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Created June 18, 2023 05:30
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private val filterAgentState = MutableStateFlow(FilterAgentState.default)
val getListAgent: StateFlow<ListAgentVisit> = filterAgentState.flatMapLatest { filterState ->
flow {
val agentList = useCase.getListAgentVisitWithFullResponse(
body = GetAgentVisitRequest(
branchCode = useCase.getAccountInfo().branchCode,
moId = useCase.getAccountInfo().employeeId,
skip = 1,
search =,
prospectConsument = filterState.prospectConsument,
agentProfessionCode = filterState.agentProfessionCode,
startDate = filterState.startDate,
endDate = filterState.endDate
emit(ListAgentVisit(agentList = agentList))
fun updateFilterState(
search: String? = null,
prospectConsument: String? = null,
agentProfessionCode: String? = null,
startDate: String? = null,
endDate: String? = null
) {
val currentFilter = filterAgentState.value
val updatedFilter = currentFilter.copy(
search = search ?:,
prospectConsument = prospectConsument ?: currentFilter.prospectConsument,
agentProfessionCode = agentProfessionCode ?: currentFilter.agentProfessionCode,
startDate = startDate ?: currentFilter.startDate,
endDate = endDate ?: currentFilter.endDate
filterAgentState.value = updatedFilter
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