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Last active November 16, 2023 17:14
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[OUTDATED] An almost complete tmi.js example (browser)
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href=',700,300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script src=""></script> <!--For developement-->
<!--<script src=""></script>--> <!--For "production"-->
<div id="chat"></div>
<script src="main.js"></script>
var channels = ['alca', 'twitchplayspokemon', 'europeanspeedsterassembly', 'sc2starleague', 'IAmSp00n', 'cnotbusch', 'Utorak007', 'WolfsGoRawr'], // Channels to initially join
fadeDelay = 5000, // Set to false to disable chat fade
showChannel = true, // Show repespective channels if the channels is longer than 1
useColor = true, // Use chatters' colors or to inherit
showBadges = true, // Show chatters' badges
showEmotes = true, // Show emotes in the chat
doTimeouts = true, // Hide the messages of people who are timed-out
doChatClears = true, // Hide the chat from an entire channel
showHosting = true, // Show when the channel is hosting or not
showConnectionNotices = true; // Show messages like "Connected" and "Disconnected"
var chat = document.getElementById('chat'),
defaultColors = ['rgb(255, 0, 0)','rgb(0, 0, 255)','rgb(0, 128, 0)','rgb(178, 34, 34)','rgb(255, 127, 80)','rgb(154, 205, 50)','rgb(255, 69, 0)','rgb(46, 139, 87)','rgb(218, 165, 32)','rgb(210, 105, 30)','rgb(95, 158, 160)','rgb(30, 144, 255)','rgb(255, 105, 180)','rgb(138, 43, 226)','rgb(0, 255, 127)'],
randomColorsChosen = {},
clientOptions = {
options: {
debug: true
channels: channels
client = new irc.client(clientOptions);
function dehash(channel) {
return channel.replace(/^#/, '');
function capitalize(n) {
return n[0].toUpperCase() + n.substr(1);
function htmlEntities(html) {
function it() {
return, i, arr) {
if(n.length == 1) {
return n.replace(/[\u00A0-\u9999<>\&]/gim, function(i) {
return '&#'+i.charCodeAt(0)+';';
return n;
var isArray = Array.isArray(html);
if(!isArray) {
html = html.split('');
html = it(html);
if(!isArray) html = html.join('');
return html;
function formatEmotes(text, emotes) {
var splitText = text.split('');
for(var i in emotes) {
var e = emotes[i];
for(var j in e) {
var mote = e[j];
if(typeof mote == 'string') {
mote = mote.split('-');
mote = [parseInt(mote[0]), parseInt(mote[1])];
var length = mote[1] - mote[0],
empty = Array.apply(null, new Array(length + 1)).map(function() { return '' });
splitText = splitText.slice(0, mote[0]).concat(empty).concat(splitText.slice(mote[1] + 1, splitText.length));
splitText.splice(mote[0], 1, '<img class="emoticon" src="' + i + '/3.0">');
return htmlEntities(splitText).join('')
function badges(chan, user, isBot) {
function createBadge(name) {
var badge = document.createElement('div');
badge.className = 'chat-badge-' + name;
return badge;
var chatBadges = document.createElement('span');
chatBadges.className = 'chat-badges';
if(!isBot) {
if(user.username == chan) {
if(user['user-type']) {
if(user.turbo) {
else {
return chatBadges;
function handleChat(channel, user, message, self) {
var chan = dehash(channel),
name = user.username,
chatLine = document.createElement('div'),
chatChannel = document.createElement('span'),
chatName = document.createElement('span'),
chatColon = document.createElement('span'),
chatMessage = document.createElement('span');
var color = useColor ? user.color : 'inherit';
if(color === null) {
if(!randomColorsChosen.hasOwnProperty(chan)) {
randomColorsChosen[chan] = {};
if(randomColorsChosen[chan].hasOwnProperty(name)) {
color = randomColorsChosen[chan][name];
else {
color = defaultColors[Math.floor(Math.random()*defaultColors.length)];
randomColorsChosen[chan][name] = color;
chatLine.className = 'chat-line';
chatLine.dataset.username = name; = channel;
if(user['message-type'] == 'action') {
chatLine.className += ' chat-action';
chatChannel.className = 'chat-channel';
chatChannel.innerHTML = chan;
chatName.className = 'chat-name'; = color;
chatName.innerHTML = user['display-name'] || name;
chatColon.className = 'chat-colon';
chatMessage.className = 'chat-message'; = color;
chatMessage.innerHTML = showEmotes ? formatEmotes(message, user.emotes) : htmlEntities(message);
if(client.opts.channels.length > 1 && showChannel) chatLine.appendChild(chatChannel);
if(showBadges) chatLine.appendChild(badges(chan, user, self));
if(typeof fadeDelay == 'number') {
setTimeout(function() {
chatLine.dataset.faded = '';
}, fadeDelay);
if(chat.children.length > 50) {
var oldMessages = [], 10);
for(var i in oldMessages) oldMessages[i].remove();
function chatNotice(information, noticeFadeDelay, level, additionalClasses) {
var ele = document.createElement('div');
ele.className = 'chat-line chat-notice';
ele.innerHTML = information;
if(additionalClasses !== undefined) {
if(Array.isArray(additionalClasses)) {
additionalClasses = additionalClasses.join(' ');
ele.className += ' ' + additionalClasses;
if(typeof level == 'number' && level != 0) {
ele.dataset.level = level;
if(typeof noticeFadeDelay == 'number') {
setTimeout(function() {
ele.dataset.faded = '';
}, noticeFadeDelay || 500);
return ele;
var recentTimeouts = {};
function timeout(channel, username) {
if(!doTimeouts) return false;
if(!recentTimeouts.hasOwnProperty(channel)) {
recentTimeouts[channel] = {};
if(!recentTimeouts[channel].hasOwnProperty(username) || recentTimeouts[channel][username] + 1000*10 < +new Date) {
recentTimeouts[channel][username] = +new Date;
chatNotice(capitalize(username) + ' was timed-out in ' + capitalize(dehash(channel)), 1000, 1, 'chat-delete-timeout')
var toHide = document.querySelectorAll('.chat-line[data-channel="' + channel + '"][data-username="' + username + '"]:not(.chat-timedout) .chat-message');
for(var i in toHide) {
var h = toHide[i];
if(typeof h == 'object') {
h.innerText = '<Message deleted>';
h.parentElement.className += ' chat-timedout';
function clearChat(channel) {
if(!doChatClears) return false;
var toHide = document.querySelectorAll('.chat-line[data-channel="' + channel + '"]');
for(var i in toHide) {
var h = toHide[i];
if(typeof h == 'object') {
h.className += ' chat-cleared';
chatNotice('Chat was cleared in ' + capitalize(dehash(channel)), 1000, 1, 'chat-delete-clear')
function hosting(channel, target, viewers, unhost) {
if(!showHosting) return false;
if(viewers == '-') viewers = 0;
var chan = dehash(channel);
chan = capitalize(chan);
if(!unhost) {
var targ = capitalize(target);
chatNotice(chan + ' is now hosting ' + targ + ' for ' + viewers + ' viewer' + (viewers !== 1 ? 's' : '') + '.', null, null, 'chat-hosting-yes');
else {
chatNotice(chan + ' is no longer hosting.', null, null, 'chat-hosting-no');
client.addListener('message', handleChat);
client.addListener('timeout', timeout);
client.addListener('clearchat', clearChat);
client.addListener('hosting', hosting);
client.addListener('unhost', function(channel, viewers) { hosting(channel, null, viewers, true) });
client.addListener('connecting', function (address, port) {
if(showConnectionNotices) chatNotice('Connecting', 1000, -4, 'chat-connection-good-connecting');
client.addListener('logon', function () {
if(showConnectionNotices) chatNotice('Authenticating', 1000, -3, 'chat-connection-good-logon');
client.addListener('connectfail', function () {
if(showConnectionNotices) chatNotice('Connection failed', 1000, 3, 'chat-connection-bad-fail');
client.addListener('connected', function (address, port) {
if(showConnectionNotices) chatNotice('Connected', 1000, -2, 'chat-connection-good-connected');
joinAccounced = [];
client.addListener('disconnected', function (reason) {
if(showConnectionNotices) chatNotice('Disconnected: ' + (reason || ''), 3000, 2, 'chat-connection-bad-disconnected');
client.addListener('reconnect', function () {
if(showConnectionNotices) chatNotice('Reconnected', 1000, 'chat-connection-good-reconnect');
client.addListener('join', function (channel, username) {
if(username == client.getUsername()) {
if(showConnectionNotices) chatNotice('Joined ' + capitalize(dehash(channel)), 1000, -1, 'chat-room-join');
client.addListener('part', function (channel, username) {
var index = joinAccounced.indexOf(channel);
if(index > -1) {
if(showConnectionNotices) chatNotice('Parted ' + capitalize(dehash(channel)), 1000, -1, 'chat-room-part');
joinAccounced.splice(joinAccounced.indexOf(channel), 1)
client.addListener('crash', function () {
chatNotice('Crashed', 10000, 4, 'chat-crash');
html,body {
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font-size: 24px;
#chat {
position: absolute;
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padding: .5em;
.chat-line {
-webkit-transition: all 1s ease-in;
-moz-transition: all 1s ease-in;
-ms-transition: all 1s ease-in;
-o-transition: all 1s ease-in;
transition: all 1s ease-in;
.chat-line[data-faded] {
opacity: .8;
} {
} {
opacity: .7;
font-weight: 300;
}[data-level] {
}[data-level="-4"] {
color: hsla(250, 80%, 65%, 1);
font-style: italic;
}[data-level="-3"] {
color: hsla(200, 80%, 50%, 1);
font-style: italic;
}[data-level="-2"] {
color: hsla(160, 80%, 50%, 1);
font-style: italic;
}[data-level="-1"] {
color: hsla(100, 80%, 50%, 1);
font-style: italic;
}[data-level="1"] {
color: hsla(55, 100%, 50%, 1);
}[data-level="2"] {
color: hsla(30, 100%, 50%, 1);
font-weight: 400;
}[data-level="3"] {
color: hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1);
font-weight: 400;
}[data-level="4"] {
color: hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1);
font-weight: 700;
}[data-faded] {
opacity: .3;
} {
opacity: .2;
font-size: .75em;
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-o-transition: all 100ms ease-in;
transition: all 100ms ease-in;
.chat-channel {
margin-right: .375em;
opacity: .6;
font-weight: 300;
.chat-name {
font-weight: 700;
.chat-colon {
margin-right: .375em;
opacity: .85;
.chat-line:not(.chat-action) .chat-colon:after {
content: ':';
.chat-message {
font-weight: 400;
.chat-line:not(.chat-action) .chat-message {
color: inherit !important;
.emoticon {
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin: -5px 0;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle !important;
height: 1.5em;
.chat-badges {
margin-right: .125em;
.chat-badges > div {
margin-bottom: 1px;
border-radius: 2px;
height: 1em;
min-width: 1em;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
background-size: contain;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin-right: .3em;
.chat-badge-mod {
background-color: hsl(105, 89%, 36%);
background-image: url(;
.chat-badge-turbo {
background-color: hsl(261, 43%, 45%);
background-image: url(;
.chat-badge-broadcaster {
background-color: hsl(0, 81%, 50%);
background-image: url(;
.chat-badge-admin {
background-color: hsl(40, 96%, 54%);
background-image: url(;
.chat-badge-staff {
background-color: hsl(268, 55%, 13%);
background-image: url(;
.chat-badge-subscriber {
.chat-badge-bot {
background-image: url(;
[class*="chat-delete"] {
.chat-delete-timeout {
.chat-delete-clear {
[class*="chat-hosting"] {
.chat-hosting-yes {
.chat-hosting-no {
[class*="chat-connection"] {
[class*="chat-connection-good"] {
[class*="chat-connection-bad"] {
.chat-connection-good-connecting {
.chat-connection-good-logon {
.chat-connection-good-connected {
.chat-connection-good-reconnect {
.chat-connection-bad-fail {
.chat-connection-bad-disconnected {
[class*="chat-room"] {
font-size: .5em;
.chat-room-join {
.chat-room-part {
.chat-crash {
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kashalls commented Sep 4, 2018

As of recently, these chat badges no longer resolve correctly. Looking for something to replace them then Ill be replying here.

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kashalls commented Sep 4, 2018

Please use these links, they are found and referenced from .
No Authentication is required to use them.
{ "admin": { "alpha": "", "image": "", "svg": "" }, "broadcaster": { "alpha": "", "image": "", "svg": "" }, "global_mod": { "alpha": "", "image": "", "svg": "" }, "mod": { "alpha": "", "image": "", "svg": "" }, "staff": { "alpha": "", "image": "", "svg": "" }, "subscriber": null, "turbo": { "alpha": "", "image": "", "svg": "" } }

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I went to take a look at this, but when opening the index, I couldn't connect.

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teklynk commented Mar 11, 2021

This mostly works. I am using the latest version of tmi.js (tmi.js v1.7.3) and added it to the header. I also had to change client = new irc.client(clientOptions); to client = new tmi.client(clientOptions); I want to view one channels chat so I changed var channels = ['alca', 'twitchplayspokemon', 'europeanspeedsterassembly', 'sc2starleague', 'IAmSp00n', 'cnotbusch', 'Utorak007', 'WolfsGoRawr'], to var channels = ['myTwitchChannelExample'], Emotes work! I was able to get Badges to work by updating the css for each badge type and using the badge image urls from

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