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Created March 6, 2018 15:01
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Changing selection color in exporting ArcMap layout with ArcPy
Script that demonstrates how to use predefined layer files (.lyr)
to change the selection symbol for any map document layer. The
selection symbol is not exposed via `arcpy.mapping.Layer` object, so
it is necessary to emulate the selection using another layer drawn
on top of the layer that you targeting your selection against.
The script assumes that you have prepared beforehand 3 layers (.lyr
files) for each shape type (point, polyline, polygon).
import arcpy
import arcpy.mapping as mp
def get_layer_shape_type(mxd, layer_name):
"""return shape type of layer in the operational map document"""
lyr = mp.ListLayers(mxd, layer_name)[0]
return arcpy.Describe(lyr).shapeType.lower()
def main():
# name of the layer that will have selections
base_layer_name = 'cities'
# name of the layer that will be drawn on top emulating the selection symbol
select_layer_name = base_layer_name + '_selection'
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(r'C:\GIS\Temp\export_selection.mxd')
df = mp.ListDataFrames(mxd)[0]
# get the right layer based on shape type of the base layer
lyr_template = arcpy.mapping.Layer(r'C:\GIS\Temp\{}.lyr'.format(
get_layer_shape_type(mxd, base_layer_name)))
# copy the TOC layer that will have selections to the top of TOC
arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, mp.ListLayers(mxd, base_layer_name)[0], 'TOP')
# rename the newly copied layer
mp.ListLayers(mxd, base_layer_name)[0].name = select_layer_name
# update the symbology of the newly copied layer to have the needed
# selection symbol
mp.ListLayers(mxd, select_layer_name)[0],
print mp.ListLayers(mxd)
# [<map layer u'cities_selected'>, <map layer u'cities'>]
lyr_base = mp.ListLayers(mxd, base_layer_name)[0]
lyr_selection = mp.ListLayers(mxd, select_layer_name)[0]
# doing selection on the base layer
where_clause=" STATE_NAME = 'Oregon' ")
print lyr_base.getSelectionSet()
#[3129L, 3130L, 3131L, 3132L]
# limiting the features to be drawn in the layer with selection symbol
lyr_selection.definitionQuery = "OBJECTID in ({})".format(
','.join([str(i) for i in lyr_base.getSelectionSet()]))
# clearing selection of the base layer
in_layer_or_view=lyr_base, selection_type='CLEAR_SELECTION')
# exporting the map
mp.ExportToPNG(mxd, r'C:\GIS\Temp\sel_prog_{}.png'.format(base_layer_name))
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