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Created June 19, 2022 14:59
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Testing out the mechanics for a shiny web app/game with maps and street names
output: html_document
chunk_output_type: console
## Load Packages
## Query street data from OpenStreetMap
# Set bounding box.
# Bounding box adjusted from getbb('Ulm')
bbx <- matrix(
data = c(9.93, 10.04283, 48.37, 48.44),
nrow = 2,
ncol = 2,
byrow = T,
dimnames = list(c('x', 'y'), c('min', 'max'))
# Build query for streets
# Features
query <- bbx %>%
opq() %>%
key = 'highway',
value = c('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary',
'tertiary', 'unclassified', 'residential',
'motorway_link', 'trunk_link', 'primary_link',
# Get data from Openstreetmap
sf_data <- osmdata_sf(query)
# Object of class 'osmdata' with:
# $bbox : 48.37,9.93,48.44,10.04283
# $overpass_call : The call submitted to the overpass API
# $meta : metadata including timestamp and version numbers
# $osm_points : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 21143 points
# $osm_lines : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 3927 linestrings
# $osm_polygons : 'sf' Simple Features Collection with 13 polygons
# $osm_multilines : NULL
# $osm_multipolygons : NULL
## Make sure that we only use streets from Ulm and not the adjacent Neu-Ulm (New Ulm)
# New query for administrative boundaries
ulm_boundary_query <- getbb('Ulm') %>%
opq() %>%
key = 'boundary',
value = 'administrative'
ulm_boundary <- osmdata_sf(ulm_boundary_query)
# Find Ulm's boundaries via filter()
boundary <- ulm_boundary$osm_multipolygons %>%
filter(name == 'Ulm') %>%
# Find streets (lines) in results from previous query that are within Ulm's boundaries
# Key function st_contains() from {sf}
indices_in_ulm <- st_contains(boundary, sf_data$osm_lines) %>% unlist()
street_lines_ulm <- sf_data$osm_lines %>% slice(indices_in_ulm)
## Draw a map with a highlighted street
# Filter specific street
street <- street_lines_ulm %>%
filter(str_detect(name, 'Zinglerstr')) %>%
pull(geometry) %>%
# Streets can be represented by multiple lines so throw them together
#our background map
background_map <- get_map(bbx, maptype = "toner-background")
# inherit.aes must be false
ggmap(background_map) +
geom_sf(data = street_lines_ulm, inherit.aes = FALSE) +
data = street,
inherit.aes = F,
col = 'red',
size = 1.5
## Imitate a point guess and compute distance to highlighted street
# Create point with st_point() from {sf}
# Make sure every geometry uses same coordinate reference system (CRS)
point_guess <- st_point(c(9.96, 48.405)) %>% st_sfc(crs = 4326)
street_crs_corrected <- st_transform(street, crs = 4326)
# Compute distance with st_distance from {sf}
distance <- st_distance(point_guess, street_crs_corrected)
# Units: [m]
# [,1]
# [1,] 1966.924
## Create circle with radius of previously calculated distance
## Plot everything into one image.
circle <- point_guess %>% st_buffer(distance)
ggmap(background_map) +
geom_sf(data = street_lines_ulm, inherit.aes = FALSE) +
data = street,
inherit.aes = F,
col = 'red',
size = 1.5
) +
data = circle,
inherit.aes = F,
col = 'blue',
size = 1.5,
fill = NA
) +
data = point_guess,
inherit.aes = F,
col = 'blue',
size = 2,
fill = NA
) +
x = 9.96,
y = 48.405 + 0.0025,
label = glue::glue('Distance: {round(distance,2)}m'),
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