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Extract Pokemon Go Names
function sleep(delay) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
async function takeABreak() {
await sleep(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds
async function displayLeagueTierSearchStrings(maxPerTier, maxTier, league) {
const leagueMap = new Map();
// Select the dropdown element
var dropdown = $('.format-select');
// Loop through each option in the dropdown
dropdown.find('option').each(function(index, option) {
const text = $(option).text(); // Get the text content of the option
const details = {
value: $(option).val(),
cup: $(option).attr('cup'),
"meta-group": $(option).attr('meta-group'),
leagueMap.set(text, details); // Use text as the map key
let foundOption = null;
for (let i = 0; i < dropdown.find('option').length; i++) {
var option = dropdown.find('option')[i];
if ($(option).attr('value') === leagueMap.get(league).value && $(option).attr('cup') === leagueMap.get(league).cup && $(option).attr('meta-group') === leagueMap.get(league)['meta-group']) {
foundOption = dropdown.find('option')[i];
if (foundOption) {
// var dropdown = document.querySelector('.format-select');
dropdown.selectedIndex = foundOption.index;
dropdown.prop('selectedIndex', foundOption.index);
await takeABreak()
} else {
console.error("Desired option not found");
var normals = "";
var galars = "";
var shadows = "";
console.log("Best pokemons for " + league);
for (var Tier = 0; Tier < maxTier; Tier++) {
var tierNormals = "";
var tierGalars = "";
var tierShadows = "";
for (var X = 1+(Tier*maxPerTier); X <= maxPerTier+(Tier*maxPerTier); X++) {
// Construct the selector with the current value of X
var selector = "#main > div.section.league-select-container.white > div.rankings-container.clear > div:nth-child(" + X + ") > >";
// Use querySelector to find the element
var element = document.querySelector(selector);
// Check if the element exists
if (element) {
// If it exists, get the outerText and add it to the names array
if (element.outerText.includes('Galarian')) {
tierGalars += "+" + element.outerText + ",";
else if (element.outerText.includes('Shadow')) {
tierShadows += "+" + element.outerText + ",";
else {
tierNormals += "+" + element.outerText + ",";
} else {
// If the element does not exist, log a message or handle as needed
console.log("No element found for X = " + X);
console.log(`Tier: ${Tier + 1} (${1+(Tier*maxPerTier)}:${Tier*maxPerTier + maxPerTier})`);
var query = tierNormals.replace(/XL/g, "").replace(/[()]/g, "").replace(/ Galarian/g, "");
query = query.slice(0, query.length - 1);
console.log("Normals: ");
var query = tierGalars.replace(/XL/g, "").replace(/ \(Galarian\)/g, "");
query = query.slice(0, query.length - 1);
console.log("Galars: ");
var query = tierShadows.replace(/XL/g, "").replace(/ \(Shadow\)/g, "");
query = query.slice(0, query.length - 1);
console.log("Shadows: ");
shadows += tierShadows;
galars += tierGalars;
normals += tierNormals;
console.log(`TOP${maxTier*maxPerTier} for ${league}`);
var query = normals.replace(/XL/g, "").replace(/[()]/g, "").replace(/ Galarian/g, "");
query = query.slice(0, query.length - 1);
console.log("Normals: ");
var query = galars.replace(/XL/g, "").replace(/ \(Galarian\)/g, "");
query = query.slice(0, query.length - 1);
console.log("Galars: ");
var query = shadows.replace(/XL/g, "").replace(/ \(Shadow\)/g, "");
query = query.slice(0, query.length - 1);
console.log("Shadows: ");
return [normals + galars, shadows]
var top45AllLeagueNormals = "";
var top45AllLeagueShadows = "";
var r = await displayLeagueTierSearchStrings(15,3,"Great League")
top45AllLeagueNormals += r[0];
top45AllLeagueShadows += r[1];
var r = await displayLeagueTierSearchStrings(15,3,"Ultra League")
top45AllLeagueNormals += r[0];
top45AllLeagueShadows += r[1];
var r = await displayLeagueTierSearchStrings(15,3,"Master League")
top45AllLeagueNormals += r[0];
top45AllLeagueShadows += r[1];
var r = await displayLeagueTierSearchStrings(15,3,"Little Catch Cup")
top45AllLeagueNormals += r[0];
top45AllLeagueShadows += r[1];
console.log(`TOP45 for all leagues`);
var query = top45AllLeagueNormals.replace(/XL/g, "").replace(/[()]/g, "").replace(/ Galarian/g, "");
query = query.slice(0, query.length - 1);
console.log("Normals: ");
var query = top45AllLeagueShadows.replace(/XL/g, "").replace(/ \(Shadow\)/g, "");
query = query.slice(0, query.length - 1);
console.log("Shadows: ");
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