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Last active December 5, 2022 08:19
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  • Save AlephAlpha/5406458cb98838efe1fc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Rime 的希腊字母输入方案,也支持一些常用的数学符号。如果需要在其他输入方案中直接输入希腊字母,请参考:
# Rime dictionary
# encoding: utf-8
name: greek
version: "0.1"
sort: original
# 小写希腊字母
α alpha
β beta
γ gamma
δ delta
ε epsilon
ζ zeta
η eta
θ theta
ι iota
κ kappa
λ lambda
μ mu
ν nu
ξ xi
ο omicron
π pi
ρ rho
σ sigma
τ tau
υ upsilon
φ phi
χ chi
ψ psi
ω omega
# 大写希腊字母
Α Alpha
Β Beta
Γ Gamma
Δ Delta
Ε Epsilon
Ζ Zeta
Η Eta
Θ Theta
Ι Iota
Κ Kappa
Λ Lambda
Μ Mu
Ν Nu
Ξ Xi
Ο Omicron
Π Pi
Ρ Rho
Σ Sigma
Τ Tau
Υ Upsilon
Φ Phi
Χ Chi
Ψ Psi
Ω Omega
# 希腊字母变体
# 只收录用作数学符号的
ϵ epsilon
ϑ theta
ϰ kappa
ϖ pi
ϱ rho
ς sigma
ϕ phi
Ϝ Digamma
ϝ digamma
# 其他数学符号
# 主要参考的是 TeX
∂ partial
∇ nabla
∞ infty
ℵ aleph
√ sqrt
√ surd
± pm
× times
÷ div
∘ circ
⊕ oplus
⊗ otimes
∅ empty
∈ in
∉ notin
∋ ni
∩ cap
∪ cup
⊂ subset
⊃ supset
⊆ subseteq
⊇ supseteq
≠ ne
≡ equiv
≅ cong
≈ approx
≤ le
≥ ge
∀ forall
∃ exists
∨ or
∧ and
∨ vee
∧ wedge
¬ neg
→ to
∑ sum
∏ prod
∐ coprod
∫ int
∮ oint
# Rime schema
# encoding: utf-8
schema_id: greek
name: 希腊字母
version: "0.1"
- AlephAlpha <>
description: |
- name: ascii_mode
reset: 0
states: [ 希腊, 拉丁 ]
- ascii_composer
- speller
- selector
- navigator
- express_editor
- ascii_segmentor
- abc_segmentor
- fallback_segmentor
- r10n_translator
- uniquifier
alphabet: 'ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBAzyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba'
delimiter: " '"
- derive/([A-Z])/\L$1/
dictionary: greek
enable_user_dict: false
spelling_hints: 1
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shenlebantongying commented Jun 28, 2021

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