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Last active October 27, 2023 02:25
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Good evening! This is CALLSIGN, Net Control for the Delta Junction ARES Net. My name is NAME.

This is a roll call net, which meets every Thursday evening on the 147.030 repeater at 7 PM Local Alaska Time. The purpose of the net is to establish and maintain a local Amateur Radio Emergency Services net, handle emergency phone patching, and 3rd party message traffic for the Delta Junction, Alaska area. All stations are requested to remain on frequency until the net has been closed. A secondary roll call will be held on the simplex frequency 146.520 with those who checked in tonight on this current roll call.

Is there any emergency traffic, call now.

Any short-term stations that need to be in and out, call now.

Any relays, call now.

Roll call follows:

Any missed members, or visiting stations, call now.

If you would like to be added to the Delta Junction ARES NET roster, please contact either KL5CZ, KC7FWK, or KL4O. New members will be added on the first of the month and it takes two (2) check-ins a month to remain on the roster.

This concludes the Delta Junction ARES net. This is CALLSIGN securing the net at TIME. We now return the frequency to routine repeater traffic. And we will now switch to 146.520 for Secondary Roll.

Good evening! This is CALLSIGN, Net Control for the Delta Junction ARES Net. My name is NAME.

This is a Secondary roll call net to test simplex communication on the 146.520 2M national call frequency.

Is there any emergency traffic, call now.


This concludes the Delta Junction ARES net. This is CALLSIGN securing the net at TIME. We now return this frequency to routine traffic.

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