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Last active February 1, 2023 17:35
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  • Save AlbertoDePena/9f11891c470fba4477739fd76f969e98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AlbertoDePena/9f11891c470fba4477739fd76f969e98 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
module DotEnv =
open System
open System.IO
let private parseLine (line: string) =
let splitCount = 2
match line.Split('=', splitCount, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) with
| args when args.Length = splitCount -> Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(args.[0], args.[1])
| _ -> ()
let private load =
(let filePath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), ".env")
|> File.Exists
|> function
| false -> ()
| true -> filePath |> File.ReadAllLines |> Seq.iter parseLine)
let init () = load.Force()
namespace Extensions
type AsyncMsg<'a> =
| Started
| Completed of 'a
type Deferred<'a> =
| HasNotStartedYet
| InProgress
| Resolved of 'a
module Deferred =
let map (transform: 'a -> 'b) (deferred: Deferred<'a>) : Deferred<'b> =
match deferred with
| Deferred.HasNotStartedYet -> Deferred.HasNotStartedYet
| Deferred.InProgress -> Deferred.InProgress
| Deferred.Resolved value -> Deferred.Resolved(transform value)
let bind (transform: 'a -> Deferred<'b>) (deferred: Deferred<'a>) : Deferred<'b> =
match deferred with
| Deferred.HasNotStartedYet -> Deferred.HasNotStartedYet
| Deferred.InProgress -> Deferred.InProgress
| Deferred.Resolved value -> transform value
let iter (action: 'a -> unit) (deferred: Deferred<'a>) : unit =
match deferred with
| Deferred.HasNotStartedYet -> ()
| Deferred.InProgress -> ()
| Deferred.Resolved value -> action value
let resolved deferred : bool =
match deferred with
| Deferred.HasNotStartedYet -> false
| Deferred.InProgress -> false
| Deferred.Resolved _ -> true
let exists (predicate: 'a -> bool) deferred : bool =
match deferred with
| Deferred.HasNotStartedYet -> false
| Deferred.InProgress -> false
| Deferred.Resolved value -> predicate value
module Config =
open Fable.Core
[<Emit("process.env[$0] ? process.env[$0] : ''")>]
let variable (key: string) : string = jsNative
module StaticFile =
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
let inline import (relativePath: string) : string = importDefault relativePath
namespace PrimitiveTypes
open System
module Boolean =
let fromString (value: string) =
match bool.TryParse value with
| true, boolean -> Some boolean
| _ -> None
module DateTime =
let fromString (value: string) =
match DateTime.TryParse value with
| true, parsedValue -> Some parsedValue
| _ -> None
module DateTimeOffset =
let fromString (value: string) =
match DateTimeOffset.TryParse value with
| true, parsedValue -> Some parsedValue
| _ -> None
module Decimal =
let fromString (value: string) =
match Decimal.TryParse value with
| true, parsedValue -> Some parsedValue
| _ -> None
module Guid =
let fromString (value: string) =
match Guid.TryParse value with
| true, parsedValue -> Some parsedValue
| _ -> None
let toOptionIfEmpty value =
if value = Guid.Empty then None else Some value
let toNullableIfEmpty value =
if value = Guid.Empty then
Nullable value
module Int32 =
let fromString (value: string) =
match Int32.TryParse value with
| true, parsedValue -> Some parsedValue
| _ -> None
module Int64 =
let fromString (value: string) =
match Int64.TryParse value with
| true, parsedValue -> Some parsedValue
| _ -> None
module String =
let isNotNullOrWhiteSpace = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace >> not
let toNullIfEmpty value =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace value then null else value
let toUpper (value: string) = value.ToUpper()
let toLower (value: string) = value.ToLower()
let trim (value: string) = value.Trim()
let toQueryString (query: (string * string) list) =
String.Join("&", query |> (fun (key, value) -> $"{key}={value}"))
let toOptionIfEmpty (value: string) =
if String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace value then
value.Trim() |> Some
let capitalize (value: string) =
let character = value.[0]
let letter = character.ToString().ToUpper()
let pascalCased = letter + value.Substring(1)
module Tracers
open System
open Fable.Core
let getMsgNameAndFields (t: Type) (x: 'Msg) : string * obj =
let rec getCaseName (t: Type) (acc: string list) (x: obj) =
let caseName = Reflection.getCaseName x
let uci =
|> Array.find (fun uci -> uci.Name = caseName)
let acc = (Reflection.getCaseName x) :: acc
let fields = Reflection.getCaseFields x
if fields.Length = 1 && Reflection.isUnion fields.[0] then
getCaseName (uci.GetFields().[0].PropertyType) acc fields.[0]
// Case names are intentionally left reverted so we see
// the most meaningful message first
let msgName = acc |> String.concat "/"
let fields =
(uci.GetFields(), fields)
|> (fun (fi, v) -> fi.Name, v)
|> JsInterop.createObj
msgName, fields
if Reflection.isUnion x then
getCaseName t [] x
"Msg", box x
/// Use it when initializing your Elmish app like this
/// |> Program.withTrace Tracers.console
let inline console (msg: 'Msg) (state: 'State) =
let msg, fields = getMsgNameAndFields typeof<'Msg> msg
JS.console.log (msg, fields, state)
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