[4] ? e[4].split("&") : []
function Y(t) {
var e = t.params.length ? "?" + t.params.join("&") : "";
return t.protocol + "://" + t.authority + t.path + e
function $(t) {
if (!t)
return null;
var e = t.split(".");
if (!e || 3 !== e.length)
return null;
try {
return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(a.atob(e[1]).split("").map((function(t) {
return "%" + ("00" + t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2)
} catch (t) {
return null
var Q = function(t) {
this.type = t,
this.anonId = null,
this.eventData = {},
this.queue = [],
this.pendingRequest = null
Q.prototype.getStorageKey = function(t) {
var e, r = $(U.ACCESS_TOKEN);
return e = r && r.u ? a.btoa(encodeURIComponent(r.u).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, (function(t, e) {
return String.fromCharCode(Number("0x" + e))
))) : U.ACCESS_TOKEN || "",
t ? "mapbox.eventData." + t + ":" + e : "mapbox.eventData:" + e
Q.prototype.fetchEventData = function() {
var t = D("localStorage")
, e = this.getStorageKey()
, r = this.getStorageKey("uuid");
if (t)
try {
var i = a.localStorage.getItem(e);
i && (this.eventData = JSON.parse(i));
var n = a.localStorage.getItem(r);
n && (this.anonId = n)
} catch (t) {
E("Unable to read from LocalStorage")
Q.prototype.saveEventData = function() {
var t = D("localStorage")
, e = this.getStorageKey()
, r = this.getStorageKey("uuid");
if (t)
try {
a.localStorage.setItem(r, this.anonId),
Object.keys(this.eventData).length >= 1 && a.localStorage.setItem(e, JSON.stringify(this.eventData))
} catch (t) {
E("Unable to write to LocalStorage")
Q.prototype.processRequests = function(t) {}
Q.prototype.postEvent = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = this;
var o = J(U.EVENTS_URL);
o.params.push("access_token=" + (i || U.ACCESS_TOKEN || ""));
var a = {
event: this.type,
created: new Date(t).toISOString(),
sdkIdentifier: "mapbox-gl-js",
sdkVersion: "1.15.2",
skuId: G,
userId: this.anonId
, s = e ? h(a, e) : a
, l = {
url: Y(o),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "text/plain"
body: JSON.stringify([s])
this.pendingRequest = wt(l, (function(t) {
n.pendingRequest = null,
Q.prototype.queueRequest = function(t, e) {
var tt, et, rt = function(t) {
function e() {, "map.load"),
this.success = {},
this.skuToken = ""
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.postMapLoadEvent = function(t, e, r, i) {
this.skuToken = r,
(U.EVENTS_URL && i || U.ACCESS_TOKEN && Array.isArray(t) && t.some((function(t) {
return X(t) || H(t)
))) && this.queueRequest({
id: e,
}, i)
e.prototype.processRequests = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (!this.pendingRequest && 0 !== this.queue.length) {
var r = this.queue.shift()
, i =
, n = r.timestamp;
i && this.success[i] || (this.anonId || this.fetchEventData(),
y(this.anonId) || (this.anonId = m()),
this.postEvent(n, {
skuToken: this.skuToken
}, (function(t) {
t || i && (e.success[i] = !0)
), t))
}(Q), it = new (function(t) {
function e(e) {, "appUserTurnstile"),
this._customAccessToken = e
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.postTurnstileEvent = function(t, e) {
U.EVENTS_URL && U.ACCESS_TOKEN && Array.isArray(t) && t.some((function(t) {
return X(t) || H(t)
)) && this.queueRequest(, e)
e.prototype.processRequests = function(t) {
var e = this;
if (!this.pendingRequest && 0 !== this.queue.length) {
this.anonId && this.eventData.lastSuccess && this.eventData.tokenU || this.fetchEventData();
var r = $(U.ACCESS_TOKEN)
, i = r ? r.u : U.ACCESS_TOKEN
, n = i !== this.eventData.tokenU;
y(this.anonId) || (this.anonId = m(),
n = !0);
var o = this.queue.shift();
if (this.eventData.lastSuccess) {
var a = new Date(this.eventData.lastSuccess)
, s = new Date(o)
, l = (o - this.eventData.lastSuccess) / 864e5;
n = n || l >= 1 || l < -1 || a.getDate() !== s.getDate()
} else
n = !0;
if (!n)
return this.processRequests();
this.postEvent(o, {
"enabled.telemetry": !1
}, (function(t) {
t || (e.eventData.lastSuccess = o,
e.eventData.tokenU = i)
), t)
}(Q)), nt = it.postTurnstileEvent.bind(it), ot = new rt, at = ot.postMapLoadEvent.bind(ot), st = 500, lt = 50;
function ut() {
a.caches && !tt && (tt ="mapbox-tiles"))
function ct(t) {
var e = t.indexOf("?");
return e < 0 ? t : t.slice(0, e)
var pt, ht = 1 / 0;
function ft() {
return null == pt && (pt = a.OffscreenCanvas && new a.OffscreenCanvas(1,1).getContext("2d") && "function" == typeof a.createImageBitmap),
var dt = {
Unknown: "Unknown",
Style: "Style",
Source: "Source",
Tile: "Tile",
Glyphs: "Glyphs",
SpriteImage: "SpriteImage",
SpriteJSON: "SpriteJSON",
Image: "Image"
"function" == typeof Object.freeze && Object.freeze(dt);
var mt = function(t) {
function e(e, r, i) {
401 === r && H(i) && (e += ": you may have provided an invalid Mapbox access token. See"),, e),
this.status = r,
this.url = i, =,
this.message = e
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.toString = function() {
return + ": " + this.message + " (" + this.status + "): " + this.url
, yt = z() ? function() {
return self.worker && self.worker.referrer
: function() {
return ("blob:" === a.location.protocol ? a.parent : a).location.href
function gt(t, e) {
var r, i = new a.AbortController, n = new a.Request(t.url,{
method: t.method || "GET",
body: t.body,
credentials: t.credentials,
headers: t.headers,
referrer: yt(),
signal: i.signal
}), o = !1, s = !1, l = (r = n.url).indexOf("sku=") > 0 && H(r);
"json" === t.type && n.headers.set("Accept", "application/json");
var u = function(r, i, o) {
if (!s) {
if (r && "SecurityError" !== r.message && E(r),
i && o)
return c(i);
var u =;
a.fetch(n).then((function(r) {
if (r.ok) {
var i = l ? r.clone() : null;
return c(r, i, u)
return e(new mt(r.statusText,r.status,t.url))
)).catch((function(t) {
20 !== t.code && e(new Error(t.message))
, c = function(r, i, l) {
("arrayBuffer" === t.type ? r.arrayBuffer() : "json" === t.type ? r.json() : r.text()).then((function(t) {
s || (i && l && function(t, e, r) {
if (ut(),
tt) {
var i = {
status: e.status,
statusText: e.statusText,
headers: new a.Headers
e.headers.forEach((function(t, e) {
return i.headers.set(e, t)
var n = S(e.headers.get("Cache-Control") || "");
n["no-store"] || (n["max-age"] && i.headers.set("Expires", new Date(r + 1e3 * n["max-age"]).toUTCString()),
new Date(i.headers.get("Expires")).getTime() - r < 42e4 || function(t, e) {
if (void 0 === et)
try {
new Response(new ReadableStream),
et = !0
} catch (t) {
et = !1
et ? e(t.body) : t.blob().then(e)
}(e, (function(e) {
var r = new a.Response(e,i);
tt && tt.then((function(e) {
return e.put(ct(t.url), r)
)).catch((function(t) {
return E(t.message)
}(n, i, l),
o = !0,
e(null, t, r.headers.get("Cache-Control"), r.headers.get("Expires")))
)).catch((function(t) {
s || e(new Error(t.message))
return l ? function(t, e) {
if (ut(),
return e(null);
var r = ct(t.url);
tt.then((function(t) {
t.match(r).then((function(i) {
var n = function(t) {
if (!t)
return !1;
var e = new Date(t.headers.get("Expires") || 0)
, r = S(t.headers.get("Cache-Control") || "");
return e > && !r["no-cache"]
n && t.put(r, i.clone()),
e(null, i, n)
}(n, u) : u(null, null),
cancel: function() {
s = !0,
o || i.abort()
var vt, _t, xt = function(t, e) {
if (/:\/\//.test(t.url) && !/^https?:|^file:/.test(t.url)) {
if (z() && self.worker &&
return"getResource", t, e);
if (!z()) {
var r = t.url.substring(0, t.url.indexOf("://"));
return (U.REGISTERED_PROTOCOLS[r] || gt)(t, e)
if (!(/^file:/.test(i = t.url) || /^file:/.test(yt()) && !/^\w+:/.test(i))) {
if (a.fetch && a.Request && a.AbortController && a.Request.prototype.hasOwnProperty("signal"))
return gt(t, e);
if (z() && self.worker &&
return"getResource", t, e, void 0, !0)
var i;
return function(t, e) {
var r = new a.XMLHttpRequest;
for (var i in || "GET", t.url, !0),
"arrayBuffer" === t.type && (r.responseType = "arraybuffer"),
r.setRequestHeader(i, t.headers[i]);
return "json" === t.type && (r.responseType = "text",
r.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json")),
r.withCredentials = "include" === t.credentials,
r.onerror = function() {
e(new Error(r.statusText))
r.onload = function() {
if ((r.status >= 200 && r.status < 300 || 0 === r.status) && null !== r.response) {
var i = r.response;
if ("json" === t.type)
try {
i = JSON.parse(r.response)
} catch (t) {
return e(t)
e(null, i, r.getResponseHeader("Cache-Control"), r.getResponseHeader("Expires"))
} else
e(new mt(r.statusText,r.status,t.url))
cancel: function() {
return r.abort()
}(t, e)
}, bt = function(t, e) {
return xt(h(t, {
type: "arrayBuffer"
}), e)
}, wt = function(t, e) {
return xt(h(t, {
method: "POST"
}), e)
vt = [],
_t = 0;
var Ct = function(t, e) {
if (V.supported && (t.headers || (t.headers = {}),
t.headers.accept = "image/webp,*/*"),
var r = {
requestParameters: t,
callback: e,
cancelled: !1,
cancel: function() {
this.cancelled = !0
return vt.push(r),
var i = !1
, n = function() {
if (!i)
for (i = !0,
_t--; vt.length && _t < U.MAX_PARALLEL_IMAGE_REQUESTS; ) {
var t = vt.shift();
t.cancelled || (t.cancel = Ct(t.requestParameters, t.callback).cancel)
, o = bt(t, (function(t, r, i, o) {
t ? e(t) : r && (ft() ? function(t, e) {
var r = new a.Blob([new Uint8Array(t)],{
type: "image/png"
a.createImageBitmap(r).then((function(t) {
e(null, t)
)).catch((function(t) {
e(new Error("Could not load image because of " + t.message + ". Please make sure to use a supported image type such as PNG or JPEG. Note that SVGs are not supported."))
}(r, e) : function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = new a.Image
, o = a.URL;
n.onload = function() {
e(null, n),
n.onload = null,
a.requestAnimationFrame((function() {
n.src = Et
n.onerror = function() {
return e(new Error("Could not load image. Please make sure to use a supported image type such as PNG or JPEG. Note that SVGs are not supported."))
var s = new a.Blob([new Uint8Array(t)],{
type: "image/png"
n.cacheControl = r,
n.expires = i,
n.src = t.byteLength ? o.createObjectURL(s) : Et
}(r, e, i, o))
return {
cancel: function() {
function At(t, e, r) {
r[t] && -1 !== r[t].indexOf(e) || (r[t] = r[t] || [],
function zt(t, e, r) {
if (r && r[t]) {
var i = r[t].indexOf(e);
-1 !== i && r[t].splice(i, 1)
var St = function(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = {}),
h(this, e),
this.type = t
, kt = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {
void 0 === r && (r = {}),, "error", h({
error: e
}, r))
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
, Tt = function() {};
Tt.prototype.on = function(t, e) {
return this._listeners = this._listeners || {},
At(t, e, this._listeners),
, = function(t, e) {
return zt(t, e, this._listeners),
zt(t, e, this._oneTimeListeners),
Tt.prototype.once = function(t, e) {
return this._oneTimeListeners = this._oneTimeListeners || {},
At(t, e, this._oneTimeListeners),
, = function(t, e) {
"string" == typeof t && (t = new St(t,e || {}));
var r = t.type;
if (this.listens(r)) { = this;
for (var i = 0, n = this._listeners && this._listeners[r] ? this._listeners[r].slice() : []; i < n.length; i += 1)
n[i].call(this, t);
for (var o = 0, a = this._oneTimeListeners && this._oneTimeListeners[r] ? this._oneTimeListeners[r].slice() : []; o < a.length; o += 1) {
var s = a[o];
zt(r, s, this._oneTimeListeners),, t)
var l = this._eventedParent;
l && (h(t, "function" == typeof this._eventedParentData ? this._eventedParentData() : this._eventedParentData),
} else
t instanceof kt && console.error(t.error);
return this
Tt.prototype.listens = function(t) {
return this._listeners && this._listeners[t] && this._listeners[t].length > 0 || this._oneTimeListeners && this._oneTimeListeners[t] && this._oneTimeListeners[t].length > 0 || this._eventedParent && this._eventedParent.listens(t)
Tt.prototype.setEventedParent = function(t, e) {
return this._eventedParent = t,
this._eventedParentData = e,
var Dt = {
$version: 8,
$root: {
version: {
required: !0,
type: "enum",
values: [8]
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type: "string"
metadata: {
type: "*"
center: {
type: "array",
value: "number"
zoom: {
type: "number"
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type: "number",
default: 0,
period: 360,
units: "degrees"
pitch: {
type: "number",
default: 0,
units: "degrees"
light: {
type: "light"
sources: {
required: !0,
type: "sources"
sprite: {
type: "string"
glyphs: {
type: "string"
transition: {
type: "transition"
layers: {
required: !0,
type: "array",
value: "layer"
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"*": {
type: "source"
source: ["source_vector", "source_raster", "source_raster_dem", "source_geojson", "source_video", "source_image"],
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required: !0,
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vector: {}
url: {
type: "string"
tiles: {
type: "array",
value: "string"
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type: "array",
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xyz: {},
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default: "xyz"
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type: "number",
default: 0
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type: "number",
default: 22
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type: "string"
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type: "promoteId"
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type: "boolean",
default: !1
"*": {
type: "*"
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type: {
required: !0,
type: "enum",
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raster: {}
url: {
type: "string"
tiles: {
type: "array",
value: "string"
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type: "array",
value: "number",
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default: [-180, -85.051129, 180, 85.051129]
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type: "number",
default: 0
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type: "number",
default: 22
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type: "number",
default: 512,
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type: "enum",
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xyz: {},
tms: {}
default: "xyz"
attribution: {
type: "string"
volatile: {
type: "boolean",
default: !1
"*": {
type: "*"
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type: {
required: !0,
type: "enum",
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"raster-dem": {}
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type: "string"
tiles: {
type: "array",
value: "string"
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type: "array",
value: "number",
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default: [-180, -85.051129, 180, 85.051129]
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type: "number",
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type: "number",
default: 22
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type: "number",
default: 512,
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type: "string"
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type: "enum",
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terrarium: {},
mapbox: {}
default: "mapbox"
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type: "boolean",
default: !1
"*": {
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geojson: {}
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type: "number",
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type: "string"
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minimum: 0
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type: "*"
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type: "number",
default: .375
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type: "boolean",
default: !1
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type: "number",
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type: "number"
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type: "number"
clusterProperties: {
type: "*"
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type: "boolean",
default: !1
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type: "boolean",
default: !1
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type: "promoteId"
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required: !0,
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video: {}
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required: !0,
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required: !0,
type: "array",
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type: "array",
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value: "number"
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image: {}
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type: "array",
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fill: {},
line: {},
symbol: {},
circle: {},
heatmap: {},
"fill-extrusion": {},
raster: {},
hillshade: {},
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"source-layer": {
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visibility: {
type: "enum",
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visible: {},
none: {}
default: "visible",
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"fill-sort-key": {
type: "number",
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interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
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visible: {},
none: {}
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"property-type": "constant"
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"circle-sort-key": {
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"property-type": "data-driven"
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visible: {},
none: {}
default: "visible",
"property-type": "constant"
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type: "enum",
values: {
visible: {},
none: {}
default: "visible",
"property-type": "constant"
"layout_fill-extrusion": {
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type: "enum",
values: {
visible: {},
none: {}
default: "visible",
"property-type": "constant"
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"line-cap": {
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butt: {},
round: {},
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interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
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bevel: {},
round: {},
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default: "miter",
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interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
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"line-join": "miter"
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"line-round-limit": {
type: "number",
default: 1.05,
requires: [{
"line-join": "round"
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"line-sort-key": {
type: "number",
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
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type: "enum",
values: {
visible: {},
none: {}
default: "visible",
"property-type": "constant"
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"symbol-placement": {
type: "enum",
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point: {},
line: {},
"line-center": {}
default: "point",
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interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
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"symbol-placement": "line"
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"symbol-avoid-edges": {
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default: !1,
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interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"symbol-sort-key": {
type: "number",
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
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auto: {},
"viewport-y": {},
source: {}
default: "auto",
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interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"icon-allow-overlap": {
type: "boolean",
default: !1,
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expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"icon-ignore-placement": {
type: "boolean",
default: !1,
requires: ["icon-image"],
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"icon-optional": {
type: "boolean",
default: !1,
requires: ["icon-image", "text-field"],
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"icon-rotation-alignment": {
type: "enum",
values: {
map: {},
viewport: {},
auto: {}
default: "auto",
requires: ["icon-image"],
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"icon-size": {
type: "number",
default: 1,
minimum: 0,
units: "factor of the original icon size",
requires: ["icon-image"],
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
"icon-text-fit": {
type: "enum",
values: {
none: {},
width: {},
height: {},
both: {}
default: "none",
requires: ["icon-image", "text-field"],
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"icon-text-fit-padding": {
type: "array",
value: "number",
length: 4,
default: [0, 0, 0, 0],
units: "pixels",
requires: ["icon-image", "text-field", {
"icon-text-fit": ["both", "width", "height"]
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"icon-image": {
type: "resolvedImage",
tokens: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
"icon-rotate": {
type: "number",
default: 0,
period: 360,
units: "degrees",
requires: ["icon-image"],
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
"icon-padding": {
type: "number",
default: 2,
minimum: 0,
units: "pixels",
requires: ["icon-image"],
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"icon-keep-upright": {
type: "boolean",
default: !1,
requires: ["icon-image", {
"icon-rotation-alignment": "map"
}, {
"symbol-placement": ["line", "line-center"]
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"bottom-right": {}
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visible: {},
none: {}
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"==": {},
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"<": {},
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Point: {},
LineString: {},
Polygon: {}
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rgb: {},
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viewport: {}
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"!": "fill-pattern"
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"!": "fill-pattern"
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"fill-antialias": !0
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"!": "fill-extrusion-pattern"
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map: {},
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interpolated: !0,
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"!": "line-pattern"
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map: {},
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interpolated: !0,
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"!": "line-pattern"
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"!": "line-dasharray"
}, {
"!": "line-pattern"
}, {
source: "geojson",
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lineMetrics: !0
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["line-progress"]
"property-type": "color-ramp"
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"circle-radius": {
type: "number",
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
"circle-color": {
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
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interpolated: !0,
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"circle-opacity": {
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"circle-translate-anchor": {
type: "enum",
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map: {},
viewport: {}
default: "map",
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interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"circle-pitch-scale": {
type: "enum",
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map: {},
viewport: {}
default: "map",
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interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"circle-pitch-alignment": {
type: "enum",
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map: {},
viewport: {}
default: "viewport",
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interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"circle-stroke-width": {
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
"circle-stroke-color": {
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
"circle-stroke-opacity": {
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maximum: 1,
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
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"heatmap-radius": {
type: "number",
default: 30,
minimum: 1,
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expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
"heatmap-weight": {
type: "number",
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minimum: 0,
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
"heatmap-intensity": {
type: "number",
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"heatmap-color": {
type: "color",
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "color-ramp"
"heatmap-opacity": {
type: "number",
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maximum: 1,
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
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"icon-opacity": {
type: "number",
default: 1,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 1,
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expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature", "feature-state"]
"property-type": "data-driven"
"icon-color": {
type: "color",
default: "#000000",
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
"icon-halo-color": {
type: "color",
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
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type: "number",
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
"icon-halo-blur": {
type: "number",
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
"icon-translate": {
type: "array",
value: "number",
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"icon-translate-anchor": {
type: "enum",
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map: {},
viewport: {}
default: "map",
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expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"text-opacity": {
type: "number",
default: 1,
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maximum: 1,
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expression: {
interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
"text-color": {
type: "color",
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-driven"
"text-halo-color": {
type: "color",
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"property-type": "data-driven"
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"property-type": "data-driven"
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"text-translate-anchor": {
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map: {},
viewport: {}
default: "map",
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interpolated: !1,
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"property-type": "data-constant"
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"raster-opacity": {
type: "number",
default: 1,
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maximum: 1,
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interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"raster-hue-rotate": {
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-constant"
"raster-brightness-min": {
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interpolated: !0,
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"property-type": "data-constant"
"raster-brightness-max": {
type: "number",
default: 1,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 1,
transition: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"raster-saturation": {
type: "number",
default: 0,
minimum: -1,
maximum: 1,
transition: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"raster-contrast": {
type: "number",
default: 0,
minimum: -1,
maximum: 1,
transition: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"raster-resampling": {
type: "enum",
values: {
linear: {},
nearest: {}
default: "linear",
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"raster-fade-duration": {
type: "number",
default: 300,
minimum: 0,
transition: !1,
units: "milliseconds",
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
paint_hillshade: {
"hillshade-illumination-direction": {
type: "number",
default: 335,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 359,
transition: !1,
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"hillshade-illumination-anchor": {
type: "enum",
values: {
map: {},
viewport: {}
default: "viewport",
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"hillshade-exaggeration": {
type: "number",
default: .5,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 1,
transition: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"hillshade-shadow-color": {
type: "color",
default: "#000000",
transition: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"hillshade-highlight-color": {
type: "color",
default: "#FFFFFF",
transition: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"hillshade-accent-color": {
type: "color",
default: "#000000",
transition: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
paint_background: {
"background-color": {
type: "color",
default: "#000000",
transition: !0,
requires: [{
"!": "background-pattern"
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
"background-pattern": {
type: "resolvedImage",
transition: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "cross-faded"
"background-opacity": {
type: "number",
default: 1,
minimum: 0,
maximum: 1,
transition: !0,
expression: {
interpolated: !0,
parameters: ["zoom"]
"property-type": "data-constant"
transition: {
duration: {
type: "number",
default: 300,
minimum: 0,
units: "milliseconds"
delay: {
type: "number",
default: 0,
minimum: 0,
units: "milliseconds"
"property-type": {
"data-driven": {
type: "property-type"
"cross-faded": {
type: "property-type"
"cross-faded-data-driven": {
type: "property-type"
"color-ramp": {
type: "property-type"
"data-constant": {
type: "property-type"
constant: {
type: "property-type"
promoteId: {
"*": {
type: "string"
, It = function(t, e, r, i) {
this.message = (t ? t + ": " : "") + r,
i && (this.identifier = i),
null != e && e.__line__ && (this.line = e.__line__)
function Ft(t) {
var e = t.value;
return e ? [new It(t.key,e,"constants have been deprecated as of v8")] : []
function Bt(t) {
for (var e = [], r = arguments.length - 1; r-- > 0; )
e[r] = arguments[r + 1];
for (var i = 0, n = e; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i];
for (var a in o)
t[a] = o[a]
return t
function Pt(t) {
return t instanceof Number || t instanceof String || t instanceof Boolean ? t.valueOf() : t
function Mt(t) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
if (t instanceof Object && !(t instanceof Number || t instanceof String || t instanceof Boolean)) {
var e = {};
for (var r in t)
e[r] = Mt(t[r]);
return e
return Pt(t)
var Lt = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {, r),
this.message = r,
this.key = e
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
, Rt = function(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = []),
this.parent = t,
this.bindings = {};
for (var r = 0, i = e; r < i.length; r += 1) {
var n = i[r];
this.bindings[n[0]] = n[1]
Rt.prototype.concat = function(t) {
return new Rt(this,t)
Rt.prototype.get = function(t) {
if (this.bindings[t])
return this.bindings[t];
if (this.parent)
return this.parent.get(t);
throw new Error(t + " not found in scope.")
Rt.prototype.has = function(t) {
return !!this.bindings[t] || !!this.parent && this.parent.has(t)
var Ot = {
kind: "null"
, Ut = {
kind: "number"
, Vt = {
kind: "string"
, jt = {
kind: "boolean"
, Nt = {
kind: "color"
, qt = {
kind: "object"
, Gt = {
kind: "value"
, Zt = {
kind: "collator"
, Xt = {
kind: "formatted"
, Wt = {
kind: "resolvedImage"
function Ht(t, e) {
return {
kind: "array",
itemType: t,
N: e
function Kt(t) {
if ("array" === t.kind) {
var e = Kt(t.itemType);
return "number" == typeof t.N ? "array<" + e + ", " + t.N + ">" : "value" === t.itemType.kind ? "array" : "array<" + e + ">"
return t.kind
var Jt = [Ot, Ut, Vt, jt, Nt, Xt, qt, Ht(Gt), Wt];
function Yt(t, e) {
if ("error" === e.kind)
return null;
if ("array" === t.kind) {
if ("array" === e.kind && (0 === e.N && "value" === e.itemType.kind || !Yt(t.itemType, e.itemType)) && ("number" != typeof t.N || t.N === e.N))
return null
} else {
if (t.kind === e.kind)
return null;
if ("value" === t.kind)
for (var r = 0, i = Jt; r < i.length; r += 1)
if (!Yt(i[r], e))
return null
return "Expected " + Kt(t) + " but found " + Kt(e) + " instead."
function $t(t, e) {
return e.some((function(e) {
return e.kind === t.kind
function Qt(t, e) {
return e.some((function(e) {
return "null" === e ? null === t : "array" === e ? Array.isArray(t) : "object" === e ? t && !Array.isArray(t) && "object" == typeof t : e === typeof t
var te = e((function(t, e) {
var r = {
transparent: [0, 0, 0, 0],
aliceblue: [240, 248, 255, 1],
antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215, 1],
aqua: [0, 255, 255, 1],
aquamarine: [127, 255, 212, 1],
azure: [240, 255, 255, 1],
beige: [245, 245, 220, 1],
bisque: [255, 228, 196, 1],
black: [0, 0, 0, 1],
blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205, 1],
blue: [0, 0, 255, 1],
blueviolet: [138, 43, 226, 1],
brown: [165, 42, 42, 1],
burlywood: [222, 184, 135, 1],
cadetblue: [95, 158, 160, 1],
chartreuse: [127, 255, 0, 1],
chocolate: [210, 105, 30, 1],
coral: [255, 127, 80, 1],
cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237, 1],
cornsilk: [255, 248, 220, 1],
crimson: [220, 20, 60, 1],
cyan: [0, 255, 255, 1],
darkblue: [0, 0, 139, 1],
darkcyan: [0, 139, 139, 1],
darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11, 1],
darkgray: [169, 169, 169, 1],
darkgreen: [0, 100, 0, 1],
darkgrey: [169, 169, 169, 1],
darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107, 1],
darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139, 1],
darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47, 1],
darkorange: [255, 140, 0, 1],
darkorchid: [153, 50, 204, 1],
darkred: [139, 0, 0, 1],
darksalmon: [233, 150, 122, 1],
darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143, 1],
darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139, 1],
darkslategray: [47, 79, 79, 1],
darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79, 1],
darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209, 1],
darkviolet: [148, 0, 211, 1],
deeppink: [255, 20, 147, 1],
deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255, 1],
dimgray: [105, 105, 105, 1],
dimgrey: [105, 105, 105, 1],
dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255, 1],
firebrick: [178, 34, 34, 1],
floralwhite: [255, 250, 240, 1],
forestgreen: [34, 139, 34, 1],
fuchsia: [255, 0, 255, 1],
gainsboro: [220, 220, 220, 1],
ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255, 1],
gold: [255, 215, 0, 1],
goldenrod: [218, 165, 32, 1],
gray: [128, 128, 128, 1],
green: [0, 128, 0, 1],
greenyellow: [173, 255, 47, 1],
grey: [128, 128, 128, 1],
honeydew: [240, 255, 240, 1],
hotpink: [255, 105, 180, 1],
indianred: [205, 92, 92, 1],
indigo: [75, 0, 130, 1],
ivory: [255, 255, 240, 1],
khaki: [240, 230, 140, 1],
lavender: [230, 230, 250, 1],
lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245, 1],
lawngreen: [124, 252, 0, 1],
lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205, 1],
lightblue: [173, 216, 230, 1],
lightcoral: [240, 128, 128, 1],
lightcyan: [224, 255, 255, 1],
lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210, 1],
lightgray: [211, 211, 211, 1],
lightgreen: [144, 238, 144, 1],
lightgrey: [211, 211, 211, 1],
lightpink: [255, 182, 193, 1],
lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122, 1],
lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170, 1],
lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250, 1],
lightslategray: [119, 136, 153, 1],
lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153, 1],
lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222, 1],
lightyellow: [255, 255, 224, 1],
lime: [0, 255, 0, 1],
limegreen: [50, 205, 50, 1],
linen: [250, 240, 230, 1],
magenta: [255, 0, 255, 1],
maroon: [128, 0, 0, 1],
mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170, 1],
mediumblue: [0, 0, 205, 1],
mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211, 1],
mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219, 1],
mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113, 1],
mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238, 1],
mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154, 1],
mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204, 1],
mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133, 1],
midnightblue: [25, 25, 112, 1],
mintcream: [245, 255, 250, 1],
mistyrose: [255, 228, 225, 1],
moccasin: [255, 228, 181, 1],
navajowhite: [255, 222, 173, 1],
navy: [0, 0, 128, 1],
oldlace: [253, 245, 230, 1],
olive: [128, 128, 0, 1],
olivedrab: [107, 142, 35, 1],
orange: [255, 165, 0, 1],
orangered: [255, 69, 0, 1],
orchid: [218, 112, 214, 1],
palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170, 1],
palegreen: [152, 251, 152, 1],
paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238, 1],
palevioletred: [219, 112, 147, 1],
papayawhip: [255, 239, 213, 1],
peachpuff: [255, 218, 185, 1],
peru: [205, 133, 63, 1],
pink: [255, 192, 203, 1],
plum: [221, 160, 221, 1],
powderblue: [176, 224, 230, 1],
purple: [128, 0, 128, 1],
rebeccapurple: [102, 51, 153, 1],
red: [255, 0, 0, 1],
rosybrown: [188, 143, 143, 1],
royalblue: [65, 105, 225, 1],
saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19, 1],
salmon: [250, 128, 114, 1],
sandybrown: [244, 164, 96, 1],
seagreen: [46, 139, 87, 1],
seashell: [255, 245, 238, 1],
sienna: [160, 82, 45, 1],
silver: [192, 192, 192, 1],
skyblue: [135, 206, 235, 1],
slateblue: [106, 90, 205, 1],
slategray: [112, 128, 144, 1],
slategrey: [112, 128, 144, 1],
snow: [255, 250, 250, 1],
springgreen: [0, 255, 127, 1],
steelblue: [70, 130, 180, 1],
tan: [210, 180, 140, 1],
teal: [0, 128, 128, 1],
thistle: [216, 191, 216, 1],
tomato: [255, 99, 71, 1],
turquoise: [64, 224, 208, 1],
violet: [238, 130, 238, 1],
wheat: [245, 222, 179, 1],
white: [255, 255, 255, 1],
whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245, 1],
yellow: [255, 255, 0, 1],
yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50, 1]
function i(t) {
return (t = Math.round(t)) < 0 ? 0 : t > 255 ? 255 : t
function n(t) {
return i("%" === t[t.length - 1] ? parseFloat(t) / 100 * 255 : parseInt(t))
function o(t) {
return (e = "%" === t[t.length - 1] ? parseFloat(t) / 100 : parseFloat(t)) < 0 ? 0 : e > 1 ? 1 : e;
var e
function a(t, e, r) {
return r < 0 ? r += 1 : r > 1 && (r -= 1),
6 * r < 1 ? t + (e - t) * r * 6 : 2 * r < 1 ? e : 3 * r < 2 ? t + (e - t) * (2 / 3 - r) * 6 : t
try {
e.parseCSSColor = function(t) {
var e, s = t.replace(/ /g, "").toLowerCase();
if (s in r)
return r[s].slice();
if ("#" === s[0])
return 4 === s.length ? (e = parseInt(s.substr(1), 16)) >= 0 && e <= 4095 ? [(3840 & e) >> 4 | (3840 & e) >> 8, 240 & e | (240 & e) >> 4, 15 & e | (15 & e) << 4, 1] : null : 7 === s.length && (e = parseInt(s.substr(1), 16)) >= 0 && e <= 16777215 ? [(16711680 & e) >> 16, (65280 & e) >> 8, 255 & e, 1] : null;
var l = s.indexOf("(")
, u = s.indexOf(")");
if (-1 !== l && u + 1 === s.length) {
var c = s.substr(0, l)
, p = s.substr(l + 1, u - (l + 1)).split(",")
, h = 1;
switch (c) {
case "rgba":
if (4 !== p.length)
return null;
h = o(p.pop());
case "rgb":
return 3 !== p.length ? null : [n(p[0]), n(p[1]), n(p[2]), h];
case "hsla":
if (4 !== p.length)
return null;
h = o(p.pop());
case "hsl":
if (3 !== p.length)
return null;
var f = (parseFloat(p[0]) % 360 + 360) % 360 / 360
, d = o(p[1])
, m = o(p[2])
, y = m <= .5 ? m * (d + 1) : m + d - m * d
, g = 2 * m - y;
return [i(255 * a(g, y, f + 1 / 3)), i(255 * a(g, y, f)), i(255 * a(g, y, f - 1 / 3)), h];
return null
return null
} catch (t) {}
, ee = function(t, e, r, i) {
void 0 === i && (i = 1),
this.r = t,
this.g = e,
this.b = r,
this.a = i
ee.parse = function(t) {
if (t) {
if (t instanceof ee)
return t;
if ("string" == typeof t) {
var e = te(t);
if (e)
return new ee(e[0] / 255 * e[3],e[1] / 255 * e[3],e[2] / 255 * e[3],e[3])
ee.prototype.toString = function() {
var t = this.toArray()
, e = t[1]
, r = t[2]
, i = t[3];
return "rgba(" + Math.round(t[0]) + "," + Math.round(e) + "," + Math.round(r) + "," + i + ")"
ee.prototype.toArray = function() {
var t = this.a;
return 0 === t ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : [255 * this.r / t, 255 * this.g / t, 255 * this.b / t, t]
, = new ee(0,0,0,1),
ee.white = new ee(1,1,1,1),
ee.transparent = new ee(0,0,0,0), = new ee(1,0,0,1);
var re = function(t, e, r) {
this.sensitivity = t ? e ? "variant" : "case" : e ? "accent" : "base",
this.locale = r,
this.collator = new Intl.Collator(this.locale ? this.locale : [],{
sensitivity: this.sensitivity,
usage: "search"
}; = function(t, e) {
return, e)
re.prototype.resolvedLocale = function() {
return new Intl.Collator(this.locale ? this.locale : []).resolvedOptions().locale
var ie = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
this.text = t,
this.image = e,
this.scale = r,
this.fontStack = i,
this.textColor = n
, ne = function(t) {
this.sections = t
ne.fromString = function(t) {
return new ne([new ie(t,null,null,null,null)])
ne.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.sections.length || !this.sections.some((function(t) {
return 0 !== t.text.length || t.image && 0 !==
ne.factory = function(t) {
return t instanceof ne ? t : ne.fromString(t)
ne.prototype.toString = function() {
return 0 === this.sections.length ? "" : {
return t.text
ne.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t = ["format"], e = 0, r = this.sections; e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e];
if (i.image)
else {
var n = {};
i.fontStack && (n["text-font"] = ["literal", i.fontStack.split(",")]),
i.scale && (n["font-scale"] = i.scale),
i.textColor && (n["text-color"] = ["rgba"].concat(i.textColor.toArray())),
return t
var oe = function(t) { =,
this.available = t.available
function ae(t, e, r, i) {
return "number" == typeof t && t >= 0 && t <= 255 && "number" == typeof e && e >= 0 && e <= 255 && "number" == typeof r && r >= 0 && r <= 255 ? void 0 === i || "number" == typeof i && i >= 0 && i <= 1 ? null : "Invalid rgba value [" + [t, e, r, i].join(", ") + "]: 'a' must be between 0 and 1." : "Invalid rgba value [" + ("number" == typeof i ? [t, e, r, i] : [t, e, r]).join(", ") + "]: 'r', 'g', and 'b' must be between 0 and 255."
function se(t) {
if (null === t)
return !0;
if ("string" == typeof t)
return !0;
if ("boolean" == typeof t)
return !0;
if ("number" == typeof t)
return !0;
if (t instanceof ee)
return !0;
if (t instanceof re)
return !0;
if (t instanceof ne)
return !0;
if (t instanceof oe)
return !0;
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (var e = 0, r = t; e < r.length; e += 1)
if (!se(r[e]))
return !1;
return !0
if ("object" == typeof t) {
for (var i in t)
if (!se(t[i]))
return !1;
return !0
return !1
function le(t) {
if (null === t)
return Ot;
if ("string" == typeof t)
return Vt;
if ("boolean" == typeof t)
return jt;
if ("number" == typeof t)
return Ut;
if (t instanceof ee)
return Nt;
if (t instanceof re)
return Zt;
if (t instanceof ne)
return Xt;
if (t instanceof oe)
return Wt;
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (var e, r = t.length, i = 0, n = t; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = le(n[i]);
if (e) {
if (e === o)
e = Gt;
e = o
return Ht(e || Gt, r)
return qt
function ue(t) {
var e = typeof t;
return null === t ? "" : "string" === e || "number" === e || "boolean" === e ? String(t) : t instanceof ee || t instanceof ne || t instanceof oe ? t.toString() : JSON.stringify(t)
oe.prototype.toString = function() {
oe.fromString = function(t) {
return t ? new oe({
name: t,
available: !1
}) : null
oe.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["image",]
var ce = function(t, e) {
this.type = t,
this.value = e
ce.parse = function(t, e) {
if (2 !== t.length)
return e.error("'literal' expression requires exactly one argument, but found " + (t.length - 1) + " instead.");
if (!se(t[1]))
return e.error("invalid value");
var r = t[1]
, i = le(r)
, n = e.expectedType;
return "array" !== i.kind || 0 !== i.N || !n || "array" !== n.kind || "number" == typeof n.N && 0 !== n.N || (i = n),
new ce(i,r)
ce.prototype.evaluate = function() {
return this.value
ce.prototype.eachChild = function() {}
ce.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !0
ce.prototype.serialize = function() {
return "array" === this.type.kind || "object" === this.type.kind ? ["literal", this.value] : this.value instanceof ee ? ["rgba"].concat(this.value.toArray()) : this.value instanceof ne ? this.value.serialize() : this.value
var pe = function(t) { = "ExpressionEvaluationError",
this.message = t
pe.prototype.toJSON = function() {
return this.message
var he = {
string: Vt,
number: Ut,
boolean: jt,
object: qt
, fe = function(t, e) {
this.type = t,
this.args = e
fe.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length < 2)
return e.error("Expected at least one argument.");
var r, i = 1, n = t[0];
if ("array" === n) {
var o, a;
if (t.length > 2) {
var s = t[1];
if ("string" != typeof s || !(s in he) || "object" === s)
return e.error('The item type argument of "array" must be one of string, number, boolean', 1);
o = he[s],
} else
o = Gt;
if (t.length > 3) {
if (null !== t[2] && ("number" != typeof t[2] || t[2] < 0 || t[2] !== Math.floor(t[2])))
return e.error('The length argument to "array" must be a positive integer literal', 2);
a = t[2],
r = Ht(o, a)
} else
r = he[n];
for (var l = []; i < t.length; i++) {
var u = e.parse(t[i], i, Gt);
if (!u)
return null;
return new fe(r,l)
fe.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this.args.length; e++) {
var r = this.args[e].evaluate(t);
if (!Yt(this.type, le(r)))
return r;
if (e === this.args.length - 1)
throw new pe("Expected value to be of type " + Kt(this.type) + ", but found " + Kt(le(r)) + " instead.")
return null
fe.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
fe.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.args.every((function(t) {
return t.outputDefined()
fe.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = this.type
, e = [t.kind];
if ("array" === t.kind) {
var r = t.itemType;
if ("string" === r.kind || "number" === r.kind || "boolean" === r.kind) {
var i = t.N;
("number" == typeof i || this.args.length > 1) && e.push(i)
return e.concat( {
return t.serialize()
var de = function(t) {
this.type = Xt,
this.sections = t
de.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length < 2)
return e.error("Expected at least one argument.");
var r = t[1];
if (!Array.isArray(r) && "object" == typeof r)
return e.error("First argument must be an image or text section.");
for (var i = [], n = !1, o = 1; o <= t.length - 1; ++o) {
var a = t[o];
if (n && "object" == typeof a && !Array.isArray(a)) {
n = !1;
var s = null;
if (a["font-scale"] && !(s = e.parse(a["font-scale"], 1, Ut)))
return null;
var l = null;
if (a["text-font"] && !(l = e.parse(a["text-font"], 1, Ht(Vt))))
return null;
var u = null;
if (a["text-color"] && !(u = e.parse(a["text-color"], 1, Nt)))
return null;
var c = i[i.length - 1];
c.scale = s,
c.font = l,
c.textColor = u
} else {
var p = e.parse(t[o], 1, Gt);
if (!p)
return null;
var h = p.type.kind;
if ("string" !== h && "value" !== h && "null" !== h && "resolvedImage" !== h)
return e.error("Formatted text type must be 'string', 'value', 'image' or 'null'.");
n = !0,
content: p,
scale: null,
font: null,
textColor: null
return new de(i)
de.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
return new ne( {
var r = e.content.evaluate(t);
return le(r) === Wt ? new ie("",r,null,null,null) : new ie(ue(r),null,e.scale ? e.scale.evaluate(t) : null,e.font ? e.font.evaluate(t).join(",") : null,e.textColor ? e.textColor.evaluate(t) : null)
de.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = this.sections; e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e];
i.scale && t(i.scale),
i.font && t(i.font),
i.textColor && t(i.textColor)
de.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
de.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t = ["format"], e = 0, r = this.sections; e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e];
var n = {};
i.scale && (n["font-scale"] = i.scale.serialize()),
i.font && (n["text-font"] = i.font.serialize()),
i.textColor && (n["text-color"] = i.textColor.serialize()),
return t
var me = function(t) {
this.type = Wt,
this.input = t
me.parse = function(t, e) {
if (2 !== t.length)
return e.error("Expected two arguments.");
var r = e.parse(t[1], 1, Vt);
return r ? new me(r) : e.error("No image name provided.")
me.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
var e = this.input.evaluate(t)
, r = oe.fromString(e);
return r && t.availableImages && (r.available = t.availableImages.indexOf(e) > -1),
me.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
me.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
me.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["image", this.input.serialize()]
var ye = {
"to-boolean": jt,
"to-color": Nt,
"to-number": Ut,
"to-string": Vt
, ge = function(t, e) {
this.type = t,
this.args = e
ge.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length < 2)
return e.error("Expected at least one argument.");
var r = t[0];
if (("to-boolean" === r || "to-string" === r) && 2 !== t.length)
return e.error("Expected one argument.");
for (var i = ye[r], n = [], o = 1; o < t.length; o++) {
var a = e.parse(t[o], o, Gt);
if (!a)
return null;
return new ge(i,n)
ge.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
if ("boolean" === this.type.kind)
return Boolean(this.args[0].evaluate(t));
if ("color" === this.type.kind) {
for (var e, r, i = 0, n = this.args; i < n.length; i += 1) {
if (r = null,
(e = n[i].evaluate(t))instanceof ee)
return e;
if ("string" == typeof e) {
var o = t.parseColor(e);
if (o)
return o
} else if (Array.isArray(e) && !(r = e.length < 3 || e.length > 4 ? "Invalid rbga value " + JSON.stringify(e) + ": expected an array containing either three or four numeric values." : ae(e[0], e[1], e[2], e[3])))
return new ee(e[0] / 255,e[1] / 255,e[2] / 255,e[3])
throw new pe(r || "Could not parse color from value '" + ("string" == typeof e ? e : String(JSON.stringify(e))) + "'")
if ("number" === this.type.kind) {
for (var a = null, s = 0, l = this.args; s < l.length; s += 1) {
if (null === (a = l[s].evaluate(t)))
return 0;
var u = Number(a);
if (!isNaN(u))
return u
throw new pe("Could not convert " + JSON.stringify(a) + " to number.")
return "formatted" === this.type.kind ? ne.fromString(ue(this.args[0].evaluate(t))) : "resolvedImage" === this.type.kind ? oe.fromString(ue(this.args[0].evaluate(t))) : ue(this.args[0].evaluate(t))
ge.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
ge.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.args.every((function(t) {
return t.outputDefined()
ge.prototype.serialize = function() {
if ("formatted" === this.type.kind)
return new de([{
content: this.args[0],
scale: null,
font: null,
textColor: null
if ("resolvedImage" === this.type.kind)
return new me(this.args[0]).serialize();
var t = ["to-" + this.type.kind];
return this.eachChild((function(e) {
var ve = ["Unknown", "Point", "LineString", "Polygon"]
, _e = function() {
this.globals = null,
this.feature = null,
this.featureState = null,
this.formattedSection = null,
this._parseColorCache = {},
this.availableImages = null,
this.canonical = null
}; = function() {
return this.feature && "id"in this.feature ? : null
_e.prototype.geometryType = function() {
return this.feature ? "number" == typeof this.feature.type ? ve[this.feature.type] : this.feature.type : null
_e.prototype.geometry = function() {
return this.feature && "geometry"in this.feature ? this.feature.geometry : null
_e.prototype.canonicalID = function() {
return this.canonical
, = function() {
return this.feature && || {}
_e.prototype.parseColor = function(t) {
var e = this._parseColorCache[t];
return e || (e = this._parseColorCache[t] = ee.parse(t)),
var xe = function(t, e, r, i) { = t,
this.type = e,
this._evaluate = r,
this.args = i
xe.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
return this._evaluate(t, this.args)
xe.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
xe.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
xe.prototype.serialize = function() {
return [].concat( {
return t.serialize()
xe.parse = function(t, e) {
var r, i = t[0], n = xe.definitions[i];
if (!n)
return e.error('Unknown expression "' + i + '". If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", [...]].', 0);
for (var o = Array.isArray(n) ? n[0] : n.type, a = Array.isArray(n) ? [[n[1], n[2]]] : n.overloads, s = a.filter((function(e) {
var r = e[0];
return !Array.isArray(r) || r.length === t.length - 1
)), l = null, u = 0, c = s; u < c.length; u += 1) {
var p = c[u]
, h = p[0]
, f = p[1];
l = new Ne(e.registry,e.path,null,e.scope);
for (var d = [], m = !1, y = 1; y < t.length; y++) {
var g = t[y]
, v = Array.isArray(h) ? h[y - 1] : h.type
, _ = l.parse(g, 1 + d.length, v);
if (!_) {
m = !0;
if (!m)
if (Array.isArray(h) && h.length !== d.length)
l.error("Expected " + h.length + " arguments, but found " + d.length + " instead.");
else {
for (var x = 0; x < d.length; x++) {
var b = Array.isArray(h) ? h[x] : h.type
, w = d[x];
l.concat(x + 1).checkSubtype(b, w.type)
if (0 === l.errors.length)
return new xe(i,o,f,d)
if (1 === s.length)
(r = e.errors).push.apply(r, l.errors);
else {
for (var E = (s.length ? s : a).map((function(t) {
var e;
return e = t[0],
Array.isArray(e) ? "(" +", ") + ")" : "(" + Kt(e.type) + "...)"
)).join(" | "), C = [], A = 1; A < t.length; A++) {
var z = e.parse(t[A], 1 + C.length);
if (!z)
return null;
e.error("Expected arguments of type " + E + ", but found (" + C.join(", ") + ") instead.")
return null
xe.register = function(t, e) {
for (var r in xe.definitions = e,
t[r] = xe
var be = function(t, e, r) {
this.type = Zt,
this.locale = r,
this.caseSensitive = t,
this.diacriticSensitive = e
function we(t, e) {
t[0] = Math.min(t[0], e[0]),
t[1] = Math.min(t[1], e[1]),
t[2] = Math.max(t[2], e[0]),
t[3] = Math.max(t[3], e[1])
function Ee(t, e) {
return !(t[0] <= e[0] || t[2] >= e[2] || t[1] <= e[1] || t[3] >= e[3])
function Ce(t, e) {
var r = (180 + t[0]) / 360
, i = (180 - 180 / Math.PI * Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI / 4 + t[1] * Math.PI / 360))) / 360
, n = Math.pow(2, e.z);
return [Math.round(r * n * 8192), Math.round(i * n * 8192)]
function Ae(t, e, r) {
return e[1] > t[1] != r[1] > t[1] && t[0] < (r[0] - e[0]) * (t[1] - e[1]) / (r[1] - e[1]) + e[0]
function ze(t, e) {
for (var r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u = !1, c = 0, p = e.length; c < p; c++)
for (var h = e[c], f = 0, d = h.length; f < d - 1; f++) {
if ((o = (r = t)[0] - (i = h[f])[0]) * (l = r[1] - (n = h[f + 1])[1]) - (s = r[0] - n[0]) * (a = r[1] - i[1]) == 0 && o * s <= 0 && a * l <= 0)
return !1;
Ae(t, h[f], h[f + 1]) && (u = !u)
return u
function Se(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
if (ze(t, e[r]))
return !0;
return !1
function ke(t, e, r, i) {
var n = i[0] - r[0]
, o = i[1] - r[1]
, a = (t[0] - r[0]) * o - n * (t[1] - r[1])
, s = (e[0] - r[0]) * o - n * (e[1] - r[1]);
return a > 0 && s < 0 || a < 0 && s > 0
function Te(t, e, r) {
for (var i = 0, n = r; i < n.length; i += 1)
for (var o = n[i], a = 0; a < o.length - 1; ++a)
if (0 != (p = [(c = o[a + 1])[0] - (u = o[a])[0], c[1] - u[1]])[0] * (h = [(l = e)[0] - (s = t)[0], l[1] - s[1]])[1] - p[1] * h[0] && ke(s, l, u, c) && ke(u, c, s, l))
return !0;
var s, l, u, c, p, h;
return !1
function De(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; ++r)
if (!ze(t[r], e))
return !1;
for (var i = 0; i < t.length - 1; ++i)
if (Te(t[i], t[i + 1], e))
return !1;
return !0
function Ie(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
if (De(t, e[r]))
return !0;
return !1
function Fe(t, e, r) {
for (var i = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
for (var o = [], a = 0; a < t[n].length; a++) {
var s = Ce(t[n][a], r);
we(e, s),
return i
function Be(t, e, r) {
for (var i = [], n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var o = Fe(t[n], e, r);
return i
function Pe(t, e, r, i) {
if (t[0] < r[0] || t[0] > r[2]) {
var n = .5 * i
, o = t[0] - r[0] > n ? -i : r[0] - t[0] > n ? i : 0;
0 === o && (o = t[0] - r[2] > n ? -i : r[2] - t[0] > n ? i : 0),
t[0] += o
we(e, t)
function Me(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n = 8192 * Math.pow(2, i.z), o = [8192 * i.x, 8192 * i.y], a = [], s = 0, l = t; s < l.length; s += 1)
for (var u = 0, c = l[s]; u < c.length; u += 1) {
var p = c[u]
, h = [p.x + o[0], p.y + o[1]];
Pe(h, e, r, n),
return a
function Le(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n, o = 8192 * Math.pow(2, i.z), a = [8192 * i.x, 8192 * i.y], s = [], l = 0, u = t; l < u.length; l += 1) {
for (var c = [], p = 0, h = u[l]; p < h.length; p += 1) {
var f = h[p]
, d = [f.x + a[0], f.y + a[1]];
we(e, d),
if (e[2] - e[0] <= o / 2) {
(n = e)[0] = n[1] = 1 / 0,
n[2] = n[3] = -1 / 0;
for (var m = 0, y = s; m < y.length; m += 1)
for (var g = 0, v = y[m]; g < v.length; g += 1)
Pe(v[g], e, r, o)
return s
be.parse = function(t, e) {
if (2 !== t.length)
return e.error("Expected one argument.");
var r = t[1];
if ("object" != typeof r || Array.isArray(r))
return e.error("Collator options argument must be an object.");
var i = e.parse(void 0 !== r["case-sensitive"] && r["case-sensitive"], 1, jt);
if (!i)
return null;
var n = e.parse(void 0 !== r["diacritic-sensitive"] && r["diacritic-sensitive"], 1, jt);
if (!n)
return null;
var o = null;
return r.locale && !(o = e.parse(r.locale, 1, Vt)) ? null : new be(i,n,o)
be.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
return new re(this.caseSensitive.evaluate(t),this.diacriticSensitive.evaluate(t),this.locale ? this.locale.evaluate(t) : null)
be.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
this.locale && t(this.locale)
be.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
be.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return t["case-sensitive"] = this.caseSensitive.serialize(),
t["diacritic-sensitive"] = this.diacriticSensitive.serialize(),
this.locale && (t.locale = this.locale.serialize()),
["collator", t]
var Re = function(t, e) {
this.type = jt,
this.geojson = t,
this.geometries = e
function Oe(t) {
if (t instanceof xe) {
if ("get" === && 1 === t.args.length)
return !1;
if ("feature-state" ===
return !1;
if ("has" === && 1 === t.args.length)
return !1;
if ("properties" === || "geometry-type" === || "id" ===
return !1;
if (/^filter-/.test(
return !1
if (t instanceof Re)
return !1;
var e = !0;
return t.eachChild((function(t) {
e && !Oe(t) && (e = !1)
function Ue(t) {
if (t instanceof xe && "feature-state" ===
return !1;
var e = !0;
return t.eachChild((function(t) {
e && !Ue(t) && (e = !1)
function Ve(t, e) {
if (t instanceof xe && e.indexOf( >= 0)
return !1;
var r = !0;
return t.eachChild((function(t) {
r && !Ve(t, e) && (r = !1)
Re.parse = function(t, e) {
if (2 !== t.length)
return e.error("'within' expression requires exactly one argument, but found " + (t.length - 1) + " instead.");
if (se(t[1])) {
var r = t[1];
if ("FeatureCollection" === r.type)
for (var i = 0; i < r.features.length; ++i) {
var n = r.features[i].geometry.type;
if ("Polygon" === n || "MultiPolygon" === n)
return new Re(r,r.features[i].geometry)
else if ("Feature" === r.type) {
var o = r.geometry.type;
if ("Polygon" === o || "MultiPolygon" === o)
return new Re(r,r.geometry)
} else if ("Polygon" === r.type || "MultiPolygon" === r.type)
return new Re(r,r)
return e.error("'within' expression requires valid geojson object that contains polygon geometry type.")
Re.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
if (null != t.geometry() && null != t.canonicalID()) {
if ("Point" === t.geometryType())
return function(t, e) {
var r = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0]
, i = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0]
, n = t.canonicalID();
if ("Polygon" === e.type) {
var o = Fe(e.coordinates, i, n)
, a = Me(t.geometry(), r, i, n);
if (!Ee(r, i))
return !1;
for (var s = 0, l = a; s < l.length; s += 1)
if (!ze(l[s], o))
return !1
if ("MultiPolygon" === e.type) {
var u = Be(e.coordinates, i, n)
, c = Me(t.geometry(), r, i, n);
if (!Ee(r, i))
return !1;
for (var p = 0, h = c; p < h.length; p += 1)
if (!Se(h[p], u))
return !1
return !0
}(t, this.geometries);
if ("LineString" === t.geometryType())
return function(t, e) {
var r = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0]
, i = [1 / 0, 1 / 0, -1 / 0, -1 / 0]
, n = t.canonicalID();
if ("Polygon" === e.type) {
var o = Fe(e.coordinates, i, n)
, a = Le(t.geometry(), r, i, n);
if (!Ee(r, i))
return !1;
for (var s = 0, l = a; s < l.length; s += 1)
if (!De(l[s], o))
return !1
if ("MultiPolygon" === e.type) {
var u = Be(e.coordinates, i, n)
, c = Le(t.geometry(), r, i, n);
if (!Ee(r, i))
return !1;
for (var p = 0, h = c; p < h.length; p += 1)
if (!Ie(h[p], u))
return !1
return !0
}(t, this.geometries)
return !1
Re.prototype.eachChild = function() {}
Re.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !0
Re.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["within", this.geojson]
var je = function(t, e) {
this.type = e.type, = t,
this.boundExpression = e
je.parse = function(t, e) {
if (2 !== t.length || "string" != typeof t[1])
return e.error("'var' expression requires exactly one string literal argument.");
var r = t[1];
return e.scope.has(r) ? new je(r,e.scope.get(r)) : e.error('Unknown variable "' + r + '". Make sure "' + r + '" has been bound in an enclosing "let" expression before using it.', 1)
je.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
return this.boundExpression.evaluate(t)
je.prototype.eachChild = function() {}
je.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
je.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["var",]
var Ne = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
void 0 === e && (e = []),
void 0 === i && (i = new Rt),
void 0 === n && (n = []),
this.registry = t,
this.path = e,
this.key = {
return "[" + t + "]"
this.scope = i,
this.errors = n,
this.expectedType = r
function qe(t, e) {
for (var r, i = t.length - 1, n = 0, o = i, a = 0; n <= o; )
if ((r = t[a = Math.floor((n + o) / 2)]) <= e) {
if (a === i || e < t[a + 1])
return a;
n = a + 1
} else {
if (!(r > e))
throw new pe("Input is not a number.");
o = a - 1
return 0
Ne.prototype.parse = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
return void 0 === n && (n = {}),
e ? this.concat(e, r, i)._parse(t, n) : this._parse(t, n)
Ne.prototype._parse = function(t, e) {
function r(t, e, r) {
return "assert" === r ? new fe(e,[t]) : "coerce" === r ? new ge(e,[t]) : t
if (null !== t && "string" != typeof t && "boolean" != typeof t && "number" != typeof t || (t = ["literal", t]),
Array.isArray(t)) {
if (0 === t.length)
return this.error('Expected an array with at least one element. If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", []].');
var i = t[0];
if ("string" != typeof i)
return this.error("Expression name must be a string, but found " + typeof i + ' instead. If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", [...]].', 0),
var n = this.registry[i];
if (n) {
var o = n.parse(t, this);
if (!o)
return null;
if (this.expectedType) {
var a = this.expectedType
, s = o.type;
if ("string" !== a.kind && "number" !== a.kind && "boolean" !== a.kind && "object" !== a.kind && "array" !== a.kind || "value" !== s.kind)
if ("color" !== a.kind && "formatted" !== a.kind && "resolvedImage" !== a.kind || "value" !== s.kind && "string" !== s.kind) {
if (this.checkSubtype(a, s))
return null
} else
o = r(o, a, e.typeAnnotation || "coerce");
o = r(o, a, e.typeAnnotation || "assert")
if (!(o instanceof ce) && "resolvedImage" !== o.type.kind && function t(e) {
if (e instanceof je)
return t(e.boundExpression);
if (e instanceof xe && "error" ===
return !1;
if (e instanceof be)
return !1;
if (e instanceof Re)
return !1;
var r = e instanceof ge || e instanceof fe
, i = !0;
return e.eachChild((function(e) {
i = r ? i && t(e) : i && e instanceof ce
!!i && Oe(e) && Ve(e, ["zoom", "heatmap-density", "line-progress", "accumulated", "is-supported-script"])
}(o)) {
var l = new _e;
try {
o = new ce(o.type,o.evaluate(l))
} catch (t) {
return this.error(t.message),
return o
return this.error('Unknown expression "' + i + '". If you wanted a literal array, use ["literal", [...]].', 0)
return this.error(void 0 === t ? "'undefined' value invalid. Use null instead." : "object" == typeof t ? 'Bare objects invalid. Use ["literal", {...}] instead.' : "Expected an array, but found " + typeof t + " instead.")
Ne.prototype.concat = function(t, e, r) {
var i = "number" == typeof t ? this.path.concat(t) : this.path
, n = r ? this.scope.concat(r) : this.scope;
return new Ne(this.registry,i,e || null,n,this.errors)
Ne.prototype.error = function(t) {
for (var e = [], r = arguments.length - 1; r-- > 0; )
e[r] = arguments[r + 1];
var i = "" + this.key + {
return "[" + t + "]"
this.errors.push(new Lt(i,t))
Ne.prototype.checkSubtype = function(t, e) {
var r = Yt(t, e);
return r && this.error(r),
var Ge = function(t, e, r) {
this.type = t,
this.input = e,
this.labels = [],
this.outputs = [];
for (var i = 0, n = r; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i]
, a = o[1];
function Ze(t, e, r) {
return t * (1 - r) + e * r
Ge.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length - 1 < 4)
return e.error("Expected at least 4 arguments, but found only " + (t.length - 1) + ".");
if ((t.length - 1) % 2 != 0)
return e.error("Expected an even number of arguments.");
var r = e.parse(t[1], 1, Ut);
if (!r)
return null;
var i = []
, n = null;
e.expectedType && "value" !== e.expectedType.kind && (n = e.expectedType);
for (var o = 1; o < t.length; o += 2) {
var a = 1 === o ? -1 / 0 : t[o]
, s = t[o + 1]
, l = o
, u = o + 1;
if ("number" != typeof a)
return e.error('Input/output pairs for "step" expressions must be defined using literal numeric values (not computed expressions) for the input values.', l);
if (i.length && i[i.length - 1][0] >= a)
return e.error('Input/output pairs for "step" expressions must be arranged with input values in strictly ascending order.', l);
var c = e.parse(s, u, n);
if (!c)
return null;
n = n || c.type,
i.push([a, c])
return new Ge(n,r,i)
Ge.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
var e = this.labels
, r = this.outputs;
if (1 === e.length)
return r[0].evaluate(t);
var i = this.input.evaluate(t);
if (i <= e[0])
return r[0].evaluate(t);
var n = e.length;
return i >= e[n - 1] ? r[n - 1].evaluate(t) : r[qe(e, i)].evaluate(t)
Ge.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = this.outputs; e < r.length; e += 1)
Ge.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.outputs.every((function(t) {
return t.outputDefined()
Ge.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t = ["step", this.input.serialize()], e = 0; e < this.labels.length; e++)
e > 0 && t.push(this.labels[e]),
return t
var Xe = Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
number: Ze,
color: function(t, e, r) {
return new ee(Ze(t.r, e.r, r),Ze(t.g, e.g, r),Ze(t.b, e.b, r),Ze(t.a, e.a, r))
array: function(t, e, r) {
return, i) {
return Ze(t, e[i], r)
, We = 6 / 29 * 3 * (6 / 29)
, He = Math.PI / 180
, Ke = 180 / Math.PI;
function Je(t) {
return t > .008856451679035631 ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : t / We + 4 / 29
function Ye(t) {
return t > 6 / 29 ? t * t * t : We * (t - 4 / 29)
function $e(t) {
return 255 * (t <= .0031308 ? 12.92 * t : 1.055 * Math.pow(t, 1 / 2.4) - .055)
function Qe(t) {
return (t /= 255) <= .04045 ? t / 12.92 : Math.pow((t + .055) / 1.055, 2.4)
function tr(t) {
var e = Qe(t.r)
, r = Qe(t.g)
, i = Qe(t.b)
, n = Je((.4124564 * e + .3575761 * r + .1804375 * i) / .95047)
, o = Je((.2126729 * e + .7151522 * r + .072175 * i) / 1);
return {
l: 116 * o - 16,
a: 500 * (n - o),
b: 200 * (o - Je((.0193339 * e + .119192 * r + .9503041 * i) / 1.08883)),
alpha: t.a
function er(t) {
var e = (t.l + 16) / 116
, r = isNaN(t.a) ? e : e + t.a / 500
, i = isNaN(t.b) ? e : e - t.b / 200;
return e = 1 * Ye(e),
r = .95047 * Ye(r),
i = 1.08883 * Ye(i),
new ee($e(3.2404542 * r - 1.5371385 * e - .4985314 * i),$e(-.969266 * r + 1.8760108 * e + .041556 * i),$e(.0556434 * r - .2040259 * e + 1.0572252 * i),t.alpha)
function rr(t, e, r) {
var i = e - t;
return t + r * (i > 180 || i < -180 ? i - 360 * Math.round(i / 360) : i)
var ir = {
forward: tr,
reverse: er,
interpolate: function(t, e, r) {
return {
l: Ze(t.l, e.l, r),
a: Ze(t.a, e.a, r),
b: Ze(t.b, e.b, r),
alpha: Ze(t.alpha, e.alpha, r)
, nr = {
forward: function(t) {
var e = tr(t)
, r = e.l
, i = e.a
, n = e.b
, o = Math.atan2(n, i) * Ke;
return {
h: o < 0 ? o + 360 : o,
c: Math.sqrt(i * i + n * n),
l: r,
alpha: t.a
reverse: function(t) {
var e = t.h * He
, r = t.c;
return er({
l: t.l,
a: Math.cos(e) * r,
b: Math.sin(e) * r,
alpha: t.alpha
interpolate: function(t, e, r) {
return {
h: rr(t.h, e.h, r),
c: Ze(t.c, e.c, r),
l: Ze(t.l, e.l, r),
alpha: Ze(t.alpha, e.alpha, r)
, or = Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
lab: ir,
hcl: nr
, ar = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
this.type = t,
this.operator = e,
this.interpolation = r,
this.input = i,
this.labels = [],
this.outputs = [];
for (var o = 0, a = n; o < a.length; o += 1) {
var s = a[o]
, l = s[1];
function sr(t, e, r, i) {
var n = i - r
, o = t - r;
return 0 === n ? 0 : 1 === e ? o / n : (Math.pow(e, o) - 1) / (Math.pow(e, n) - 1)
ar.interpolationFactor = function(t, e, i, n) {
var o = 0;
if ("exponential" ===
o = sr(e, t.base, i, n);
else if ("linear" ===
o = sr(e, 1, i, n);
else if ("cubic-bezier" === {
var a = t.controlPoints;
o = new r(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3]).solve(sr(e, 1, i, n))
return o
ar.parse = function(t, e) {
var r = t[0]
, i = t[1]
, n = t[2]
, o = t.slice(3);
if (!Array.isArray(i) || 0 === i.length)
return e.error("Expected an interpolation type expression.", 1);
if ("linear" === i[0])
i = {
name: "linear"
else if ("exponential" === i[0]) {
var a = i[1];
if ("number" != typeof a)
return e.error("Exponential interpolation requires a numeric base.", 1, 1);
i = {
name: "exponential",
base: a
} else {
if ("cubic-bezier" !== i[0])
return e.error("Unknown interpolation type " + String(i[0]), 1, 0);
var s = i.slice(1);
if (4 !== s.length || s.some((function(t) {
return "number" != typeof t || t < 0 || t > 1
return e.error("Cubic bezier interpolation requires four numeric arguments with values between 0 and 1.", 1);
i = {
name: "cubic-bezier",
controlPoints: s
if (t.length - 1 < 4)
return e.error("Expected at least 4 arguments, but found only " + (t.length - 1) + ".");
if ((t.length - 1) % 2 != 0)
return e.error("Expected an even number of arguments.");
if (!(n = e.parse(n, 2, Ut)))
return null;
var l = []
, u = null;
"interpolate-hcl" === r || "interpolate-lab" === r ? u = Nt : e.expectedType && "value" !== e.expectedType.kind && (u = e.expectedType);
for (var c = 0; c < o.length; c += 2) {
var p = o[c]
, h = o[c + 1]
, f = c + 3
, d = c + 4;
if ("number" != typeof p)
return e.error('Input/output pairs for "interpolate" expressions must be defined using literal numeric values (not computed expressions) for the input values.', f);
if (l.length && l[l.length - 1][0] >= p)
return e.error('Input/output pairs for "interpolate" expressions must be arranged with input values in strictly ascending order.', f);
var m = e.parse(h, d, u);
if (!m)
return null;
u = u || m.type,
l.push([p, m])
return "number" === u.kind || "color" === u.kind || "array" === u.kind && "number" === u.itemType.kind && "number" == typeof u.N ? new ar(u,r,i,n,l) : e.error("Type " + Kt(u) + " is not interpolatable.")
ar.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
var e = this.labels
, r = this.outputs;
if (1 === e.length)
return r[0].evaluate(t);
var i = this.input.evaluate(t);
if (i <= e[0])
return r[0].evaluate(t);
var n = e.length;
if (i >= e[n - 1])
return r[n - 1].evaluate(t);
var o = qe(e, i)
, a = ar.interpolationFactor(this.interpolation, i, e[o], e[o + 1])
, s = r[o].evaluate(t)
, l = r[o + 1].evaluate(t);
return "interpolate" === this.operator ? Xe[this.type.kind.toLowerCase()](s, l, a) : "interpolate-hcl" === this.operator ? nr.reverse(nr.interpolate(nr.forward(s), nr.forward(l), a)) : ir.reverse(ir.interpolate(ir.forward(s), ir.forward(l), a))
ar.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = this.outputs; e < r.length; e += 1)
ar.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.outputs.every((function(t) {
return t.outputDefined()
ar.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t;
t = "linear" === ? ["linear"] : "exponential" === ? 1 === this.interpolation.base ? ["linear"] : ["exponential", this.interpolation.base] : ["cubic-bezier"].concat(this.interpolation.controlPoints);
for (var e = [this.operator, t, this.input.serialize()], r = 0; r < this.labels.length; r++)
e.push(this.labels[r], this.outputs[r].serialize());
return e
var lr = function(t, e) {
this.type = t,
this.args = e
lr.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length < 2)
return e.error("Expectected at least one argument.");
var r = null
, i = e.expectedType;
i && "value" !== i.kind && (r = i);
for (var n = [], o = 0, a = t.slice(1); o < a.length; o += 1) {
var s = e.parse(a[o], 1 + n.length, r, void 0, {
typeAnnotation: "omit"
if (!s)
return null;
r = r || s.type,
var l = i && n.some((function(t) {
return Yt(i, t.type)
return new lr(l ? Gt : r,n)
lr.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
for (var e, r = null, i = 0, n = 0, o = this.args; n < o.length && (i++,
(r = o[n].evaluate(t)) && r instanceof oe && !r.available && (e || (e =,
r = null,
i === this.args.length && (r = e)),
null === r); n += 1)
return r
lr.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
lr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.args.every((function(t) {
return t.outputDefined()
lr.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = ["coalesce"];
return this.eachChild((function(e) {
var ur = function(t, e) {
this.type = e.type,
this.bindings = [].concat(t),
this.result = e
ur.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
return this.result.evaluate(t)
ur.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = this.bindings; e < r.length; e += 1)
ur.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length < 4)
return e.error("Expected at least 3 arguments, but found " + (t.length - 1) + " instead.");
for (var r = [], i = 1; i < t.length - 1; i += 2) {
var n = t[i];
if ("string" != typeof n)
return e.error("Expected string, but found " + typeof n + " instead.", i);
if (/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/.test(n))
return e.error("Variable names must contain only alphanumeric characters or '_'.", i);
var o = e.parse(t[i + 1], i + 1);
if (!o)
return null;
r.push([n, o])
var a = e.parse(t[t.length - 1], t.length - 1, e.expectedType, r);
return a ? new ur(r,a) : null
ur.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.result.outputDefined()
ur.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t = ["let"], e = 0, r = this.bindings; e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e];
t.push(i[0], i[1].serialize())
return t.push(this.result.serialize()),
var cr = function(t, e, r) {
this.type = t,
this.index = e,
this.input = r
cr.parse = function(t, e) {
if (3 !== t.length)
return e.error("Expected 2 arguments, but found " + (t.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r = e.parse(t[1], 1, Ut)
, i = e.parse(t[2], 2, Ht(e.expectedType || Gt));
return r && i ? new cr(i.type.itemType,r,i) : null
cr.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
var e = this.index.evaluate(t)
, r = this.input.evaluate(t);
if (e < 0)
throw new pe("Array index out of bounds: " + e + " < 0.");
if (e >= r.length)
throw new pe("Array index out of bounds: " + e + " > " + (r.length - 1) + ".");
if (e !== Math.floor(e))
throw new pe("Array index must be an integer, but found " + e + " instead.");
return r[e]
cr.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
cr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
cr.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["at", this.index.serialize(), this.input.serialize()]
var pr = function(t, e) {
this.type = jt,
this.needle = t,
this.haystack = e
pr.parse = function(t, e) {
if (3 !== t.length)
return e.error("Expected 2 arguments, but found " + (t.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r = e.parse(t[1], 1, Gt)
, i = e.parse(t[2], 2, Gt);
return r && i ? $t(r.type, [jt, Vt, Ut, Ot, Gt]) ? new pr(r,i) : e.error("Expected first argument to be of type boolean, string, number or null, but found " + Kt(r.type) + " instead") : null
pr.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
var e = this.needle.evaluate(t)
, r = this.haystack.evaluate(t);
if (!r)
return !1;
if (!Qt(e, ["boolean", "string", "number", "null"]))
throw new pe("Expected first argument to be of type boolean, string, number or null, but found " + Kt(le(e)) + " instead.");
if (!Qt(r, ["string", "array"]))
throw new pe("Expected second argument to be of type array or string, but found " + Kt(le(r)) + " instead.");
return r.indexOf(e) >= 0
pr.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
pr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !0
pr.prototype.serialize = function() {
return ["in", this.needle.serialize(), this.haystack.serialize()]
var hr = function(t, e, r) {
this.type = Ut,
this.needle = t,
this.haystack = e,
this.fromIndex = r
hr.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length <= 2 || t.length >= 5)
return e.error("Expected 3 or 4 arguments, but found " + (t.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r = e.parse(t[1], 1, Gt)
, i = e.parse(t[2], 2, Gt);
if (!r || !i)
return null;
if (!$t(r.type, [jt, Vt, Ut, Ot, Gt]))
return e.error("Expected first argument to be of type boolean, string, number or null, but found " + Kt(r.type) + " instead");
if (4 === t.length) {
var n = e.parse(t[3], 3, Ut);
return n ? new hr(r,i,n) : null
return new hr(r,i)
hr.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
var e = this.needle.evaluate(t)
, r = this.haystack.evaluate(t);
if (!Qt(e, ["boolean", "string", "number", "null"]))
throw new pe("Expected first argument to be of type boolean, string, number or null, but found " + Kt(le(e)) + " instead.");
if (!Qt(r, ["string", "array"]))
throw new pe("Expected second argument to be of type array or string, but found " + Kt(le(r)) + " instead.");
if (this.fromIndex) {
var i = this.fromIndex.evaluate(t);
return r.indexOf(e, i)
return r.indexOf(e)
hr.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
this.fromIndex && t(this.fromIndex)
hr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
hr.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (null != this.fromIndex && void 0 !== this.fromIndex) {
var t = this.fromIndex.serialize();
return ["index-of", this.needle.serialize(), this.haystack.serialize(), t]
return ["index-of", this.needle.serialize(), this.haystack.serialize()]
var fr = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
this.inputType = t,
this.type = e,
this.input = r,
this.cases = i,
this.outputs = n,
this.otherwise = o
fr.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length < 5)
return e.error("Expected at least 4 arguments, but found only " + (t.length - 1) + ".");
if (t.length % 2 != 1)
return e.error("Expected an even number of arguments.");
var r, i;
e.expectedType && "value" !== e.expectedType.kind && (i = e.expectedType);
for (var n = {}, o = [], a = 2; a < t.length - 1; a += 2) {
var s = t[a]
, l = t[a + 1];
Array.isArray(s) || (s = [s]);
var u = e.concat(a);
if (0 === s.length)
return u.error("Expected at least one branch label.");
for (var c = 0, p = s; c < p.length; c += 1) {
var h = p[c];
if ("number" != typeof h && "string" != typeof h)
return u.error("Branch labels must be numbers or strings.");
if ("number" == typeof h && Math.abs(h) > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)
return u.error("Branch labels must be integers no larger than " + Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + ".");
if ("number" == typeof h && Math.floor(h) !== h)
return u.error("Numeric branch labels must be integer values.");
if (r) {
if (u.checkSubtype(r, le(h)))
return null
} else
r = le(h);
if (void 0 !== n[String(h)])
return u.error("Branch labels must be unique.");
n[String(h)] = o.length
var f = e.parse(l, a, i);
if (!f)
return null;
i = i || f.type,
var d = e.parse(t[1], 1, Gt);
if (!d)
return null;
var m = e.parse(t[t.length - 1], t.length - 1, i);
return m ? "value" !== d.type.kind && e.concat(1).checkSubtype(r, d.type) ? null : new fr(r,i,d,n,o,m) : null
fr.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
var e = this.input.evaluate(t);
return (le(e) === this.inputType && this.outputs[this.cases[e]] || this.otherwise).evaluate(t)
fr.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
fr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.outputs.every((function(t) {
return t.outputDefined()
)) && this.otherwise.outputDefined()
fr.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t = this, e = ["match", this.input.serialize()], r = [], i = {}, n = 0, o = Object.keys(this.cases).sort(); n < o.length; n += 1) {
var a = o[n];
void 0 === (p = i[this.cases[a]]) ? (i[this.cases[a]] = r.length,
r.push([this.cases[a], [a]])) : r[p][1].push(a)
for (var s = function(e) {
return "number" === t.inputType.kind ? Number(e) : e
}, l = 0, u = r; l < u.length; l += 1) {
var c = u[l]
, p = c[0]
, h = c[1];
e.push(1 === h.length ? s(h[0]) :,
return e.push(this.otherwise.serialize()),
var dr = function(t, e, r) {
this.type = t,
this.branches = e,
this.otherwise = r
dr.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length < 4)
return e.error("Expected at least 3 arguments, but found only " + (t.length - 1) + ".");
if (t.length % 2 != 0)
return e.error("Expected an odd number of arguments.");
var r;
e.expectedType && "value" !== e.expectedType.kind && (r = e.expectedType);
for (var i = [], n = 1; n < t.length - 1; n += 2) {
var o = e.parse(t[n], n, jt);
if (!o)
return null;
var a = e.parse(t[n + 1], n + 1, r);
if (!a)
return null;
i.push([o, a]),
r = r || a.type
var s = e.parse(t[t.length - 1], t.length - 1, r);
return s ? new dr(r,i,s) : null
dr.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = this.branches; e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e]
, n = i[1];
if (i[0].evaluate(t))
return n.evaluate(t)
return this.otherwise.evaluate(t)
dr.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = this.branches; e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e]
, n = i[1];
dr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return this.branches.every((function(t) {
return t[1].outputDefined()
)) && this.otherwise.outputDefined()
dr.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = ["case"];
return this.eachChild((function(e) {
var mr = function(t, e, r, i) {
this.type = t,
this.input = e,
this.beginIndex = r,
this.endIndex = i
function yr(t, e) {
return "==" === t || "!=" === t ? "boolean" === e.kind || "string" === e.kind || "number" === e.kind || "null" === e.kind || "value" === e.kind : "string" === e.kind || "number" === e.kind || "value" === e.kind
function gr(t, e, r, i) {
return 0 ===, r)
function vr(t, e, r) {
var i = "==" !== t && "!=" !== t;
return function() {
function n(t, e, r) {
this.type = jt,
this.lhs = t,
this.rhs = e,
this.collator = r,
this.hasUntypedArgument = "value" === t.type.kind || "value" === e.type.kind
return n.parse = function(t, e) {
if (3 !== t.length && 4 !== t.length)
return e.error("Expected two or three arguments.");
var r = t[0]
, o = e.parse(t[1], 1, Gt);
if (!o)
return null;
if (!yr(r, o.type))
return e.concat(1).error('"' + r + "\" comparisons are not supported for type '" + Kt(o.type) + "'.");
var a = e.parse(t[2], 2, Gt);
if (!a)
return null;
if (!yr(r, a.type))
return e.concat(2).error('"' + r + "\" comparisons are not supported for type '" + Kt(a.type) + "'.");
if (o.type.kind !== a.type.kind && "value" !== o.type.kind && "value" !== a.type.kind)
return e.error("Cannot compare types '" + Kt(o.type) + "' and '" + Kt(a.type) + "'.");
i && ("value" === o.type.kind && "value" !== a.type.kind ? o = new fe(a.type,[o]) : "value" !== o.type.kind && "value" === a.type.kind && (a = new fe(o.type,[a])));
var s = null;
if (4 === t.length) {
if ("string" !== o.type.kind && "string" !== a.type.kind && "value" !== o.type.kind && "value" !== a.type.kind)
return e.error("Cannot use collator to compare non-string types.");
if (!(s = e.parse(t[3], 3, Zt)))
return null
return new n(o,a,s)
n.prototype.evaluate = function(n) {
var o = this.lhs.evaluate(n)
, a = this.rhs.evaluate(n);
if (i && this.hasUntypedArgument) {
var s = le(o)
, l = le(a);
if (s.kind !== l.kind || "string" !== s.kind && "number" !== s.kind)
throw new pe('Expected arguments for "' + t + '" to be (string, string) or (number, number), but found (' + s.kind + ", " + l.kind + ") instead.")
if (this.collator && !i && this.hasUntypedArgument) {
var u = le(o)
, c = le(a);
if ("string" !== u.kind || "string" !== c.kind)
return e(n, o, a)
return this.collator ? r(n, o, a, this.collator.evaluate(n)) : e(n, o, a)
n.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
this.collator && t(this.collator)
n.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !0
n.prototype.serialize = function() {
var e = [t];
return this.eachChild((function(t) {
mr.parse = function(t, e) {
if (t.length <= 2 || t.length >= 5)
return e.error("Expected 3 or 4 arguments, but found " + (t.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r = e.parse(t[1], 1, Gt)
, i = e.parse(t[2], 2, Ut);
if (!r || !i)
return null;
if (!$t(r.type, [Ht(Gt), Vt, Gt]))
return e.error("Expected first argument to be of type array or string, but found " + Kt(r.type) + " instead");
if (4 === t.length) {
var n = e.parse(t[3], 3, Ut);
return n ? new mr(r.type,r,i,n) : null
return new mr(r.type,r,i)
mr.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
var e = this.input.evaluate(t)
, r = this.beginIndex.evaluate(t);
if (!Qt(e, ["string", "array"]))
throw new pe("Expected first argument to be of type array or string, but found " + Kt(le(e)) + " instead.");
if (this.endIndex) {
var i = this.endIndex.evaluate(t);
return e.slice(r, i)
return e.slice(r)
mr.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
this.endIndex && t(this.endIndex)
mr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
mr.prototype.serialize = function() {
if (null != this.endIndex && void 0 !== this.endIndex) {
var t = this.endIndex.serialize();
return ["slice", this.input.serialize(), this.beginIndex.serialize(), t]
return ["slice", this.input.serialize(), this.beginIndex.serialize()]
var _r = vr("==", (function(t, e, r) {
return e === r
), gr)
, xr = vr("!=", (function(t, e, r) {
return e !== r
), (function(t, e, r, i) {
return !gr(0, e, r, i)
, br = vr("<", (function(t, e, r) {
return e < r
), (function(t, e, r, i) {
return, r) < 0
, wr = vr(">", (function(t, e, r) {
return e > r
), (function(t, e, r, i) {
return, r) > 0
, Er = vr("<=", (function(t, e, r) {
return e <= r
), (function(t, e, r, i) {
return, r) <= 0
, Cr = vr(">=", (function(t, e, r) {
return e >= r
), (function(t, e, r, i) {
return, r) >= 0
, Ar = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
this.type = Vt,
this.number = t,
this.locale = e,
this.currency = r,
this.minFractionDigits = i,
this.maxFractionDigits = n
Ar.parse = function(t, e) {
if (3 !== t.length)
return e.error("Expected two arguments.");
var r = e.parse(t[1], 1, Ut);
if (!r)
return null;
var i = t[2];
if ("object" != typeof i || Array.isArray(i))
return e.error("NumberFormat options argument must be an object.");
var n = null;
if (i.locale && !(n = e.parse(i.locale, 1, Vt)))
return null;
var o = null;
if (i.currency && !(o = e.parse(i.currency, 1, Vt)))
return null;
var a = null;
if (i["min-fraction-digits"] && !(a = e.parse(i["min-fraction-digits"], 1, Ut)))
return null;
var s = null;
return i["max-fraction-digits"] && !(s = e.parse(i["max-fraction-digits"], 1, Ut)) ? null : new Ar(r,n,o,a,s)
Ar.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat(this.locale ? this.locale.evaluate(t) : [],{
style: this.currency ? "currency" : "decimal",
currency: this.currency ? this.currency.evaluate(t) : void 0,
minimumFractionDigits: this.minFractionDigits ? this.minFractionDigits.evaluate(t) : void 0,
maximumFractionDigits: this.maxFractionDigits ? this.maxFractionDigits.evaluate(t) : void 0
Ar.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
this.locale && t(this.locale),
this.currency && t(this.currency),
this.minFractionDigits && t(this.minFractionDigits),
this.maxFractionDigits && t(this.maxFractionDigits)
Ar.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
Ar.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {};
return this.locale && (t.locale = this.locale.serialize()),
this.currency && (t.currency = this.currency.serialize()),
this.minFractionDigits && (t["min-fraction-digits"] = this.minFractionDigits.serialize()),
this.maxFractionDigits && (t["max-fraction-digits"] = this.maxFractionDigits.serialize()),
["number-format", this.number.serialize(), t]
var zr = function(t) {
this.type = Ut,
this.input = t
zr.parse = function(t, e) {
if (2 !== t.length)
return e.error("Expected 1 argument, but found " + (t.length - 1) + " instead.");
var r = e.parse(t[1], 1);
return r ? "array" !== r.type.kind && "string" !== r.type.kind && "value" !== r.type.kind ? e.error("Expected argument of type string or array, but found " + Kt(r.type) + " instead.") : new zr(r) : null
zr.prototype.evaluate = function(t) {
var e = this.input.evaluate(t);
if ("string" == typeof e)
return e.length;
if (Array.isArray(e))
return e.length;
throw new pe("Expected value to be of type string or array, but found " + Kt(le(e)) + " instead.")
zr.prototype.eachChild = function(t) {
zr.prototype.outputDefined = function() {
return !1
zr.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = ["length"];
return this.eachChild((function(e) {
var Sr = {
"==": _r,
"!=": xr,
">": wr,
"<": br,
">=": Cr,
"<=": Er,
array: fe,
at: cr,
boolean: fe,
case: dr,
coalesce: lr,
collator: be,
format: de,
image: me,
in: pr,
"index-of": hr,
interpolate: ar,
"interpolate-hcl": ar,
"interpolate-lab": ar,
length: zr,
let: ur,
literal: ce,
match: fr,
number: fe,
"number-format": Ar,
object: fe,
slice: mr,
step: Ge,
string: fe,
"to-boolean": ge,
"to-color": ge,
"to-number": ge,
"to-string": ge,
var: je,
within: Re
function kr(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i = e[1]
, n = e[2]
, o = e[3];
r = r.evaluate(t),
i = i.evaluate(t),
n = n.evaluate(t);
var a = o ? o.evaluate(t) : 1
, s = ae(r, i, n, a);
if (s)
throw new pe(s);
return new ee(r / 255 * a,i / 255 * a,n / 255 * a,a)
function Tr(t, e) {
return t in e
function Dr(t, e) {
var r = e[t];
return void 0 === r ? null : r
function Ir(t) {
return {
type: t
function Fr(t) {
return {
result: "success",
value: t
function Br(t) {
return {
result: "error",
value: t
function Pr(t) {
return "data-driven" === t["property-type"] || "cross-faded-data-driven" === t["property-type"]
function Mr(t) {
return !!t.expression && t.expression.parameters.indexOf("zoom") > -1
function Lr(t) {
return !!t.expression && t.expression.interpolated
function Rr(t) {
return t instanceof Number ? "number" : t instanceof String ? "string" : t instanceof Boolean ? "boolean" : Array.isArray(t) ? "array" : null === t ? "null" : typeof t
function Or(t) {
return "object" == typeof t && null !== t && !Array.isArray(t)
function Ur(t) {
return t
function Vr(t, e, r) {
return void 0 !== t ? t : void 0 !== e ? e : void 0 !== r ? r : void 0
function jr(t, e, r, i, n) {
return Vr(typeof r === n ? i[r] : void 0, t.default, e.default)
function Nr(t, e, r) {
if ("number" !== Rr(r))
return Vr(t.default, e.default);
var i = t.stops.length;
if (1 === i)
return t.stops[0][1];
if (r <= t.stops[0][0])
return t.stops[0][1];
if (r >= t.stops[i - 1][0])
return t.stops[i - 1][1];
var n = qe( {
return t[0]
)), r);
return t.stops[n][1]
function qr(t, e, r) {
var i = void 0 !== t.base ? t.base : 1;
if ("number" !== Rr(r))
return Vr(t.default, e.default);
var n = t.stops.length;
if (1 === n)
return t.stops[0][1];
if (r <= t.stops[0][0])
return t.stops[0][1];
if (r >= t.stops[n - 1][0])
return t.stops[n - 1][1];
var o = qe( {
return t[0]
)), r)
, a = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = i - r
, o = t - r;
return 0 === n ? 0 : 1 === e ? o / n : (Math.pow(e, o) - 1) / (Math.pow(e, n) - 1)
}(r, i, t.stops[o][0], t.stops[o + 1][0])
, s = t.stops[o][1]
, l = t.stops[o + 1][1]
, u = Xe[e.type] || Ur;
if (t.colorSpace && "rgb" !== t.colorSpace) {
var c = or[t.colorSpace];
u = function(t, e) {
return c.reverse(c.interpolate(c.forward(t), c.forward(e), a))
return "function" == typeof s.evaluate ? {
evaluate: function() {
for (var t = [], e = arguments.length; e--; )
t[e] = arguments[e];
var r = s.evaluate.apply(void 0, t)
, i = l.evaluate.apply(void 0, t);
if (void 0 !== r && void 0 !== i)
return u(r, i, a)
} : u(s, l, a)
function Gr(t, e, r) {
return "color" === e.type ? r = ee.parse(r) : "formatted" === e.type ? r = ne.fromString(r.toString()) : "resolvedImage" === e.type ? r = oe.fromString(r.toString()) : Rr(r) === e.type || "enum" === e.type && e.values[r] || (r = void 0),
Vr(r, t.default, e.default)
xe.register(Sr, {
error: [{
kind: "error"
}, [Vt], function(t, e) {
throw new pe(e[0].evaluate(t))
typeof: [Vt, [Gt], function(t, e) {
return Kt(le(e[0].evaluate(t)))
"to-rgba": [Ht(Ut, 4), [Nt], function(t, e) {
return e[0].evaluate(t).toArray()
rgb: [Nt, [Ut, Ut, Ut], kr],
rgba: [Nt, [Ut, Ut, Ut, Ut], kr],
has: {
type: jt,
overloads: [[[Vt], function(t, e) {
return Tr(e[0].evaluate(t),
], [[Vt, qt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[1];
return Tr(e[0].evaluate(t), r.evaluate(t))
get: {
type: Gt,
overloads: [[[Vt], function(t, e) {
return Dr(e[0].evaluate(t),
], [[Vt, qt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[1];
return Dr(e[0].evaluate(t), r.evaluate(t))
"feature-state": [Gt, [Vt], function(t, e) {
return Dr(e[0].evaluate(t), t.featureState || {})
properties: [qt, [], function(t) {
"geometry-type": [Vt, [], function(t) {
return t.geometryType()
id: [Gt, [], function(t) {
zoom: [Ut, [], function(t) {
return t.globals.zoom
"heatmap-density": [Ut, [], function(t) {
return t.globals.heatmapDensity || 0
"line-progress": [Ut, [], function(t) {
return t.globals.lineProgress || 0
accumulated: [Gt, [], function(t) {
return void 0 === t.globals.accumulated ? null : t.globals.accumulated
"+": [Ut, Ir(Ut), function(t, e) {
for (var r = 0, i = 0, n = e; i < n.length; i += 1)
r += n[i].evaluate(t);
return r
"*": [Ut, Ir(Ut), function(t, e) {
for (var r = 1, i = 0, n = e; i < n.length; i += 1)
r *= n[i].evaluate(t);
return r
"-": {
type: Ut,
overloads: [[[Ut, Ut], function(t, e) {
var r = e[1];
return e[0].evaluate(t) - r.evaluate(t)
], [[Ut], function(t, e) {
return -e[0].evaluate(t)
"/": [Ut, [Ut, Ut], function(t, e) {
var r = e[1];
return e[0].evaluate(t) / r.evaluate(t)
"%": [Ut, [Ut, Ut], function(t, e) {
var r = e[1];
return e[0].evaluate(t) % r.evaluate(t)
ln2: [Ut, [], function() {
return Math.LN2
pi: [Ut, [], function() {
return Math.PI
e: [Ut, [], function() {
return Math.E
"^": [Ut, [Ut, Ut], function(t, e) {
var r = e[1];
return Math.pow(e[0].evaluate(t), r.evaluate(t))
sqrt: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.sqrt(e[0].evaluate(t))
log10: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.log(e[0].evaluate(t)) / Math.LN10
ln: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.log(e[0].evaluate(t))
log2: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.log(e[0].evaluate(t)) / Math.LN2
sin: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.sin(e[0].evaluate(t))
cos: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.cos(e[0].evaluate(t))
tan: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.tan(e[0].evaluate(t))
asin: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.asin(e[0].evaluate(t))
acos: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.acos(e[0].evaluate(t))
atan: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.atan(e[0].evaluate(t))
min: [Ut, Ir(Ut), function(t, e) {
return Math.min.apply(Math, {
return e.evaluate(t)
max: [Ut, Ir(Ut), function(t, e) {
return Math.max.apply(Math, {
return e.evaluate(t)
abs: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.abs(e[0].evaluate(t))
round: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0].evaluate(t);
return r < 0 ? -Math.round(-r) : Math.round(r)
floor: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.floor(e[0].evaluate(t))
ceil: [Ut, [Ut], function(t, e) {
return Math.ceil(e[0].evaluate(t))
"filter-==": [jt, [Vt, Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i = e[1];
return[r.value] === i.value
"filter-id-==": [jt, [Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0];
return === r.value
"filter-type-==": [jt, [Vt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0];
return t.geometryType() === r.value
"filter-<": [jt, [Vt, Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i = e[1]
, n =[r.value]
, o = i.value;
return typeof n == typeof o && n < o
"filter-id-<": [jt, [Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i =
, n = r.value;
return typeof i == typeof n && i < n
"filter->": [jt, [Vt, Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i = e[1]
, n =[r.value]
, o = i.value;
return typeof n == typeof o && n > o
"filter-id->": [jt, [Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i =
, n = r.value;
return typeof i == typeof n && i > n
"filter-<=": [jt, [Vt, Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i = e[1]
, n =[r.value]
, o = i.value;
return typeof n == typeof o && n <= o
"filter-id-<=": [jt, [Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i =
, n = r.value;
return typeof i == typeof n && i <= n
"filter->=": [jt, [Vt, Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i = e[1]
, n =[r.value]
, o = i.value;
return typeof n == typeof o && n >= o
"filter-id->=": [jt, [Gt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i =
, n = r.value;
return typeof i == typeof n && i >= n
"filter-has": [jt, [Gt], function(t, e) {
return e[0].value in
"filter-has-id": [jt, [], function(t) {
return null !== && void 0 !==
"filter-type-in": [jt, [Ht(Vt)], function(t, e) {
return e[0].value.indexOf(t.geometryType()) >= 0
"filter-id-in": [jt, [Ht(Gt)], function(t, e) {
return e[0].value.indexOf( >= 0
"filter-in-small": [jt, [Vt, Ht(Gt)], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0];
return e[1].value.indexOf([r.value]) >= 0
"filter-in-large": [jt, [Vt, Ht(Gt)], function(t, e) {
var r = e[0]
, i = e[1];
return function(t, e, r, i) {
for (; r <= i; ) {
var n = r + i >> 1;
if (e[n] === t)
return !0;
e[n] > t ? i = n - 1 : r = n + 1
return !1
}([r.value], i.value, 0, i.value.length - 1)
all: {
type: jt,
overloads: [[[jt, jt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[1];
return e[0].evaluate(t) && r.evaluate(t)
], [Ir(jt), function(t, e) {
for (var r = 0, i = e; r < i.length; r += 1)
if (!i[r].evaluate(t))
return !1;
return !0
any: {
type: jt,
overloads: [[[jt, jt], function(t, e) {
var r = e[1];
return e[0].evaluate(t) || r.evaluate(t)
], [Ir(jt), function(t, e) {
for (var r = 0, i = e; r < i.length; r += 1)
if (i[r].evaluate(t))
return !0;
return !1
"!": [jt, [jt], function(t, e) {
return !e[0].evaluate(t)
"is-supported-script": [jt, [Vt], function(t, e) {
var r = t.globals && t.globals.isSupportedScript;
return !r || r(e[0].evaluate(t))
upcase: [Vt, [Vt], function(t, e) {
return e[0].evaluate(t).toUpperCase()
downcase: [Vt, [Vt], function(t, e) {
return e[0].evaluate(t).toLowerCase()
concat: [Vt, Ir(Gt), function(t, e) {
return {
return ue(e.evaluate(t))
"resolved-locale": [Vt, [Zt], function(t, e) {
return e[0].evaluate(t).resolvedLocale()
var Zr = function(t, e) {
this.expression = t,
this._warningHistory = {},
this._evaluator = new _e,
this._defaultValue = e ? function(t) {
return "color" === t.type && Or(t.default) ? new ee(0,0,0,0) : "color" === t.type ? ee.parse(t.default) || null : void 0 === t.default ? null : t.default
}(e) : null,
this._enumValues = e && "enum" === e.type ? e.values : null
function Xr(t) {
return Array.isArray(t) && t.length > 0 && "string" == typeof t[0] && t[0]in Sr
function Wr(t, e) {
var r = new Ne(Sr,[],e ? function(t) {
var e = {
color: Nt,
string: Vt,
number: Ut,
enum: Vt,
boolean: jt,
formatted: Xt,
resolvedImage: Wt
return "array" === t.type ? Ht(e[t.value] || Gt, t.length) : e[t.type]
}(e) : void 0)
, i = r.parse(t, void 0, void 0, void 0, e && "string" === e.type ? {
typeAnnotation: "coerce"
} : void 0);
return i ? Fr(new Zr(i,e)) : Br(r.errors)
Zr.prototype.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
return this._evaluator.globals = t,
this._evaluator.feature = e,
this._evaluator.featureState = r,
this._evaluator.canonical = i,
this._evaluator.availableImages = n || null,
this._evaluator.formattedSection = o,
Zr.prototype.evaluate = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
this._evaluator.globals = t,
this._evaluator.feature = e || null,
this._evaluator.featureState = r || null,
this._evaluator.canonical = i,
this._evaluator.availableImages = n || null,
this._evaluator.formattedSection = o || null;
try {
var a = this.expression.evaluate(this._evaluator);
if (null == a || "number" == typeof a && a != a)
return this._defaultValue;
if (this._enumValues && !(a in this._enumValues))
throw new pe("Expected value to be one of " + Object.keys(this._enumValues).map((function(t) {
return JSON.stringify(t)
)).join(", ") + ", but found " + JSON.stringify(a) + " instead.");
return a
} catch (t) {
return this._warningHistory[t.message] || (this._warningHistory[t.message] = !0,
"undefined" != typeof console && console.warn(t.message)),
var Hr = function(t, e) {
this.kind = t,
this._styleExpression = e,
this.isStateDependent = "constant" !== t && !Ue(e.expression)
Hr.prototype.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
return this._styleExpression.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling(t, e, r, i, n, o)
Hr.prototype.evaluate = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
return this._styleExpression.evaluate(t, e, r, i, n, o)
var Kr = function(t, e, r, i) {
this.kind = t,
this.zoomStops = r,
this._styleExpression = e,
this.isStateDependent = "camera" !== t && !Ue(e.expression),
this.interpolationType = i
function Jr(t, e) {
if ("error" === (t = Wr(t, e)).result)
return t;
var r = t.value.expression
, i = Oe(r);
if (!i && !Pr(e))
return Br([new Lt("","data expressions not supported")]);
var n = Ve(r, ["zoom"]);
if (!n && !Mr(e))
return Br([new Lt("","zoom expressions not supported")]);
var o = function t(e) {
var r = null;
if (e instanceof ur)
r = t(e.result);
else if (e instanceof lr)
for (var i = 0, n = e.args; i < n.length && !(r = t(n[i])); i += 1)
(e instanceof Ge || e instanceof ar) && e.input instanceof xe && "zoom" === && (r = e);
return r instanceof Lt || e.eachChild((function(e) {
var i = t(e);
i instanceof Lt ? r = i : !r && i ? r = new Lt("",'"zoom" expression may only be used as input to a top-level "step" or "interpolate" expression.') : r && i && r !== i && (r = new Lt("",'Only one zoom-based "step" or "interpolate" subexpression may be used in an expression.'))
return o || n ? o instanceof Lt ? Br([o]) : o instanceof ar && !Lr(e) ? Br([new Lt("",'"interpolate" expressions cannot be used with this property')]) : Fr(o ? new Kr(i ? "camera" : "composite",t.value,o.labels,o instanceof ar ? o.interpolation : void 0) : new Hr(i ? "constant" : "source",t.value)) : Br([new Lt("",'"zoom" expression may only be used as input to a top-level "step" or "interpolate" expression.')])
Kr.prototype.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
return this._styleExpression.evaluateWithoutErrorHandling(t, e, r, i, n, o)
Kr.prototype.evaluate = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
return this._styleExpression.evaluate(t, e, r, i, n, o)
Kr.prototype.interpolationFactor = function(t, e, r) {
return this.interpolationType ? ar.interpolationFactor(this.interpolationType, t, e, r) : 0
var Yr = function(t, e) {
this._parameters = t,
this._specification = e,
Bt(this, function t(e, r) {
var i, n, o, a = "color" === r.type, s = e.stops && "object" == typeof e.stops[0][0], l = s || !(s || void 0 !==, u = e.type || (Lr(r) ? "exponential" : "interval");
if (a && ((e = Bt({}, e)).stops && (e.stops = {
return [t[0], ee.parse(t[1])]
e.default = ee.parse(e.default ? e.default : r.default)),
e.colorSpace && "rgb" !== e.colorSpace && !or[e.colorSpace])
throw new Error("Unknown color space: " + e.colorSpace);
if ("exponential" === u)
i = qr;
else if ("interval" === u)
i = Nr;
else if ("categorical" === u) {
i = jr,
n = Object.create(null);
for (var c = 0, p = e.stops; c < p.length; c += 1) {
var h = p[c];
n[h[0]] = h[1]
o = typeof e.stops[0][0]
} else {
if ("identity" !== u)
throw new Error('Unknown function type "' + u + '"');
i = Gr
if (s) {
for (var f = {}, d = [], m = 0; m < e.stops.length; m++) {
var y = e.stops[m]
, g = y[0].zoom;
void 0 === f[g] && (f[g] = {
zoom: g,
type: e.type,
default: e.default,
stops: []
f[g].stops.push([y[0].value, y[1]])
for (var v = [], _ = 0, x = d; _ < x.length; _ += 1) {
var b = x[_];
v.push([f[b].zoom, t(f[b], r)])
var w = {
name: "linear"
return {
kind: "composite",
interpolationType: w,
interpolationFactor: ar.interpolationFactor.bind(void 0, w),
zoomStops: {
return t[0]
evaluate: function(t, i) {
var n = t.zoom;
return qr({
stops: v,
base: e.base
}, r, n).evaluate(n, i)
if (l) {
var E = "exponential" === u ? {
name: "exponential",
base: void 0 !== e.base ? e.base : 1
} : null;
return {
kind: "camera",
interpolationType: E,
interpolationFactor: ar.interpolationFactor.bind(void 0, E),
zoomStops: {
return t[0]
evaluate: function(t) {
return i(e, r, t.zoom, n, o)
return {
kind: "source",
evaluate: function(t, a) {
var s = a && ?[] : void 0;
return void 0 === s ? Vr(e.default, r.default) : i(e, r, s, n, o)
}(this._parameters, this._specification))
function $r(t) {
var e = t.key
, r = t.value
, i = t.valueSpec || {}
, n = t.objectElementValidators || {}
, o =
, a = t.styleSpec
, s = []
, l = Rr(r);
if ("object" !== l)
return [new It(e,r,"object expected, " + l + " found")];
for (var u in r) {
var c = u.split(".")[0]
, p = i[c] || i["*"]
, h = void 0;
if (n[c])
h = n[c];
else if (i[c])
h = Ei;
else if (n["*"])
h = n["*"];
else {
if (!i["*"]) {
s.push(new It(e,r[u],'unknown property "' + u + '"'));
h = Ei
s = s.concat(h({
key: (e ? e + "." : e) + u,
value: r[u],
valueSpec: p,
style: o,
styleSpec: a,
object: r,
objectKey: u
}, r))
for (var f in i)
n[f] || i[f].required && void 0 === i[f].default && void 0 === r[f] && s.push(new It(e,r,'missing required property "' + f + '"'));
return s
function Qr(t) {
var e = t.value
, r = t.valueSpec
, i =
, n = t.styleSpec
, o = t.key
, a = t.arrayElementValidator || Ei;
if ("array" !== Rr(e))
return [new It(o,e,"array expected, " + Rr(e) + " found")];
if (r.length && e.length !== r.length)
return [new It(o,e,"array length " + r.length + " expected, length " + e.length + " found")];
if (r["min-length"] && e.length < r["min-length"])
return [new It(o,e,"array length at least " + r["min-length"] + " expected, length " + e.length + " found")];
var s = {
type: r.value,
values: r.values
n.$version < 7 && (s.function = r.function),
"object" === Rr(r.value) && (s = r.value);
for (var l = [], u = 0; u < e.length; u++)
l = l.concat(a({
array: e,
arrayIndex: u,
value: e[u],
valueSpec: s,
style: i,
styleSpec: n,
key: o + "[" + u + "]"
return l
function ti(t) {
var e = t.key
, r = t.value
, i = t.valueSpec
, n = Rr(r);
return "number" === n && r != r && (n = "NaN"),
"number" !== n ? [new It(e,r,"number expected, " + n + " found")] : "minimum"in i && r < i.minimum ? [new It(e,r,r + " is less than the minimum value " + i.minimum)] : "maximum"in i && r > i.maximum ? [new It(e,r,r + " is greater than the maximum value " + i.maximum)] : []
function ei(t) {
var e, r, i, n = t.valueSpec, o = Pt(t.value.type), a = {}, s = "categorical" !== o && void 0 ===, l = !s, u = "array" === Rr(t.value.stops) && "array" === Rr(t.value.stops[0]) && "object" === Rr(t.value.stops[0][0]), c = $r({
key: t.key,
value: t.value,
valueSpec: t.styleSpec.function,
styleSpec: t.styleSpec,
objectElementValidators: {
stops: function(t) {
if ("identity" === o)
return [new It(t.key,t.value,'identity function may not have a "stops" property')];
var e = []
, r = t.value;
return e = e.concat(Qr({
key: t.key,
value: r,
valueSpec: t.valueSpec,
styleSpec: t.styleSpec,
arrayElementValidator: p
"array" === Rr(r) && 0 === r.length && e.push(new It(t.key,r,"array must have at least one stop")),
default: function(t) {
return Ei({
key: t.key,
value: t.value,
valueSpec: n,
styleSpec: t.styleSpec
return "identity" === o && s && c.push(new It(t.key,t.value,'missing required property "property"')),
"identity" === o || t.value.stops || c.push(new It(t.key,t.value,'missing required property "stops"')),
"exponential" === o && t.valueSpec.expression && !Lr(t.valueSpec) && c.push(new It(t.key,t.value,"exponential functions not supported")),
t.styleSpec.$version >= 8 && (l && !Pr(t.valueSpec) ? c.push(new It(t.key,t.value,"property functions not supported")) : s && !Mr(t.valueSpec) && c.push(new It(t.key,t.value,"zoom functions not supported"))),
"categorical" !== o && !u || void 0 !== || c.push(new It(t.key,t.value,'"property" property is required')),
function p(t) {
var e = []
, o = t.value
, s = t.key;
if ("array" !== Rr(o))
return [new It(s,o,"array expected, " + Rr(o) + " found")];
if (2 !== o.length)
return [new It(s,o,"array length 2 expected, length " + o.length + " found")];
if (u) {
if ("object" !== Rr(o[0]))
return [new It(s,o,"object expected, " + Rr(o[0]) + " found")];
if (void 0 === o[0].zoom)
return [new It(s,o,"object stop key must have zoom")];
if (void 0 === o[0].value)
return [new It(s,o,"object stop key must have value")];
if (i && i > Pt(o[0].zoom))
return [new It(s,o[0].zoom,"stop zoom values must appear in ascending order")];
Pt(o[0].zoom) !== i && (i = Pt(o[0].zoom),
r = void 0,
a = {}),
e = e.concat($r({
key: s + "[0]",
value: o[0],
valueSpec: {
zoom: {}
styleSpec: t.styleSpec,
objectElementValidators: {
zoom: ti,
value: h
} else
e = e.concat(h({
key: s + "[0]",
value: o[0],
valueSpec: {},
styleSpec: t.styleSpec
}, o));
return Xr(Mt(o[1])) ? e.concat([new It(s + "[1]",o[1],"expressions are not allowed in function stops.")]) : e.concat(Ei({
key: s + "[1]",
value: o[1],
valueSpec: n,
styleSpec: t.styleSpec
function h(t, i) {
var s = Rr(t.value)
, l = Pt(t.value)
, u = null !== t.value ? t.value : i;
if (e) {
if (s !== e)
return [new It(t.key,u,s + " stop domain type must match previous stop domain type " + e)]
} else
e = s;
if ("number" !== s && "string" !== s && "boolean" !== s)
return [new It(t.key,u,"stop domain value must be a number, string, or boolean")];
if ("number" !== s && "categorical" !== o) {
var c = "number expected, " + s + " found";
return Pr(n) && void 0 === o && (c += '\nIf you intended to use a categorical function, specify `"type": "categorical"`.'),
[new It(t.key,u,c)]
return "categorical" !== o || "number" !== s || isFinite(l) && Math.floor(l) === l ? "categorical" !== o && "number" === s && void 0 !== r && l < r ? [new It(t.key,u,"stop domain values must appear in ascending order")] : (r = l,
"categorical" === o && l in a ? [new It(t.key,u,"stop domain values must be unique")] : (a[l] = !0,
[])) : [new It(t.key,u,"integer expected, found " + l)]
function ri(t) {
var e = ("property" === t.expressionContext ? Jr : Wr)(Mt(t.value), t.valueSpec);
if ("error" === e.result)
return {
return new It("" + t.key + e.key,t.value,e.message)
var r = e.value.expression || e.value._styleExpression.expression;
if ("property" === t.expressionContext && "text-font" === t.propertyKey && !r.outputDefined())
return [new It(t.key,t.value,'Invalid data expression for "' + t.propertyKey + '". Output values must be contained as literals within the expression.')];
if ("property" === t.expressionContext && "layout" === t.propertyType && !Ue(r))
return [new It(t.key,t.value,'"feature-state" data expressions are not supported with layout properties.')];
if ("filter" === t.expressionContext && !Ue(r))
return [new It(t.key,t.value,'"feature-state" data expressions are not supported with filters.')];
if (t.expressionContext && 0 === t.expressionContext.indexOf("cluster")) {
if (!Ve(r, ["zoom", "feature-state"]))
return [new It(t.key,t.value,'"zoom" and "feature-state" expressions are not supported with cluster properties.')];
if ("cluster-initial" === t.expressionContext && !Oe(r))
return [new It(t.key,t.value,"Feature data expressions are not supported with initial expression part of cluster properties.")]
return []
function ii(t) {
var e = t.key
, r = t.value
, i = t.valueSpec
, n = [];
return Array.isArray(i.values) ? -1 === i.values.indexOf(Pt(r)) && n.push(new It(e,r,"expected one of [" + i.values.join(", ") + "], " + JSON.stringify(r) + " found")) : -1 === Object.keys(i.values).indexOf(Pt(r)) && n.push(new It(e,r,"expected one of [" + Object.keys(i.values).join(", ") + "], " + JSON.stringify(r) + " found")),
function ni(t) {
if (!0 === t || !1 === t)
return !0;
if (!Array.isArray(t) || 0 === t.length)
return !1;
switch (t[0]) {
case "has":
return t.length >= 2 && "$id" !== t[1] && "$type" !== t[1];
case "in":
return t.length >= 3 && ("string" != typeof t[1] || Array.isArray(t[2]));
case "!in":
case "!has":
case "none":
return !1;
case "==":
case "!=":
case ">":
case ">=":
case "<":
case "<=":
return 3 !== t.length || Array.isArray(t[1]) || Array.isArray(t[2]);
case "any":
case "all":
for (var e = 0, r = t.slice(1); e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e];
if (!ni(i) && "boolean" != typeof i)
return !1
return !0;
return !0
Yr.deserialize = function(t) {
return new Yr(t._parameters,t._specification)
Yr.serialize = function(t) {
return {
_parameters: t._parameters,
_specification: t._specification
var oi = {
type: "boolean",
default: !1,
transition: !1,
"property-type": "data-driven",
expression: {
interpolated: !1,
parameters: ["zoom", "feature"]
function ai(t) {
if (null == t)
return {
filter: function() {
return !0
needGeometry: !1
ni(t) || (t = li(t));
var e = Wr(t, oi);
if ("error" === e.result)
throw new Error( {
return t.key + ": " + t.message
)).join(", "));
return {
filter: function(t, r, i) {
return e.value.evaluate(t, r, {}, i)
needGeometry: function t(e) {
if (!Array.isArray(e))
return !1;
if ("within" === e[0])
return !0;
for (var r = 1; r < e.length; r++)
if (t(e[r]))
return !0;
return !1
function si(t, e) {
return t < e ? -1 : t > e ? 1 : 0
function li(t) {
if (!t)
return !0;
var e, r = t[0];
return t.length <= 1 ? "any" !== r : "==" === r ? ui(t[1], t[2], "==") : "!=" === r ? hi(ui(t[1], t[2], "==")) : "<" === r || ">" === r || "<=" === r || ">=" === r ? ui(t[1], t[2], r) : "any" === r ? (e = t.slice(1),
["any"].concat( : "all" === r ? ["all"].concat(t.slice(1).map(li)) : "none" === r ? ["all"].concat(t.slice(1).map(li).map(hi)) : "in" === r ? ci(t[1], t.slice(2)) : "!in" === r ? hi(ci(t[1], t.slice(2))) : "has" === r ? pi(t[1]) : "!has" === r ? hi(pi(t[1])) : "within" !== r || t
function ui(t, e, r) {
switch (t) {
case "$type":
return ["filter-type-" + r, e];
case "$id":
return ["filter-id-" + r, e];
return ["filter-" + r, t, e]
function ci(t, e) {
if (0 === e.length)
return !1;
switch (t) {
case "$type":
return ["filter-type-in", ["literal", e]];
case "$id":
return ["filter-id-in", ["literal", e]];
return e.length > 200 && !e.some((function(t) {
return typeof t != typeof e[0]
)) ? ["filter-in-large", t, ["literal", e.sort(si)]] : ["filter-in-small", t, ["literal", e]]
function pi(t) {
switch (t) {
case "$type":
return !0;
case "$id":
return ["filter-has-id"];
return ["filter-has", t]
function hi(t) {
return ["!", t]
function fi(t) {
return ni(Mt(t.value)) ? ri(Bt({}, t, {
expressionContext: "filter",
valueSpec: {
value: "boolean"
})) : function t(e) {
var r = e.value
, i = e.key;
if ("array" !== Rr(r))
return [new It(i,r,"array expected, " + Rr(r) + " found")];
var n, o = e.styleSpec, a = [];
if (r.length < 1)
return [new It(i,r,"filter array must have at least 1 element")];
switch (a = a.concat(ii({
key: i + "[0]",
value: r[0],
valueSpec: o.filter_operator,
styleSpec: e.styleSpec
Pt(r[0])) {
case "<":
case "<=":
case ">":
case ">=":
r.length >= 2 && "$type" === Pt(r[1]) && a.push(new It(i,r,'"$type" cannot be use with operator "' + r[0] + '"'));
case "==":
case "!=":
3 !== r.length && a.push(new It(i,r,'filter array for operator "' + r[0] + '" must have 3 elements'));
case "in":
case "!in":
r.length >= 2 && "string" !== (n = Rr(r[1])) && a.push(new It(i + "[1]",r[1],"string expected, " + n + " found"));
for (var s = 2; s < r.length; s++)
n = Rr(r[s]),
"$type" === Pt(r[1]) ? a = a.concat(ii({
key: i + "[" + s + "]",
value: r[s],
valueSpec: o.geometry_type,
styleSpec: e.styleSpec
})) : "string" !== n && "number" !== n && "boolean" !== n && a.push(new It(i + "[" + s + "]",r[s],"string, number, or boolean expected, " + n + " found"));
case "any":
case "all":
case "none":
for (var l = 1; l < r.length; l++)
a = a.concat(t({
key: i + "[" + l + "]",
value: r[l],
styleSpec: e.styleSpec
case "has":
case "!has":
n = Rr(r[1]),
2 !== r.length ? a.push(new It(i,r,'filter array for "' + r[0] + '" operator must have 2 elements')) : "string" !== n && a.push(new It(i + "[1]",r[1],"string expected, " + n + " found"));
case "within":
n = Rr(r[1]),
2 !== r.length ? a.push(new It(i,r,'filter array for "' + r[0] + '" operator must have 2 elements')) : "object" !== n && a.push(new It(i + "[1]",r[1],"object expected, " + n + " found"))
return a
function di(t, e) {
var r = t.key
, i =
, n = t.styleSpec
, o = t.value
, a = t.objectKey
, s = n[e + "_" + t.layerType];
if (!s)
return [];
var l = a.match(/^(.*)-transition$/);
if ("paint" === e && l && s[l[1]] && s[l[1]].transition)
return Ei({
key: r,
value: o,
valueSpec: n.transition,
style: i,
styleSpec: n
var u, c = t.valueSpec || s[a];
if (!c)
return [new It(r,o,'unknown property "' + a + '"')];
if ("string" === Rr(o) && Pr(c) && !c.tokens && (u = /^{([^}]+)}$/.exec(o)))
return [new It(r,o,'"' + a + '" does not support interpolation syntax\nUse an identity property function instead: `{ "type": "identity", "property": ' + JSON.stringify(u[1]) + " }`.")];
var p = [];
return "symbol" === t.layerType && ("text-field" === a && i && !i.glyphs && p.push(new It(r,o,'use of "text-field" requires a style "glyphs" property')),
"text-font" === a && Or(Mt(o)) && "identity" === Pt(o.type) && p.push(new It(r,o,'"text-font" does not support identity functions'))),
key: t.key,
value: o,
valueSpec: c,
style: i,
styleSpec: n,
expressionContext: "property",
propertyType: e,
propertyKey: a
function mi(t) {
return di(t, "paint")
function yi(t) {
return di(t, "layout")
function gi(t) {
var e = []
, r = t.value
, i = t.key
, n =
, o = t.styleSpec;
r.type || r.ref || e.push(new It(i,r,'either "type" or "ref" is required'));
var a, s = Pt(r.type), l = Pt(r.ref);
if (
for (var u = Pt(, c = 0; c < t.arrayIndex; c++) {
var p = n.layers[c];
Pt( === u && e.push(new It(i,,'duplicate layer id "' + + '", previously used at line ' +
if ("ref"in r)
["type", "source", "source-layer", "filter", "layout"].forEach((function(t) {
t in r && e.push(new It(i,r[t],'"' + t + '" is prohibited for ref layers'))
n.layers.forEach((function(t) {
Pt( === l && (a = t)
a ? a.ref ? e.push(new It(i,r.ref,"ref cannot reference another ref layer")) : s = Pt(a.type) : e.push(new It(i,r.ref,'ref layer "' + l + '" not found'));
else if ("background" !== s)
if (r.source) {
var h = n.sources && n.sources[r.source]
, f = h && Pt(h.type);
h ? "vector" === f && "raster" === s ? e.push(new It(i,r.source,'layer "' + + '" requires a raster source')) : "raster" === f && "raster" !== s ? e.push(new It(i,r.source,'layer "' + + '" requires a vector source')) : "vector" !== f || r["source-layer"] ? "raster-dem" === f && "hillshade" !== s ? e.push(new It(i,r.source,"raster-dem source can only be used with layer type 'hillshade'.")) : "line" !== s || !r.paint || !r.paint["line-gradient"] || "geojson" === f && h.lineMetrics || e.push(new It(i,r,'layer "' + + '" specifies a line-gradient, which requires a GeoJSON source with `lineMetrics` enabled.')) : e.push(new It(i,r,'layer "' + + '" must specify a "source-layer"')) : e.push(new It(i,r.source,'source "' + r.source + '" not found'))
} else
e.push(new It(i,r,'missing required property "source"'));
return e = e.concat($r({
key: i,
value: r,
valueSpec: o.layer,
styleSpec: t.styleSpec,
objectElementValidators: {
"*": function() {
return []
type: function() {
return Ei({
key: i + ".type",
value: r.type,
valueSpec: o.layer.type,
styleSpec: t.styleSpec,
object: r,
objectKey: "type"
filter: fi,
layout: function(t) {
return $r({
layer: r,
key: t.key,
value: t.value,
styleSpec: t.styleSpec,
objectElementValidators: {
"*": function(t) {
return yi(Bt({
layerType: s
}, t))
paint: function(t) {
return $r({
layer: r,
key: t.key,
value: t.value,
styleSpec: t.styleSpec,
objectElementValidators: {
"*": function(t) {
return mi(Bt({
layerType: s
}, t))
function vi(t) {
var e = t.value
, r = t.key
, i = Rr(e);
return "string" !== i ? [new It(r,e,"string expected, " + i + " found")] : []
var _i = {
promoteId: function(t) {
var e = t.key
, r = t.value;
if ("string" === Rr(r))
return vi({
key: e,
value: r
var i = [];
for (var n in r)
i.push.apply(i, vi({
key: e + "." + n,
value: r[n]
return i
function xi(t) {
var e = t.value
, r = t.key
, i = t.styleSpec
, n =;
if (!e.type)
return [new It(r,e,'"type" is required')];
var o, a = Pt(e.type);
switch (a) {
case "vector":
case "raster":
case "raster-dem":
return $r({
key: r,
value: e,
valueSpec: i["source_" + a.replace("-", "_")],
styleSpec: i,
objectElementValidators: _i
case "geojson":
if (o = $r({
key: r,
value: e,
valueSpec: i.source_geojson,
style: n,
styleSpec: i,
objectElementValidators: _i
for (var s in e.clusterProperties) {
var l = e.clusterProperties[s]
, u = l[0]
, c = "string" == typeof u ? [u, ["accumulated"], ["get", s]] : u;
o.push.apply(o, ri({
key: r + "." + s + ".map",
value: l[1],
expressionContext: "cluster-map"
o.push.apply(o, ri({
key: r + "." + s + ".reduce",
value: c,
expressionContext: "cluster-reduce"
return o;
case "video":
return $r({
key: r,
value: e,
valueSpec: i.source_video,
style: n,
styleSpec: i
case "image":
return $r({
key: r,
value: e,
valueSpec: i.source_image,
style: n,
styleSpec: i
case "canvas":
return [new It(r,null,"Please use runtime APIs to add canvas sources, rather than including them in stylesheets.","source.canvas")];
return ii({
key: r + ".type",
value: e.type,
valueSpec: {
values: ["vector", "raster", "raster-dem", "geojson", "video", "image"]
style: n,
styleSpec: i
function bi(t) {
var e = t.value
, r = t.styleSpec
, i = r.light
, n =
, o = []
, a = Rr(e);
if (void 0 === e)
return o;
if ("object" !== a)
return o.concat([new It("light",e,"object expected, " + a + " found")]);
for (var s in e) {
var l = s.match(/^(.*)-transition$/);
o = o.concat(l && i[l[1]] && i[l[1]].transition ? Ei({
key: s,
value: e[s],
valueSpec: r.transition,
style: n,
styleSpec: r
}) : i[s] ? Ei({
key: s,
value: e[s],
valueSpec: i[s],
style: n,
styleSpec: r
}) : [new It(s,e[s],'unknown property "' + s + '"')])
return o
var wi = {
"*": function() {
return []
array: Qr,
boolean: function(t) {
var e = t.value
, r = t.key
, i = Rr(e);
return "boolean" !== i ? [new It(r,e,"boolean expected, " + i + " found")] : []
number: ti,
color: function(t) {
var e = t.key
, r = t.value
, i = Rr(r);
return "string" !== i ? [new It(e,r,"color expected, " + i + " found")] : null === te(r) ? [new It(e,r,'color expected, "' + r + '" found')] : []
constants: Ft,
enum: ii,
filter: fi,
function: ei,
layer: gi,
object: $r,
source: xi,
light: bi,
string: vi,
formatted: function(t) {
return 0 === vi(t).length ? [] : ri(t)
resolvedImage: function(t) {
return 0 === vi(t).length ? [] : ri(t)
function Ei(t) {
var e = t.value
, r = t.valueSpec
, i = t.styleSpec;
return r.expression && Or(Pt(e)) ? ei(t) : r.expression && Xr(Mt(e)) ? ri(t) : r.type && wi[r.type] ? wi[r.type](t) : $r(Bt({}, t, {
valueSpec: r.type ? i[r.type] : r
function Ci(t) {
var e = t.value
, r = t.key
, i = vi(t);
return i.length || (-1 === e.indexOf("{fontstack}") && i.push(new It(r,e,'"glyphs" url must include a "{fontstack}" token')),
-1 === e.indexOf("{range}") && i.push(new It(r,e,'"glyphs" url must include a "{range}" token'))),
function Ai(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = Dt);
var r = [];
return r = r.concat(Ei({
key: "",
value: t,
valueSpec: e.$root,
styleSpec: e,
style: t,
objectElementValidators: {
glyphs: Ci,
"*": function() {
return []
t.constants && (r = r.concat(Ft({
key: "constants",
value: t.constants,
style: t,
styleSpec: e
function zi(t) {
return [].concat(t).sort((function(t, e) {
return t.line - e.line
function Si(t) {
return function() {
for (var e = [], r = arguments.length; r--; )
e[r] = arguments[r];
return zi(t.apply(this, e))
Ai.source = Si(xi),
Ai.light = Si(bi),
Ai.layer = Si(gi),
Ai.filter = Si(fi),
Ai.paintProperty = Si(mi),
Ai.layoutProperty = Si(yi);
var ki = Ai
, Ti = ki.light
, Di = ki.paintProperty
, Ii = ki.layoutProperty;
function Fi(t, e) {
var r = !1;
if (e && e.length)
for (var i = 0, n = e; i < n.length; i += 1) kt(new Error(n[i].message))),
r = !0;
return r
var Bi = Pi;
function Pi(t, e, r) {
var i = this.cells = [];
if (t instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
this.arrayBuffer = t;
var n = new Int32Array(this.arrayBuffer);
t = n[0],
this.d = (e = n[1]) + 2 * (r = n[2]);
for (var o = 0; o < this.d * this.d; o++) {
var a = n[3 + o]
, s = n[3 + o + 1];
i.push(a === s ? null : n.subarray(a, s))
var l = n[3 + i.length + 1];
this.keys = n.subarray(n[3 + i.length], l),
this.bboxes = n.subarray(l),
this.insert = this._insertReadonly
} else {
this.d = e + 2 * r;
for (var u = 0; u < this.d * this.d; u++)
this.keys = [],
this.bboxes = []
this.n = e,
this.extent = t,
this.padding = r,
this.scale = e / t,
this.uid = 0;
var c = r / e * t;
this.min = -c,
this.max = t + c
Pi.prototype.insert = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
this._forEachCell(e, r, i, n, this._insertCell, this.uid++),
Pi.prototype._insertReadonly = function() {
throw "Cannot insert into a GridIndex created from an ArrayBuffer."
Pi.prototype._insertCell = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
Pi.prototype.query = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o = this.min
, a = this.max;
if (t <= o && e <= o && a <= r && a <= i && !n)
var s = [];
return this._forEachCell(t, e, r, i, this._queryCell, s, {}, n),
Pi.prototype._queryCell = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s) {
var l = this.cells[n];
if (null !== l)
for (var u = this.keys, c = this.bboxes, p = 0; p < l.length; p++) {
var h = l[p];
if (void 0 === a[h]) {
var f = 4 * h;
(s ? s(c[f + 0], c[f + 1], c[f + 2], c[f + 3]) : t <= c[f + 2] && e <= c[f + 3] && r >= c[f + 0] && i >= c[f + 1]) ? (a[h] = !0,
o.push(u[h])) : a[h] = !1
Pi.prototype._forEachCell = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s) {
for (var l = this._convertToCellCoord(t), u = this._convertToCellCoord(e), c = this._convertToCellCoord(r), p = this._convertToCellCoord(i), h = l; h <= c; h++)
for (var f = u; f <= p; f++) {
var d = this.d * f + h;
if ((!s || s(this._convertFromCellCoord(h), this._convertFromCellCoord(f), this._convertFromCellCoord(h + 1), this._convertFromCellCoord(f + 1))) &&, t, e, r, i, d, o, a, s))
Pi.prototype._convertFromCellCoord = function(t) {
return (t - this.padding) / this.scale
Pi.prototype._convertToCellCoord = function(t) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(this.d - 1, Math.floor(t * this.scale) + this.padding))
Pi.prototype.toArrayBuffer = function() {
if (this.arrayBuffer)
return this.arrayBuffer;
for (var t = this.cells, e = 3 + this.cells.length + 1 + 1, r = 0, i = 0; i < this.cells.length; i++)
r += this.cells[i].length;
var n = new Int32Array(e + r + this.keys.length + this.bboxes.length);
n[0] = this.extent,
n[1] = this.n,
n[2] = this.padding;
for (var o = e, a = 0; a < t.length; a++) {
var s = t[a];
n[3 + a] = o,
n.set(s, o),
o += s.length
return n[3 + t.length] = o,
n.set(this.keys, o),
n[3 + t.length + 1] = o += this.keys.length,
n.set(this.bboxes, o),
o += this.bboxes.length,
var Mi = a.ImageData
, Li = a.ImageBitmap
, Ri = {};
function Oi(t, e, r) {
void 0 === r && (r = {}),
Object.defineProperty(e, "_classRegistryKey", {
value: t,
writeable: !1
Ri[t] = {
klass: e,
omit: r.omit || [],
shallow: r.shallow || []
for (var Ui in Oi("Object", Object),
Bi.serialize = function(t, e) {
var r = t.toArrayBuffer();
return e && e.push(r),
buffer: r
Bi.deserialize = function(t) {
return new Bi(t.buffer)
Oi("Grid", Bi),
Oi("Color", ee),
Oi("Error", Error),
Oi("ResolvedImage", oe),
Oi("StylePropertyFunction", Yr),
Oi("StyleExpression", Zr, {
omit: ["_evaluator"]
Oi("ZoomDependentExpression", Kr),
Oi("ZoomConstantExpression", Hr),
Oi("CompoundExpression", xe, {
omit: ["_evaluate"]
Sr[Ui]._classRegistryKey || Oi("Expression_" + Ui, Sr[Ui]);
function Vi(t) {
return t && "undefined" != typeof ArrayBuffer && (t instanceof ArrayBuffer || t.constructor && "ArrayBuffer" ===
function ji(t) {
return Li && t instanceof Li
function Ni(t, e) {
if (null == t || "boolean" == typeof t || "number" == typeof t || "string" == typeof t || t instanceof Boolean || t instanceof Number || t instanceof String || t instanceof Date || t instanceof RegExp)
return t;
if (Vi(t) || ji(t))
return e && e.push(t),
if (ArrayBuffer.isView(t)) {
var r = t;
return e && e.push(r.buffer),
if (t instanceof Mi)
return e && e.push(,
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (var i = [], n = 0, o = t; n < o.length; n += 1)
i.push(Ni(o[n], e));
return i
if ("object" == typeof t) {
var a = t.constructor
, s = a._classRegistryKey;
if (!s)
throw new Error("can't serialize object of unregistered class");
var l = a.serialize ? a.serialize(t, e) : {};
if (!a.serialize) {
for (var u in t)
if (t.hasOwnProperty(u) && !(Ri[s].omit.indexOf(u) >= 0)) {
var c = t[u];
l[u] = Ri[s].shallow.indexOf(u) >= 0 ? c : Ni(c, e)
t instanceof Error && (l.message = t.message)
if (l.$name)
throw new Error("$name property is reserved for worker serialization logic.");
return "Object" !== s && (l.$name = s),
throw new Error("can't serialize object of type " + typeof t)
function qi(t) {
if (null == t || "boolean" == typeof t || "number" == typeof t || "string" == typeof t || t instanceof Boolean || t instanceof Number || t instanceof String || t instanceof Date || t instanceof RegExp || Vi(t) || ji(t) || ArrayBuffer.isView(t) || t instanceof Mi)
return t;
if (Array.isArray(t))
if ("object" == typeof t) {
var e = t.$name || "Object"
, r = Ri[e].klass;
if (!r)
throw new Error("can't deserialize unregistered class " + e);
if (r.deserialize)
return r.deserialize(t);
for (var i = Object.create(r.prototype), n = 0, o = Object.keys(t); n < o.length; n += 1) {
var a = o[n];
if ("$name" !== a) {
var s = t[a];
i[a] = Ri[e].shallow.indexOf(a) >= 0 ? s : qi(s)
return i
throw new Error("can't deserialize object of type " + typeof t)
var Gi = function() {
this.first = !0
Gi.prototype.update = function(t, e) {
var r = Math.floor(t);
return this.first ? (this.first = !1,
this.lastIntegerZoom = r,
this.lastIntegerZoomTime = 0,
this.lastZoom = t,
this.lastFloorZoom = r,
!0) : (this.lastFloorZoom > r ? (this.lastIntegerZoom = r + 1,
this.lastIntegerZoomTime = e) : this.lastFloorZoom < r && (this.lastIntegerZoom = r,
this.lastIntegerZoomTime = e),
t !== this.lastZoom && (this.lastZoom = t,
this.lastFloorZoom = r,
var Zi = {
"Latin-1 Supplement": function(t) {
return t >= 128 && t <= 255
Arabic: function(t) {
return t >= 1536 && t <= 1791
"Arabic Supplement": function(t) {
return t >= 1872 && t <= 1919
"Arabic Extended-A": function(t) {
return t >= 2208 && t <= 2303
"Hangul Jamo": function(t) {
return t >= 4352 && t <= 4607
"Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics": function(t) {
return t >= 5120 && t <= 5759
Khmer: function(t) {
return t >= 6016 && t <= 6143
"Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended": function(t) {
return t >= 6320 && t <= 6399
"General Punctuation": function(t) {
return t >= 8192 && t <= 8303
"Letterlike Symbols": function(t) {
return t >= 8448 && t <= 8527
"Number Forms": function(t) {
return t >= 8528 && t <= 8591
"Miscellaneous Technical": function(t) {
return t >= 8960 && t <= 9215
"Control Pictures": function(t) {
return t >= 9216 && t <= 9279
"Optical Character Recognition": function(t) {
return t >= 9280 && t <= 9311
"Enclosed Alphanumerics": function(t) {
return t >= 9312 && t <= 9471
"Geometric Shapes": function(t) {
return t >= 9632 && t <= 9727
"Miscellaneous Symbols": function(t) {
return t >= 9728 && t <= 9983
"Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows": function(t) {
return t >= 11008 && t <= 11263
"CJK Radicals Supplement": function(t) {
return t >= 11904 && t <= 12031
"Kangxi Radicals": function(t) {
return t >= 12032 && t <= 12255
"Ideographic Description Characters": function(t) {
return t >= 12272 && t <= 12287
"CJK Symbols and Punctuation": function(t) {
return t >= 12288 && t <= 12351
Hiragana: function(t) {
return t >= 12352 && t <= 12447
Katakana: function(t) {
return t >= 12448 && t <= 12543
Bopomofo: function(t) {
return t >= 12544 && t <= 12591
"Hangul Compatibility Jamo": function(t) {
return t >= 12592 && t <= 12687
Kanbun: function(t) {
return t >= 12688 && t <= 12703
"Bopomofo Extended": function(t) {
return t >= 12704 && t <= 12735
"CJK Strokes": function(t) {
return t >= 12736 && t <= 12783
"Katakana Phonetic Extensions": function(t) {
return t >= 12784 && t <= 12799
"Enclosed CJK Letters and Months": function(t) {
return t >= 12800 && t <= 13055
"CJK Compatibility": function(t) {
return t >= 13056 && t <= 13311
"CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A": function(t) {
return t >= 13312 && t <= 19903
"Yijing Hexagram Symbols": function(t) {
return t >= 19904 && t <= 19967
"CJK Unified Ideographs": function(t) {
return t >= 19968 && t <= 40959
"Yi Syllables": function(t) {
return t >= 40960 && t <= 42127
"Yi Radicals": function(t) {
return t >= 42128 && t <= 42191
"Hangul Jamo Extended-A": function(t) {
return t >= 43360 && t <= 43391
"Hangul Syllables": function(t) {
return t >= 44032 && t <= 55215
"Hangul Jamo Extended-B": function(t) {
return t >= 55216 && t <= 55295
"Private Use Area": function(t) {
return t >= 57344 && t <= 63743
"CJK Compatibility Ideographs": function(t) {
return t >= 63744 && t <= 64255
"Arabic Presentation Forms-A": function(t) {
return t >= 64336 && t <= 65023
"Vertical Forms": function(t) {
return t >= 65040 && t <= 65055
"CJK Compatibility Forms": function(t) {
return t >= 65072 && t <= 65103
"Small Form Variants": function(t) {
return t >= 65104 && t <= 65135
"Arabic Presentation Forms-B": function(t) {
return t >= 65136 && t <= 65279
"Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms": function(t) {
return t >= 65280 && t <= 65519
function Xi(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = t; e < r.length; e += 1)
if (Wi(r[e].charCodeAt(0)))
return !0;
return !1
function Wi(t) {
return !(746 !== t && 747 !== t && (t < 4352 || !(Zi["Bopomofo Extended"](t) || Zi.Bopomofo(t) || Zi["CJK Compatibility Forms"](t) && !(t >= 65097 && t <= 65103) || Zi["CJK Compatibility Ideographs"](t) || Zi["CJK Compatibility"](t) || Zi["CJK Radicals Supplement"](t) || Zi["CJK Strokes"](t) || !(!Zi["CJK Symbols and Punctuation"](t) || t >= 12296 && t <= 12305 || t >= 12308 && t <= 12319 || 12336 === t) || Zi["CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A"](t) || Zi["CJK Unified Ideographs"](t) || Zi["Enclosed CJK Letters and Months"](t) || Zi["Hangul Compatibility Jamo"](t) || Zi["Hangul Jamo Extended-A"](t) || Zi["Hangul Jamo Extended-B"](t) || Zi["Hangul Jamo"](t) || Zi["Hangul Syllables"](t) || Zi.Hiragana(t) || Zi["Ideographic Description Characters"](t) || Zi.Kanbun(t) || Zi["Kangxi Radicals"](t) || Zi["Katakana Phonetic Extensions"](t) || Zi.Katakana(t) && 12540 !== t || !(!Zi["Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms"](t) || 65288 === t || 65289 === t || 65293 === t || t >= 65306 && t <= 65310 || 65339 === t || 65341 === t || 65343 === t || t >= 65371 && t <= 65503 || 65507 === t || t >= 65512 && t <= 65519) || !(!Zi["Small Form Variants"](t) || t >= 65112 && t <= 65118 || t >= 65123 && t <= 65126) || Zi["Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics"](t) || Zi["Unified Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended"](t) || Zi["Vertical Forms"](t) || Zi["Yijing Hexagram Symbols"](t) || Zi["Yi Syllables"](t) || Zi["Yi Radicals"](t))))
function Hi(t) {
return !(Wi(t) || function(t) {
return !!(Zi["Latin-1 Supplement"](t) && (167 === t || 169 === t || 174 === t || 177 === t || 188 === t || 189 === t || 190 === t || 215 === t || 247 === t) || Zi["General Punctuation"](t) && (8214 === t || 8224 === t || 8225 === t || 8240 === t || 8241 === t || 8251 === t || 8252 === t || 8258 === t || 8263 === t || 8264 === t || 8265 === t || 8273 === t) || Zi["Letterlike Symbols"](t) || Zi["Number Forms"](t) || Zi["Miscellaneous Technical"](t) && (t >= 8960 && t <= 8967 || t >= 8972 && t <= 8991 || t >= 8996 && t <= 9e3 || 9003 === t || t >= 9085 && t <= 9114 || t >= 9150 && t <= 9165 || 9167 === t || t >= 9169 && t <= 9179 || t >= 9186 && t <= 9215) || Zi["Control Pictures"](t) && 9251 !== t || Zi["Optical Character Recognition"](t) || Zi["Enclosed Alphanumerics"](t) || Zi["Geometric Shapes"](t) || Zi["Miscellaneous Symbols"](t) && !(t >= 9754 && t <= 9759) || Zi["Miscellaneous Symbols and Arrows"](t) && (t >= 11026 && t <= 11055 || t >= 11088 && t <= 11097 || t >= 11192 && t <= 11243) || Zi["CJK Symbols and Punctuation"](t) || Zi.Katakana(t) || Zi["Private Use Area"](t) || Zi["CJK Compatibility Forms"](t) || Zi["Small Form Variants"](t) || Zi["Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms"](t) || 8734 === t || 8756 === t || 8757 === t || t >= 9984 && t <= 10087 || t >= 10102 && t <= 10131 || 65532 === t || 65533 === t)
function Ki(t) {
return t >= 1424 && t <= 2303 || Zi["Arabic Presentation Forms-A"](t) || Zi["Arabic Presentation Forms-B"](t)
function Ji(t, e) {
return !(!e && Ki(t) || t >= 2304 && t <= 3583 || t >= 3840 && t <= 4255 || Zi.Khmer(t))
function Yi(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = t; e < r.length; e += 1)
if (Ki(r[e].charCodeAt(0)))
return !0;
return !1
var $i = null
, Qi = "unavailable"
, tn = null
, en = function(t) {
t && "string" == typeof t && t.indexOf("NetworkError") > -1 && (Qi = "error"),
$i && $i(t)
function rn() { St("pluginStateChange",{
pluginStatus: Qi,
pluginURL: tn
var nn = new Tt
, on = function() {
return Qi
, an = function() {
if ("deferred" !== Qi || !tn)
throw new Error("rtl-text-plugin cannot be downloaded unless a pluginURL is specified");
Qi = "loading",
tn && bt({
url: tn
}, (function(t) {
t ? en(t) : (Qi = "loaded",
, sn = {
applyArabicShaping: null,
processBidirectionalText: null,
processStyledBidirectionalText: null,
isLoaded: function() {
return "loaded" === Qi || null != sn.applyArabicShaping
isLoading: function() {
return "loading" === Qi
setState: function(t) {
Qi = t.pluginStatus,
tn = t.pluginURL
isParsed: function() {
return null != sn.applyArabicShaping && null != sn.processBidirectionalText && null != sn.processStyledBidirectionalText
getPluginURL: function() {
return tn
, ln = function(t, e) {
this.zoom = t,
e ? ( =,
this.fadeDuration = e.fadeDuration,
this.zoomHistory = e.zoomHistory,
this.transition = e.transition) : ( = 0,
this.fadeDuration = 0,
this.zoomHistory = new Gi,
this.transition = {})
ln.prototype.isSupportedScript = function(t) {
return function(t, e) {
for (var r = 0, i = t; r < i.length; r += 1)
if (!Ji(i[r].charCodeAt(0), e))
return !1;
return !0
}(t, sn.isLoaded())
ln.prototype.crossFadingFactor = function() {
return 0 === this.fadeDuration ? 1 : Math.min(( - this.zoomHistory.lastIntegerZoomTime) / this.fadeDuration, 1)
ln.prototype.getCrossfadeParameters = function() {
var t = this.zoom
, e = t - Math.floor(t)
, r = this.crossFadingFactor();
return t > this.zoomHistory.lastIntegerZoom ? {
fromScale: 2,
toScale: 1,
t: e + (1 - e) * r
} : {
fromScale: .5,
toScale: 1,
t: 1 - (1 - r) * e
var un = function(t, e) { = t,
this.value = e,
this.expression = function(t, e) {
if (Or(t))
return new Yr(t,e);
if (Xr(t)) {
var r = Jr(t, e);
if ("error" === r.result)
throw new Error( {
return t.key + ": " + t.message
)).join(", "));
return r.value
var i = t;
return "string" == typeof t && "color" === e.type && (i = ee.parse(t)),
kind: "constant",
evaluate: function() {
return i
}(void 0 === e ? t.specification.default : e, t.specification)
un.prototype.isDataDriven = function() {
return "source" === this.expression.kind || "composite" === this.expression.kind
un.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t, e, r) {
return, t, e, r)
var cn = function(t) { = t,
this.value = new un(t,void 0)
cn.prototype.transitioned = function(t, e) {
return new hn(,this.value,e,h({}, t.transition, this.transition),
cn.prototype.untransitioned = function() {
return new hn(,this.value,null,{},0)
var pn = function(t) {
this._properties = t,
this._values = Object.create(t.defaultTransitionablePropertyValues)
pn.prototype.getValue = function(t) {
return b(this._values[t].value.value)
pn.prototype.setValue = function(t, e) {
this._values.hasOwnProperty(t) || (this._values[t] = new cn(this._values[t].property)),
this._values[t].value = new un(this._values[t].property,null === e ? void 0 : b(e))
pn.prototype.getTransition = function(t) {
return b(this._values[t].transition)
pn.prototype.setTransition = function(t, e) {
this._values.hasOwnProperty(t) || (this._values[t] = new cn(this._values[t].property)),
this._values[t].transition = b(e) || void 0
pn.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t = {}, e = 0, r = Object.keys(this._values); e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e]
, n = this.getValue(i);
void 0 !== n && (t[i] = n);
var o = this.getTransition(i);
void 0 !== o && (t[i + "-transition"] = o)
return t
pn.prototype.transitioned = function(t, e) {
for (var r = new fn(this._properties), i = 0, n = Object.keys(this._values); i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i];
r._values[o] = this._values[o].transitioned(t, e._values[o])
return r
pn.prototype.untransitioned = function() {
for (var t = new fn(this._properties), e = 0, r = Object.keys(this._values); e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e];
t._values[i] = this._values[i].untransitioned()
return t
var hn = function(t, e, r, i, n) { = t,
this.value = e,
this.begin = n + i.delay || 0,
this.end = this.begin + i.duration || 0,
t.specification.transition && (i.delay || i.duration) && (this.prior = r)
hn.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t, e, r) {
var i = || 0
, n = this.value.possiblyEvaluate(t, e, r)
, o = this.prior;
if (o) {
if (i > this.end)
return this.prior = null,
if (this.value.isDataDriven())
return this.prior = null,
if (i < this.begin)
return o.possiblyEvaluate(t, e, r);
var a = (i - this.begin) / (this.end - this.begin);
return, e, r), n, function(t) {
if (t <= 0)
return 0;
if (t >= 1)
return 1;
var e = t * t
, r = e * t;
return 4 * (t < .5 ? r : 3 * (t - e) + r - .75)
return n
var fn = function(t) {
this._properties = t,
this._values = Object.create(t.defaultTransitioningPropertyValues)
fn.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = new yn(this._properties), n = 0, o = Object.keys(this._values); n < o.length; n += 1) {
var a = o[n];
i._values[a] = this._values[a].possiblyEvaluate(t, e, r)
return i
fn.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = Object.keys(this._values); t < e.length; t += 1)
if (this._values[e[t]].prior)
return !0;
return !1
var dn = function(t) {
this._properties = t,
this._values = Object.create(t.defaultPropertyValues)
dn.prototype.getValue = function(t) {
return b(this._values[t].value)
dn.prototype.setValue = function(t, e) {
this._values[t] = new un(this._values[t].property,null === e ? void 0 : b(e))
dn.prototype.serialize = function() {
for (var t = {}, e = 0, r = Object.keys(this._values); e < r.length; e += 1) {
var i = r[e]
, n = this.getValue(i);
void 0 !== n && (t[i] = n)
return t
dn.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = new yn(this._properties), n = 0, o = Object.keys(this._values); n < o.length; n += 1) {
var a = o[n];
i._values[a] = this._values[a].possiblyEvaluate(t, e, r)
return i
var mn = function(t, e, r) { = t,
this.value = e,
this.parameters = r
mn.prototype.isConstant = function() {
return "constant" === this.value.kind
mn.prototype.constantOr = function(t) {
return "constant" === this.value.kind ? this.value.value : t
mn.prototype.evaluate = function(t, e, r, i) {
return, this.parameters, t, e, r, i)
var yn = function(t) {
this._properties = t,
this._values = Object.create(t.defaultPossiblyEvaluatedValues)
yn.prototype.get = function(t) {
return this._values[t]
var gn = function(t) {
this.specification = t
gn.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t, e) {
return t.expression.evaluate(e)
gn.prototype.interpolate = function(t, e, r) {
var i = Xe[this.specification.type];
return i ? i(t, e, r) : t
var vn = function(t, e) {
this.specification = t,
this.overrides = e
vn.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t, e, r, i) {
return new mn(this,"constant" === t.expression.kind || "camera" === t.expression.kind ? {
kind: "constant",
value: t.expression.evaluate(e, null, {}, r, i)
} : t.expression,e)
vn.prototype.interpolate = function(t, e, r) {
if ("constant" !== t.value.kind || "constant" !== e.value.kind)
return t;
if (void 0 === t.value.value || void 0 === e.value.value)
return new mn(this,{
kind: "constant",
value: void 0
var i = Xe[this.specification.type];
return i ? new mn(this,{
kind: "constant",
value: i(t.value.value, e.value.value, r)
},t.parameters) : t
vn.prototype.evaluate = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
return "constant" === t.kind ? t.value : t.evaluate(e, r, i, n, o)
var _n = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t, e, r, i) {
if (void 0 === t.value)
return new mn(this,{
kind: "constant",
value: void 0
if ("constant" === t.expression.kind) {
var n = t.expression.evaluate(e, null, {}, r, i)
, o = "resolvedImage" === && "string" != typeof n ? : n
, a = this._calculate(o, o, o, e);
return new mn(this,{
kind: "constant",
value: a
if ("camera" === t.expression.kind) {
var s = this._calculate(t.expression.evaluate({
zoom: e.zoom - 1
}), t.expression.evaluate({
zoom: e.zoom
}), t.expression.evaluate({
zoom: e.zoom + 1
}), e);
return new mn(this,{
kind: "constant",
value: s
return new mn(this,t.expression,e)
e.prototype.evaluate = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
if ("source" === t.kind) {
var a = t.evaluate(e, r, i, n, o);
return this._calculate(a, a, a, e)
return "composite" === t.kind ? this._calculate(t.evaluate({
zoom: Math.floor(e.zoom) - 1
}, r, i), t.evaluate({
zoom: Math.floor(e.zoom)
}, r, i), t.evaluate({
zoom: Math.floor(e.zoom) + 1
}, r, i), e) : t.value
e.prototype._calculate = function(t, e, r, i) {
return i.zoom > i.zoomHistory.lastIntegerZoom ? {
from: t,
to: e
} : {
from: r,
to: e
e.prototype.interpolate = function(t) {
return t
, xn = function(t) {
this.specification = t
xn.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t, e, r, i) {
if (void 0 !== t.value) {
if ("constant" === t.expression.kind) {
var n = t.expression.evaluate(e, null, {}, r, i);
return this._calculate(n, n, n, e)
return this._calculate(t.expression.evaluate(new ln(Math.floor(e.zoom - 1),e)), t.expression.evaluate(new ln(Math.floor(e.zoom),e)), t.expression.evaluate(new ln(Math.floor(e.zoom + 1),e)), e)
xn.prototype._calculate = function(t, e, r, i) {
return i.zoom > i.zoomHistory.lastIntegerZoom ? {
from: t,
to: e
} : {
from: r,
to: e
xn.prototype.interpolate = function(t) {
return t
var bn = function(t) {
this.specification = t
bn.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(t, e, r, i) {
return !!t.expression.evaluate(e, null, {}, r, i)
bn.prototype.interpolate = function() {
return !1
var wn = function(t) {
for (var e in = t,
this.defaultPropertyValues = {},
this.defaultTransitionablePropertyValues = {},
this.defaultTransitioningPropertyValues = {},
this.defaultPossiblyEvaluatedValues = {},
this.overridableProperties = [],
t) {
var r = t[e];
r.specification.overridable && this.overridableProperties.push(e);
var i = this.defaultPropertyValues[e] = new un(r,void 0)
, n = this.defaultTransitionablePropertyValues[e] = new cn(r);
this.defaultTransitioningPropertyValues[e] = n.untransitioned(),
this.defaultPossiblyEvaluatedValues[e] = i.possiblyEvaluate({})
Oi("DataDrivenProperty", vn),
Oi("DataConstantProperty", gn),
Oi("CrossFadedDataDrivenProperty", _n),
Oi("CrossFadedProperty", xn),
Oi("ColorRampProperty", bn);
var En = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {
if (, =,
this.type = e.type,
this._featureFilter = {
filter: function() {
return !0
needGeometry: !1
"custom" !== e.type && (this.metadata = (e = e).metadata,
this.minzoom = e.minzoom,
this.maxzoom = e.maxzoom,
"background" !== e.type && (this.source = e.source,
this.sourceLayer = e["source-layer"],
this.filter = e.filter),
r.layout && (this._unevaluatedLayout = new dn(r.layout)),
r.paint)) {
for (var i in this._transitionablePaint = new pn(r.paint),
this.setPaintProperty(i, e.paint[i], {
validate: !1
for (var n in e.layout)
this.setLayoutProperty(n, e.layout[n], {
validate: !1
this._transitioningPaint = this._transitionablePaint.untransitioned(),
this.paint = new yn(r.paint)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.getCrossfadeParameters = function() {
return this._crossfadeParameters
e.prototype.getLayoutProperty = function(t) {
return "visibility" === t ? this.visibility : this._unevaluatedLayout.getValue(t)
e.prototype.setLayoutProperty = function(t, e, r) {
void 0 === r && (r = {}),
null != e && this._validate(Ii, "layers." + + ".layout." + t, t, e, r) || ("visibility" !== t ? this._unevaluatedLayout.setValue(t, e) : this.visibility = e)
e.prototype.getPaintProperty = function(t) {
return v(t, "-transition") ? this._transitionablePaint.getTransition(t.slice(0, -"-transition".length)) : this._transitionablePaint.getValue(t)
e.prototype.setPaintProperty = function(t, e, r) {
if (void 0 === r && (r = {}),
null != e && this._validate(Di, "layers." + + ".paint." + t, t, e, r))
return !1;
if (v(t, "-transition"))
return this._transitionablePaint.setTransition(t.slice(0, -"-transition".length), e || void 0),
var i = this._transitionablePaint._values[t]
, n = "cross-faded-data-driven" ===["property-type"]
, o = i.value.isDataDriven()
, a = i.value;
this._transitionablePaint.setValue(t, e),
var s = this._transitionablePaint._values[t].value;
return s.isDataDriven() || o || n || this._handleOverridablePaintPropertyUpdate(t, a, s)
e.prototype._handleSpecialPaintPropertyUpdate = function(t) {}
e.prototype._handleOverridablePaintPropertyUpdate = function(t, e, r) {
return !1
e.prototype.isHidden = function(t) {
return !!(this.minzoom && t < this.minzoom) || !!(this.maxzoom && t >= this.maxzoom) || "none" === this.visibility
e.prototype.updateTransitions = function(t) {
this._transitioningPaint = this._transitionablePaint.transitioned(t, this._transitioningPaint)
e.prototype.hasTransition = function() {
return this._transitioningPaint.hasTransition()
e.prototype.recalculate = function(t, e) {
t.getCrossfadeParameters && (this._crossfadeParameters = t.getCrossfadeParameters()),
this._unevaluatedLayout && (this.layout = this._unevaluatedLayout.possiblyEvaluate(t, void 0, e)),
this.paint = this._transitioningPaint.possiblyEvaluate(t, void 0, e)
e.prototype.serialize = function() {
var t = {
type: this.type,
source: this.source,
"source-layer": this.sourceLayer,
metadata: this.metadata,
minzoom: this.minzoom,
maxzoom: this.maxzoom,
filter: this.filter,
layout: this._unevaluatedLayout && this._unevaluatedLayout.serialize(),
paint: this._transitionablePaint && this._transitionablePaint.serialize()
return this.visibility && (t.layout = t.layout || {},
t.layout.visibility = this.visibility),
x(t, (function(t, e) {
return !(void 0 === t || "layout" === e && !Object.keys(t).length || "paint" === e && !Object.keys(t).length)
e.prototype._validate = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
return void 0 === n && (n = {}),
(!n || !1 !== n.validate) && Fi(this,, {
key: e,
layerType: this.type,
objectKey: r,
value: i,
styleSpec: Dt,
style: {
glyphs: !0,
sprite: !0
e.prototype.is3D = function() {
return !1
e.prototype.isTileClipped = function() {
return !1
e.prototype.hasOffscreenPass = function() {
return !1
e.prototype.resize = function() {}
e.prototype.isStateDependent = function() {
for (var t in this.paint._values) {
var e = this.paint.get(t);
if (e instanceof mn && Pr( && ("source" === e.value.kind || "composite" === e.value.kind) && e.value.isStateDependent)
return !0
return !1
, Cn = {
Int8: Int8Array,
Uint8: Uint8Array,
Int16: Int16Array,
Uint16: Uint16Array,
Int32: Int32Array,
Uint32: Uint32Array,
Float32: Float32Array
, An = function(t, e) {
this._structArray = t,
this._pos1 = e * this.size,
this._pos2 = this._pos1 / 2,
this._pos4 = this._pos1 / 4,
this._pos8 = this._pos1 / 8
, zn = function() {
this.isTransferred = !1,
this.capacity = -1,
function Sn(t, e) {
void 0 === e && (e = 1);
var r = 0
, i = 0;
return {
members: {
var n = Cn[t.type].BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
, o = r = kn(r, Math.max(e, n))
, a = t.components || 1;
return i = Math.max(i, n),
r += n * a,
type: t.type,
components: a,
offset: o
size: kn(r, Math.max(i, e)),
alignment: e
function kn(t, e) {
return Math.ceil(t / e) * e
zn.serialize = function(t, e) {
return t._trim(),
e && (t.isTransferred = !0,
length: t.length,
arrayBuffer: t.arrayBuffer
zn.deserialize = function(t) {
var e = Object.create(this.prototype);
return e.arrayBuffer = t.arrayBuffer,
e.length = t.length,
e.capacity = t.arrayBuffer.byteLength / e.bytesPerElement,
zn.prototype._trim = function() {
this.length !== this.capacity && (this.capacity = this.length,
this.arrayBuffer = this.arrayBuffer.slice(0, this.length * this.bytesPerElement),
zn.prototype.clear = function() {
this.length = 0
zn.prototype.resize = function(t) {
this.length = t
zn.prototype.reserve = function(t) {
if (t > this.capacity) {
this.capacity = Math.max(t, Math.floor(5 * this.capacity), 128),
this.arrayBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.capacity * this.bytesPerElement);
var e = this.uint8;
e && this.uint8.set(e)
zn.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
throw new Error("_refreshViews() must be implemented by each concrete StructArray layout")
var Tn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e) {
var r = this.length;
return this.resize(r + 1),
this.emplace(r, t, e)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r) {
var i = 2 * t;
return this.int16[i + 0] = e,
this.int16[i + 1] = r,
Tn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 4,
Oi("StructArrayLayout2i4", Tn);
var Dn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = this.length;
return this.resize(n + 1),
this.emplace(n, t, e, r, i)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o = 4 * t;
return this.int16[o + 0] = e,
this.int16[o + 1] = r,
this.int16[o + 2] = i,
this.int16[o + 3] = n,
Dn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 8,
Oi("StructArrayLayout4i8", Dn);
var In = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
var a = this.length;
return this.resize(a + 1),
this.emplace(a, t, e, r, i, n, o)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a) {
var s = 6 * t;
return this.int16[s + 0] = e,
this.int16[s + 1] = r,
this.int16[s + 2] = i,
this.int16[s + 3] = n,
this.int16[s + 4] = o,
this.int16[s + 5] = a,
In.prototype.bytesPerElement = 12,
Oi("StructArrayLayout2i4i12", In);
var Fn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
var a = this.length;
return this.resize(a + 1),
this.emplace(a, t, e, r, i, n, o)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a) {
var s = 4 * t
, l = 8 * t;
return this.int16[s + 0] = e,
this.int16[s + 1] = r,
this.uint8[l + 4] = i,
this.uint8[l + 5] = n,
this.uint8[l + 6] = o,
this.uint8[l + 7] = a,
Fn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 8,
Oi("StructArrayLayout2i4ub8", Fn);
var Bn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e) {
var r = this.length;
return this.resize(r + 1),
this.emplace(r, t, e)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r) {
var i = 2 * t;
return this.float32[i + 0] = e,
this.float32[i + 1] = r,
Bn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 8,
Oi("StructArrayLayout2f8", Bn);
var Pn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u) {
var c = this.length;
return this.resize(c + 1),
this.emplace(c, t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c) {
var p = 10 * t;
return this.uint16[p + 0] = e,
this.uint16[p + 1] = r,
this.uint16[p + 2] = i,
this.uint16[p + 3] = n,
this.uint16[p + 4] = o,
this.uint16[p + 5] = a,
this.uint16[p + 6] = s,
this.uint16[p + 7] = l,
this.uint16[p + 8] = u,
this.uint16[p + 9] = c,
Pn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 20,
Oi("StructArrayLayout10ui20", Pn);
var Mn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p) {
var h = this.length;
return this.resize(h + 1),
this.emplace(h, t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p, h) {
var f = 12 * t;
return this.int16[f + 0] = e,
this.int16[f + 1] = r,
this.int16[f + 2] = i,
this.int16[f + 3] = n,
this.uint16[f + 4] = o,
this.uint16[f + 5] = a,
this.uint16[f + 6] = s,
this.uint16[f + 7] = l,
this.int16[f + 8] = u,
this.int16[f + 9] = c,
this.int16[f + 10] = p,
this.int16[f + 11] = h,
Mn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 24,
Oi("StructArrayLayout4i4ui4i24", Mn);
var Ln = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r) {
var i = this.length;
return this.resize(i + 1),
this.emplace(i, t, e, r)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = 3 * t;
return this.float32[n + 0] = e,
this.float32[n + 1] = r,
this.float32[n + 2] = i,
Ln.prototype.bytesPerElement = 12,
Oi("StructArrayLayout3f12", Ln);
var Rn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t) {
var e = this.length;
return this.resize(e + 1),
this.emplace(e, t)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e) {
return this.uint32[1 * t + 0] = e,
Rn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 4,
Oi("StructArrayLayout1ul4", Rn);
var On = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l) {
var u = this.length;
return this.resize(u + 1),
this.emplace(u, t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u) {
var c = 10 * t
, p = 5 * t;
return this.int16[c + 0] = e,
this.int16[c + 1] = r,
this.int16[c + 2] = i,
this.int16[c + 3] = n,
this.int16[c + 4] = o,
this.int16[c + 5] = a,
this.uint32[p + 3] = s,
this.uint16[c + 8] = l,
this.uint16[c + 9] = u,
On.prototype.bytesPerElement = 20,
Oi("StructArrayLayout6i1ul2ui20", On);
var Un = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
var a = this.length;
return this.resize(a + 1),
this.emplace(a, t, e, r, i, n, o)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a) {
var s = 6 * t;
return this.int16[s + 0] = e,
this.int16[s + 1] = r,
this.int16[s + 2] = i,
this.int16[s + 3] = n,
this.int16[s + 4] = o,
this.int16[s + 5] = a,
Un.prototype.bytesPerElement = 12,
Oi("StructArrayLayout2i2i2i12", Un);
var Vn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o = this.length;
return this.resize(o + 1),
this.emplace(o, t, e, r, i, n)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
var a = 4 * t
, s = 8 * t;
return this.float32[a + 0] = e,
this.float32[a + 1] = r,
this.float32[a + 2] = i,
this.int16[s + 6] = n,
this.int16[s + 7] = o,
Vn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 16,
Oi("StructArrayLayout2f1f2i16", Vn);
var jn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = this.length;
return this.resize(n + 1),
this.emplace(n, t, e, r, i)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o = 12 * t
, a = 3 * t;
return this.uint8[o + 0] = e,
this.uint8[o + 1] = r,
this.float32[a + 1] = i,
this.float32[a + 2] = n,
jn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 12,
Oi("StructArrayLayout2ub2f12", jn);
var Nn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r) {
var i = this.length;
return this.resize(i + 1),
this.emplace(i, t, e, r)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = 3 * t;
return this.uint16[n + 0] = e,
this.uint16[n + 1] = r,
this.uint16[n + 2] = i,
Nn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 6,
Oi("StructArrayLayout3ui6", Nn);
var qn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p, h, f, d, m, y) {
var g = this.length;
return this.resize(g + 1),
this.emplace(g, t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p, h, f, d, m, y)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p, h, f, d, m, y, g) {
var v = 24 * t
, _ = 12 * t
, x = 48 * t;
return this.int16[v + 0] = e,
this.int16[v + 1] = r,
this.uint16[v + 2] = i,
this.uint16[v + 3] = n,
this.uint32[_ + 2] = o,
this.uint32[_ + 3] = a,
this.uint32[_ + 4] = s,
this.uint16[v + 10] = l,
this.uint16[v + 11] = u,
this.uint16[v + 12] = c,
this.float32[_ + 7] = p,
this.float32[_ + 8] = h,
this.uint8[x + 36] = f,
this.uint8[x + 37] = d,
this.uint8[x + 38] = m,
this.uint32[_ + 10] = y,
this.int16[v + 22] = g,
qn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 48,
Oi("StructArrayLayout2i2ui3ul3ui2f3ub1ul1i48", qn);
var Gn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p, h, f, d, m, y, g, v, _, x, b, w, E, C, A, z, S) {
var k = this.length;
return this.resize(k + 1),
this.emplace(k, t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p, h, f, d, m, y, g, v, _, x, b, w, E, C, A, z, S)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p, h, f, d, m, y, g, v, _, x, b, w, E, C, A, z, S, k) {
var T = 34 * t
, D = 17 * t;
return this.int16[T + 0] = e,
this.int16[T + 1] = r,
this.int16[T + 2] = i,
this.int16[T + 3] = n,
this.int16[T + 4] = o,
this.int16[T + 5] = a,
this.int16[T + 6] = s,
this.int16[T + 7] = l,
this.uint16[T + 8] = u,
this.uint16[T + 9] = c,
this.uint16[T + 10] = p,
this.uint16[T + 11] = h,
this.uint16[T + 12] = f,
this.uint16[T + 13] = d,
this.uint16[T + 14] = m,
this.uint16[T + 15] = y,
this.uint16[T + 16] = g,
this.uint16[T + 17] = v,
this.uint16[T + 18] = _,
this.uint16[T + 19] = x,
this.uint16[T + 20] = b,
this.uint16[T + 21] = w,
this.uint16[T + 22] = E,
this.uint32[D + 12] = C,
this.float32[D + 13] = A,
this.float32[D + 14] = z,
this.float32[D + 15] = S,
this.float32[D + 16] = k,
Gn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 68,
Oi("StructArrayLayout8i15ui1ul4f68", Gn);
var Zn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t) {
var e = this.length;
return this.resize(e + 1),
this.emplace(e, t)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e) {
return this.float32[1 * t + 0] = e,
Zn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 4,
Oi("StructArrayLayout1f4", Zn);
var Xn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.int16 = new Int16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r) {
var i = this.length;
return this.resize(i + 1),
this.emplace(i, t, e, r)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = 3 * t;
return this.int16[n + 0] = e,
this.int16[n + 1] = r,
this.int16[n + 2] = i,
Xn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 6,
Oi("StructArrayLayout3i6", Xn);
var Wn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint32 = new Uint32Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r) {
var i = this.length;
return this.resize(i + 1),
this.emplace(i, t, e, r)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = 4 * t;
return this.uint32[2 * t + 0] = e,
this.uint16[n + 2] = r,
this.uint16[n + 3] = i,
Wn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 8,
Oi("StructArrayLayout1ul2ui8", Wn);
var Hn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e) {
var r = this.length;
return this.resize(r + 1),
this.emplace(r, t, e)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r) {
var i = 2 * t;
return this.uint16[i + 0] = e,
this.uint16[i + 1] = r,
Hn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 4,
Oi("StructArrayLayout2ui4", Hn);
var Kn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.uint16 = new Uint16Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t) {
var e = this.length;
return this.resize(e + 1),
this.emplace(e, t)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e) {
return this.uint16[1 * t + 0] = e,
Kn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 2,
Oi("StructArrayLayout1ui2", Kn);
var Jn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._refreshViews = function() {
this.uint8 = new Uint8Array(this.arrayBuffer),
this.float32 = new Float32Array(this.arrayBuffer)
e.prototype.emplaceBack = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = this.length;
return this.resize(n + 1),
this.emplace(n, t, e, r, i)
e.prototype.emplace = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o = 4 * t;
return this.float32[o + 0] = e,
this.float32[o + 1] = r,
this.float32[o + 2] = i,
this.float32[o + 3] = n,
Jn.prototype.bytesPerElement = 16,
Oi("StructArrayLayout4f16", Jn);
var Yn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e;
var r = {
anchorPointX: {
configurable: !0
anchorPointY: {
configurable: !0
x1: {
configurable: !0
y1: {
configurable: !0
x2: {
configurable: !0
y2: {
configurable: !0
featureIndex: {
configurable: !0
sourceLayerIndex: {
configurable: !0
bucketIndex: {
configurable: !0
anchorPoint: {
configurable: !0
return r.anchorPointX.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 0]
r.anchorPointY.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 1]
r.x1.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 2]
r.y1.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 3]
r.x2.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 4]
r.y2.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 5]
r.featureIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 3]
r.sourceLayerIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 8]
r.bucketIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 9]
r.anchorPoint.get = function() {
return new n(this.anchorPointX,this.anchorPointY)
Object.defineProperties(e.prototype, r),
Yn.prototype.size = 20;
var $n = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.get = function(t) {
return new Yn(this,t)
Oi("CollisionBoxArray", $n);
var Qn = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e;
var r = {
anchorX: {
configurable: !0
anchorY: {
configurable: !0
glyphStartIndex: {
configurable: !0
numGlyphs: {
configurable: !0
vertexStartIndex: {
configurable: !0
lineStartIndex: {
configurable: !0
lineLength: {
configurable: !0
segment: {
configurable: !0
lowerSize: {
configurable: !0
upperSize: {
configurable: !0
lineOffsetX: {
configurable: !0
lineOffsetY: {
configurable: !0
writingMode: {
configurable: !0
placedOrientation: {
configurable: !0
hidden: {
configurable: !0
crossTileID: {
configurable: !0
associatedIconIndex: {
configurable: !0
return r.anchorX.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 0]
r.anchorY.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 1]
r.glyphStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 2]
r.numGlyphs.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 3]
r.vertexStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 2]
r.lineStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 3]
r.lineLength.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 4]
r.segment.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 10]
r.lowerSize.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 11]
r.upperSize.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 12]
r.lineOffsetX.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 7]
r.lineOffsetY.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 8]
r.writingMode.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 36]
r.placedOrientation.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 37]
r.placedOrientation.set = function(t) {
this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 37] = t
r.hidden.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 38]
r.hidden.set = function(t) {
this._structArray.uint8[this._pos1 + 38] = t
r.crossTileID.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 10]
r.crossTileID.set = function(t) {
this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 10] = t
r.associatedIconIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 22]
Object.defineProperties(e.prototype, r),
Qn.prototype.size = 48;
var to = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.get = function(t) {
return new Qn(this,t)
Oi("PlacedSymbolArray", to);
var eo = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e;
var r = {
anchorX: {
configurable: !0
anchorY: {
configurable: !0
rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex: {
configurable: !0
centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex: {
configurable: !0
leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex: {
configurable: !0
verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex: {
configurable: !0
placedIconSymbolIndex: {
configurable: !0
verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex: {
configurable: !0
key: {
configurable: !0
textBoxStartIndex: {
configurable: !0
textBoxEndIndex: {
configurable: !0
verticalTextBoxStartIndex: {
configurable: !0
verticalTextBoxEndIndex: {
configurable: !0
iconBoxStartIndex: {
configurable: !0
iconBoxEndIndex: {
configurable: !0
verticalIconBoxStartIndex: {
configurable: !0
verticalIconBoxEndIndex: {
configurable: !0
featureIndex: {
configurable: !0
numHorizontalGlyphVertices: {
configurable: !0
numVerticalGlyphVertices: {
configurable: !0
numIconVertices: {
configurable: !0
numVerticalIconVertices: {
configurable: !0
useRuntimeCollisionCircles: {
configurable: !0
crossTileID: {
configurable: !0
textBoxScale: {
configurable: !0
textOffset0: {
configurable: !0
textOffset1: {
configurable: !0
collisionCircleDiameter: {
configurable: !0
return r.anchorX.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 0]
r.anchorY.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 1]
r.rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 2]
r.centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 3]
r.leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 4]
r.verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 5]
r.placedIconSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 6]
r.verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.int16[this._pos2 + 7]
r.key.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 8]
r.textBoxStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 9]
r.textBoxEndIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 10]
r.verticalTextBoxStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 11]
r.verticalTextBoxEndIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 12]
r.iconBoxStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 13]
r.iconBoxEndIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 14]
r.verticalIconBoxStartIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 15]
r.verticalIconBoxEndIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 16]
r.featureIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 17]
r.numHorizontalGlyphVertices.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 18]
r.numVerticalGlyphVertices.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 19]
r.numIconVertices.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 20]
r.numVerticalIconVertices.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 21]
r.useRuntimeCollisionCircles.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 22]
r.crossTileID.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 12]
r.crossTileID.set = function(t) {
this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 12] = t
r.textBoxScale.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 13]
r.textOffset0.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 14]
r.textOffset1.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 15]
r.collisionCircleDiameter.get = function() {
return this._structArray.float32[this._pos4 + 16]
Object.defineProperties(e.prototype, r),
eo.prototype.size = 68;
var ro = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.get = function(t) {
return new eo(this,t)
Oi("SymbolInstanceArray", ro);
var io = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.getoffsetX = function(t) {
return this.float32[1 * t + 0]
Oi("GlyphOffsetArray", io);
var no = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.getx = function(t) {
return this.int16[3 * t + 0]
e.prototype.gety = function(t) {
return this.int16[3 * t + 1]
e.prototype.gettileUnitDistanceFromAnchor = function(t) {
return this.int16[3 * t + 2]
Oi("SymbolLineVertexArray", no);
var oo = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e;
var r = {
featureIndex: {
configurable: !0
sourceLayerIndex: {
configurable: !0
bucketIndex: {
configurable: !0
return r.featureIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint32[this._pos4 + 0]
r.sourceLayerIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 2]
r.bucketIndex.get = function() {
return this._structArray.uint16[this._pos2 + 3]
Object.defineProperties(e.prototype, r),
oo.prototype.size = 8;
var ao = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.get = function(t) {
return new oo(this,t)
Oi("FeatureIndexArray", ao);
var so = Sn([{
name: "a_pos",
components: 2,
type: "Int16"
}], 4).members
, lo = function(t) {
void 0 === t && (t = []),
this.segments = t
function uo(t, e) {
return 256 * (t = c(Math.floor(t), 0, 255)) + c(Math.floor(e), 0, 255)
lo.prototype.prepareSegment = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = this.segments[this.segments.length - 1];
return t > lo.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH && E("Max vertices per segment is " + lo.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH + ": bucket requested " + t),
(!n || n.vertexLength + t > lo.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH || n.sortKey !== i) && (n = {
vertexOffset: e.length,
primitiveOffset: r.length,
vertexLength: 0,
primitiveLength: 0
void 0 !== i && (n.sortKey = i),
lo.prototype.get = function() {
return this.segments
lo.prototype.destroy = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = this.segments; t < e.length; t += 1) {
var r = e[t];
for (var i in r.vaos)
lo.simpleSegment = function(t, e, r, i) {
return new lo([{
vertexOffset: t,
primitiveOffset: e,
vertexLength: r,
primitiveLength: i,
vaos: {},
sortKey: 0
lo.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH = Math.pow(2, 16) - 1,
Oi("SegmentVector", lo);
var co = Sn([{
name: "a_pattern_from",
components: 4,
type: "Uint16"
}, {
name: "a_pattern_to",
components: 4,
type: "Uint16"
}, {
name: "a_pixel_ratio_from",
components: 1,
type: "Uint16"
}, {
name: "a_pixel_ratio_to",
components: 1,
type: "Uint16"
, po = e((function(t) {
t.exports = function(t, e) {
var r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u;
for (i = t.length - (r = 3 & t.length),
n = e,
a = 3432918353,
s = 461845907,
u = 0; u < i; )
l = 255 & t.charCodeAt(u) | (255 & t.charCodeAt(++u)) << 8 | (255 & t.charCodeAt(++u)) << 16 | (255 & t.charCodeAt(++u)) << 24,
n = 27492 + (65535 & (o = 5 * (65535 & (n = (n ^= l = (65535 & (l = (l = (65535 & l) * a + (((l >>> 16) * a & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295) << 15 | l >>> 17)) * s + (((l >>> 16) * s & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295) << 13 | n >>> 19)) + ((5 * (n >>> 16) & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295)) + ((58964 + (o >>> 16) & 65535) << 16);
switch (l = 0,
r) {
case 3:
l ^= (255 & t.charCodeAt(u + 2)) << 16;
case 2:
l ^= (255 & t.charCodeAt(u + 1)) << 8;
case 1:
n ^= l = (65535 & (l = (l = (65535 & (l ^= 255 & t.charCodeAt(u))) * a + (((l >>> 16) * a & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295) << 15 | l >>> 17)) * s + (((l >>> 16) * s & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295
return n ^= t.length,
n = 2246822507 * (65535 & (n ^= n >>> 16)) + ((2246822507 * (n >>> 16) & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295,
n = 3266489909 * (65535 & (n ^= n >>> 13)) + ((3266489909 * (n >>> 16) & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295,
(n ^= n >>> 16) >>> 0
, ho = e((function(t) {
t.exports = function(t, e) {
for (var r, i = t.length, n = e ^ i, o = 0; i >= 4; )
r = 1540483477 * (65535 & (r = 255 & t.charCodeAt(o) | (255 & t.charCodeAt(++o)) << 8 | (255 & t.charCodeAt(++o)) << 16 | (255 & t.charCodeAt(++o)) << 24)) + ((1540483477 * (r >>> 16) & 65535) << 16),
n = 1540483477 * (65535 & n) + ((1540483477 * (n >>> 16) & 65535) << 16) ^ (r = 1540483477 * (65535 & (r ^= r >>> 24)) + ((1540483477 * (r >>> 16) & 65535) << 16)),
i -= 4,
switch (i) {
case 3:
n ^= (255 & t.charCodeAt(o + 2)) << 16;
case 2:
n ^= (255 & t.charCodeAt(o + 1)) << 8;
case 1:
n = 1540483477 * (65535 & (n ^= 255 & t.charCodeAt(o))) + ((1540483477 * (n >>> 16) & 65535) << 16)
return n = 1540483477 * (65535 & (n ^= n >>> 13)) + ((1540483477 * (n >>> 16) & 65535) << 16),
(n ^= n >>> 15) >>> 0
, fo = po
, mo = ho;
fo.murmur3 = po,
fo.murmur2 = mo;
var yo = function() {
this.ids = [],
this.positions = [],
this.indexed = !1
yo.prototype.add = function(t, e, r, i) {
this.positions.push(e, r, i)
yo.prototype.getPositions = function(t) {
for (var e = vo(t), r = 0, i = this.ids.length - 1; r < i; ) {
var n = r + i >> 1;
this.ids[n] >= e ? i = n : r = n + 1
for (var o = []; this.ids[r] === e; )
index: this.positions[3 * r],
start: this.positions[3 * r + 1],
end: this.positions[3 * r + 2]
return o
yo.serialize = function(t, e) {
var r = new Float64Array(t.ids)
, i = new Uint32Array(t.positions);
return function t(e, r, i, n) {
for (; i < n; ) {
for (var o = e[i + n >> 1], a = i - 1, s = n + 1; ; ) {
do {
} while (e[a] < o);
do {
} while (e[s] > o);
if (a >= s)
_o(e, a, s),
_o(r, 3 * a, 3 * s),
_o(r, 3 * a + 1, 3 * s + 1),
_o(r, 3 * a + 2, 3 * s + 2)
s - i < n - s ? (t(e, r, i, s),
i = s + 1) : (t(e, r, s + 1, n),
n = s)
}(r, i, 0, r.length - 1),
e && e.push(r.buffer, i.buffer),
ids: r,
positions: i
yo.deserialize = function(t) {
var e = new yo;
return e.ids = t.ids,
e.positions = t.positions,
e.indexed = !0,
var go = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1;
function vo(t) {
var e = +t;
return !isNaN(e) && e <= go ? e : fo(String(t))
function _o(t, e, r) {
var i = t[e];
t[e] = t[r],
t[r] = i
Oi("FeaturePositionMap", yo);
var xo = function(t, e) { =,
this.location = e
, bo = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {, e, r),
this.current = 0
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.set = function(t) {
this.current !== t && (this.current = t,, t))
, wo = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {, e, r),
this.current = 0
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.set = function(t) {
this.current !== t && (this.current = t,, t))
, Eo = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {, e, r),
this.current = [0, 0]
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.set = function(t) {
t[0] === this.current[0] && t[1] === this.current[1] || (this.current = t,, t[0], t[1]))
, Co = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {, e, r),
this.current = [0, 0, 0]
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.set = function(t) {
t[0] === this.current[0] && t[1] === this.current[1] && t[2] === this.current[2] || (this.current = t,, t[0], t[1], t[2]))
, Ao = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {, e, r),
this.current = [0, 0, 0, 0]
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.set = function(t) {
t[0] === this.current[0] && t[1] === this.current[1] && t[2] === this.current[2] && t[3] === this.current[3] || (this.current = t,, t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3]))
, zo = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {, e, r),
this.current = ee.transparent
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.set = function(t) {
t.r === this.current.r && t.g === this.current.g && t.b === this.current.b && t.a === this.current.a || (this.current = t,, t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a))
, So = new Float32Array(16)
, ko = function(t) {
function e(e, r) {, e, r),
this.current = So
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.set = function(t) {
if (t[12] !== this.current[12] || t[0] !== this.current[0])
return this.current = t,
void, !1, t);
for (var e = 1; e < 16; e++)
if (t[e] !== this.current[e]) {
this.current = t,, !1, t);
function To(t) {
return [uo(255 * t.r, 255 * t.g), uo(255 * t.b, 255 * t.a)]
var Do = function(t, e, r) {
this.value = t,
this.uniformNames = {
return "u_" + t
this.type = r
Do.prototype.setUniform = function(t, e, r) {
Do.prototype.getBinding = function(t, e, r) {
return "color" === this.type ? new zo(t,e) : new wo(t,e)
var Io = function(t, e) {
this.uniformNames = {
return "u_" + t
this.patternFrom = null,
this.patternTo = null,
this.pixelRatioFrom = 1,
this.pixelRatioTo = 1
Io.prototype.setConstantPatternPositions = function(t, e) {
this.pixelRatioFrom = e.pixelRatio,
this.pixelRatioTo = t.pixelRatio,
this.patternFrom = e.tlbr,
this.patternTo = t.tlbr
Io.prototype.setUniform = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = "u_pattern_to" === i ? this.patternTo : "u_pattern_from" === i ? this.patternFrom : "u_pixel_ratio_to" === i ? this.pixelRatioTo : "u_pixel_ratio_from" === i ? this.pixelRatioFrom : null;
n && t.set(n)
Io.prototype.getBinding = function(t, e, r) {
return "u_pattern" === r.substr(0, 9) ? new Ao(t,e) : new wo(t,e)
var Fo = function(t, e, r, i) {
this.expression = t,
this.type = r,
this.maxValue = 0,
this.paintVertexAttributes = {
return {
name: "a_" + t,
type: "Float32",
components: "color" === r ? 2 : 1,
offset: 0
this.paintVertexArray = new i
Fo.prototype.populatePaintArray = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o = this.paintVertexArray.length
, a = this.expression.evaluate(new ln(0), e, {}, i, [], n);
this._setPaintValue(o, t, a)
Fo.prototype.updatePaintArray = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = this.expression.evaluate({
zoom: 0
}, r, i);
this._setPaintValue(t, e, n)
Fo.prototype._setPaintValue = function(t, e, r) {
if ("color" === this.type)
for (var i = To(r), n = t; n < e; n++)
this.paintVertexArray.emplace(n, i[0], i[1]);
else {
for (var o = t; o < e; o++)
this.paintVertexArray.emplace(o, r);
this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, Math.abs(r))
Fo.prototype.upload = function(t) {
this.paintVertexArray && this.paintVertexArray.arrayBuffer && (this.paintVertexBuffer && this.paintVertexBuffer.buffer ? this.paintVertexBuffer.updateData(this.paintVertexArray) : this.paintVertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffer(this.paintVertexArray, this.paintVertexAttributes, this.expression.isStateDependent))
Fo.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.paintVertexBuffer && this.paintVertexBuffer.destroy()
var Bo = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
this.expression = t,
this.uniformNames = {
return "u_" + t + "_t"
this.type = r,
this.useIntegerZoom = i,
this.zoom = n,
this.maxValue = 0,
this.paintVertexAttributes = {
return {
name: "a_" + t,
type: "Float32",
components: "color" === r ? 4 : 2,
offset: 0
this.paintVertexArray = new o
Bo.prototype.populatePaintArray = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o = this.expression.evaluate(new ln(this.zoom), e, {}, i, [], n)
, a = this.expression.evaluate(new ln(this.zoom + 1), e, {}, i, [], n)
, s = this.paintVertexArray.length;
this._setPaintValue(s, t, o, a)
Bo.prototype.updatePaintArray = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = this.expression.evaluate({
zoom: this.zoom
}, r, i)
, o = this.expression.evaluate({
zoom: this.zoom + 1
}, r, i);
this._setPaintValue(t, e, n, o)
Bo.prototype._setPaintValue = function(t, e, r, i) {
if ("color" === this.type)
for (var n = To(r), o = To(i), a = t; a < e; a++)
this.paintVertexArray.emplace(a, n[0], n[1], o[0], o[1]);
else {
for (var s = t; s < e; s++)
this.paintVertexArray.emplace(s, r, i);
this.maxValue = Math.max(this.maxValue, Math.abs(r), Math.abs(i))
Bo.prototype.upload = function(t) {
this.paintVertexArray && this.paintVertexArray.arrayBuffer && (this.paintVertexBuffer && this.paintVertexBuffer.buffer ? this.paintVertexBuffer.updateData(this.paintVertexArray) : this.paintVertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffer(this.paintVertexArray, this.paintVertexAttributes, this.expression.isStateDependent))
Bo.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.paintVertexBuffer && this.paintVertexBuffer.destroy()
Bo.prototype.setUniform = function(t, e) {
var r = this.useIntegerZoom ? Math.floor(e.zoom) : e.zoom
, i = c(this.expression.interpolationFactor(r, this.zoom, this.zoom + 1), 0, 1);
Bo.prototype.getBinding = function(t, e, r) {
return new wo(t,e)
var Po = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
this.expression = t,
this.type = e,
this.useIntegerZoom = r,
this.zoom = i,
this.layerId = o,
this.zoomInPaintVertexArray = new n,
this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray = new n
Po.prototype.populatePaintArray = function(t, e, r) {
var i = this.zoomInPaintVertexArray.length;
this._setPaintValues(i, t, e.patterns && e.patterns[this.layerId], r)
Po.prototype.updatePaintArray = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
this._setPaintValues(t, e, r.patterns && r.patterns[this.layerId], n)
Po.prototype._setPaintValues = function(t, e, r, i) {
if (i && r) {
var n = i[r.min]
, o = i[r.mid]
, a = i[r.max];
if (n && o && a)
for (var s = t; s < e; s++)
this.zoomInPaintVertexArray.emplace(s,[0],[1],[0],[1],[0],[1],[0],[1], o.pixelRatio, n.pixelRatio),
this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray.emplace(s,[0],[1],[0],[1],[0],[1],[0],[1], o.pixelRatio, a.pixelRatio)
Po.prototype.upload = function(t) {
this.zoomInPaintVertexArray && this.zoomInPaintVertexArray.arrayBuffer && this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray && this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray.arrayBuffer && (this.zoomInPaintVertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffer(this.zoomInPaintVertexArray, co.members, this.expression.isStateDependent),
this.zoomOutPaintVertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffer(this.zoomOutPaintVertexArray, co.members, this.expression.isStateDependent))
Po.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.zoomOutPaintVertexBuffer && this.zoomOutPaintVertexBuffer.destroy(),
this.zoomInPaintVertexBuffer && this.zoomInPaintVertexBuffer.destroy()
var Mo = function(t, e, r) {
this.binders = {},
this._buffers = [];
var i = [];
for (var n in t.paint._values)
if (r(n)) {
var o = t.paint.get(n);
if (o instanceof mn && Pr( {
var a = Ro(n, t.type)
, s = o.value
, l =
, u =
, c =["property-type"]
, p = "cross-faded" === c || "cross-faded-data-driven" === c;
if ("constant" === s.kind)
this.binders[n] = p ? new Io(s.value,a) : new Do(s.value,a,l),
i.push("/u_" + n);
else if ("source" === s.kind || p) {
var h = Oo(n, l, "source");
this.binders[n] = p ? new Po(s,l,u,e,h, : new Fo(s,a,l,h),
i.push("/a_" + n)
} else {
var f = Oo(n, l, "composite");
this.binders[n] = new Bo(s,a,l,u,e,f),
i.push("/z_" + n)
this.cacheKey = i.sort().join("")
Mo.prototype.getMaxValue = function(t) {
var e = this.binders[t];
return e instanceof Fo || e instanceof Bo ? e.maxValue : 0
Mo.prototype.populatePaintArrays = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
for (var o in this.binders) {
var a = this.binders[o];
(a instanceof Fo || a instanceof Bo || a instanceof Po) && a.populatePaintArray(t, e, r, i, n)
Mo.prototype.setConstantPatternPositions = function(t, e) {
for (var r in this.binders) {
var i = this.binders[r];
i instanceof Io && i.setConstantPatternPositions(t, e)
Mo.prototype.updatePaintArrays = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o = !1;
for (var a in t)
for (var s = 0, l = e.getPositions(a); s < l.length; s += 1) {
var u = l[s]
, c = r.feature(u.index);
for (var p in this.binders) {
var h = this.binders[p];
if ((h instanceof Fo || h instanceof Bo || h instanceof Po) && !0 === h.expression.isStateDependent) {
var f = i.paint.get(p);
h.expression = f.value,
h.updatePaintArray(u.start, u.end, c, t[a], n),
o = !0
return o
Mo.prototype.defines = function() {
var t = [];
for (var e in this.binders) {
var r = this.binders[e];
(r instanceof Do || r instanceof Io) && t.push.apply(t, {
return "#define HAS_UNIFORM_" + t
return t
Mo.prototype.getBinderAttributes = function() {
var t = [];
for (var e in this.binders) {
var r = this.binders[e];
if (r instanceof Fo || r instanceof Bo)
for (var i = 0; i < r.paintVertexAttributes.length; i++)
else if (r instanceof Po)
for (var n = 0; n < co.members.length; n++)
return t
Mo.prototype.getBinderUniforms = function() {
var t = [];
for (var e in this.binders) {
var r = this.binders[e];
if (r instanceof Do || r instanceof Io || r instanceof Bo)
for (var i = 0, n = r.uniformNames; i < n.length; i += 1)
return t
Mo.prototype.getPaintVertexBuffers = function() {
return this._buffers
Mo.prototype.getUniforms = function(t, e) {
var r = [];
for (var i in this.binders) {
var n = this.binders[i];
if (n instanceof Do || n instanceof Io || n instanceof Bo)
for (var o = 0, a = n.uniformNames; o < a.length; o += 1) {
var s = a[o];
if (e[s]) {
var l = n.getBinding(t, e[s], s);
name: s,
property: i,
binding: l
return r
Mo.prototype.setUniforms = function(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n = 0, o = e; n < o.length; n += 1) {
var a = o[n]
, s =
, l =;
this.binders[l].setUniform(a.binding, i, r.get(l), s)
Mo.prototype.updatePaintBuffers = function(t) {
for (var e in this._buffers = [],
this.binders) {
var r = this.binders[e];
if (t && r instanceof Po) {
var i = 2 === t.fromScale ? r.zoomInPaintVertexBuffer : r.zoomOutPaintVertexBuffer;
i && this._buffers.push(i)
} else
(r instanceof Fo || r instanceof Bo) && r.paintVertexBuffer && this._buffers.push(r.paintVertexBuffer)
Mo.prototype.upload = function(t) {
for (var e in this.binders) {
var r = this.binders[e];
(r instanceof Fo || r instanceof Bo || r instanceof Po) && r.upload(t)
Mo.prototype.destroy = function() {
for (var t in this.binders) {
var e = this.binders[t];
(e instanceof Fo || e instanceof Bo || e instanceof Po) && e.destroy()
var Lo = function(t, e, r) {
void 0 === r && (r = function() {
return !0
this.programConfigurations = {};
for (var i = 0, n = t; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i];
this.programConfigurations[] = new Mo(o,e,r)
this.needsUpload = !1,
this._featureMap = new yo,
this._bufferOffset = 0
function Ro(t, e) {
return {
"text-opacity": ["opacity"],
"icon-opacity": ["opacity"],
"text-color": ["fill_color"],
"icon-color": ["fill_color"],
"text-halo-color": ["halo_color"],
"icon-halo-color": ["halo_color"],
"text-halo-blur": ["halo_blur"],
"icon-halo-blur": ["halo_blur"],
"text-halo-width": ["halo_width"],
"icon-halo-width": ["halo_width"],
"line-gap-width": ["gapwidth"],
"line-pattern": ["pattern_to", "pattern_from", "pixel_ratio_to", "pixel_ratio_from"],
"fill-pattern": ["pattern_to", "pattern_from", "pixel_ratio_to", "pixel_ratio_from"],
"fill-extrusion-pattern": ["pattern_to", "pattern_from", "pixel_ratio_to", "pixel_ratio_from"]
}[t] || [t.replace(e + "-", "").replace(/-/g, "_")]
function Oo(t, e, r) {
var i = {
color: {
source: Bn,
composite: Jn
number: {
source: Zn,
composite: Bn
, n = function(t) {
return {
"line-pattern": {
source: Pn,
composite: Pn
"fill-pattern": {
source: Pn,
composite: Pn
"fill-extrusion-pattern": {
source: Pn,
composite: Pn
return n && n[r] || i[e][r]
Lo.prototype.populatePaintArrays = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
for (var a in this.programConfigurations)
this.programConfigurations[a].populatePaintArrays(t, e, i, n, o);
void 0 !== && this._featureMap.add(, r, this._bufferOffset, t),
this._bufferOffset = t,
this.needsUpload = !0
Lo.prototype.updatePaintArrays = function(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n = 0, o = r; n < o.length; n += 1) {
var a = o[n];
this.needsUpload = this.programConfigurations[].updatePaintArrays(t, this._featureMap, e, a, i) || this.needsUpload
Lo.prototype.get = function(t) {
return this.programConfigurations[t]
Lo.prototype.upload = function(t) {
if (this.needsUpload) {
for (var e in this.programConfigurations)
this.needsUpload = !1
Lo.prototype.destroy = function() {
for (var t in this.programConfigurations)
Oi("ConstantBinder", Do),
Oi("CrossFadedConstantBinder", Io),
Oi("SourceExpressionBinder", Fo),
Oi("CrossFadedCompositeBinder", Po),
Oi("CompositeExpressionBinder", Bo),
Oi("ProgramConfiguration", Mo, {
omit: ["_buffers"]
Oi("ProgramConfigurationSet", Lo);
var Uo = Math.pow(2, 14) - 1
, Vo = -Uo - 1;
function jo(t) {
for (var e = 8192 / t.extent, r = t.loadGeometry(), i = 0; i < r.length; i++)
for (var n = r[i], o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var a = n[o]
, s = Math.round(a.x * e)
, l = Math.round(a.y * e);
a.x = c(s, Vo, Uo),
a.y = c(l, Vo, Uo),
(s < a.x || s > a.x + 1 || l < a.y || l > a.y + 1) && E("Geometry exceeds allowed extent, reduce your vector tile buffer size")
return r
function No(t, e) {
return {
type: t.type,
geometry: e ? jo(t) : []
function qo(t, e, r, i, n) {
t.emplaceBack(2 * e + (i + 1) / 2, 2 * r + (n + 1) / 2)
var Go = function(t) {
this.zoom = t.zoom,
this.overscaling = t.overscaling,
this.layers = t.layers,
this.layerIds = {
this.index = t.index,
this.hasPattern = !1,
this.layoutVertexArray = new Tn,
this.indexArray = new Nn,
this.segments = new lo,
this.programConfigurations = new Lo(t.layers,t.zoom),
this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter((function(t) {
return t.isStateDependent()
)).map((function(t) {
function Zo(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
if (ta(e, t[r]))
return !0;
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
if (ta(t, e[i]))
return !0;
return !!Ko(t, e)
function Xo(t, e, r) {
return !!ta(t, e) || !!Yo(e, t, r)
function Wo(t, e) {
if (1 === t.length)
return Qo(e, t[0]);
for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++)
for (var i = e[r], n = 0; n < i.length; n++)
if (ta(t, i[n]))
return !0;
for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++)
if (Qo(e, t[o]))
return !0;
for (var a = 0; a < e.length; a++)
if (Ko(t, e[a]))
return !0;
return !1
function Ho(t, e, r) {
if (t.length > 1) {
if (Ko(t, e))
return !0;
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
if (Yo(e[i], t, r))
return !0
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
if (Yo(t[n], e, r))
return !0;
return !1
function Ko(t, e) {
if (0 === t.length || 0 === e.length)
return !1;
for (var r = 0; r < t.length - 1; r++)
for (var i = t[r], n = t[r + 1], o = 0; o < e.length - 1; o++)
if (Jo(i, n, e[o], e[o + 1]))
return !0;
return !1
function Jo(t, e, r, i) {
return C(t, r, i) !== C(e, r, i) && C(t, e, r) !== C(t, e, i)
function Yo(t, e, r) {
var i = r * r;
if (1 === e.length)
return t.distSqr(e[0]) < i;
for (var n = 1; n < e.length; n++)
if ($o(t, e[n - 1], e[n]) < i)
return !0;
return !1
function $o(t, e, r) {
var i = e.distSqr(r);
if (0 === i)
return t.distSqr(e);
var n = ((t.x - e.x) * (r.x - e.x) + (t.y - e.y) * (r.y - e.y)) / i;
return t.distSqr(n < 0 ? e : n > 1 ? r : r.sub(e)._mult(n)._add(e))
function Qo(t, e) {
for (var r, i, n, o = !1, a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
for (var s = 0, l = (r = t[a]).length - 1; s < r.length; l = s++)
(i = r[s]).y > e.y != (n = r[l]).y > e.y && e.x < (n.x - i.x) * (e.y - i.y) / (n.y - i.y) + i.x && (o = !o);
return o
function ta(t, e) {
for (var r = !1, i = 0, n = t.length - 1; i < t.length; n = i++) {
var o = t[i]
, a = t[n];
o.y > e.y != a.y > e.y && e.x < (a.x - o.x) * (e.y - o.y) / (a.y - o.y) + o.x && (r = !r)
return r
function ea(t, e, r) {
var i = r[0]
, n = r[2];
if (t.x < i.x && e.x < i.x || t.x > n.x && e.x > n.x || t.y < i.y && e.y < i.y || t.y > n.y && e.y > n.y)
return !1;
var o = C(t, e, r[0]);
return o !== C(t, e, r[1]) || o !== C(t, e, r[2]) || o !== C(t, e, r[3])
function ra(t, e, r) {
var i = e.paint.get(t).value;
return "constant" === i.kind ? i.value : r.programConfigurations.get(
function ia(t) {
return Math.sqrt(t[0] * t[0] + t[1] * t[1])
function na(t, e, r, i, o) {
if (!e[0] && !e[1])
return t;
var a = n.convert(e)._mult(o);
"viewport" === r && a._rotate(-i);
for (var s = [], l = 0; l < t.length; l++)
return s
Go.prototype.populate = function(t, e, r) {
var i = this.layers[0]
, n = []
, o = null
, a = !1;
"circle" === i.type && (a = !(o = i.layout.get("circle-sort-key")).isConstant());
for (var s = 0, l = t; s < l.length; s += 1) {
var u = l[s]
, c = u.feature
, p =
, h = u.index
, f = u.sourceLayerIndex
, d = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry
, m = No(c, d);
if (this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new ln(this.zoom), m, r)) {
var y = a ? o.evaluate(m, {}, r) : void 0
, g = {
id: p,
type: c.type,
sourceLayerIndex: f,
index: h,
geometry: d ? m.geometry : jo(c),
patterns: {},
sortKey: y
a && n.sort((function(t, e) {
return t.sortKey - e.sortKey
for (var v = 0, _ = n; v < _.length; v += 1) {
var x = _[v]
, b = x.geometry
, w = x.index
, E = x.sourceLayerIndex
, C = t[w].feature;
this.addFeature(x, b, w, r),
e.featureIndex.insert(C, b, w, E, this.index)
Go.prototype.update = function(t, e, r) {
this.stateDependentLayers.length && this.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t, e, this.stateDependentLayers, r)
Go.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.layoutVertexArray.length
Go.prototype.uploadPending = function() {
return !this.uploaded || this.programConfigurations.needsUpload
Go.prototype.upload = function(t) {
this.uploaded || (this.layoutVertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, so),
this.indexBuffer = t.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray)),
this.uploaded = !0
Go.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(),
Go.prototype.addFeature = function(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n = 0, o = e; n < o.length; n += 1)
for (var a = 0, s = o[n]; a < s.length; a += 1) {
var l = s[a]
, u = l.x
, c = l.y;
if (!(u < 0 || u >= 8192 || c < 0 || c >= 8192)) {
var p = this.segments.prepareSegment(4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray, t.sortKey)
, h = p.vertexLength;
qo(this.layoutVertexArray, u, c, -1, -1),
qo(this.layoutVertexArray, u, c, 1, -1),
qo(this.layoutVertexArray, u, c, 1, 1),
qo(this.layoutVertexArray, u, c, -1, 1),
this.indexArray.emplaceBack(h, h + 1, h + 2),
this.indexArray.emplaceBack(h, h + 3, h + 2),
p.vertexLength += 4,
p.primitiveLength += 2
this.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(this.layoutVertexArray.length, t, r, {}, i)
Oi("CircleBucket", Go, {
omit: ["layers"]
var oa = new wn({
"circle-sort-key": new vn(Dt.layout_circle["circle-sort-key"])
, aa = {
paint: new wn({
"circle-radius": new vn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-radius"]),
"circle-color": new vn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-color"]),
"circle-blur": new vn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-blur"]),
"circle-opacity": new vn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-opacity"]),
"circle-translate": new gn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-translate"]),
"circle-translate-anchor": new gn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-translate-anchor"]),
"circle-pitch-scale": new gn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-pitch-scale"]),
"circle-pitch-alignment": new gn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-pitch-alignment"]),
"circle-stroke-width": new vn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-stroke-width"]),
"circle-stroke-color": new vn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-stroke-color"]),
"circle-stroke-opacity": new vn(Dt.paint_circle["circle-stroke-opacity"])
layout: oa
, sa = "undefined" != typeof Float32Array ? Float32Array : Array;
function la(t) {
return t[0] = 1,
t[1] = 0,
t[2] = 0,
t[3] = 0,
t[4] = 0,
t[5] = 1,
t[6] = 0,
t[7] = 0,
t[8] = 0,
t[9] = 0,
t[10] = 1,
t[11] = 0,
t[12] = 0,
t[13] = 0,
t[14] = 0,
t[15] = 1,
function ua(t, e, r) {
var i = e[0]
, n = e[1]
, o = e[2]
, a = e[3]
, s = e[4]
, l = e[5]
, u = e[6]
, c = e[7]
, p = e[8]
, h = e[9]
, f = e[10]
, d = e[11]
, m = e[12]
, y = e[13]
, g = e[14]
, v = e[15]
, _ = r[0]
, x = r[1]
, b = r[2]
, w = r[3];
return t[0] = _ * i + x * s + b * p + w * m,
t[1] = _ * n + x * l + b * h + w * y,
t[2] = _ * o + x * u + b * f + w * g,
t[3] = _ * a + x * c + b * d + w * v,
t[4] = (_ = r[4]) * i + (x = r[5]) * s + (b = r[6]) * p + (w = r[7]) * m,
t[5] = _ * n + x * l + b * h + w * y,
t[6] = _ * o + x * u + b * f + w * g,
t[7] = _ * a + x * c + b * d + w * v,
t[8] = (_ = r[8]) * i + (x = r[9]) * s + (b = r[10]) * p + (w = r[11]) * m,
t[9] = _ * n + x * l + b * h + w * y,
t[10] = _ * o + x * u + b * f + w * g,
t[11] = _ * a + x * c + b * d + w * v,
t[12] = (_ = r[12]) * i + (x = r[13]) * s + (b = r[14]) * p + (w = r[15]) * m,
t[13] = _ * n + x * l + b * h + w * y,
t[14] = _ * o + x * u + b * f + w * g,
t[15] = _ * a + x * c + b * d + w * v,
Math.hypot || (Math.hypot = function() {
for (var t = arguments, e = 0, r = arguments.length; r--; )
e += t[r] * t[r];
return Math.sqrt(e)
var ca, pa = ua;
function ha(t, e, r) {
var i = e[0]
, n = e[1]
, o = e[2]
, a = e[3];
return t[0] = r[0] * i + r[4] * n + r[8] * o + r[12] * a,
t[1] = r[1] * i + r[5] * n + r[9] * o + r[13] * a,
t[2] = r[2] * i + r[6] * n + r[10] * o + r[14] * a,
t[3] = r[3] * i + r[7] * n + r[11] * o + r[15] * a,
ca = new sa(3),
sa != Float32Array && (ca[0] = 0,
ca[1] = 0,
ca[2] = 0),
function() {
var t = new sa(4);
sa != Float32Array && (t[0] = 0,
t[1] = 0,
t[2] = 0,
t[3] = 0)
var fa = (function() {
var t = new sa(2);
sa != Float32Array && (t[0] = 0,
t[1] = 0)
function(t) {
function e(e) {, e, aa)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.createBucket = function(t) {
return new Go(t)
e.prototype.queryRadius = function(t) {
var e = t;
return ra("circle-radius", this, e) + ra("circle-stroke-width", this, e) + ia(this.paint.get("circle-translate"))
e.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s) {
for (var l = na(t, this.paint.get("circle-translate"), this.paint.get("circle-translate-anchor"), o.angle, a), u = this.paint.get("circle-radius").evaluate(e, r) + this.paint.get("circle-stroke-width").evaluate(e, r), c = "map" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-alignment"), p = c ? l : function(t, e) {
return {
return da(t, e)
}(l, s), h = c ? u * a : u, f = 0, d = i; f < d.length; f += 1)
for (var m = 0, y = d[f]; m < y.length; m += 1) {
var g = y[m]
, v = c ? g : da(g, s)
, _ = h
, x = ha([], [g.x, g.y, 0, 1], s);
if ("viewport" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-scale") && "map" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-alignment") ? _ *= x[3] / o.cameraToCenterDistance : "map" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-scale") && "viewport" === this.paint.get("circle-pitch-alignment") && (_ *= o.cameraToCenterDistance / x[3]),
Xo(p, v, _))
return !0
return !1
function da(t, e) {
var r = ha([], [t.x, t.y, 0, 1], e);
return new n(r[0] / r[3],r[1] / r[3])
var ma = function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
function ya(t, e, r, i) {
var n = e.width
, o = e.height;
if (i) {
if (i instanceof Uint8ClampedArray)
i = new Uint8Array(i.buffer);
else if (i.length !== n * o * r)
throw new RangeError("mismatched image size")
} else
i = new Uint8Array(n * o * r);
return t.width = n,
t.height = o, = i,
function ga(t, e, r) {
var i = e.width
, n = e.height;
if (i !== t.width || n !== t.height) {
var o = ya({}, {
width: i,
height: n
}, r);
va(t, o, {
x: 0,
y: 0
}, {
x: 0,
y: 0
}, {
width: Math.min(t.width, i),
height: Math.min(t.height, n)
}, r),
t.width = i,
t.height = n, =
function va(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
if (0 === n.width || 0 === n.height)
return e;
if (n.width > t.width || n.height > t.height || r.x > t.width - n.width || r.y > t.height - n.height)
throw new RangeError("out of range source coordinates for image copy");
if (n.width > e.width || n.height > e.height || i.x > e.width - n.width || i.y > e.height - n.height)
throw new RangeError("out of range destination coordinates for image copy");
for (var a =, s =, l = 0; l < n.height; l++)
for (var u = ((r.y + l) * t.width + r.x) * o, c = ((i.y + l) * e.width + i.x) * o, p = 0; p < n.width * o; p++)
s[c + p] = a[u + p];
return e
Oi("HeatmapBucket", ma, {
omit: ["layers"]
var _a = function(t, e) {
ya(this, t, 1, e)
_a.prototype.resize = function(t) {
ga(this, t, 1)
_a.prototype.clone = function() {
return new _a({
width: this.width,
height: this.height
},new Uint8Array(
_a.copy = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
va(t, e, r, i, n, 1)
var xa = function(t, e) {
ya(this, t, 4, e)
xa.prototype.resize = function(t) {
ga(this, t, 4)
xa.prototype.replace = function(t, e) {
e ? : = t instanceof Uint8ClampedArray ? new Uint8Array(t.buffer) : t
xa.prototype.clone = function() {
return new xa({
width: this.width,
height: this.height
},new Uint8Array(
xa.copy = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
va(t, e, r, i, n, 4)
Oi("AlphaImage", _a),
Oi("RGBAImage", xa);
var ba = {
paint: new wn({
"heatmap-radius": new vn(Dt.paint_heatmap["heatmap-radius"]),
"heatmap-weight": new vn(Dt.paint_heatmap["heatmap-weight"]),
"heatmap-intensity": new gn(Dt.paint_heatmap["heatmap-intensity"]),
"heatmap-color": new bn(Dt.paint_heatmap["heatmap-color"]),
"heatmap-opacity": new gn(Dt.paint_heatmap["heatmap-opacity"])
function wa(t) {
var e = {}
, r = t.resolution || 256
, i = t.clips ? t.clips.length : 1
, n = t.image || new xa({
width: r,
height: i
, o = function(r, i, o) {
e[t.evaluationKey] = o;
var a = t.expression.evaluate(e);[r + i + 0] = Math.floor(255 * a.r / a.a),[r + i + 1] = Math.floor(255 * a.g / a.a),[r + i + 2] = Math.floor(255 * a.b / a.a),[r + i + 3] = Math.floor(255 * a.a)
if (t.clips)
for (var a = 0, s = 0; a < i; ++a,
s += 4 * r)
for (var l = 0, u = 0; l < r; l++,
u += 4) {
var c = l / (r - 1)
, p = t.clips[a];
o(s, u, p.start * (1 - c) + p.end * c)
for (var h = 0, f = 0; h < r; h++,
f += 4)
o(0, f, h / (r - 1));
return n
var Ea = function(t) {
function e(e) {, e, ba),
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.createBucket = function(t) {
return new ma(t)
e.prototype._handleSpecialPaintPropertyUpdate = function(t) {
"heatmap-color" === t && this._updateColorRamp()
e.prototype._updateColorRamp = function() {
this.colorRamp = wa({
expression: this._transitionablePaint._values["heatmap-color"].value.expression,
evaluationKey: "heatmapDensity",
image: this.colorRamp
this.colorRampTexture = null
e.prototype.resize = function() {
this.heatmapFbo && (this.heatmapFbo.destroy(),
this.heatmapFbo = null)
e.prototype.queryRadius = function() {
return 0
e.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function() {
return !1
e.prototype.hasOffscreenPass = function() {
return 0 !== this.paint.get("heatmap-opacity") && "none" !== this.visibility
, Ca = {
paint: new wn({
"hillshade-illumination-direction": new gn(Dt.paint_hillshade["hillshade-illumination-direction"]),
"hillshade-illumination-anchor": new gn(Dt.paint_hillshade["hillshade-illumination-anchor"]),
"hillshade-exaggeration": new gn(Dt.paint_hillshade["hillshade-exaggeration"]),
"hillshade-shadow-color": new gn(Dt.paint_hillshade["hillshade-shadow-color"]),
"hillshade-highlight-color": new gn(Dt.paint_hillshade["hillshade-highlight-color"]),
"hillshade-accent-color": new gn(Dt.paint_hillshade["hillshade-accent-color"])
, Aa = function(t) {
function e(e) {, e, Ca)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.hasOffscreenPass = function() {
return 0 !== this.paint.get("hillshade-exaggeration") && "none" !== this.visibility
, za = Sn([{
name: "a_pos",
components: 2,
type: "Int16"
}], 4).members
, Sa = Ta
, ka = Ta;
function Ta(t, e, r) {
r = r || 2;
var i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c = e && e.length, p = c ? e[0] * r : t.length, h = Da(t, 0, p, r, !0), f = [];
if (!h || === h.prev)
return f;
if (c && (h = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n, o, a, s = [];
for (n = 0,
o = e.length; n < o; n++)
(a = Da(t, e[n] * i, n < o - 1 ? e[n + 1] * i : t.length, i, !1)) === && (a.steiner = !0),
for (s.sort(Ra),
n = 0; n < s.length; n++)
Oa(s[n], r),
r = Ia(r,;
return r
}(t, e, h, r)),
t.length > 80 * r) {
i = o = t[0],
n = a = t[1];
for (var d = r; d < p; d += r)
(s = t[d]) < i && (i = s),
(l = t[d + 1]) < n && (n = l),
s > o && (o = s),
l > a && (a = l);
u = 0 !== (u = Math.max(o - i, a - n)) ? 1 / u : 0
return Fa(h, f, r, i, n, u),
function Da(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o, a;
if (n === ts(t, e, r, i) > 0)
for (o = e; o < r; o += i)
a = Ya(o, t[o], t[o + 1], a);
for (o = r - i; o >= e; o -= i)
a = Ya(o, t[o], t[o + 1], a);
return a && Za(a, && ($a(a),
a =,
function Ia(t, e) {
if (!t)
return t;
e || (e = t);
var r, i = t;
do {
if (r = !1,
i.steiner || !Za(i, && 0 !== Ga(i.prev, i,
i =;
else {
if ($a(i),
(i = e = i.prev) ===
r = !0
} while (r || i !== e);
return e
function Fa(t, e, r, i, n, o, a) {
if (t) {
!a && o && function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = t;
do {
null === n.z && (n.z = Va(n.x, n.y, e, r, i)),
n.prevZ = n.prev,
n.nextZ =,
n =
} while (n !== t);
n.prevZ.nextZ = null,
n.prevZ = null,
function(t) {
var e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u = 1;
do {
for (r = t,
t = null,
o = null,
a = 0; r; ) {
for (a++,
i = r,
s = 0,
e = 0; e < u && (s++,
i = i.nextZ); e++)
for (l = u; s > 0 || l > 0 && i; )
0 !== s && (0 === l || !i || r.z <= i.z) ? (n = r,
r = r.nextZ,
s--) : (n = i,
i = i.nextZ,
o ? o.nextZ = n : t = n,
n.prevZ = o,
o = n;
r = i
o.nextZ = null,
u *= 2
} while (a > 1)
}(t, i, n, o);
for (var s, l, u = t; t.prev !==; )
if (s = t.prev,
l =,
o ? Pa(t, i, n, o) : Ba(t))
e.push(s.i / r),
e.push(t.i / r),
e.push(l.i / r),
t =,
u =;
else if ((t = l) === u) {
a ? 1 === a ? Fa(t = Ma(Ia(t), e, r), e, r, i, n, o, 2) : 2 === a && La(t, e, r, i, n, o) : Fa(Ia(t), e, r, i, n, o, 1);
function Ba(t) {
var e = t.prev
, r = t
, i =;
if (Ga(e, r, i) >= 0)
return !1;
for (var n =; n !== t.prev; ) {
if (Na(e.x, e.y, r.x, r.y, i.x, i.y, n.x, n.y) && Ga(n.prev, n, >= 0)
return !1;
n =
return !0
function Pa(t, e, r, i) {
var n = t.prev
, o = t
, a =;
if (Ga(n, o, a) >= 0)
return !1;
for (var s = n.x > o.x ? n.x > a.x ? n.x : a.x : o.x > a.x ? o.x : a.x, l = n.y > o.y ? n.y > a.y ? n.y : a.y : o.y > a.y ? o.y : a.y, u = Va(n.x < o.x ? n.x < a.x ? n.x : a.x : o.x < a.x ? o.x : a.x, n.y < o.y ? n.y < a.y ? n.y : a.y : o.y < a.y ? o.y : a.y, e, r, i), c = Va(s, l, e, r, i), p = t.prevZ, h = t.nextZ; p && p.z >= u && h && h.z <= c; ) {
if (p !== t.prev && p !== && Na(n.x, n.y, o.x, o.y, a.x, a.y, p.x, p.y) && Ga(p.prev, p, >= 0)
return !1;
if (p = p.prevZ,
h !== t.prev && h !== && Na(n.x, n.y, o.x, o.y, a.x, a.y, h.x, h.y) && Ga(h.prev, h, >= 0)
return !1;
h = h.nextZ
for (; p && p.z >= u; ) {
if (p !== t.prev && p !== && Na(n.x, n.y, o.x, o.y, a.x, a.y, p.x, p.y) && Ga(p.prev, p, >= 0)
return !1;
p = p.prevZ
for (; h && h.z <= c; ) {
if (h !== t.prev && h !== && Na(n.x, n.y, o.x, o.y, a.x, a.y, h.x, h.y) && Ga(h.prev, h, >= 0)
return !1;
h = h.nextZ
return !0
function Ma(t, e, r) {
var i = t;
do {
var n = i.prev
, o =;
!Za(n, o) && Xa(n, i,, o) && Ka(n, o) && Ka(o, n) && (e.push(n.i / r),
e.push(i.i / r),
e.push(o.i / r),
i = t = o),
i =
} while (i !== t);
return Ia(i)
function La(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
var a = t;
do {
for (var s =; s !== a.prev; ) {
if (a.i !== s.i && qa(a, s)) {
var l = Ja(a, s);
return a = Ia(a,,
l = Ia(l,,
Fa(a, e, r, i, n, o),
void Fa(l, e, r, i, n, o)
s =
a =
} while (a !== t)
function Ra(t, e) {
return t.x - e.x
function Oa(t, e) {
if (e = function(t, e) {
var r, i = e, n = t.x, o = t.y, a = -1 / 0;
do {
if (o <= i.y && o >= && !== i.y) {
var s = i.x + (o - i.y) * ( - i.x) / ( - i.y);
if (s <= n && s > a) {
if (a = s,
s === n) {
if (o === i.y)
return i;
if (o ===
r = i.x < ? i :
i =
} while (i !== e);
if (!r)
return null;
if (n === a)
return r;
var l, u = r, c = r.x, p = r.y, h = 1 / 0;
i = r;
do {
n >= i.x && i.x >= c && n !== i.x && Na(o < p ? n : a, o, c, p, o < p ? a : n, o, i.x, i.y) && (l = Math.abs(o - i.y) / (n - i.x),
Ka(i, t) && (l < h || l === h && (i.x > r.x || i.x === r.x && Ua(r, i))) && (r = i,
h = l)),
i =
} while (i !== u);
return r
}(t, e)) {
var r = Ja(e, t);
function Ua(t, e) {
return Ga(t.prev, t, e.prev) < 0 && Ga(, t, < 0
function Va(t, e, r, i, n) {
return (t = 1431655765 & ((t = 858993459 & ((t = 252645135 & ((t = 16711935 & ((t = 32767 * (t - r) * n) | t << 8)) | t << 4)) | t << 2)) | t << 1)) | (e = 1431655765 & ((e = 858993459 & ((e = 252645135 & ((e = 16711935 & ((e = 32767 * (e - i) * n) | e << 8)) | e << 4)) | e << 2)) | e << 1)) << 1
function ja(t) {
var e = t
, r = t;
do {
(e.x < r.x || e.x === r.x && e.y < r.y) && (r = e),
e =
} while (e !== t);
return r
function Na(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s) {
return (n - a) * (e - s) - (t - a) * (o - s) >= 0 && (t - a) * (i - s) - (r - a) * (e - s) >= 0 && (r - a) * (o - s) - (n - a) * (i - s) >= 0
function qa(t, e) {
return !== e.i && t.prev.i !== e.i && !function(t, e) {
var r = t;
do {
if (r.i !== t.i && !== t.i && r.i !== e.i && !== e.i && Xa(r,, t, e))
return !0;
r =
} while (r !== t);
return !1
}(t, e) && (Ka(t, e) && Ka(e, t) && function(t, e) {
var r = t
, i = !1
, n = (t.x + e.x) / 2
, o = (t.y + e.y) / 2;
do {
r.y > o != > o && !== r.y && n < ( - r.x) * (o - r.y) / ( - r.y) + r.x && (i = !i),
r =
} while (r !== t);
return i
}(t, e) && (Ga(t.prev, t, e.prev) || Ga(t, e.prev, e)) || Za(t, e) && Ga(t.prev, t, > 0 && Ga(e.prev, e, > 0)
function Ga(t, e, r) {
return (e.y - t.y) * (r.x - e.x) - (e.x - t.x) * (r.y - e.y)
function Za(t, e) {
return t.x === e.x && t.y === e.y
function Xa(t, e, r, i) {
var n = Ha(Ga(t, e, r))
, o = Ha(Ga(t, e, i))
, a = Ha(Ga(r, i, t))
, s = Ha(Ga(r, i, e));
return n !== o && a !== s || !(0 !== n || !Wa(t, r, e)) || !(0 !== o || !Wa(t, i, e)) || !(0 !== a || !Wa(r, t, i)) || !(0 !== s || !Wa(r, e, i))
function Wa(t, e, r) {
return e.x <= Math.max(t.x, r.x) && e.x >= Math.min(t.x, r.x) && e.y <= Math.max(t.y, r.y) && e.y >= Math.min(t.y, r.y)
function Ha(t) {
return t > 0 ? 1 : t < 0 ? -1 : 0
function Ka(t, e) {
return Ga(t.prev, t, < 0 ? Ga(t, e, >= 0 && Ga(t, t.prev, e) >= 0 : Ga(t, e, t.prev) < 0 || Ga(t,, e) < 0
function Ja(t, e) {
var r = new Qa(t.i,t.x,t.y)
, i = new Qa(e.i,e.x,e.y)
, n =
, o = e.prev;
return = e,
e.prev = t, = n,
n.prev = r, = r,
r.prev = i, = i,
i.prev = o,
function Ya(t, e, r, i) {
var n = new Qa(t,e,r);
return i ? ( =,
n.prev = i, = n, = n) : (n.prev = n, = n),
function $a(t) { = t.prev, =,
t.prevZ && (t.prevZ.nextZ = t.nextZ),
t.nextZ && (t.nextZ.prevZ = t.prevZ)
function Qa(t, e, r) {
this.i = t,
this.x = e,
this.y = r,
this.prev = null, = null,
this.z = null,
this.prevZ = null,
this.nextZ = null,
this.steiner = !1
function ts(t, e, r, i) {
for (var n = 0, o = e, a = r - i; o < r; o += i)
n += (t[a] - t[o]) * (t[o + 1] + t[a + 1]),
a = o;
return n
function es(t, e, r, i, n) {
!function t(e, r, i, n, o) {
for (; n > i; ) {
if (n - i > 600) {
var a = n - i + 1
, s = r - i + 1
, l = Math.log(a)
, u = .5 * Math.exp(2 * l / 3)
, c = .5 * Math.sqrt(l * u * (a - u) / a) * (s - a / 2 < 0 ? -1 : 1);
t(e, r, Math.max(i, Math.floor(r - s * u / a + c)), Math.min(n, Math.floor(r + (a - s) * u / a + c)), o)
var p = e[r]
, h = i
, f = n;
for (rs(e, i, r),
o(e[n], p) > 0 && rs(e, i, n); h < f; ) {
for (rs(e, h, f),
f--; o(e[h], p) < 0; )
for (; o(e[f], p) > 0; )
0 === o(e[i], p) ? rs(e, i, f) : rs(e, ++f, n),
f <= r && (i = f + 1),
r <= f && (n = f - 1)
}(t, e, r || 0, i || t.length - 1, n || is)
function rs(t, e, r) {
var i = t[e];
t[e] = t[r],
t[r] = i
function is(t, e) {
return t < e ? -1 : t > e ? 1 : 0
function ns(t, e) {
var r = t.length;
if (r <= 1)
return [t];
for (var i, n, o = [], a = 0; a < r; a++) {
var s = A(t[a]);
0 !== s && (t[a].area = Math.abs(s),
void 0 === n && (n = s < 0),
n === s < 0 ? (i && o.push(i),
i = [t[a]]) : i.push(t[a]))
if (i && o.push(i),
e > 1)
for (var l = 0; l < o.length; l++)
o[l].length <= e || (es(o[l], e, 1, o[l].length - 1, os),
o[l] = o[l].slice(0, e));
return o
function os(t, e) {
return e.area - t.area
function as(t, e, r) {
for (var i = r.patternDependencies, n = !1, o = 0, a = e; o < a.length; o += 1) {
var s = a[o].paint.get(t + "-pattern");
s.isConstant() || (n = !0);
var l = s.constantOr(null);
l && (n = !0,
i[] = !0,
i[l.from] = !0)
return n
function ss(t, e, r, i, n) {
for (var o = n.patternDependencies, a = 0, s = e; a < s.length; a += 1) {
var l = s[a]
, u = l.paint.get(t + "-pattern").value;
if ("constant" !== u.kind) {
var c = u.evaluate({
zoom: i - 1
}, r, {}, n.availableImages)
, p = u.evaluate({
zoom: i
}, r, {}, n.availableImages)
, h = u.evaluate({
zoom: i + 1
}, r, {}, n.availableImages);
p = p && ? : p,
h = h && ? : h,
o[c = c && ? : c] = !0,
o[p] = !0,
o[h] = !0,
r.patterns[] = {
min: c,
mid: p,
max: h
return r
Ta.deviation = function(t, e, r, i) {
var n = e && e.length
, o = Math.abs(ts(t, 0, n ? e[0] * r : t.length, r));
if (n)
for (var a = 0, s = e.length; a < s; a++)
o -= Math.abs(ts(t, e[a] * r, a < s - 1 ? e[a + 1] * r : t.length, r));
var l = 0;
for (a = 0; a < i.length; a += 3) {
var u = i[a] * r
, c = i[a + 1] * r
, p = i[a + 2] * r;
l += Math.abs((t[u] - t[p]) * (t[c + 1] - t[u + 1]) - (t[u] - t[c]) * (t[p + 1] - t[u + 1]))
return 0 === o && 0 === l ? 0 : Math.abs((l - o) / o)
Ta.flatten = function(t) {
for (var e = t[0][0].length, r = {
vertices: [],
holes: [],
dimensions: e
}, i = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
for (var o = 0; o < t[n].length; o++)
for (var a = 0; a < e; a++)
n > 0 && r.holes.push(i += t[n - 1].length)
return r
Sa.default = ka;
var ls = function(t) {
this.zoom = t.zoom,
this.overscaling = t.overscaling,
this.layers = t.layers,
this.layerIds = {
this.index = t.index,
this.hasPattern = !1,
this.patternFeatures = [],
this.layoutVertexArray = new Tn,
this.indexArray = new Nn,
this.indexArray2 = new Hn,
this.programConfigurations = new Lo(t.layers,t.zoom),
this.segments = new lo,
this.segments2 = new lo,
this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter((function(t) {
return t.isStateDependent()
)).map((function(t) {
ls.prototype.populate = function(t, e, r) {
this.hasPattern = as("fill", this.layers, e);
for (var i = this.layers[0].layout.get("fill-sort-key"), n = !i.isConstant(), o = [], a = 0, s = t; a < s.length; a += 1) {
var l = s[a]
, u = l.feature
, c =
, p = l.index
, h = l.sourceLayerIndex
, f = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry
, d = No(u, f);
if (this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new ln(this.zoom), d, r)) {
var m = n ? i.evaluate(d, {}, r, e.availableImages) : void 0
, y = {
id: c,
type: u.type,
sourceLayerIndex: h,
index: p,
geometry: f ? d.geometry : jo(u),
patterns: {},
sortKey: m
n && o.sort((function(t, e) {
return t.sortKey - e.sortKey
for (var g = 0, v = o; g < v.length; g += 1) {
var _ = v[g]
, x = _.geometry
, b = _.index
, w = _.sourceLayerIndex;
if (this.hasPattern) {
var E = ss("fill", this.layers, _, this.zoom, e);
} else
this.addFeature(_, x, b, r, {});
e.featureIndex.insert(t[b].feature, x, b, w, this.index)
ls.prototype.update = function(t, e, r) {
this.stateDependentLayers.length && this.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t, e, this.stateDependentLayers, r)
ls.prototype.addFeatures = function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = 0, n = this.patternFeatures; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i];
this.addFeature(o, o.geometry, o.index, e, r)
ls.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.layoutVertexArray.length
ls.prototype.uploadPending = function() {
return !this.uploaded || this.programConfigurations.needsUpload
ls.prototype.upload = function(t) {
this.uploaded || (this.layoutVertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, za),
this.indexBuffer = t.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray),
this.indexBuffer2 = t.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray2)),
this.uploaded = !0
ls.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(),
ls.prototype.addFeature = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
for (var o = 0, a = ns(e, 500); o < a.length; o += 1) {
for (var s = a[o], l = 0, u = 0, c = s; u < c.length; u += 1)
l += c[u].length;
for (var p = this.segments.prepareSegment(l, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray), h = p.vertexLength, f = [], d = [], m = 0, y = s; m < y.length; m += 1) {
var g = y[m];
if (0 !== g.length) {
g !== s[0] && d.push(f.length / 2);
var v = this.segments2.prepareSegment(g.length, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray2)
, _ = v.vertexLength;
this.layoutVertexArray.emplaceBack(g[0].x, g[0].y),
this.indexArray2.emplaceBack(_ + g.length - 1, _),
for (var x = 1; x < g.length; x++)
this.layoutVertexArray.emplaceBack(g[x].x, g[x].y),
this.indexArray2.emplaceBack(_ + x - 1, _ + x),
v.vertexLength += g.length,
v.primitiveLength += g.length
for (var b = Sa(f, d), w = 0; w < b.length; w += 3)
this.indexArray.emplaceBack(h + b[w], h + b[w + 1], h + b[w + 2]);
p.vertexLength += l,
p.primitiveLength += b.length / 3
this.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(this.layoutVertexArray.length, t, r, n, i)
Oi("FillBucket", ls, {
omit: ["layers", "patternFeatures"]
var us = new wn({
"fill-sort-key": new vn(Dt.layout_fill["fill-sort-key"])
, cs = {
paint: new wn({
"fill-antialias": new gn(Dt.paint_fill["fill-antialias"]),
"fill-opacity": new vn(Dt.paint_fill["fill-opacity"]),
"fill-color": new vn(Dt.paint_fill["fill-color"]),
"fill-outline-color": new vn(Dt.paint_fill["fill-outline-color"]),
"fill-translate": new gn(Dt.paint_fill["fill-translate"]),
"fill-translate-anchor": new gn(Dt.paint_fill["fill-translate-anchor"]),
"fill-pattern": new _n(Dt.paint_fill["fill-pattern"])
layout: us
, ps = function(t) {
function e(e) {, e, cs)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.recalculate = function(e, r) {, e, r);
var i = this.paint._values["fill-outline-color"];
"constant" === i.value.kind && void 0 === i.value.value && (this.paint._values["fill-outline-color"] = this.paint._values["fill-color"])
e.prototype.createBucket = function(t) {
return new ls(t)
e.prototype.queryRadius = function() {
return ia(this.paint.get("fill-translate"))
e.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a) {
return Wo(na(t, this.paint.get("fill-translate"), this.paint.get("fill-translate-anchor"), o.angle, a), i)
e.prototype.isTileClipped = function() {
return !0
, hs = Sn([{
name: "a_pos",
components: 2,
type: "Int16"
}, {
name: "a_normal_ed",
components: 4,
type: "Int16"
}], 4).members
, fs = ds;
function ds(t, e, r, i, n) { = {},
this.extent = r,
this.type = 0,
this._pbf = t,
this._geometry = -1,
this._keys = i,
this._values = n,
t.readFields(ms, this, e)
function ms(t, e, r) {
1 == t ? = r.readVarint() : 2 == t ? function(t, e) {
for (var r = t.readVarint() + t.pos; t.pos < r; ) {
var i = e._keys[t.readVarint()]
, n = e._values[t.readVarint()];[i] = n
}(r, e) : 3 == t ? e.type = r.readVarint() : 4 == t && (e._geometry = r.pos)
function ys(t) {
for (var e, r, i = 0, n = 0, o = t.length, a = o - 1; n < o; a = n++)
i += ((r = t[a]).x - (e = t[n]).x) * (e.y + r.y);
return i
ds.types = ["Unknown", "Point", "LineString", "Polygon"],
ds.prototype.loadGeometry = function() {
var t = this._pbf;
t.pos = this._geometry;
for (var e, r = t.readVarint() + t.pos, i = 1, o = 0, a = 0, s = 0, l = []; t.pos < r; ) {
if (o <= 0) {
var u = t.readVarint();
i = 7 & u,
o = u >> 3
if (o--,
1 === i || 2 === i)
a += t.readSVarint(),
s += t.readSVarint(),
1 === i && (e && l.push(e),
e = []),
e.push(new n(a,s));
else {
if (7 !== i)
throw new Error("unknown command " + i);
e && e.push(e[0].clone())
return e && l.push(e),
ds.prototype.bbox = function() {
var t = this._pbf;
t.pos = this._geometry;
for (var e = t.readVarint() + t.pos, r = 1, i = 0, n = 0, o = 0, a = 1 / 0, s = -1 / 0, l = 1 / 0, u = -1 / 0; t.pos < e; ) {
if (i <= 0) {
var c = t.readVarint();
r = 7 & c,
i = c >> 3
if (i--,
1 === r || 2 === r)
(n += t.readSVarint()) < a && (a = n),
n > s && (s = n),
(o += t.readSVarint()) < l && (l = o),
o > u && (u = o);
else if (7 !== r)
throw new Error("unknown command " + r)
return [a, l, s, u]
ds.prototype.toGeoJSON = function(t, e, r) {
var i, n, o = this.extent * Math.pow(2, r), a = this.extent * t, s = this.extent * e, l = this.loadGeometry(), u = ds.types[this.type];
function c(t) {
for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
var r = t[e];
t[e] = [360 * (r.x + a) / o - 180, 360 / Math.PI * Math.atan(Math.exp((180 - 360 * (r.y + s) / o) * Math.PI / 180)) - 90]
switch (this.type) {
case 1:
var p = [];
for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++)
p[i] = l[i][0];
c(l = p);
case 2:
for (i = 0; i < l.length; i++)
case 3:
for (l = function(t) {
var e = t.length;
if (e <= 1)
return [t];
for (var r, i, n = [], o = 0; o < e; o++) {
var a = ys(t[o]);
0 !== a && (void 0 === i && (i = a < 0),
i === a < 0 ? (r && n.push(r),
r = [t[o]]) : r.push(t[o]))
return r && n.push(r),
i = 0; i < l.length; i++)
for (n = 0; n < l[i].length; n++)
1 === l.length ? l = l[0] : u = "Multi" + u;
var h = {
type: "Feature",
geometry: {
type: u,
coordinates: l
return "id"in this && ( =,
var gs = vs;
function vs(t, e) {
this.version = 1, = null,
this.extent = 4096,
this.length = 0,
this._pbf = t,
this._keys = [],
this._values = [],
this._features = [],
t.readFields(_s, this, e),
this.length = this._features.length
function _s(t, e, r) {
15 === t ? e.version = r.readVarint() : 1 === t ? = r.readString() : 5 === t ? e.extent = r.readVarint() : 2 === t ? e._features.push(r.pos) : 3 === t ? e._keys.push(r.readString()) : 4 === t && e._values.push(function(t) {
for (var e = null, r = t.readVarint() + t.pos; t.pos < r; ) {
var i = t.readVarint() >> 3;
e = 1 === i ? t.readString() : 2 === i ? t.readFloat() : 3 === i ? t.readDouble() : 4 === i ? t.readVarint64() : 5 === i ? t.readVarint() : 6 === i ? t.readSVarint() : 7 === i ? t.readBoolean() : null
return e
function xs(t, e, r) {
if (3 === t) {
var i = new gs(r,r.readVarint() + r.pos);
i.length && (e[] = i)
vs.prototype.feature = function(t) {
if (t < 0 || t >= this._features.length)
throw new Error("feature index out of bounds");
this._pbf.pos = this._features[t];
var e = this._pbf.readVarint() + this._pbf.pos;
return new fs(this._pbf,e,this.extent,this._keys,this._values)
var bs = {
VectorTile: function(t, e) {
this.layers = t.readFields(xs, {}, e)
VectorTileFeature: fs,
VectorTileLayer: gs
, ws = bs.VectorTileFeature.types
, Es = Math.pow(2, 13);
function Cs(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s) {
t.emplaceBack(e, r, 2 * Math.floor(i * Es) + a, n * Es * 2, o * Es * 2, Math.round(s))
var As = function(t) {
this.zoom = t.zoom,
this.overscaling = t.overscaling,
this.layers = t.layers,
this.layerIds = {
this.index = t.index,
this.hasPattern = !1,
this.layoutVertexArray = new In,
this.indexArray = new Nn,
this.programConfigurations = new Lo(t.layers,t.zoom),
this.segments = new lo,
this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter((function(t) {
return t.isStateDependent()
)).map((function(t) {
function zs(t, e) {
return t.x === e.x && (t.x < 0 || t.x > 8192) || t.y === e.y && (t.y < 0 || t.y > 8192)
As.prototype.populate = function(t, e, r) {
this.features = [],
this.hasPattern = as("fill-extrusion", this.layers, e);
for (var i = 0, n = t; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i]
, a = o.feature
, s =
, l = o.index
, u = o.sourceLayerIndex
, c = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry
, p = No(a, c);
if (this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new ln(this.zoom), p, r)) {
var h = {
id: s,
sourceLayerIndex: u,
index: l,
geometry: c ? p.geometry : jo(a),
type: a.type,
patterns: {}
this.hasPattern ? this.features.push(ss("fill-extrusion", this.layers, h, this.zoom, e)) : this.addFeature(h, h.geometry, l, r, {}),
e.featureIndex.insert(a, h.geometry, l, u, this.index, !0)
As.prototype.addFeatures = function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = 0, n = this.features; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i];
this.addFeature(o, o.geometry, o.index, e, r)
As.prototype.update = function(t, e, r) {
this.stateDependentLayers.length && this.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t, e, this.stateDependentLayers, r)
As.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.layoutVertexArray.length
As.prototype.uploadPending = function() {
return !this.uploaded || this.programConfigurations.needsUpload
As.prototype.upload = function(t) {
this.uploaded || (this.layoutVertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, hs),
this.indexBuffer = t.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray)),
this.uploaded = !0
As.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(),
As.prototype.addFeature = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
for (var o = 0, a = ns(e, 500); o < a.length; o += 1) {
for (var s = a[o], l = 0, u = 0, c = s; u < c.length; u += 1)
l += c[u].length;
for (var p = this.segments.prepareSegment(4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray), h = 0, f = s; h < f.length; h += 1) {
var d = f[h];
if (0 !== d.length && !((F = d).every((function(t) {
return t.x < 0
)) || F.every((function(t) {
return t.x > 8192
)) || F.every((function(t) {
return t.y < 0
)) || F.every((function(t) {
return t.y > 8192
for (var m = 0, y = 0; y < d.length; y++) {
var g = d[y];
if (y >= 1) {
var v = d[y - 1];
if (!zs(g, v)) {
p.vertexLength + 4 > lo.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH && (p = this.segments.prepareSegment(4, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray));
var _ = g.sub(v)._perp()._unit()
, x = v.dist(g);
m + x > 32768 && (m = 0),
Cs(this.layoutVertexArray, g.x, g.y, _.x, _.y, 0, 0, m),
Cs(this.layoutVertexArray, g.x, g.y, _.x, _.y, 0, 1, m),
Cs(this.layoutVertexArray, v.x, v.y, _.x, _.y, 0, 0, m += x),
Cs(this.layoutVertexArray, v.x, v.y, _.x, _.y, 0, 1, m);
var b = p.vertexLength;
this.indexArray.emplaceBack(b, b + 2, b + 1),
this.indexArray.emplaceBack(b + 1, b + 2, b + 3),
p.vertexLength += 4,
p.primitiveLength += 2
if (p.vertexLength + l > lo.MAX_VERTEX_ARRAY_LENGTH && (p = this.segments.prepareSegment(l, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray)),
"Polygon" === ws[t.type]) {
for (var w = [], E = [], C = p.vertexLength, A = 0, z = s; A < z.length; A += 1) {
var S = z[A];
if (0 !== S.length) {
S !== s[0] && E.push(w.length / 2);
for (var k = 0; k < S.length; k++) {
var T = S[k];
Cs(this.layoutVertexArray, T.x, T.y, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0),
for (var D = Sa(w, E), I = 0; I < D.length; I += 3)
this.indexArray.emplaceBack(C + D[I], C + D[I + 2], C + D[I + 1]);
p.primitiveLength += D.length / 3,
p.vertexLength += l
var F;
this.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(this.layoutVertexArray.length, t, r, n, i)
Oi("FillExtrusionBucket", As, {
omit: ["layers", "features"]
var Ss = {
paint: new wn({
"fill-extrusion-opacity": new gn(Dt["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-opacity"]),
"fill-extrusion-color": new vn(Dt["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-color"]),
"fill-extrusion-translate": new gn(Dt["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-translate"]),
"fill-extrusion-translate-anchor": new gn(Dt["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-translate-anchor"]),
"fill-extrusion-pattern": new _n(Dt["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-pattern"]),
"fill-extrusion-height": new vn(Dt["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-height"]),
"fill-extrusion-base": new vn(Dt["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-base"]),
"fill-extrusion-vertical-gradient": new gn(Dt["paint_fill-extrusion"]["fill-extrusion-vertical-gradient"])
, ks = function(t) {
function e(e) {, e, Ss)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.createBucket = function(t) {
return new As(t)
e.prototype.queryRadius = function() {
return ia(this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-translate"))
e.prototype.is3D = function() {
return !0
e.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function(t, e, r, i, o, a, s, l) {
var u = na(t, this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-translate"), this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-translate-anchor"), a.angle, s)
, c = this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-height").evaluate(e, r)
, p = this.paint.get("fill-extrusion-base").evaluate(e, r)
, h = function(t, e, r, i) {
for (var o = [], a = 0, s = t; a < s.length; a += 1) {
var l = s[a]
, u = [l.x, l.y, 0, 1];
ha(u, u, e),
o.push(new n(u[0] / u[3],u[1] / u[3]))
return o
}(u, l)
, f = function(t, e, r, i) {
for (var o = [], a = [], s = i[8] * e, l = i[9] * e, u = i[10] * e, c = i[11] * e, p = i[8] * r, h = i[9] * r, f = i[10] * r, d = i[11] * r, m = 0, y = t; m < y.length; m += 1) {
for (var g = [], v = [], _ = 0, x = y[m]; _ < x.length; _ += 1) {
var b = x[_]
, w = b.x
, E = b.y
, C = i[0] * w + i[4] * E + i[12]
, A = i[1] * w + i[5] * E + i[13]
, z = i[2] * w + i[6] * E + i[14]
, S = i[3] * w + i[7] * E + i[15]
, k = z + u
, T = S + c
, D = C + p
, I = A + h
, F = z + f
, B = S + d
, P = new n((C + s) / T,(A + l) / T);
P.z = k / T,
var M = new n(D / B,I / B);
M.z = F / B,
return [o, a]
}(i, p, c, l);
return function(t, e, r) {
var i = 1 / 0;
Wo(r, e) && (i = Ds(r, e[0]));
for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
for (var o = e[n], a = t[n], s = 0; s < o.length - 1; s++) {
var l = o[s]
, u = [l, o[s + 1], a[s + 1], a[s], l];
Zo(r, u) && (i = Math.min(i, Ds(r, u)))
return i !== 1 / 0 && i
}(f[0], f[1], h)
function Ts(t, e) {
return t.x * e.x + t.y * e.y
function Ds(t, e) {
if (1 === t.length) {
for (var r, i = 0, n = e[i++]; !r || n.equals(r); )
if (!(r = e[i++]))
return 1 / 0;
for (; i < e.length; i++) {
var o = e[i]
, a = t[0]
, s = r.sub(n)
, l = o.sub(n)
, u = a.sub(n)
, c = Ts(s, s)
, p = Ts(s, l)
, h = Ts(l, l)
, f = Ts(u, s)
, d = Ts(u, l)
, m = c * h - p * p
, y = (h * f - p * d) / m
, g = (c * d - p * f) / m
, v = n.z * (1 - y - g) + r.z * y + o.z * g;
if (isFinite(v))
return v
return 1 / 0
for (var _ = 1 / 0, x = 0, b = e; x < b.length; x += 1)
_ = Math.min(_, b[x].z);
return _
var Is = Sn([{
name: "a_pos_normal",
components: 2,
type: "Int16"
}, {
name: "a_data",
components: 4,
type: "Uint8"
}], 4).members
, Fs = Sn([{
name: "a_uv_x",
components: 1,
type: "Float32"
}, {
name: "a_split_index",
components: 1,
type: "Float32"
, Bs = bs.VectorTileFeature.types
, Ps = Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * 37.5)
, Ms = Math.pow(2, 14) / .5
, Ls = function(t) {
var e = this;
this.zoom = t.zoom,
this.overscaling = t.overscaling,
this.layers = t.layers,
this.layerIds = {
this.index = t.index,
this.hasPattern = !1,
this.patternFeatures = [],
this.lineClipsArray = [],
this.gradients = {},
this.layers.forEach((function(t) {
e.gradients[] = {}
this.layoutVertexArray = new Fn,
this.layoutVertexArray2 = new Bn,
this.indexArray = new Nn,
this.programConfigurations = new Lo(t.layers,t.zoom),
this.segments = new lo,
this.maxLineLength = 0,
this.stateDependentLayerIds = this.layers.filter((function(t) {
return t.isStateDependent()
)).map((function(t) {
Ls.prototype.populate = function(t, e, r) {
this.hasPattern = as("line", this.layers, e);
for (var i = this.layers[0].layout.get("line-sort-key"), n = !i.isConstant(), o = [], a = 0, s = t; a < s.length; a += 1) {
var l = s[a]
, u = l.feature
, c =
, p = l.index
, h = l.sourceLayerIndex
, f = this.layers[0]._featureFilter.needGeometry
, d = No(u, f);
if (this.layers[0]._featureFilter.filter(new ln(this.zoom), d, r)) {
var m = n ? i.evaluate(d, {}, r) : void 0
, y = {
id: c,
type: u.type,
sourceLayerIndex: h,
index: p,
geometry: f ? d.geometry : jo(u),
patterns: {},
sortKey: m
n && o.sort((function(t, e) {
return t.sortKey - e.sortKey
for (var g = 0, v = o; g < v.length; g += 1) {
var _ = v[g]
, x = _.geometry
, b = _.index
, w = _.sourceLayerIndex;
if (this.hasPattern) {
var E = ss("line", this.layers, _, this.zoom, e);
} else
this.addFeature(_, x, b, r, {});
e.featureIndex.insert(t[b].feature, x, b, w, this.index)
Ls.prototype.update = function(t, e, r) {
this.stateDependentLayers.length && this.programConfigurations.updatePaintArrays(t, e, this.stateDependentLayers, r)
Ls.prototype.addFeatures = function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = 0, n = this.patternFeatures; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i];
this.addFeature(o, o.geometry, o.index, e, r)
Ls.prototype.isEmpty = function() {
return 0 === this.layoutVertexArray.length
Ls.prototype.uploadPending = function() {
return !this.uploaded || this.programConfigurations.needsUpload
Ls.prototype.upload = function(t) {
this.uploaded || (0 !== this.layoutVertexArray2.length && (this.layoutVertexBuffer2 = t.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray2, Fs)),
this.layoutVertexBuffer = t.createVertexBuffer(this.layoutVertexArray, Is),
this.indexBuffer = t.createIndexBuffer(this.indexArray)),
this.uploaded = !0
Ls.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.layoutVertexBuffer && (this.layoutVertexBuffer.destroy(),
Ls.prototype.lineFeatureClips = function(t) {
if ( &&"mapbox_clip_start") &&"mapbox_clip_end"))
return {
Ls.prototype.addFeature = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o = this.layers[0].layout
, a = o.get("line-join").evaluate(t, {})
, s = o.get("line-cap")
, l = o.get("line-miter-limit")
, u = o.get("line-round-limit");
this.lineClips = this.lineFeatureClips(t);
for (var c = 0, p = e; c < p.length; c += 1)
this.addLine(p[c], t, a, s, l, u);
this.programConfigurations.populatePaintArrays(this.layoutVertexArray.length, t, r, n, i)
Ls.prototype.addLine = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
if (this.distance = 0,
this.scaledDistance = 0,
this.totalDistance = 0,
this.lineClips) {
for (var a = 0; a < t.length - 1; a++)
this.totalDistance += t[a].dist(t[a + 1]);
this.maxLineLength = Math.max(this.maxLineLength, this.totalDistance)
for (var s = "Polygon" === Bs[e.type], l = t.length; l >= 2 && t[l - 1].equals(t[l - 2]); )
for (var u = 0; u < l - 1 && t[u].equals(t[u + 1]); )
if (!(l < (s ? 3 : 2))) {
"bevel" === r && (n = 1.05);
var c, p = this.overscaling <= 16 ? 122880 / (512 * this.overscaling) : 0, h = this.segments.prepareSegment(10 * l, this.layoutVertexArray, this.indexArray), f = void 0, d = void 0, m = void 0, y = void 0;
this.e1 = this.e2 = -1,
s && (y = t[u].sub(c = t[l - 2])._unit()._perp());
for (var g = u; g < l; g++)
if (!(d = g === l - 1 ? s ? t[u + 1] : void 0 : t[g + 1]) || !t[g].equals(d)) {
y && (m = y),
c && (f = c),
c = t[g],
y = d ? d.sub(c)._unit()._perp() : m;
var v = (m = m || y).add(y);
0 === v.x && 0 === v.y || v._unit();
var _ = m.x * y.x + m.y * y.y
, x = v.x * y.x + v.y * y.y
, b = 0 !== x ? 1 / x : 1 / 0
, w = 2 * Math.sqrt(2 - 2 * x)
, E = x < Ps && f && d
, C = m.x * y.y - m.y * y.x > 0;
if (E && g > u) {
var A = c.dist(f);
if (A > 2 * p) {
var z = c.sub(c.sub(f)._mult(p / A)._round());
this.updateDistance(f, z),
this.addCurrentVertex(z, m, 0, 0, h),
f = z
var S = f && d
, k = S ? r : s ? "butt" : i;
if (S && "round" === k && (b < o ? k = "miter" : b <= 2 && (k = "fakeround")),
"miter" === k && b > n && (k = "bevel"),
"bevel" === k && (b > 2 && (k = "flipbevel"),
b < n && (k = "miter")),
f && this.updateDistance(f, c),
"miter" === k)
this.addCurrentVertex(c, v, 0, 0, h);
else if ("flipbevel" === k) {
if (b > 100)
v = y.mult(-1);
else {
var T = b * m.add(y).mag() / m.sub(y).mag();
v._perp()._mult(T * (C ? -1 : 1))
this.addCurrentVertex(c, v, 0, 0, h),
this.addCurrentVertex(c, v.mult(-1), 0, 0, h)
} else if ("bevel" === k || "fakeround" === k) {
var D = -Math.sqrt(b * b - 1)
, I = C ? D : 0
, F = C ? 0 : D;
if (f && this.addCurrentVertex(c, m, I, F, h),
"fakeround" === k)
for (var B = Math.round(180 * w / Math.PI / 20), P = 1; P < B; P++) {
var M = P / B;
if (.5 !== M) {
var L = M - .5;
M += M * L * (M - 1) * ((1.0904 + _ * (_ * (3.55645 - 1.43519 * _) - 3.2452)) * L * L + (.848013 + _ * (.215638 * _ - 1.06021)))
var R = y.sub(m)._mult(M)._add(m)._unit()._mult(C ? -1 : 1);
this.addHalfVertex(c, R.x, R.y, !1, C, 0, h)
d && this.addCurrentVertex(c, y, -I, -F, h)
} else if ("butt" === k)
this.addCurrentVertex(c, v, 0, 0, h);
else if ("square" === k) {
var O = f ? 1 : -1;
this.addCurrentVertex(c, v, O, O, h)
} else
"round" === k && (f && (this.addCurrentVertex(c, m, 0, 0, h),
this.addCurrentVertex(c, m, 1, 1, h, !0)),
d && (this.addCurrentVertex(c, y, -1, -1, h, !0),
this.addCurrentVertex(c, y, 0, 0, h)));
if (E && g < l - 1) {
var U = c.dist(d);
if (U > 2 * p) {
var V = c.add(d.sub(c)._mult(p / U)._round());
this.updateDistance(c, V),
this.addCurrentVertex(V, y, 0, 0, h),
c = V
Ls.prototype.addCurrentVertex = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
void 0 === o && (o = !1);
var a = e.y * i - e.x
, s = -e.y - e.x * i;
this.addHalfVertex(t, e.x + e.y * r, e.y - e.x * r, o, !1, r, n),
this.addHalfVertex(t, a, s, o, !0, -i, n),
this.distance > Ms / 2 && 0 === this.totalDistance && (this.distance = 0,
this.addCurrentVertex(t, e, r, i, n, o))
Ls.prototype.addHalfVertex = function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a) {
var s = .5 * (this.lineClips ? this.scaledDistance * (Ms - 1) : this.scaledDistance);
this.layoutVertexArray.emplaceBack((t.x << 1) + (i ? 1 : 0), (t.y << 1) + (n ? 1 : 0), Math.round(63 * e) + 128, Math.round(63 * r) + 128, 1 + (0 === o ? 0 : o < 0 ? -1 : 1) | (63 & s) << 2, s >> 6),
this.lineClips && this.layoutVertexArray2.emplaceBack((this.scaledDistance - this.lineClips.start) / (this.lineClips.end - this.lineClips.start), this.lineClipsArray.length);
var l = a.vertexLength++;
this.e1 >= 0 && this.e2 >= 0 && (this.indexArray.emplaceBack(this.e1, this.e2, l),
n ? this.e2 = l : this.e1 = l
Ls.prototype.updateScaledDistance = function() {
this.scaledDistance = this.lineClips ? this.lineClips.start + (this.lineClips.end - this.lineClips.start) * this.distance / this.totalDistance : this.distance
Ls.prototype.updateDistance = function(t, e) {
this.distance += t.dist(e),
Oi("LineBucket", Ls, {
omit: ["layers", "patternFeatures"]
var Rs = new wn({
"line-cap": new gn(Dt.layout_line["line-cap"]),
"line-join": new vn(Dt.layout_line["line-join"]),
"line-miter-limit": new gn(Dt.layout_line["line-miter-limit"]),
"line-round-limit": new gn(Dt.layout_line["line-round-limit"]),
"line-sort-key": new vn(Dt.layout_line["line-sort-key"])
, Os = {
paint: new wn({
"line-opacity": new vn(Dt.paint_line["line-opacity"]),
"line-color": new vn(Dt.paint_line["line-color"]),
"line-translate": new gn(Dt.paint_line["line-translate"]),
"line-translate-anchor": new gn(Dt.paint_line["line-translate-anchor"]),
"line-width": new vn(Dt.paint_line["line-width"]),
"line-gap-width": new vn(Dt.paint_line["line-gap-width"]),
"line-offset": new vn(Dt.paint_line["line-offset"]),
"line-blur": new vn(Dt.paint_line["line-blur"]),
"line-dasharray": new xn(Dt.paint_line["line-dasharray"]),
"line-pattern": new _n(Dt.paint_line["line-pattern"]),
"line-gradient": new bn(Dt.paint_line["line-gradient"])
layout: Rs
, Us = new (function(t) {
function e() {
t.apply(this, arguments)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.possiblyEvaluate = function(e, r) {
return r = new ln(Math.floor(r.zoom),{
fadeDuration: r.fadeDuration,
zoomHistory: r.zoomHistory,
transition: r.transition
}),, e, r)
e.prototype.evaluate = function(e, r, i, n) {
return r = h({}, r, {
zoom: Math.floor(r.zoom)
}),, e, r, i, n)
Us.useIntegerZoom = !0;
var Vs = function(t) {
function e(e) {, e, Os),
this.gradientVersion = 0
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype._handleSpecialPaintPropertyUpdate = function(t) {
"line-gradient" === t && (this.stepInterpolant = this._transitionablePaint._values["line-gradient"].value.expression._styleExpression.expression instanceof Ge,
this.gradientVersion = (this.gradientVersion + 1) % s)
e.prototype.gradientExpression = function() {
return this._transitionablePaint._values["line-gradient"].value.expression
e.prototype.recalculate = function(e, r) {, e, r),
this.paint._values["line-floorwidth"] = Us.possiblyEvaluate(this._transitioningPaint._values["line-width"].value, e)
e.prototype.createBucket = function(t) {
return new Ls(t)
e.prototype.queryRadius = function(t) {
var e = t
, r = js(ra("line-width", this, e), ra("line-gap-width", this, e))
, i = ra("line-offset", this, e);
return r / 2 + Math.abs(i) + ia(this.paint.get("line-translate"))
e.prototype.queryIntersectsFeature = function(t, e, r, i, o, a, s) {
var l = na(t, this.paint.get("line-translate"), this.paint.get("line-translate-anchor"), a.angle, s)
, u = s / 2 * js(this.paint.get("line-width").evaluate(e, r), this.paint.get("line-gap-width").evaluate(e, r))
, c = this.paint.get("line-offset").evaluate(e, r);
return c && (i = function(t, e) {
for (var r = [], i = new n(0,0), o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
for (var a = t[o], s = [], l = 0; l < a.length; l++) {
var u = a[l]
, c = a[l + 1]
, p = 0 === l ? i : u.sub(a[l - 1])._unit()._perp()
, h = l === a.length - 1 ? i : c.sub(u)._unit()._perp()
, f = p._add(h)._unit();
f._mult(1 / (f.x * h.x + f.y * h.y)),
return r
}(i, c * s)),
function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
var n = e[i];
if (t.length >= 3)
for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++)
if (ta(t, n[o]))
return !0;
if (Ho(t, n, r))
return !0
return !1
}(l, i, u)
e.prototype.isTileClipped = function() {
return !0
function js(t, e) {
return e > 0 ? e + 2 * t : t
var Ns = Sn([{
name: "a_pos_offset",
components: 4,
type: "Int16"
}, {
name: "a_data",
components: 4,
type: "Uint16"
}, {
name: "a_pixeloffset",
components: 4,
type: "Int16"
}], 4)
, qs = Sn([{
name: "a_projected_pos",
components: 3,
type: "Float32"
}], 4)
, Gs = (Sn([{
name: "a_fade_opacity",
components: 1,
type: "Uint32"
}], 4),
name: "a_placed",
components: 2,
type: "Uint8"
}, {
name: "a_shift",
components: 2,
type: "Float32"
, Zs = (Sn([{
type: "Int16",
name: "anchorPointX"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "anchorPointY"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "x1"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "y1"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "x2"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "y2"
}, {
type: "Uint32",
name: "featureIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "sourceLayerIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "bucketIndex"
name: "a_pos",
components: 2,
type: "Int16"
}, {
name: "a_anchor_pos",
components: 2,
type: "Int16"
}, {
name: "a_extrude",
components: 2,
type: "Int16"
}], 4))
, Xs = Sn([{
name: "a_pos",
components: 2,
type: "Float32"
}, {
name: "a_radius",
components: 1,
type: "Float32"
}, {
name: "a_flags",
components: 2,
type: "Int16"
}], 4);
function Ws(t, e, r) {
return t.sections.forEach((function(t) {
t.text = function(t, e, r) {
var i = e.layout.get("text-transform").evaluate(r, {});
return "uppercase" === i ? t = t.toLocaleUpperCase() : "lowercase" === i && (t = t.toLocaleLowerCase()),
sn.applyArabicShaping && (t = sn.applyArabicShaping(t)),
}(t.text, e, r)
name: "triangle",
components: 3,
type: "Uint16"
type: "Int16",
name: "anchorX"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "anchorY"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "glyphStartIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "numGlyphs"
}, {
type: "Uint32",
name: "vertexStartIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint32",
name: "lineStartIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint32",
name: "lineLength"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "segment"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "lowerSize"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "upperSize"
}, {
type: "Float32",
name: "lineOffsetX"
}, {
type: "Float32",
name: "lineOffsetY"
}, {
type: "Uint8",
name: "writingMode"
}, {
type: "Uint8",
name: "placedOrientation"
}, {
type: "Uint8",
name: "hidden"
}, {
type: "Uint32",
name: "crossTileID"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "associatedIconIndex"
type: "Int16",
name: "anchorX"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "anchorY"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "rightJustifiedTextSymbolIndex"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "centerJustifiedTextSymbolIndex"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "leftJustifiedTextSymbolIndex"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "verticalPlacedTextSymbolIndex"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "placedIconSymbolIndex"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "verticalPlacedIconSymbolIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "key"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "textBoxStartIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "textBoxEndIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "verticalTextBoxStartIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "verticalTextBoxEndIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "iconBoxStartIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "iconBoxEndIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "verticalIconBoxStartIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "verticalIconBoxEndIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "featureIndex"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "numHorizontalGlyphVertices"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "numVerticalGlyphVertices"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "numIconVertices"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "numVerticalIconVertices"
}, {
type: "Uint16",
name: "useRuntimeCollisionCircles"
}, {
type: "Uint32",
name: "crossTileID"
}, {
type: "Float32",
name: "textBoxScale"
}, {
type: "Float32",
components: 2,
name: "textOffset"
}, {
type: "Float32",
name: "collisionCircleDiameter"
type: "Float32",
name: "offsetX"
type: "Int16",
name: "x"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "y"
}, {
type: "Int16",
name: "tileUnitDistanceFromAnchor"
var Hs = {
"!": "︕",
"#": "#",
$: "$",
"%": "%",
"&": "&",
"(": "︵",
")": "︶",
"*": "*",
"+": "+",
",": "︐",
"-": "︲",
".": "・",
"/": "/",
":": "︓",
";": "︔",
"<": "︿",
"=": "=",
">": "﹀",
"?": "︖",
"@": "@",
"[": "﹇",
"\\": "\",
"]": "﹈",
"^": "^",
_: "︳",
"`": "`",
"{": "︷",
"|": "―",
"}": "︸",
"~": "~",
"¢": "¢",
"£": "£",
"¥": "¥",
"¦": "¦",
"¬": "¬",
"¯": " ̄",
"–": "︲",
"—": "︱",
"‘": "﹃",
"’": "﹄",
"“": "﹁",
"”": "﹂",
"…": "︙",
"‧": "・",
"₩": "₩",
"、": "︑",
"。": "︒",
"〈": "︿",
"〉": "﹀",
"《": "︽",
"》": "︾",
"「": "﹁",
"」": "﹂",
"『": "﹃",
"』": "﹄",
"【": "︻",
"】": "︼",
"〔": "︹",
"〕": "︺",
"〖": "︗",
"〗": "︘",
"!": "︕",
"(": "︵",
")": "︶",
",": "︐",
"-": "︲",
".": "・",
":": "︓",
";": "︔",
"<": "︿",
">": "﹀",
"?": "︖",
"[": "﹇",
"]": "﹈",
"_": "︳",
"{": "︷",
"|": "―",
"}": "︸",
"⦅": "︵",
"⦆": "︶",
"。": "︒",
"「": "﹁",
"」": "﹂"
, Ks = function(t, e, r, i, n) {
var o, a, s = 8 * n - i - 1, l = (1 << s) - 1, u = l >> 1, c = -7, p = r ? n - 1 : 0, h = r ? -1 : 1, f = t[e + p];
for (p += h,
o = f & (1 << -c) - 1,
f >>= -c,
c += s; c > 0; o = 256 * o + t[e + p],
p += h,
c -= 8)
for (a = o & (1 << -c) - 1,
o >>= -c,
c += i; c > 0; a = 256 * a + t[e + p],
p += h,
c -= 8)
if (0 === o)
o = 1 - u;
else {
if (o === l)
return a ? NaN : 1 / 0 * (f ? -1 : 1);
a += Math.pow(2, i),
o -= u
return (f ? -1 : 1) * a * Math.pow(2, o - i)
, Js = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
var a, s, l, u = 8 * o - n - 1, c = (1 << u) - 1, p = c >> 1, h = 23 === n ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, f = i ? 0 : o - 1, d = i ? 1 : -1, m = e < 0 || 0 === e && 1 / e < 0 ? 1 : 0;
for (e = Math.abs(e),
isNaN(e) || e === 1 / 0 ? (s = isNaN(e) ? 1 : 0,
a = c) : (a = Math.floor(Math.log(e) / Math.LN2),
e * (l = Math.pow(2, -a)) < 1 && (a--,
l *= 2),
(e += a + p >= 1 ? h / l : h * Math.pow(2, 1 - p)) * l >= 2 && (a++,
l /= 2),
a + p >= c ? (s = 0,
a = c) : a + p >= 1 ? (s = (e * l - 1) * Math.pow(2, n),
a += p) : (s = e * Math.pow(2, p - 1) * Math.pow(2, n),
a = 0)); n >= 8; t[r + f] = 255 & s,
f += d,
s /= 256,
n -= 8)
for (a = a << n | s,
u += n; u > 0; t[r + f] = 255 & a,
f += d,
a /= 256,
u -= 8)
t[r + f - d] |= 128 * m
, Ys = $s;
function $s(t) {
this.buf = ArrayBuffer.isView && ArrayBuffer.isView(t) ? t : new Uint8Array(t || 0),
this.pos = 0,
this.type = 0,
this.length = this.buf.length
$s.Varint = 0,
$s.Fixed64 = 1,
$s.Bytes = 2,
$s.Fixed32 = 5;
var Qs = "undefined" == typeof TextDecoder ? null : new TextDecoder("utf8");
function tl(t) {
return t.type === $s.Bytes ? t.readVarint() + t.pos : t.pos + 1
function el(t, e, r) {
return r ? 4294967296 * e + (t >>> 0) : 4294967296 * (e >>> 0) + (t >>> 0)
function rl(t, e, r) {
var i = e <= 16383 ? 1 : e <= 2097151 ? 2 : e <= 268435455 ? 3 : Math.floor(Math.log(e) / (7 * Math.LN2));
for (var n = r.pos - 1; n >= t; n--)
r.buf[n + i] = r.buf[n]
function il(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
function nl(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
function ol(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
function al(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
function sl(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
function ll(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
function ul(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
function cl(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
function pl(t, e) {
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
function hl(t, e) {
return (t[e] | t[e + 1] << 8 | t[e + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * t[e + 3]
function fl(t, e, r) {
t[r] = e,
t[r + 1] = e >>> 8,
t[r + 2] = e >>> 16,
t[r + 3] = e >>> 24
function dl(t, e) {
return (t[e] | t[e + 1] << 8 | t[e + 2] << 16) + (t[e + 3] << 24)
function ml(t, e, r) {
1 === t && r.readMessage(yl, e)
function yl(t, e, r) {
if (3 === t) {
var i = r.readMessage(gl, {})
, n = i.width
, o = i.height
, a = i.left
, s =
, l = i.advance;
bitmap: new _a({
width: n + 6,
height: o + 6
metrics: {
width: n,
height: o,
left: a,
top: s,
advance: l
function gl(t, e, r) {
1 === t ? = r.readVarint() : 2 === t ? e.bitmap = r.readBytes() : 3 === t ? e.width = r.readVarint() : 4 === t ? e.height = r.readVarint() : 5 === t ? e.left = r.readSVarint() : 6 === t ? = r.readSVarint() : 7 === t && (e.advance = r.readVarint())
function vl(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = 0, i = 0, n = t; i < n.length; i += 1) {
var o = n[i];
e += o.w * o.h,
r = Math.max(r, o.w)
t.sort((function(t, e) {
return e.h - t.h
for (var a = [{
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: Math.max(Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(e / .95)), r),
h: 1 / 0
}], s = 0, l = 0, u = 0, c = t; u < c.length; u += 1)
for (var p = c[u], h = a.length - 1; h >= 0; h--) {
var f = a[h];
if (!(p.w > f.w || p.h > f.h)) {
if (p.x = f.x,
p.y = f.y,
l = Math.max(l, p.y + p.h),
s = Math.max(s, p.x + p.w),
p.w === f.w && p.h === f.h) {
var d = a.pop();
h < a.length && (a[h] = d)
} else
p.h === f.h ? (f.x += p.w,
f.w -= p.w) : p.w === f.w ? (f.y += p.h,
f.h -= p.h) : (a.push({
x: f.x + p.w,
y: f.y,
w: f.w - p.w,
h: p.h
f.y += p.h,
f.h -= p.h);
return {
w: s,
h: l,
fill: e / (s * l) || 0
$s.prototype = {
destroy: function() {
this.buf = null
readFields: function(t, e, r) {
for (r = r || this.length; this.pos < r; ) {
var i = this.readVarint()
, n = i >> 3
, o = this.pos;
this.type = 7 & i,
t(n, e, this),
this.pos === o && this.skip(i)
return e
readMessage: function(t, e) {
return this.readFields(t, e, this.readVarint() + this.pos)
readFixed32: function() {
var t = hl(this.buf, this.pos);
return this.pos += 4,
readSFixed32: function() {
var t = dl(this.buf, this.pos);
return this.pos += 4,
readFixed64: function() {
var t = hl(this.buf, this.pos) + 4294967296 * hl(this.buf, this.pos + 4);
return this.pos += 8,
readSFixed64: function() {
var t = hl(this.buf, this.pos) + 4294967296 * dl(this.buf, this.pos + 4);
return this.pos += 8,
readFloat: function() {
var t = Ks(this.buf, this.pos, !0, 23, 4);
return this.pos += 4,
readDouble: function() {
var t = Ks(this.buf, this.pos, !0, 52, 8);
return this.pos += 8,
readVarint: function(t) {
var e, r, i = this.buf;
return e = 127 & (r = i[this.pos++]),
r < 128 ? e : (e |= (127 & (r = i[this.pos++])) << 7,
r < 128 ? e : (e |= (127 & (r = i[this.pos++])) << 14,
r < 128 ? e : (e |= (127 & (r = i[this.pos++])) << 21,
r < 128 ? e : function(t, e, r) {
var i, n, o = r.buf;
if (i = (112 & (n = o[r.pos++])) >> 4,
n < 128)
return el(t, i, e);
if (i |= (127 & (n = o[r.pos++])) << 3,
n < 128)
return el(t, i, e);
if (i |= (127 & (n = o[r.pos++])) << 10,
n < 128)
return el(t, i, e);
if (i |= (127 & (n = o[r.pos++])) << 17,
n < 128)
return el(t, i, e);
if (i |= (127 & (n = o[r.pos++])) << 24,
n < 128)
return el(t, i, e);
if (i |= (1 & (n = o[r.pos++])) << 31,
n < 128)
return el(t, i, e);
throw new Error("Expected varint not more than 10 bytes")
}(e |= (15 & (r = i[this.pos])) << 28, t, this))))
readVarint64: function() {
return this.readVarint(!0)
readSVarint: function() {
var t = this.readVarint();
return t % 2 == 1 ? (t + 1) / -2 : t / 2
readBoolean: function() {
return Boolean(this.readVarint())
readString: function() {
var t = this.readVarint() + this.pos
, e = this.pos;
return this.pos = t,
t - e >= 12 && Qs ? function(t, e, r) {
return Qs.decode(t.subarray(e, r))
}(this.buf, e, t) : function(t, e, r) {
for (var i = "", n = e; n < r; ) {
var o, a, s, l = t[n], u = null, c = l > 239 ? 4 : l > 223 ? 3 : l > 191 ? 2 : 1;
if (n + c > r)
1 === c ? l < 128 && (u = l) : 2 === c ? 128 == (192 & (o = t[n + 1])) && (u = (31 & l) << 6 | 63 & o) <= 127 && (u = null) : 3 === c ? (a = t[n + 2],
128 == (192 & (o = t[n + 1])) && 128 == (192 & a) && ((u = (15 & l) << 12 | (63 & o) << 6 | 63 & a) <= 2047 || u >= 55296 && u <= 57343) && (u = null)) : 4 === c && (a = t[n + 2],
s = t[n + 3],
128 == (192 & (o = t[n + 1])) && 128 == (192 & a) && 128 == (192 & s) && ((u = (15 & l) << 18 | (63 & o) << 12 | (63 & a) << 6 | 63 & s) <= 65535 || u >= 1114112) && (u = null)),
null === u ? (u = 65533,
c = 1) : u > 65535 && (u -= 65536,
i += String.fromCharCode(u >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296),
u = 56320 | 1023 & u),
i += String.fromCharCode(u),
n += c
return i
}(this.buf, e, t)
readBytes: function() {
var t = this.readVarint() + this.pos
, e = this.buf.subarray(this.pos, t);
return this.pos = t,
readPackedVarint: function(t, e) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes)
return t.push(this.readVarint(e));
var r = tl(this);
for (t = t || []; this.pos < r; )
return t
readPackedSVarint: function(t) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes)
return t.push(this.readSVarint());
var e = tl(this);
for (t = t || []; this.pos < e; )
return t
readPackedBoolean: function(t) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes)
return t.push(this.readBoolean());
var e = tl(this);
for (t = t || []; this.pos < e; )
return t
readPackedFloat: function(t) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes)
return t.push(this.readFloat());
var e = tl(this);
for (t = t || []; this.pos < e; )
return t
readPackedDouble: function(t) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes)
return t.push(this.readDouble());
var e = tl(this);
for (t = t || []; this.pos < e; )
return t
readPackedFixed32: function(t) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes)
return t.push(this.readFixed32());
var e = tl(this);
for (t = t || []; this.pos < e; )
return t
readPackedSFixed32: function(t) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes)
return t.push(this.readSFixed32());
var e = tl(this);
for (t = t || []; this.pos < e; )
return t
readPackedFixed64: function(t) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes)
return t.push(this.readFixed64());
var e = tl(this);
for (t = t || []; this.pos < e; )
return t
readPackedSFixed64: function(t) {
if (this.type !== $s.Bytes)
return t.push(this.readSFixed64());
var e = tl(this);
for (t = t || []; this.pos < e; )
return t
skip: function(t) {
var e = 7 & t;
if (e === $s.Varint)
for (; this.buf[this.pos++] > 127; )
else if (e === $s.Bytes)
this.pos = this.readVarint() + this.pos;
else if (e === $s.Fixed32)
this.pos += 4;
else {
if (e !== $s.Fixed64)
throw new Error("Unimplemented type: " + e);
this.pos += 8
writeTag: function(t, e) {
this.writeVarint(t << 3 | e)
realloc: function(t) {
for (var e = this.length || 16; e < this.pos + t; )
e *= 2;
if (e !== this.length) {
var r = new Uint8Array(e);
this.buf = r,
this.length = e
finish: function() {
return this.length = this.pos,
this.pos = 0,
this.buf.subarray(0, this.length)
writeFixed32: function(t) {
fl(this.buf, t, this.pos),
this.pos += 4
writeSFixed32: function(t) {
fl(this.buf, t, this.pos),
this.pos += 4
writeFixed64: function(t) {
fl(this.buf, -1 & t, this.pos),
fl(this.buf, Math.floor(t * (1 / 4294967296)), this.pos + 4),
this.pos += 8
writeSFixed64: function(t) {
fl(this.buf, -1 & t, this.pos),
fl(this.buf, Math.floor(t * (1 / 4294967296)), this.pos + 4),
this.pos += 8
writeVarint: function(t) {
(t = +t || 0) > 268435455 || t < 0 ? function(t, e) {
var r, i;
if (t >= 0 ? (r = t % 4294967296 | 0,
i = t / 4294967296 | 0) : (i = ~(-t / 4294967296),
4294967295 ^ (r = ~(-t % 4294967296)) ? r = r + 1 | 0 : (r = 0,
i = i + 1 | 0)),
t >= 0x10000000000000000 || t < -0x10000000000000000)
throw new Error("Given varint doesn't fit into 10 bytes");
function(t, e, r) {
r.buf[r.pos++] = 127 & t | 128,
t >>>= 7,
r.buf[r.pos++] = 127 & t | 128,
t >>>= 7,
r.buf[r.pos++] = 127 & t | 128,
t >>>= 7,
r.buf[r.pos++] = 127 & t | 128,
r.buf[r.pos] = 127 & (t >>>= 7)
}(r, 0, e),
function(t, e) {
var r = (7 & t) << 4;
e.buf[e.pos++] |= r | ((t >>>= 3) ? 128 : 0),
t && (e.buf[e.pos++] = 127 & t | ((t >>>= 7) ? 128 : 0),
t && (e.buf[e.pos++] = 127 & t | ((t >>>= 7) ? 128 : 0),
t && (e.buf[e.pos++] = 127 & t | ((t >>>= 7) ? 128 : 0),
t && (e.buf[e.pos++] = 127 & t | ((t >>>= 7) ? 128 : 0),
t && (e.buf[e.pos++] = 127 & t)))))
}(i, e)
}(t, this) : (this.realloc(4),
this.buf[this.pos++] = 127 & t | (t > 127 ? 128 : 0),
t <= 127 || (this.buf[this.pos++] = 127 & (t >>>= 7) | (t > 127 ? 128 : 0),
t <= 127 || (this.buf[this.pos++] = 127 & (t >>>= 7) | (t > 127 ? 128 : 0),
t <= 127 || (this.buf[this.pos++] = t >>> 7 & 127))))
writeSVarint: function(t) {
this.writeVarint(t < 0 ? 2 * -t - 1 : 2 * t)
writeBoolean: function(t) {
writeString: function(t) {
t = String(t),
this.realloc(4 * t.length),
var e = this.pos;
this.pos = function(t, e, r) {
for (var i, n, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) {
if ((i = e.charCodeAt(o)) > 55295 && i < 57344) {
if (!n) {
i > 56319 || o + 1 === e.length ? (t[r++] = 239,
t[r++] = 191,
t[r++] = 189) : n = i;
if (i < 56320) {
t[r++] = 239,
t[r++] = 191,
t[r++] = 189,
n = i;
i = n - 55296 << 10 | i - 56320 | 65536,
n = null
} else
n && (t[r++] = 239,
t[r++] = 191,
t[r++] = 189,
n = null);
i < 128 ? t[r++] = i : (i < 2048 ? t[r++] = i >> 6 | 192 : (i < 65536 ? t[r++] = i >> 12 | 224 : (t[r++] = i >> 18 | 240,
t[r++] = i >> 12 & 63 | 128),
t[r++] = i >> 6 & 63 | 128),
t[r++] = 63 & i | 128)
return r
}(this.buf, t, this.pos);
var r = this.pos - e;
r >= 128 && rl(e, r, this),
this.pos = e - 1,
this.pos += r
writeFloat: function(t) {
Js(this.buf, t, this.pos, !0, 23, 4),
this.pos += 4
writeDouble: function(t) {
Js(this.buf, t, this.pos, !0, 52, 8),
this.pos += 8
writeBytes: function(t) {
var e = t.length;
for (var r = 0; r < e; r++)
this.buf[this.pos++] = t[r]
writeRawMessage: function(t, e) {
var r = this.pos;
t(e, this);
var i = this.pos - r;
i >= 128 && rl(r, i, this),
this.pos = r - 1,
this.pos += i
writeMessage: function(t, e, r) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Bytes),
this.writeRawMessage(e, r)
writePackedVarint: function(t, e) {
e.length && this.writeMessage(t, il, e)
writePackedSVarint: function(t, e) {
e.length && this.writeMessage(t, nl, e)
writePackedBoolean: function(t, e) {
e.length && this.writeMessage(t, sl, e)
writePackedFloat: function(t, e) {
e.length && this.writeMessage(t, ol, e)
writePackedDouble: function(t, e) {
e.length && this.writeMessage(t, al, e)
writePackedFixed32: function(t, e) {
e.length && this.writeMessage(t, ll, e)
writePackedSFixed32: function(t, e) {
e.length && this.writeMessage(t, ul, e)
writePackedFixed64: function(t, e) {
e.length && this.writeMessage(t, cl, e)
writePackedSFixed64: function(t, e) {
e.length && this.writeMessage(t, pl, e)
writeBytesField: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Bytes),
writeFixed32Field: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Fixed32),
writeSFixed32Field: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Fixed32),
writeFixed64Field: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Fixed64),
writeSFixed64Field: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Fixed64),
writeVarintField: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Varint),
writeSVarintField: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Varint),
writeStringField: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Bytes),
writeFloatField: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Fixed32),
writeDoubleField: function(t, e) {
this.writeTag(t, $s.Fixed64),
writeBooleanField: function(t, e) {
this.writeVarintField(t, Boolean(e))
var _l = function(t, e) {
var r = e.pixelRatio
, i = e.version
, n = e.stretchX
, o = e.stretchY
, a = e.content;
this.paddedRect = t,
this.pixelRatio = r,
this.stretchX = n,
this.stretchY = o,
this.content = a,
this.version = i
, xl = {
tl: {
configurable: !0
br: {
configurable: !0
tlbr: {
configurable: !0
displaySize: {
configurable: !0
}; = function() {
return [this.paddedRect.x + 1, this.paddedRect.y + 1]
, = function() {
return [this.paddedRect.x + this.paddedRect.w - 1, this.paddedRect.y + this.paddedRect.h - 1]
xl.tlbr.get = function() {
xl.displaySize.get = function() {
return [(this.paddedRect.w - 2) / this.pixelRatio, (this.paddedRect.h - 2) / this.pixelRatio]
Object.defineProperties(_l.prototype, xl);
var bl = function(t, e) {
var r = {}
, i = {};
this.haveRenderCallbacks = [];
var n = [];
this.addImages(t, r, n),
this.addImages(e, i, n);
var o = vl(n)
, a = new xa({
width: o.w || 1,
height: o.h || 1
for (var s in t) {
var l = t[s]
, u = r[s].paddedRect;
xa.copy(, a, {
x: 0,
y: 0
}, {
x: u.x + 1,
y: u.y + 1
for (var c in e) {
var p = e[c]
, h = i[c].paddedRect
, f = h.x + 1
, d = h.y + 1
, m =
, y =;
xa.copy(, a, {
x: 0,
y: 0
}, {
x: f,
y: d
xa.copy(, a, {
x: 0,
y: y - 1
}, {
x: f,
y: d - 1
}, {
width: m,
height: 1
xa.copy(, a, {
x: 0,
y: 0
}, {
x: f,
y: d + y
}, {
width: m,
height: 1
xa.copy(, a, {
x: m - 1,
y: 0
}, {
x: f - 1,
y: d
}, {
width: 1,
height: y
xa.copy(, a, {
x: 0,
y: 0
}, {
x: f + m,
y: d
}, {
width: 1,
height: y
this.image = a,
this.iconPositions = r,
this.patternPositions = i
bl.prototype.addImages = function(t, e, r) {
for (var i in t) {
var n = t[i]
, o = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: + 2,
h: + 2
e[i] = new _l(o,n),
n.hasRenderCallback && this.haveRenderCallbacks.push(i)
bl.prototype.patchUpdatedImages = function(t, e) {
for (var r in t.dispatchRenderCallbacks(this.haveRenderCallbacks),
this.patchUpdatedImage(this.iconPositions[r], t.getImage(r), e),
this.patchUpdatedImage(this.patternPositions[r], t.getImage(r), e)
bl.prototype.patchUpdatedImage = function(t, e, r) {
if (t && e && t.version !== e.version) {
t.version = e.version;
var i =;
r.update(, void 0, {
x: i[0],
y: i[1]
Oi("ImagePosition", _l),
Oi("ImageAtlas", bl);
var wl = {
horizontal: 1,
vertical: 2,
horizontalOnly: 3
, El = function() {
this.scale = 1,
this.fontStack = "",
this.imageName = null
El.forText = function(t, e) {
var r = new El;
return r.scale = t || 1,
r.fontStack = e,
El.forImage = function(t) {
var e = new El;
return e.imageName = t,
var Cl = function() {
this.text = "",
this.sectionIndex = [],
this.sections = [],
this.imageSectionID = null
function Al(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p, h, f, d, m) {
var y, g = Cl.fromFeature(t, n);
p === wl.vertical && g.verticalizePunctuation();
var v = sn.processBidirectionalText
, _ = sn.processStyledBidirectionalText;
if (v && 1 === g.sections.length) {
y = [];
for (var x = 0, b = v(g.toString(), Fl(g, u, o, e, i, f, d)); x < b.length; x += 1) {
var w = b[x]
, E = new Cl;
E.text = w,
E.sections = g.sections;
for (var C = 0; C < w.length; C++)
} else if (_) {
y = [];
for (var A = 0, z = _(g.text, g.sectionIndex, Fl(g, u, o, e, i, f, d)); A < z.length; A += 1) {
var S = z[A]
, k = new Cl;
k.text = S[0],
k.sectionIndex = S[1],
k.sections = g.sections,
} else
y = function(t, e) {
for (var r = [], i = t.text, n = 0, o = 0, a = e; o < a.length; o += 1) {
var s = a[o];
r.push(t.substring(n, s)),
n = s
return n < i.length && r.push(t.substring(n, i.length)),
}(g, Fl(g, u, o, e, i, f, d));
var T = []
, D = {
positionedLines: T,
text: g.toString(),
top: c[1],
bottom: c[1],
left: c[0],
right: c[0],
writingMode: p,
iconsInText: !1,
verticalizable: !1
return function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u, c, p) {
for (var h = 0, f = -17, d = 0, m = 0, y = "right" === s ? 1 : "left" === s ? 0 : .5, g = 0, v = 0, _ = n; v < _.length; v += 1) {
var x = _[v];
var b = x.getMaxScale()
, w = 24 * (b - 1)
, E = {
positionedGlyphs: [],
lineOffset: 0
t.positionedLines[g] = E;
var C = E.positionedGlyphs
, A = 0;
if (x.length()) {
for (var z = 0; z < x.length(); z++) {
var S = x.getSection(z)
, k = x.getSectionIndex(z)
, T = x.getCharCode(z)
, D = 0
, I = null
, F = null
, B = null
, P = 24
, M = !(l === wl.horizontal || !c && !Wi(T) || c && (zl[T] || (G = T,
Zi.Arabic(G) || Zi["Arabic Supplement"](G) || Zi["Arabic Extended-A"](G) || Zi["Arabic Presentation Forms-A"](G) || Zi["Arabic Presentation Forms-B"](G))));
if (S.imageName) {
var L = i[S.imageName];
if (!L)
B = S.imageName,
t.iconsInText = t.iconsInText || !0,
F = L.paddedRect;
var R = L.displaySize;
S.scale = 24 * S.scale / p,
D = w + (24 - R[1] * S.scale),
P = (I = {
width: R[0],
height: R[1],
left: 1,
top: -3,
advance: M ? R[1] : R[0]
var O = M ? R[0] * S.scale - 24 * b : R[1] * S.scale - 24 * b;
O > 0 && O > A && (A = O)
} else {
var U = r[S.fontStack]
, V = U && U[T];
if (V && V.rect)
F = V.rect,
I = V.metrics;
else {
var j = e[S.fontStack]
, N = j && j[T];
if (!N)
I = N.metrics
D = 24 * (b - S.scale)
M ? (t.verticalizable = !0,
glyph: T,
imageName: B,
x: h,
y: f + D,
vertical: M,
scale: S.scale,
fontStack: S.fontStack,
sectionIndex: k,
metrics: I,
rect: F
h += P * S.scale + u) : (C.push({
glyph: T,
imageName: B,
x: h,
y: f + D,
vertical: M,
scale: S.scale,
fontStack: S.fontStack,
sectionIndex: k,
metrics: I,
rect: F
h += I.advance * S.scale + u)
0 !== C.length && (d = Math.max(h - u, d),
Pl(C, 0, C.length - 1, y, A)),
h = 0;
var q = o * b + A;
E.lineOffset = Math.max(A, w),
f += q,
m = Math.max(q, m),
} else
f += o,
var G, Z = f - -17, X = Bl(a), W = X.horizontalAlign, H = X.verticalAlign;
(function(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l) {
var u, c = (e - r) * n;
u = o !== a ? -s * i - -17 : (-i * l + .5) * a;
for (var p = 0, h = t; p < h.length; p += 1)
for (var f = 0, d = h[p].positionedGlyphs; f < d.length; f += 1) {
var m = d[f];
m.x += c,
m.y += u
)(t.positionedLines, y, W, H, d, m, o, Z, n.length), += -H * Z,
t.bottom = + Z,
t.left += -W * d,
t.right = t.left + d
}(D, e, r, i, y, a, s, l, p, u, h, m),
!function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = t; e < r.length; e += 1)
if (0 !== r[e].positionedGlyphs.length)
return !1;
return !0
}(T) && D
Cl.fromFeature = function(t, e) {
for (var r = new Cl, i = 0; i < t.sections.length; i++) {
var n = t.sections[i];
n.image ? r.addImageSection(n) : r.addTextSection(n, e)
return r
Cl.prototype.length = function() {
return this.text.length
Cl.prototype.getSection = function(t) {
return this.sections[this.sectionIndex[t]]
Cl.prototype.getSectionIndex = function(t) {
return this.sectionIndex[t]
Cl.prototype.getCharCode = function(t) {
return this.text.charCodeAt(t)
Cl.prototype.verticalizePunctuation = function() {
this.text = function(t) {
for (var e = "", r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
var i = t.charCodeAt(r + 1) || null
, n = t.charCodeAt(r - 1) || null;
e += i && Hi(i) && !Hs[t[r + 1]] || n && Hi(n) && !Hs[t[r - 1]] || !Hs[t[r]] ? t[r] : Hs[t[r]]
return e
Cl.prototype.trim = function() {
for (var t = 0, e = 0; e < this.text.length && zl[this.text.charCodeAt(e)]; e++)
for (var r = this.text.length, i = this.text.length - 1; i >= 0 && i >= t && zl[this.text.charCodeAt(i)]; i--)
this.text = this.text.substring(t, r),
this.sectionIndex = this.sectionIndex.slice(t, r)
Cl.prototype.substring = function(t, e) {
var r = new Cl;
return r.text = this.text.substring(t, e),
r.sectionIndex = this.sectionIndex.slice(t, e),
r.sections = this.sections,
Cl.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.text
Cl.prototype.getMaxScale = function() {
var t = this;
return this.sectionIndex.reduce((function(e, r) {
return Math.max(e, t.sections[r].scale)
), 0)
Cl.prototype.addTextSection = function(t, e) {
this.text += t.text,
this.sections.push(El.forText(t.scale, t.fontStack || e));
for (var r = this.sections.length - 1, i = 0; i < t.text.length; ++i)
Cl.prototype.addImageSection = function(t) {
var e = t.image ? : "";
if (0 !== e.length) {
var r = this.getNextImageSectionCharCode();
r ? (this.text += String.fromCharCode(r),
this.sectionIndex.push(this.sections.length - 1)) : E("Reached maximum number of images 6401")
} else
E("Can't add FormattedSection with an empty image.")
Cl.prototype.getNextImageSectionCharCode = function() {
return this.imageSectionID ? this.imageSectionID >= 63743 ? null : ++this.imageSectionID : (this.imageSectionID = 57344,
var zl = {
9: !0,
10: !0,
11: !0,
12: !0,
13: !0,
32: !0
, Sl = {};
function kl(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
if (e.imageName) {
var a = i[e.imageName];
return a ? a.displaySize[0] * e.scale * 24 / o + n : 0
var s = r[e.fontStack]
, l = s && s[t];
return l ? l.metrics.advance * e.scale + n : 0
function Tl(t, e, r, i) {
var n = Math.pow(t - e, 2);
return i ? t < e ? n / 2 : 2 * n : n + Math.abs(r) * r
function Dl(t, e, r) {
var i = 0;
return 10 === t && (i -= 1e4),
r && (i += 150),
40 !== t && 65288 !== t || (i += 50),
41 !== e && 65289 !== e || (i += 50),
function Il(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
for (var a = null, s = Tl(e, r, n, o), l = 0, u = i; l < u.length; l += 1) {
var c = u[l]
, p = Tl(e - c.x, r, n, o) + c.badness;
p <= s && (a = c,
s = p)
return {
index: t,
x: e,
priorBreak: a,
badness: s
function Fl(t, e, r, i, n, o, a) {
if ("point" !== o)
return [];
if (!t)
return [];
for (var s, l = [], u = function(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
for (var a = 0, s = 0; s < t.length(); s++) {
var l = t.getSection(s);
a += kl(t.getCharCode(s), l, i, n, e, o)
return a / Math.max(1, Math.ceil(a / r))
}(t, e, r, i, n, a), c = t.text.indexOf("​") >= 0, p = 0, h = 0; h < t.length(); h++) {
var f = t.getSection(h)
, d = t.getCharCode(h);
if (zl[d] || (p += kl(d, f, i, n, e, a)),
h < t.length() - 1) {
var m = !((s = d) < 11904 || !(Zi["Bopomofo Extended"](s) || Zi.Bopomofo(s) || Zi["CJK Compatibility Forms"](s) || Zi["CJK Compatibility Ideographs"](s) || Zi["CJK Compatibility"](s) || Zi["CJK Radicals Supplement"](s) || Zi["CJK Strokes"](s) || Zi["CJK Symbols and Punctuation"](s) || Zi["CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A"](s) || Zi["CJK Unified Ideographs"](s) || Zi["Enclosed CJK Letters and Months"](s) || Zi["Halfwidth and Fullwidth Forms"](s) || Zi.Hiragana(s) || Zi["Ideographic Description Characters"](s) || Zi["Kangxi Radicals"](s) || Zi["Katakana Phonetic Extensions"](s) || Zi.Katakana(s) || Zi["Vertical Forms"](s) || Zi["Yi Radicals"](s) || Zi["Yi Syllables"](s)));
(Sl[d] || m || f.imageName) && l.push(Il(h + 1, p, u, l, Dl(d, t.getCharCode(h + 1), m && c), !1))
return function t(e) {
return e ? t(e.priorBreak).concat(e.index) : []
}(Il(t.length(), p, u, l, 0, !0))
function Bl(t) {
var e = .5
, r = .5;
switch (t) {
case "right":
case "top-right":
case "bottom-right":
e = 1;
case "left":
case "top-left":
case "bottom-left":
e = 0
switch (t) {
case "bottom":
case "bottom-right":
case "bottom-left":
r = 1;
case "top":
case "top-right":
case "top-left":
r = 0
return {
horizontalAlign: e,
verticalAlign: r
function Pl(t, e, r, i, n) {
if (i || n)
for (var o = t[r], a = (t[r].x + o.metrics.advance * o.scale) * i, s = e; s <= r; s++)
t[s].x -= a,
t[s].y += n
function Ml(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
var a, s = t.image;
if (s.content) {
var l = s.content
, u = s.pixelRatio || 1;
a = [l[0] / u, l[1] / u, s.displaySize[0] - l[2] / u, s.displaySize[1] - l[3] / u]
var c, p, h, f, d = e.left * o, m = e.right * o;
"width" === r || "both" === r ? (f = n[0] + d - i[3],
p = n[0] + m + i[1]) : p = (f = n[0] + (d + m - s.displaySize[0]) / 2) + s.displaySize[0];
var y = * o
, g = e.bottom * o;
return "height" === r || "both" === r ? (c = n[1] + y - i[0],
h = n[1] + g + i[2]) : h = (c = n[1] + (y + g - s.displaySize[1]) / 2) + s.displaySize[1],
image: s,
top: c,
right: p,
bottom: h,
left: f,
collisionPadding: a
Sl[10] = !0,
Sl[32] = !0,
Sl[38] = !0,
Sl[40] = !0,
Sl[41] = !0,
Sl[43] = !0,
Sl[45] = !0,
Sl[47] = !0,
Sl[173] = !0,
Sl[183] = !0,
Sl[8203] = !0,
Sl[8208] = !0,
Sl[8211] = !0,
Sl[8231] = !0;
var Ll = function(t) {
function e(e, r, i, n) {, e, r),
this.angle = i,
void 0 !== n && (this.segment = n)
return t && (e.__proto__ = t),
(e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype)).constructor = e,
e.prototype.clone = function() {
return new e(this.x,this.y,this.angle,this.segment)
function Rl(t, e) {
var r = e.expression;
if ("constant" === r.kind)
return {
kind: "constant",
layoutSize: r.evaluate(new ln(t + 1))
if ("source" === r.kind)
return {
kind: "source"
for (var i = r.zoomStops, n = r.interpolationType, o = 0; o < i.length && i[o] <= t; )
for (var a = o = Math.max(0, o - 1); a < i.length && i[a] < t + 1; )
a = Math.min(i.length - 1, a);
var s = i[o]
, l = i[a];
return "composite" === r.kind ? {
kind: "composite",
minZoom: s,
maxZoom: l,
interpolationType: n
} : {
kind: "camera",
minZoom: s,
maxZoom: l,
minSize: r.evaluate(new ln(s)),
maxSize: r.evaluate(new ln(l)),
interpolationType: n
function Ol(t, e, r) {
var i = e.uSize
, n = r.lowerSize;
return "source" === t.kind ? n / 128 : "composite" === t.kind ? Ze(n / 128, r.upperSize / 128, e.uSizeT) : i
function Ul(t, e) {
var r = 0
, i = 0;
if ("constant" === t.kind)
i = t.layoutSize;
else if ("source" !== t.kind) {
var n = t.interpolationType
, o = n ? c(ar.interpolationFactor(n, e, t.minZoom, t.maxZoom), 0, 1) : 0;
"camera" === t.kind ? i = Ze(t.minSize, t.maxSize, o) : r = o
return {
uSizeT: r,
uSize: i
Oi("Anchor", Ll);
var Vl = Object.freeze({
__proto__: null,
getSizeData: Rl,
evaluateSizeForFeature: Ol,
evaluateSizeForZoom: Ul,
function jl(t, e, r, i, n) {
if (void 0 === e.segment)
return !0;
for (var o = e, a = e.segment + 1, s = 0; s > -r / 2; ) {
if (--a < 0)
return !1;
s -= t[a].dist(o),
o = t[a]
s += t[a].dist(t[a + 1]),
for (var l = [], u = 0; s < r / 2; ) {
var c = t[a]
, p = t[a + 1];
if (!p)
return !1;
var h = t[a - 1].angleTo(c) - c.angleTo(p);
for (h = Math.abs((h + 3 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI) - Math.PI),
distance: s,
angleDelta: h
u += h; s - l[0].distance > i; )
u -= l.shift().angleDelta;
if (u > n)
return !1;
s += c.dist(p)
return !0
function Nl(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = 0; r < t.length - 1; r++)
e += t[r].dist(t[r + 1]);
return e
function ql(t, e, r) {
return t ? .6 * e * r : 0
function Gl(t, e) {
return Math.max(t ? t.right - t.left : 0, e ? e.right - e.left : 0)
function Zl(t, e, r, i, n, o) {
for (var a = ql(r, n, o), s = Gl(r, i) * o, l = 0, u = Nl(t) / 2, c = 0; c < t.length - 1; c++) {
var p = t[c]
, h = t[c + 1]
, f = p.dist(h);
if (l + f > u) {
var d = (u - l) / f
, m = Ze(p.x, h.x, d)
, y = Ze(p.y, h.y, d)
, g = new Ll(m,y,h.angleTo(p),c);
return g._round(),
!a || jl(t, g, s, a, e) ? g : void 0
l += f
function Xl(t, e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l) {
var u = ql(i, o, a)
, c = Gl(i, n)
, p = c * a
, h = 0 === t[0].x || t[0].x === l || 0 === t[0].y || t[0].y === l;
return e - p < e / 4 && (e = p + e / 4),
function t(e, r, i, n, o, a, s, l, u) {
for (var c = a / 2, p = Nl(e), h = 0, f = r - i, d = [], m = 0; m < e.length - 1; m++) {
for (var y = e[m], g = e[m + 1], v = y.dist(g), _ = g.angleTo(y); f + i < h + v; ) {
var x = ((f += i) - h) / v
, b = Ze(y.x, g.x, x)
, w = Ze(y.y, g.y, x);
if (b >= 0 && b < u && w >= 0 && w < u && f - c >= 0 && f + c <= p) {
var E = new Ll(b,w,_,m);
n && !jl(e, E, a, n, o) || d.push(E)
h += v
return l || d.length || s || (d = t(e, h / 2, i, n, o, a, s, !0, u)),
}(t, h ? e / 2 * s % e : (c / 2 + 2 * o) * a * s % e, e, u, r, p, h, !1, l)
function Wl(t, e, r, i, o) {
for (var a = [], s = 0; s < t.length; s++)
for (var l = t[s], u = void 0, c = 0; c < l.length - 1; c++) {
var p = l[c]
, h = l[c + 1];
p.x < e && h.x < e || (p.x < e ? p = new n(e,p.y + (e - p.x) / (h.x - p.x) * (h.y - p.y))._round() : h.x < e && (h = new n(e,p.y + (e - p.x) / (h.x - p.x) * (h.y - p.y))._round()),
p.y < r && h.y < r || (p.y < r ? p = new n(p.x + (r - p.y) / (h.y - p.y) * (h.x - p.x),r)._round() : h.y < r && (h = new n(p.x + (r - p.y) / (h.y - p.y) * (h.x - p.x),r)._round()),
p.x >= i && h.x >= i || (p.x >= i ? p = new n(i,p.y + (i - p.x) / (h.x - p.x) * (h.y - p.y))._round() : h.x >= i && (h = new n(i,p.y + (i - p.x) / (h.x - p.x) * (h.y - p.y))._round()),
p.y >= o && h.y >= o || (p.y >= o ? p = new n(p.x + (o - p.y) / (h.y - p.y) * (h.x - p.x),o)._round() : h.y >= o && (h = new n(p.x + (o - p.y) / (h.y - p.y) * (h.x - p.x),o)._round()),
u && p.equals(u[u.length - 1]) || a.push(u = [p]),
return a
function Hl(t, e, r, i) {
var o = []
, a = t.image
, s = a.pixelRatio
, l = a.paddedRect.w - 2
, u = a.paddedRect.h - 2
, c = t.right - t.left
, p = t.bottom -
, h = a.stretchX || [[0, l]]
, f = a.stretchY || [[0, u]]
, d = function(t, e) {
return t + e[1] - e[0]
, m = h.reduce(d, 0)
, y = f.reduce(d, 0)
, g = l - m
, v = u - y
, _ = 0
, x = m
, b = 0
, w = y
, E = 0
, C = g
, A = 0
, z = v;
if (a.content && i) {
var S = a.content;
_ = Kl(h, 0, S[0]),
b = Kl(f, 0, S[1]),
x = Kl(h, S[0], S[2]),
w = Kl(f, S[1], S[3]),
E = S[0] - _,
A = S[1] - b,
C = S[2] - S[0] - x,
z = S[3] - S[1] - w
var k = function(i, o, l, u) {
var h = Yl(i.stretch - _, x, c, t.left)
, f = $l(i.fixed - E, C, i.stretch, m)
, d = Yl(o.stretch - b, w, p,
, g = $l(o.fixed - A, z, o.stretch, y)
, v = Yl(l.stretch - _, x, c, t.left)
, S = $l(l.fixed - E, C, l.stretch, m)
, k = Yl(u.stretch - b, w, p,
, T = $l(u.fixed - A, z, u.stretch, y)
, D = new n(h,d)
, I = new n(v,d)
, F = new n(v,k)
, B = new n(h,k)
, P = new n(f / s,g / s)
, M = new n(S / s,T / s)
, L = e * Math.PI / 180;
if (L) {
var R = Math.sin(L)
, O = Math.cos(L)
, U = [O, -R, R, O];
var V = i.stretch + i.fixed
, j = o.stretch + o.fixed;
return {
tl: D,
tr: I,
bl: B,
br: F,
tex: {
x: a.paddedRect.x + 1 + V,
y: a.paddedRect.y + 1 + j,
w: l.stretch + l.fixed - V,
h: u.stretch + u.fixed - j
writingMode: void 0,
glyphOffset: [0, 0],
sectionIndex: 0,
pixelOffsetTL: P,
pixelOffsetBR: M,
minFontScaleX: C / s / c,
minFontScaleY: z / s / p,
isSDF: r
if (i && (a.stretchX || a.stretchY))
for (var T = Jl(h, g, m), D = Jl(f, v, y), I = 0; I < T.length - 1; I++)
for (var F = T[I], B = T[I + 1], P = 0; P < D.length - 1; P++)
o.push(k(F, D[P], B, D[P + 1]));
fixed: 0,
stretch: -1
}, {
fixed: 0,
stretch: -1
}, {
fixed: 0,
stretch: l + 1
}, {
fixed: 0,
stretch: u + 1
return o
function Kl(t, e, r) {
for (var i = 0, n = 0, o = t; n < o.length; n += 1) {
var a = o[n];
i += Math.max(e, Math.min(r, a[1])) - Math.max(e, Math.min(r, a[0]))
return i
function Jl(t, e, r) {
for (var i = [{
fixed: -1,
stretch: 0
}], n = 0, o = t; n < o.length; n += 1) {
var a = o[n]
, s = a[0]
, l = a[1]
, u = i[i.length - 1];
fixed: s - u.stretch,
stretch: u.stretch
fixed: s - u.stretch,
stretch: u.stretch + (l - s)
return i.push({
fixed: e + 1,
stretch: r
function Yl(t, e, r, i) {
return t / e * r + i
function $l(t, e, r, i) {
return t - e * r / i
var Ql = function(t, e, r, i, o, a, s, l, u, c) {
if (this.boxStartIndex = t.length,
u) {
var p =
, h = a.bottom
, f = a.collisionPadding;
f && (p -= f[1],
h += f[3]);
var d = h - p;
d > 0 && (d = Math.max(10, d),
this.circleDiameter = d)
} else {
var m = * s - l
, y = a.bottom * s + l
, g = a.left * s - l
, v = a.right * s + l
, _ = a.collisionPadding;
if (_ && (g -= _[0] * s,
m -= _[1] * s,
v += _[2] * s,
y += _[3] * s),
c) {
var x = new n(g,m)
, b = new n(v,m)
, w = new n(g,y)
, E = new n(v,y)
, C = c * Math.PI / 180;
g = Math.min(x.x, b.x, w.x, E.x),
v = Math.max(x.x, b.x, w.x, E.x),
m = Math.min(x.y, b.y, w.y, E.y),
y = Math.max(x.y, b.y, w.y, E.y)
t.emplaceBack(e.x, e.y, g, m, v, y, r, i, o)
this.boxEndIndex = t.length
, tu = function(t, e) {
if (void 0 === t && (t = []),
void 0 === e && (e = eu), = t,
this.length =, = e,
this.length > 0)
for (var r = (this.length >> 1) - 1; r >= 0; r--)
function eu(t, e) {
return t < e ? -1 : t > e ? 1 : 0
function ru(t, e, r) {
void 0 === e && (e = 1),
void 0 === r && (r = !1);
for (var i = 1 / 0, o = 1 / 0, a = -1 / 0, s = -1 / 0, l = t[0], u = 0; u < l.length; u++) {
var c = l[u];
(!u || c.x < i) && (i = c.x),
(!u || c.y < o) && (o = c.y),
(!u || c.x > a) && (a = c.x),
(!u || c.y > s) && (s = c.y)
var p = Math.min(a - i, s - o)
, h = p / 2
, f = new tu([],iu);
if (0 === p)
return new n(i,o);
for (var d = i; d < a; d += p)
for (var m = o; m < s; m += p)
f.push(new nu(d + h,m + h,h,t));
for (var y = function(t) {
for (var e = 0, r = 0, i = 0, n = t[0], o = 0, a = n.length, s = a - 1; o < a; s = o++) {
var l = n[o]
, u = n[s]
, c = l.x * u.y - u.x * l.y;
r += (l.x + u.x) * c,
i += (l.y + u.y) * c,
e += 3 * c
return new nu(r / e,i / e,0,t)
}(t), g = f.length; f.length; ) {
var v = f.pop();
(v.d > y.d || !y.d) && (y = v,
r && console.log("found best %d after %d probes", Math.round(1e4 * v.d) / 1e4, g)),
v.max - y.d <= e || (f.push(new nu(v.p.x - (h = v.h / 2),v.p.y - h,h,t)),
f.push(new nu(v.p.x + h,v.p.y - h,h,t)),
f.push(new nu(v.p.x - h,v.p.y + h,h,t)),
f.push(new nu(v.p.x + h,v.p.y + h,h,t)),
g += 4)
return r && (console.log("num probes: " + g),
console.log("best distance: " + y.d)),
function iu(t, e) {
return e.max - t.max
function nu(t, e, r, i) {
this.p = new n(t,e),
this.h = r,
this.d = function(t, e) {
for (var r = !1, i = 1 / 0, n = 0; n < e.length; n++)
for (var o = e[n], a = 0, s = o.length, l = s - 1; a < s; l = a++) {
var u = o[a]
, c = o[l];
u.y > t.y != c.y > t.y && t.x < (c.x - u.x) * (t.y - u.y) / (c.y - u.y) + u.x && (r = !r),
i = Math.min(i, $o(t, u, c))
return (r ? 1 : -1) * Math.sqrt(i)
}(this.p, i),
this.max = this.d + this.h * Math.SQRT2
tu.prototype.push = function(t) {,
this._up(this.length - 1)
tu.prototype.pop = function() {
if (0 !== this.length) {
var t =[0]
, e =;
return this.length--,
this.length > 0 && ([0] = e,
tu.prototype.peek = function() {
tu.prototype._up = function(t) {
for (var e =, r =, i = e[t]; t > 0; ) {
var n = t - 1 >> 1
, o = e[n];
if (r(i, o) >= 0)
e[t] = o,
t = n
e[t] = i
tu.prototype._down = function(t) {
for (var e =, r =, i = this.length >> 1, n = e[t]; t < i; ) {
var o = 1 + (t << 1)
, a = e[o]
, s = o + 1;
if (s < this.length && r(e[s], a) < 0 && (o = s,
a = e[s]),
r(a, n) >= 0)
e[t] = a,
t = o
e[t] = n
var ou = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
function au(t, e) {
return e[1] !== ou ? function(t, e, r) {
var i = 0
, n = 0;
switch (e = Math.abs(e),
r = Math.abs(r),
t) {
case "top-right":
case "top-left":
case "top":
n = r - 7;
case "bottom-right":
case "bottom-left":
case "bottom":
n = 7 - r
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