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Last active December 22, 2016 21:19
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A PowerShell script to build, test and deploy your Redgate SQL Source Control scripts folder using the Redgate DLM Automation cmdlets
# Script created 11/11/2016 by Alex Yates of DLM Consultants
# Shared freely, but a beer would be appreciated if you find this useful and we are ever in the same pub
# Full documentation for Redgate DLM Automation PowerShell cmdlets at:
# Variables (fill these in)
# Required - the location of your source code
$scriptsFolder = "C:\where\is\your\DB\source\code"
# Required - a name and version number for your package (must not already exist in output directory)
$packageID = "aNameForYourPackage"
$packageVersion = 0.1
# Required - An output directory in which to save your build artifacts (must already exist)
$outputDir = "C:\JenkinsDrops"
# Optional - If using an alternate SQL instance for schema validation provide details here. Also, uncomment this parameter from line 34 below.
#$buildDb = "Data Source=.\SQL2014"
# Required for sync step only - the database you wish to deploy to. Uncomment below and also lines 46-8 if running a sync step.
#$targetServerInstance = ".\SQL2014"
#$targetDatabaseName = "AdventureWorks"
# Optional - If using SQL Auth for target DB add a username and password. Also, uncomment these parameters from line 42 below.
#$username = "myUsername"
#$password = "myPassword"
# Script to build DB (you can probably leave this as is)
$errorActionPreference = "stop"
# Validate the scripts folder
$validatedScriptsFolder = Invoke-DlmDatabaseSchemaValidation $scriptsFolder # -TemporaryDatabaseServer $buildDb
# Export NuGet package
$package = New-DlmDatabasePackage $validatedScriptsFolder -PackageId $packageID -PackageVersion $packageVersion
Export-DlmDatabasePackage $package -Path $outputDir
# Script to run tests and/or deploy to an integration DB (uncomment as appropriate)
# # Run tSQLt unit tests
# Invoke-DlmDatabaseTests $package | Export-DlmDatabaseTestResults -OutputFile "$outputDir\$packageID.$packageVersion.junit.xml"
# # Sync a test database
# $targetDB = New-DlmDatabaseConnection -ServerInstance $targetServerInstance -Database $targetDatabaseName # -Username $username -Password $password
# Test-DlmDatabaseConnection $targetDB
# Sync-DlmDatabaseSchema -Source $package -Target $targetDB
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