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Created September 10, 2017 20:32
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Dividing a polygon into a given number of equal areas with arcpy
import os
import sys
import arcpy
import pythonaddins
mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument('CURRENT')
poly_lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd.activeDataFrame, 'polys')[0]
num_out_polys = 10
#map units (eg meters) and the difference in area between the largest and the smallest polygons
#0.005 - 0.02%; 0.01 - 0.03%; 0.05 - 0.1%; 0.1 - 0.3%;
step_value = 1
orientation = 'NS' #'WE' / 'NS'
# number of splits
splits = [round(float(100)/float(num_out_polys), 2)] * num_out_polys
#spatial reference of the output fc will be of the polygon layer
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(arcpy.Describe(poly_lyr).spatialReference.factoryCode)
#source polygon fields
fields = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(poly_lyr) if not f.required]
if int(arcpy.GetCount_management(poly_lyr).getOutput(0)) != 1:
pythonaddins.MessageBox('Need to have exactly one feature selected', 'Error')
#get polygon geometry and extent property
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(poly_lyr, fields + ["SHAPE@"]) as cur:
for row in cur:
attributes = list(row[:-1])
polygon = row[-1]
extent = polygon.extent
#orient lines either North-South (up-down) or West-East (left to right)
if orientation == 'NS':
x_max = extent.XMax + step_value
x_min = extent.XMin + step_value
y_max = extent.YMax
y_min = extent.YMin
if orientation == 'WE':
x_max = extent.XMax
x_min = extent.XMin
y_max = extent.YMax - step_value
y_min = extent.YMin
cut_poly = polygon
#output feature class create/clean
mem_path = os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchGDB, 'cut_polys')
if arcpy.Exists(mem_path):
mem = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(poly_lyr, mem_path)
lines = []
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(mem, fields + ["SHAPE@"]) as icur:
for i in splits[:-1]: #need to get all but the last item
tolerance = 0
while tolerance < i:
pnt_arr = arcpy.Array()
if orientation == 'NS':
#construct North-South oriented line
pnt_arr.add(arcpy.Point(x_min, y_max))
pnt_arr.add(arcpy.Point(x_min, y_min))
if orientation == 'WE':
#construct West-East oriented line
pnt_arr.add(arcpy.Point(x_min, y_max))
pnt_arr.add(arcpy.Point(x_max, y_max))
line = arcpy.Polyline(pnt_arr, sr)
#cut polygon and get split-parts
cut_list = cut_poly.cut(line)
if orientation == 'NS':
tolerance = 100 * cut_list[1].area / polygon.area
x_min += step_value
if orientation == 'WE':
tolerance = 100 * cut_list[0].area / polygon.area
y_max -= step_value
# part 0 is on the right side and part 1 is on the left side of the cut
if orientation == 'NS':
cut_poly = cut_list[0]
icur.insertRow(attributes + [cut_list[1]])
if orientation == 'WE':
cut_poly = cut_list[1]
icur.insertRow(attributes + [cut_list[0]])
#insert last cut remainder
if orientation == 'NS':
icur.insertRow(attributes + [cut_list[0]])
if orientation == 'WE':
icur.insertRow(attributes + [cut_list[1]])
#for illustration purposes only
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(lines, 'in_memory\lines')
#evaluation of the areas error
done_polys = [f[0] for f in arcpy.da.SearchCursor('cut_polys', 'SHAPE@AREA')]
#the % of the smallest and the largest areas
pythonaddins.MessageBox("{}%".format(round(100 - 100 * (min(done_polys) / max(done_polys)), 2)),
'Precision error')
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