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Created March 16, 2020 04:22
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* Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package dev.icerock.moko.mvvm.livedata
import dev.icerock.moko.mvvm.UI
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
import kotlinx.coroutines.DisposableHandle
import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
import kotlinx.coroutines.SupervisorJob
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlinx.coroutines.withContext
import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
import kotlin.coroutines.EmptyCoroutineContext
import kotlin.experimental.ExperimentalTypeInference
//internal const val DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 5000L
* Interface that allows controlling a [LiveData] from a coroutine block.
* @see liveData
interface LiveDataScope<T> {
* Set's the [LiveData]'s value to the given [value]. If you've called [emitSource] previously,
* calling [emit] will remove that source.
* Note that this function suspends until the value is set on the [LiveData].
* @param value The new value for the [LiveData]
* @see emitSource
suspend fun emit(value: T)
* Add the given [LiveData] as a source, similar to [MediatorLiveData.addSource]. Calling this
* method will remove any source that was yielded before via [emitSource].
* @param source The [LiveData] instance whose values will be dispatched from the current
* [LiveData].
* @see emit
* @see MediatorLiveData.addSource
* @see MediatorLiveData.removeSource
suspend fun emitSource(source: LiveData<T>): DisposableHandle
* Denotes the value of the [LiveData] when this block is started.
* If it is the first time block is running, [initialValue] will be `null`. You can use this
* value to check what was then latest value `emit`ed by your `block` before it got cancelled.
* Note that if the block called [emitSource], then `initialValue` will be last value
* dispatched by the `source` [LiveData].
val initialValue: T?
internal class LiveDataScopeImpl<T>(
internal var target: CoroutineLiveData<T>,
context: CoroutineContext,
override val initialValue: T? = target.value
) : LiveDataScope<T> {
// use `liveData` provided context + main dispatcher to communicate with the target
// LiveData. This gives us main thread safety as well as cancellation cooperation
private val coroutineContext = context + Dispatchers.UI
override suspend fun emitSource(source: LiveData<T>): DisposableHandle =
withContext(coroutineContext) {
return@withContext target.emitSource(source)
override suspend fun emit(value: T) = withContext(coroutineContext) {
target.value = value
internal fun <T> MediatorLiveData<T>.addDisposableSource(
source: LiveData<T>
): DisposableHandle {
// TODO rollback concurrent logic
// val disposed = AtomicBoolean(false)
var disposed: Boolean = false
addSource(source) {
// if (!disposed.get()) {
if (!disposed) {
value = it
} else {
// removeSource(source)
return object : DisposableHandle {
override fun dispose() {
// if (disposed.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
if (!disposed) {
disposed = true
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.UI).launch {
// removeSource(source)
internal typealias Block<T> = suspend LiveDataScope<T>.() -> Unit
* Handles running a block at most once to completion.
internal class BlockRunner<T>(
private val liveData: CoroutineLiveData<T>,
private val block: Block<T>,
// private val timeoutInMs: Long,
private val scope: CoroutineScope,
private val onDone: () -> Unit
) {
// currently running block job.
private var runningJob: Job? = null
// // cancelation job created in cancel.
// private var cancellationJob: Job? = null
fun maybeRun() {
// cancellationJob?.cancel()
// cancellationJob = null
if (runningJob != null) {
runningJob = scope.launch {
val liveDataScope = LiveDataScopeImpl(liveData, coroutineContext)
// fun cancel() {
// if (cancellationJob != null) {
// error("Cancel call cannot happen without a maybeRun")
// }
// cancellationJob = scope.launch(Dispatchers.Main) {
// delay(timeoutInMs)
// if (!liveData.hasActiveObservers()) {
// // one last check on active observers to avoid any race condition between starting
// // a running coroutine and cancelation
// runningJob?.cancel()
// runningJob = null
// }
// }
// }
internal class CoroutineLiveData<T>(
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
// timeoutInMs: Long = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
initialValue: T,
block: Block<T>
) : MediatorLiveData<T>(initialValue) {
private var blockRunner: BlockRunner<T>?
private var emittedSource: DisposableHandle? = null
init {
// use an intermediate supervisor job so that if we cancel individual block runs due to losing
// observers, it won't cancel the given context as we only cancel w/ the intention of possibly
// relaunching using the same parent context.
val supervisorJob = SupervisorJob(context[Job])
// The scope for this LiveData where we launch every block Job.
// We default to Main dispatcher but developer can override it.
// The supervisor job is added last to isolate block runs.
val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.UI + context + supervisorJob)
blockRunner = BlockRunner(
liveData = this,
block = block,
// timeoutInMs = timeoutInMs,
scope = scope
) {
blockRunner = null
// mpp livedata always active. Lifecycle logic work only after getting AAC liveData from mpp
internal fun emitSource(source: LiveData<T>): DisposableHandle {
val newSource = addDisposableSource(source)
emittedSource = newSource
return newSource
internal fun clearSource() {
emittedSource = null
* Builds a LiveData that has values yielded from the given [block] that executes on a
* [LiveDataScope].
* The [block] starts executing when the returned [LiveData] becomes active ([LiveData.onActive]).
* If the [LiveData] becomes inactive ([LiveData.onInactive]) while the [block] is executing, it
* will be cancelled after [timeoutInMs] milliseconds unless the [LiveData] becomes active again
* before that timeout (to gracefully handle cases like Activity rotation). Any value
* [LiveDataScope.emit]ed from a cancelled [block] will be ignored.
* After a cancellation, if the [LiveData] becomes active again, the [block] will be re-executed
* from the beginning. If you would like to continue the operations based on where it was stopped
* last, you can use the [LiveDataScope.initialValue] function to get the last
* [LiveDataScope.emit]ed value.
* If the [block] completes successfully *or* is cancelled due to reasons other than [LiveData]
* becoming inactive, it *will not* be re-executed even after [LiveData] goes through active
* inactive cycle.
* As a best practice, it is important for the [block] to cooperate in cancellation. See kotlin
* coroutines documentation for details
* ```
* // a simple LiveData that receives value 3, 3 seconds after being observed for the first time.
* val data : LiveData<Int> = liveData {
* delay(3000)
* emit(3)
* }
* // a LiveData that fetches a `User` object based on a `userId` and refreshes it every 30 seconds
* // as long as it is observed
* val userId : LiveData<String> = ...
* val user = userId.switchMap { id ->
* liveData {
* while(true) {
* // note that `while(true)` is fine because the `delay(30_000)` below will cooperate in
* // cancellation if LiveData is not actively observed anymore
* val data = api.fetch(id) // errors are ignored for brevity
* emit(data)
* delay(30_000)
* }
* }
* }
* // A retrying data fetcher with doubling back-off
* val user = liveData {
* var backOffTime = 1_000
* var succeeded = false
* while(!succeeded) {
* try {
* emit(api.fetch(id))
* succeeded = true
* } catch(ioError : IOException) {
* delay(backOffTime)
* backOffTime *= minOf(backOffTime * 2, 60_000)
* }
* }
* }
* // a LiveData that tries to load the `User` from local cache first and then tries to fetch
* // from the server and also yields the updated value
* val user = liveData {
* // dispatch loading first
* emit(LOADING(id))
* // check local storage
* val cached = cache.loadUser(id)
* if (cached != null) {
* emit(cached)
* }
* if (cached == null || cached.isStale()) {
* val fresh = api.fetch(id) // errors are ignored for brevity
* emit(fresh)
* }
* }
* // a LiveData that immediately receives a LiveData<User> from the database and yields it as a
* // source but also tries to back-fill the database from the server
* val user = liveData {
* val fromDb: LiveData<User> = roomDatabase.loadUser(id)
* emitSource(fromDb)
* val updated = api.fetch(id) // errors are ignored for brevity
* // Since we are using Room here, updating the database will update the `fromDb` LiveData
* // that was obtained above. See Room's documentation for more details.
* //
* roomDatabase.insert(updated)
* }
* ```
* @param context The CoroutineContext to run the given block in. Defaults to
* [EmptyCoroutineContext] combined with [Dispatchers.Main]
* @param timeoutInMs The timeout in ms before cancelling the block if there are no active observers
* ([LiveData.hasActiveObservers]. Defaults to [DEFAULT_TIMEOUT].
* @param block The block to run when the [LiveData] has active observers.
fun <T> liveData(
context: CoroutineContext = EmptyCoroutineContext,
// timeoutInMs: Long = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
initialValue: T,
@BuilderInference block: suspend LiveDataScope<T>.() -> Unit
): LiveData<T> = CoroutineLiveData(
context = context,
// timeoutInMs = timeoutInMs,
initialValue = initialValue,
block = block
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