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How to Upgrade to Lagoon 1.0.0
1. ES Upgrade to 6.8.2
1. upgrade logs-db to image `amazeeiolagoon/logs-db:v1-0-0`
2. Let restart all pods
3. Wait until ES is green again.
4. Upgrade logs-db-archive to image `amazeeiolagoon/logs-db:v1-0-0`
5. Let restart all pods
6. Wait until ES is green again.
7. Verify correct Version of ES 6.8.2 via ES API: GET _nodes/plugins
2. add new priorityClasses:
oc -n lagoon create -f openshift-setup/priorityclasses.yaml
3. fix API-DB
1. oc -n lagoon port-forward $(oc -n lagoon get pod -o --no-headers -l service=api-db) 3306
1. RUN `UPDATE user SET email = LOWER(email);`
2. update usernames to match emails in keycloak
3. replace "\n" with actual newlines in project table
2. api-db pod:
4. API pod
1. yarn run flow-node dist/migrations/1-rbac/users
2. yarn run flow-node dist/migrations/1-rbac/customers-to-groups
3. yarn run flow-node dist/migrations/1-rbac/projects
4. yarn sync:opendistro-security
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