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Last active April 2, 2019 00:58
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Create some fake all-sky polarization data in HEALpix format
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
from import fits
import astropy.constants as const
def compscreen(lsq, phi_0, psi_0):
Get complex polarization for a Faraday screen.
lsq - lambda^2 vector
phi_0 - Center of Burn slab
psi_0 - Initial polarisation angle
Complex polarisation (Q+iU)
POL = np.exp(2j * (np.radians(psi_0) + phi_0 * lsq))
return POL
def savecube(data, f, Nside, stokes):
Save data to FITS file
hdu0 = fits.PrimaryHDU(data)
new_hdul = fits.HDUList([hdu0])
hdr1 = new_hdul[0].header
hdr1.set('BUNIT', 'pseudo K', 'Arbitrary brightness units')
hdr1.set('STOKES', stokes)
hdr1.set('CTYPE1', 'FREQ', 'Frequency')
hdr1.set('CUNIT1', 'Hz')
hdr1.set('CRPIX1', f[0])
hdr1.set('CDELT1', f[1] - f[0])
hdr1.set('CTYPE2', 'pix', 'HEALpix pixel')
hdr1.set('CRPIX2', 0)
hdr1.set('CDELT2', 1)
hdr1.set('NSIDE', Nside, 'HEALpix NSIDE')
outfile = 'dummycube.' + stokes + '.' + str(Nside) + '.fits'
new_hdul.writeto(outfile, overwrite = True)
print 'Saved to ./' + outfile
def savemap(data, plane, Nside, stokes):
outfile = 'dummymap.' + str(freq[plane]/1e6) + '.' + stokes + '.' + str(Nside) + '.fits'
if stokes == 'q':
if stokes == 'u':
hp.write_map(outfile, data, column_names = [column], coord = 'G')
print 'Saved to ./' + outfile
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Choose HEALpix NSIDE
nside = 32 # must be power of 2
N_pix = hp.nside2npix(nside) # No. of pixels (12*NSIDE^2)
# Choose frequency range (e.g. GMIMS-LBS)
f_0 = 300e6
f_1 = 480e6
d_f = 0.5e6
freq = np.arange(f_0, f_1 + d_f, d_f) # frequency vector in Hz
C = const.c.to_value()
lsq = (C / freq)**2 # \lambda^2 vector
N_freq = len(freq)
# Generate range of Faraday depths and initial angles
depths = np.arange(-99.,99.+1.,1.)
angles = np.arange(-np.pi/2, +np.pi/2+np.pi/100, np.pi/100)
# Init cubes
qcube = np.zeros((N_pix, N_freq)) * np.nan
ucube = np.zeros((N_pix, N_freq)) * np.nan
# Generate random data
for i in range(N_pix):
phi_0 = np.random.choice(depths)
psi_0 = np.random.choice(angles)
POL = compscreen(lsq, phi_0, psi_0)
qcube[i] = np.real(POL[::-1]) # reverse array to match frequency order
ucube[i] = np.imag(POL[::-1]) # reverse array to match frequency order
# Save 2D array to a FITS file -- This is useful but not a standard
savecube(qcube, freq, nside, 'q')
savecube(ucube, freq, nside, 'u')
# Save single frequency map to HEALpix FITS file -- This is standard but can
# only handle one frequency slice at a time
plane = 0 # Choose first frequency slice,
# you could loop over all planes, but this would generate many files
savemap(qcube[:,plane], plane, nside, 'q')
savemap(ucube[:,plane], plane, nside, 'u')
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