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Created February 12, 2016 08:53
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  • Save Alauraa/f8cf93f7513cb64254e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Alauraa/f8cf93f7513cb64254e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
<Wolfess> Enter your password.
<Alaura> Wolfy66?
<Wolfess> Connected to Wolfess, running eggdrop v1.8.0+preinit
<Wolfess> ____ __
<Wolfess> / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___ ___
<Wolfess> / _/ / _ `// _ `// _ // __// _ \ / _ \
<Wolfess> /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/ \___// .__/
<Wolfess> /___/ /___/ /_/
<Wolfess> Hey Alaura! My name is Wolfess and I am running eggdrop v1.8.0+preinit, on CYGWIN_NT-6.2-WOW64 1.7.22(0.268/5/3).
<Wolfess> Local time is now 02:19
<Wolfess> You are an owner of this bot. Only +n users can see this! For more info,
<Wolfess> see .help set motd. Please edit the motd file in your bot's 'text'
<Wolfess> directory.
<Wolfess> Use .help for basic help.
<Wolfess> Use .help <command> for help on a specific command.
<Wolfess> Use .help all to get a full command list.
<Wolfess> Use .help *somestring* to list any help texts containing "somestring".
<Wolfess> Have fun.
<Wolfess> Commands start with '.' (like '.quit' or '.help')
<Wolfess> Everything else goes out to the party line.
<Wolfess> ### You have the following note(s) waiting:
<Wolfess> 1. Wolfess (May 11 02:17)
<Wolfess> 2. Wolfess (May 11 02:17)
<Wolfess> ### Use '.notes read' to read them.
<Wolfess> *** Alaura joined the party line.
<Alaura> .help
<Wolfess> [02:19:47] #Alaura# help
<Wolfess> DCC commands for Wolfess, eggdrop v1.8.0+preinit:
<Wolfess> For all users:
<Wolfess> who away quit whom
<Wolfess> me page match motd
<Wolfess> bots newpass chat handle
<Wolfess> whoami echo strip su
<Wolfess> trace fixcodes bottree vbottree
<Wolfess> botinfo relay -host
<Wolfess> For ops:
<Wolfess> addlog console match whois
<Wolfess> For botnet masters:
<Wolfess> +bot botattr chhandle chpass
<Wolfess> +host -bot link chaddr
<Wolfess> boot unlink banner dccstat
<Wolfess> For channel masters:
<Wolfess> chattr save backup reload
<Wolfess> status traffic uptime
<Wolfess> For global masters:
<Wolfess> +user +ignore comment binds
<Wolfess> ignores -user -ignore dccstat
<Wolfess> debug rehash restart module
<Wolfess> For owners:
<Wolfess> die simul loadmod unloadmod
<Wolfess> language set tcl rehelp
<Wolfess> modules +lang -lang +lsec
<Wolfess> -lsec lstat relang ldump
<Wolfess> All commands begin with '.', and all else goes to the party line.
<Wolfess> Text starting with ',' is sent ONLY to bot-masters.
<Wolfess> You can get help on individual commands: '.help <command>'.
<Wolfess> Extra help relating to loaded modules may be obtained by typing
<Wolfess> '.help <module> module'. Possible modules include:
<Wolfess> assoc channels compress console ctcp
<Wolfess> filesys irc notes seen server
<Wolfess> share transfer uptime
<Wolfess> You may receive a list of commands provided by all loaded modules by
<Wolfess> using '.help all'. If you only remember a part of the command's
<Wolfess> name you are searching for, just use wildcards (e.g. '.help *bot*'),
<Wolfess> and all matching help texts will be displayed.
<Alaura> .uptime
<Wolfess> [02:20:22] #Alaura# uptime
<Wolfess> Online for 00:03 (background)
<Wolfess> [02:22:18] #lobby: mode change '+o pwnsrv' by Anastasia!
<Wolfess> [02:22:24] #lobby: mode change '-o pwnsrv' by Anastasia!
<Wolfess> [02:23:00] #lobby: mode change '+v WolfJob_p' by
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