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Created February 12, 2016 08:48
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Musicbot > Irc
# RadioBot v5 Config File
# RadioBot and IRCBot are Copyright 2004-2014
// Lines beginning with a # are comments, so if you want to use an option that is commented
// out, make sure to remove the # from the beginning of the line.
// You will also see lines commented out with //, those lines are notes to you (like this one)
// to help you understand or explain an option.
// This is the Base Block, it is the basic bot configuration, and of course is necessary
Base {
Nick FioreGamingRadioBot
Fork 0
OnlineBackup 1
LogChan #FioreGaming_Log
LogFile ircbot.log
# PIDFile
SecsBetweenUpdates 30
DoSpam 1
DoOnjoin 1
DoTopic 1
AutoRegOnHello 1
EnableRequestSystem 1
EnableRating 1
AllowPMRequests 1
RemotePort 10001
PullNameFromAnyServer 1
MultiSoundServer 0
// Don't set MultiSoundServer unless you know what you are doing, see here:
DJName Alaura
# LangCode en_US
SendQ 300
# BindIP
SSL_Cert ircbot.pem
BackupDays 14
// IRC Block
Server0 {
Port 9999
# Pass
# OnConnect PRIVMSG NickServ :identify YourPass
# OnConnect PRIVMSG :AUTH nick password
# BindIP
// You can only have one OnConnect line, these are just 2 examples, you can combine commands with \r\n
Channel0 {
Channel #FioreGaming
# Key channel_password
DoSpam 1
DoOnjoin 1
DoTopic 1
SongInterval 0
SongIntervalSource 0
NoTopicCheck 1
# AltTopicCommand PRIVMSG ChanServ :TOPIC %chan %topic
// Stream Server Block
SS {
Server0 {
Type shoutcast
Host localhost
Port 8000
// StreamID only needed for Shoutcast v2, defaults to 1
StreamID 1
// Mount/User are only used for icecast, you don't have to fill them out for shoutcast
// Pass is only used for icecast and shoutcast2
Mount /wolfcast
User source
Pass Wolfy
#Timer {
# Timer0 {
# Interval 60
# Network 0
# Action something to do
# };
AutoDJ {
Server {
Name Fiore Gaming Auto DJ
Description DJ'ing for Fiore Gaming Gaming Community
Genre Dubstep, Electronica, Etc.
ICQ 11001100
AIM aim_name
IRC irc://
Public 1
Encoder mp3
Bitrate 320
Sample 44100
Channels 2
// 1 = Mono, 2 = Stereo
// Icecast only
Mount /wolfcast
Content f:\my_music
Promo f:\my_promos
MP3_Encoder {
Mode stereo or jstereo
// Sets whether the MP3 encoder uses stereo or joint stereo in 2 channel mode. (Joint stereo is default and the recommended setting)
// Turns on VBR mode (method: ABR), mean bitrate is Bitrate in the Server section
// See this page if you have problems after enabling VBR:
MinBitrate 64
// You can use this to set the minimum bitrate, 0 or commented out = Bitrate*0.25
MaxBitrate 320
// You can use this to set the maximum bitrate, 0 or commented out = Bitrate*1.25
Quality 4
// Sets the LAME encoding quality (default: 4)
// This setting has a large effect on CPU usage when using AutoDJ, since 85+% of the CPU usage is in LAME at the default setting of 4
// quality=0..9. 0=best (very slow). 9=worst (fastest).
// recommended: 2 near-best quality, not too slow. 5 good quality, fast. 7 ok quality, really fast.
VBR_Quality 4
// Sets the VBR quality, values have the same meaning as in the Quality item above
FileLister {
List list.txt
// The filename of the playlist to write
Line %file%
// Changes the output line for each file in List, default: %file%
# NewChar <h1>%char%</h1>
// Writes a line when a new letter of the alphabet starts in your filenames
Header header.txt
Footer footer.txt
// You only need to edit the Queue_MySQL section if you want to use the MySQL Queue (for WebRequest).
Queue_MySQL {
Host host
User user
Pass pass
Port 0
DBName ShoutIRC
DBTable AutoDJ
KeepHistory 7
Options {
# QueuePlugin ./plugins/adjq_mysql.dll
# DSPPlugin ./plugins/dsp_volnorm.dll
Resampler speex
# Resampler libresample
// You should only change resamplers if you are getting clipping or bad effects in your audio.
NoPlayFilters *SomeJunk*,*more junk*
// Filters to set files/folders that will not be played in the main song rotation. (ie., reserving them for requests, scheduling, etc.)
// Filters are seperated with commas (,), do not put any padding spaces before or after the commas.
// Total maximum length of the NoPlayFilters line is 1023 bytes long (1024 - 1 for NULL byte)
NoRepeat 600
// Will not replay any song more often than every X seconds. (unless requested/scheduled/etc.)
DoPromos 0
// How often to do a set of promos, or 0 to disable. This is a modulus, so 2 = do a set every other song, 3 = set every 2 songs, etc.
// You can also use the format (for example) 1:5 to do a set of promos after 1-5 songs.
NumPromos 1
// How many promos to do in a set
EnableRequests 1
EnableFind 1
// Enable @find
EnableCrossfade 0
// Enable crossfading between songs
EnableVoice 0
// Enable voice announcements, set to 1 for an announcement between each song.
// Or (for example) 1:5 for an announcement randomly between every 1-5 songs.
VoiceTitle The Voice of AutoDJ
// These let you change the artist/title of the bot's voice announcements
MoveDir ./moved
// The directory !move/!autodj-move will move marked files to
AutoStart 1
// Start AutoDJ playing when the bot starts (default, so removing this line won't disable it)
AutoPlayIfNoSource 0
// If your shoutcast/icecast has no source for more than X seconds, start AutoDJ playing
EnableYP 1
// Add you to the stream list on when AutoDJ is playing
SimpleDJ {
Server {
Password StreamPassword
Name DJ Test
Description Test Stream
Genre Various
ICQ 11001100
AIM aim_name
IRC irc://
Public 1
Bitrate 64
Sample 44100
Channels 1
// 1 = Mono, 2 = Stereo
// Icecast only
Mount /
Content f:\my_music
Promo f:\my_promos
FileLister {
List list.txt
// The filename of the playlist to write
Line %file%
// Changes the output line for each file in List, default: %file%
# NewChar <h1>%char%</h1>
// Writes a line when a new letter of the alphabet starts in your filenames
Header header.txt
Footer footer.txt
// You only need to edit the Queue_MySQL section if you want to use the MySQL Queue (for WebRequest).
Queue_MySQL {
Host host
User user
Pass pass
Port 0
DBName ShoutIRC
DBTable AutoDJ
KeepHistory 7
Options {
# QueuePlugin ./plugins/SimpleDJ/sdjq_mysql.dll
Resampler speex
# Resampler libresample
// You should only change resamplers if you are getting clipping or bad effects in your audio.
NoPlayFilters *SomeJunk*,*more junk*
// Filters to set files/folders that will not be played in the main song rotation. (ie., reserving them for requests, scheduling, etc.)
// Filters are seperated with commas (,), do not put any padding spaces before or after the commas.
// Total maximum length of the NoPlayFilters line is 1023 bytes long (1024 - 1 for NULL byte)
NoRepeat 600
// Will not replay any song more often than every X seconds. (unless requested/scheduled/etc.)
DoPromos 0
// How often to do a set of promos, or 0 to disable. This is a modulus, so 2 = do a set every other song, 3 = set every 2 songs, etc.
// You can also use the format (for example) 1:5 to do a set of promos after 1-5 songs.
NumPromos 1
// How many promos to do in a set
EnableRequests 1
EnableFind 1
// Enable @find
EnableCrossfade 0
// Enable crossfading between songs
EnableVoice 0
// Enable voice announcements, set to 1 for an announcement between each song.
// Or (for example) 1:5 for an announcement randomly between every 1-5 songs.
VoiceTitle The Voice of AutoDJ
// These let you change the artist/title of the bot's voice announcements
MoveDir ./moved
// The directory !move/!autodj-move will move marked files to
AutoStart 1
// Start AutoDJ playing when the bot starts (default, so removing this line won't disable it)
AutoPlayIfNoSource 0
// If your shoutcast/icecast has no source for more than X seconds, start AutoDJ playing
EnableYP 1
// Add you to the stream list on when AutoDJ is playing
YPGenre Various
Host localhost
User db_user
Pass db_pass
Port 0
DBName samdb
AllowIncoming 1
AllowGet 1
AllowChat 1
AllowFServ 1
AllowSymLinks 0
IncomingPath ./incoming/
FServPath ./incoming/
GetPath ./incoming/
GetTrigger get
FServTrigger fserv
EnableAutoDJ 0
# RealIP
FirstPort 7000
VoiceEngine espeak
// Linux only, espeak or festival
# Voice en/en
// Linux w/espeak only
// Choose a voice, see the Filename column of speak --voices for options
eSpeakCommand speak
// Linux only w/espeak only, some distros name their espeak something besides speak
// so you can change it to espeak or whatever with eSpeakCommand
# Voice Name=Microsoft SAM
// Windows only
# Plugin Block, you can put multiple Module lines here
Plugin {
Module0 plugins/TTS_Services.%soext%
# Module1 plugins/AutoDJ.%soext%
# Module1 plugins/SimpleDJ.%soext%
# Module1 plugins/SAM.%soext%
# Module2 plugins/DCC.%soext%
Module3 plugins/Welcome.%soext%
// Go to for more information on available plugins and how to configure them
// and other configuration options.
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