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Created June 15, 2018 05:06
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def conv(image, label, params, conv_s, pool_f, pool_s):
[f1, f2, w3, w4, b1, b2, b3, b4] = params
############## Forward Operation ###############
conv1 = convolution(image, f1, b1, conv_s) # convolution operation
conv1[conv1<=0] = 0 # pass through ReLU non-linearity
conv2 = convolution(conv1, f2, b2, conv_s) # second convolution operation
conv2[conv2<=0] = 0 # pass through ReLU non-linearity
pooled = maxpool(conv2, pool_f, pool_s) # maxpooling operation
(nf2, dim2, _) = pooled.shape
fc = pooled.reshape((nf2 * dim2 * dim2, 1)) # flatten pooled layer
z = + b3 # first dense layer
z[z<=0] = 0 # pass through ReLU non-linearity
out = + b4 # second dense layer
probs = softmax(out) # predict class probabilities with the softmax activation function
#################### Loss ######################
loss = categoricalCrossEntropy(probs, label) # categorical cross-entropy loss
############# Backward Operation ###############
dout = probs - label # derivative of loss w.r.t. final dense layer output
dw4 = # loss gradient of final dense layer weights
db4 = np.sum(dout, axis = 1).reshape(b4.shape) # loss gradient of final dense layer biases
dz = # loss gradient of first dense layer outputs
dz[z<=0] = 0 # backpropagate through ReLU
dw3 =
db3 = np.sum(dz, axis = 1).reshape(b3.shape)
dfc = # loss gradients of fully-connected layer (pooling layer)
dpool = dfc.reshape(pooled.shape) # reshape fully connected into dimensions of pooling layer
dconv2 = maxpoolBackward(dpool, conv2, pool_f, pool_s) # backprop through the max-pooling layer(only neurons with highest activation in window get updated)
dconv2[conv2<=0] = 0 # backpropagate through ReLU
dconv1, df2, db2 = convolutionBackward(dconv2, conv1, f2, conv_s) # backpropagate previous gradient through second convolutional layer.
dconv1[conv1<=0] = 0 # backpropagate through ReLU
dimage, df1, db1 = convolutionBackward(dconv1, image, f1, conv_s) # backpropagate previous gradient through first convolutional layer.
grads = [df1, df2, dw3, dw4, db1, db2, db3, db4]
return grads, loss
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