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Last active June 27, 2020 15:10
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  • Save Alescontrela/d4b02697facb6ed0a8eac345cccea11d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Alescontrela/d4b02697facb6ed0a8eac345cccea11d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
def convolution(image, filt, bias, s=1):
Confolves `filt` over `image` using stride `s`
(n_f, n_c_f, f, _) = filt.shape # filter dimensions
n_c, in_dim, _ = image.shape # image dimensions
out_dim = int((in_dim - f)/s)+1 # calculate output dimensions
# ensure that the filter dimensions match the dimensions of the input image
assert n_c == n_c_f, "Dimensions of filter must match dimensions of input image"
out = np.zeros((n_f,out_dim,out_dim)) # create the matrix to hold the values of the convolution operation
# convolve each filter over the image
for curr_f in range(n_f):
curr_y = out_y = 0
# move filter vertically across the image
while curr_y + f <= in_dim:
curr_x = out_x = 0
# move filter horizontally across the image
while curr_x + f <= in_dim:
# perform the convolution operation and add the bias
out[curr_f, out_y, out_x] = np.sum(filt[curr_f] * image[:,curr_y:curr_y+f, curr_x:curr_x+f]) + bias[curr_f]
curr_x += s
out_x += 1
curr_y += s
out_y += 1
return out
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Shouldn't image and filt be 2D arrays?

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What are n_c and n_c_f? Thanks

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