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Last active June 17, 2023 01:58
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Author: Alex Asplund
Will perform a series of health checks on AD.
Designed to be ran on a Domain Controller as a Domain Admin
Uses WSMAN, LDAP, RPC etc to speak to other DomainControllers.
# Setting(s)
# Group with members to check for token bloat
# WARNING: Takes a loooooong time per user.
$BloatedTokenGroup = "MyAdmins"
Class AdhcResult {
Function New-AdhcResult {
# Source of the result. The computer that was tested
[string]$Source = $env:COMPUTERNAME,
# Name of the test
# True = Test pass
# General category of the test. Like "Directory Services" or "DNS"
# Tags for this test like "Security", "Updates", "Logon"
# General message
# Extra data to the test result. Like accountnames or SPN's etc.
Begin {
Process {
Source = $Source
TestName = $TestName
Pass = $Pass
Was = $Was
ShouldBe = $ShouldBe
Category = $Category
Message = $Message
Data = $Data
Tags = $Tags
End { }
Function Test-AdhcDCDiag {
# Name of the DC
# What DCDiag tests would you like to run?
[string[]]$Tests = "All",
# Excluded tests
Begin {
$DCDiagTests = @{
Advertising = @{}
CheckSDRefDom = @{}
CheckSecurityError = @{
ExtraArgs = @(
"/replsource:$((Get-ADDomainController -Filter *).HostName | ? {$_ -notmatch $env:computername} | Get-Random)"
Connectivity = @{}
CrossRefValidation = @{}
CutoffServers = @{}
DcPromo = @{
ExtraArgs = @(
DNS = @{}
SysVolCheck = @{}
LocatorCheck = @{}
Intersite = @{}
KccEvent = @{}
KnowsOfRoleHolders = @{}
MachineAccount = @{}
NCSecDesc = @{}
NetLogons = @{}
ObjectsReplicated = @{}
OutboundSecureChannels = @{}
RegisterInDNS = @{
ExtraArgs = "/DnsDomain:$((Get-ADDomain).DNSRoot)"
Replications = @{}
RidManager = @{}
Services = @{}
Topology = @{}
VerifyEnterpriseReferences = @{}
VerifyReferences = @{}
VerifyReplicas = @{}
$TestsToRun = $DCDiagTests.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -notin $ExcludedTests}
If($Tests -ne 'All'){
$TestsToRun = $Tests
if(($Tests | Measure-Object).Count -gt 1 -and $Tests -contains "All"){
Write-Error "Invalid Tests parameter value: You can't use 'All' with other tests." -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Verbose "Executing tests: $($DCDiagTests.Keys -join ", ")"
Process {
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ComputerName)) {
$ServerArg = "/s:$ComputerName"
else {
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$ServerArg = "/s:$env:COMPUTERNAME"
Write-Verbose "Starting DCDIAG on $ComputerName"
$TestResults = @()
$TestsToRun | Foreach {
Write-Verbose "Starting test $_ on $ComputerName"
$TestName = $_
$ExtraArgs = $DCDiagTests[$_].ExtraArgs
if($_ -in @("DcPromo", "RegisterInDNS")){
if($env:COMPUTERNAME -ne $ComputerName){
Write-Verbose "Test cannot be performed remote, invoking dcdiag"
$Output = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ArgumentList @($TestName,$ExtraArgs) -ScriptBlock {
$TestName = $args[0]
$ExtraArgs = $args[1]
dcdiag /test:$TestName $ExtraArgs
else {
$Output = dcdiag /test:$TestName $ExtraArgs
else {
$Output = dcdiag /test:$TestName $ExtraArgs $ServerArg
$Fails = ($Output | Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern "fail" | Measure-Object).Count
$Passes = ($Output | Select-String -AllMatches -Pattern "passed" | Measure-Object).Count
$Pass = ($Fails -eq 0 -and $Passes -gt 0)
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = $ComputerName
TestName = "$_"
Pass = ($Fails -eq 0 -and $Passes -gt 0)
Was = $Fails,$Passes
ShouldBe = 0,0
Category = "DCDIAG"
Message = $Output[-1]
Data = $Output
Tags = @('DCDIAG',$_)
New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
End {
$TestResults = @()
# Get all DCs
$DomainControllers = (Get-ADDomainController -Filter *).Name
# Start domain wide dcdiag
$DCDiagDomainTests = @(
$TestResults += Test-AdhcDCDiag -Tests $DCDiagDomainTests
# DC specific tests
$DCTests = @(
$TestResults += $DomainControllers | Test-AdhcDCDiag -Tests $DCTests -Verbose
# Test DFSR event logs for errors
# Collect them as a job
$Job = Invoke-Command -AsJob -ComputerName $DomainControllers -ScriptBlock {
$Events = Get-EventLog -LogName "DFS Replication" -EntryType Error -After (get-date).AddDays(-1)
$Filter = {$_.EventId -ne 5014 -and $_.ReplacementStrings[6] -ne 9036}
$Events | Where-Object $Filter
$Job | Wait-Job
$Logs = $Job | Receive-Job | Group PSComputerName
$Logs | Foreach {
$ErrorCount = ($_.Group | Measure-Object).Count
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = $_.Name
TestName = "DfsrEvent"
Pass = $ErrorCount -eq 0
Was = $ErrorCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "EventLog"
Message = "Dfsr log errors"
Data = $
Tags = @('Sysvol','Event')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
$DomainControllers | ? {$_ -notin $Logs.Name} | Foreach {
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = $_
TestName = "DfsrEvent"
Pass = $True
Was = 0
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "EventLog"
Message = "Dfsr log errors"
Data = $
Tags = @('Sysvol','Event')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
# Test system event logs for errors
# Collect them as a job
$Job = Invoke-Command -AsJob -ComputerName $DomainControllers -ScriptBlock {
$Filter = {
# Filter out computers unable to contact domain because they're removed or disabled
($_.Source -eq 'NetLogon' -and $_.eventid -notin @(5805,5723, 5722)) -and
# Filter TGS/TGT events
($_.Source -ne 'KDC' -and $_.EventId -notin @(16,11)) -and
# Filter out DCOM errors
($_.Source -ne "DCOM" -and $_.EventId -ne 10016)
$Errors = Get-EventLog -ComputerName $ComputerName -LogName "System" -EntryType Error -After (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
$Errors | Where-Object $Filter
$Job | Wait-Job
$Logs = $Job | Receive-Job | Group PSComputerName
$Logs | Foreach {
$ErrorCount = ($_.Group | Measure-Object).Count
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = $_.Name
TestName = "SystemEvent"
Pass = $ErrorCount -eq 0
Was = $ErrorCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "EventLog"
Message = "System log errors"
Data = $
Tags = @('System','Event')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
$DomainControllers | ? {$_ -notin $Logs.Name} | Foreach {
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = $_
TestName = "SystemEvent"
Pass = $True
Was = 0
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "EventLog"
Message = "System log errors"
Data = $
Tags = @('System','Event')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
# Test for duplicate UPN
# Get all AD-objects containing a UPN
$ADUserPrincipalNames = (Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "UserPrincipalName=*" -Properties UserPrincipalName).UserPrincipalName
# Create the hashtable
$UPNCount = @{}
# Loop through all UPN's and +1 on their key in the hashtable
$ADUserPrincipalNames | foreach {
# Get all UPN's where value -gt 1
$DuplicateUPNs = $ADUserPrincipalNames | Where-Object {$UPNCount["$_"] -gt 1} | Select-Object -Unique
$DuplicateCount = ($DuplicateUPNs | Measure-Object).Count
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = "Directory"
TestName = "DuplicateUPN"
Pass = $DuplicateCount -eq 0
Was = $DuplicateCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "Duplicate Attributes"
Message = ""
Data = $DuplicateUPNs
Tags = @('Attributes','UPN','UserPrincipalName')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
# Check for duplicate
# Get all objects containting SPN's
$ServicePrincipalNames = (Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "ServicePrincipalName=*" -Properties ServicePrincipalName).ServicePrincipalName
# Create hashtable
$SPNCount = @{}
# Loop through all SPN's and increment on it's hashtable key
$ServicePrincipalNames | Foreach {
# Get all SPN's where value -gt 1
$DuplicateSPNs = $ServicePrincipalNames | Where-Object {$SPNCount["$_"] -gt 1} | Select-Object -Unique
$DuplicateCount = ($DuplicateSPNCount | Measure-Object).Count
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = "Directory"
TestName = "DuplicateSPNs"
Pass = $DuplicateCount -eq 0
Was = $DuplicateCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "Duplicate Attributes"
Message = ""
Data = $DuplicateSPNs
Tags = @('Attributes','SPN','ServicePrincipalNames')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
# Check for duplicate mail
# Get all AD objects containing mail-attribute
$MailAttributes = (Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "mail=*" -Properties mail).mail
# Create hashtable
$MailCount = @{}
# Increment key
$MailAttributes | Foreach {
# Get all mail's where value -gt 1
$DuplicateMail = $MailAttributes | ? {$MailCount["$_"] -gt 1}
$DuplicateCount = ($DuplicateMail | Measure-Object).Count
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = "Directory"
TestName = "DuplicateMail"
Pass = $DuplicateCount -eq 0
Was = $DuplicateCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "Duplicate Attributes"
Message = ""
Data = $DuplicateMail
Tags = @('Attributes','Mail')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
# Check for duplicate ProxyAddresses
# Get all objects containing ProxyAddresses
$ProxyAddresses = (Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "ProxyAddresses=*" -Properties ProxyAddresses).ProxyAddresses
# Create hashtable
$ProxyAddressCount = @{}
# Increment key
$ProxyAddresses | Foreach {$ProxyAddressCount["$_"]++}
# Get all ProxyAddresses where value -gt 1
$DuplicateProxyAddresses = $ProxyAddresses | ? {$ProxyAddressCount["$_"] -gt 1}
$DuplicateCount = ($DuplicateProxyAddresses | Measure-Object).Count
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = "Directory"
TestName = "DuplicateProxyAddresses"
Pass = $DuplicateCount -eq 0
Was = $DuplicateCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "Duplicate Attributes"
Message = ""
Data = $DuplicateProxyAddresses
Tags = @('Attributes','ProxyAddresses')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
# Check for bloated tokens
# WARNING: This will take an extremely long time and will be resource intensive
# You might want to limit a regular run to admins only and run through on the whole domain once in a while.
$UserDNs = (Get-ADGroup -Identity $BloatedTokenGroup -Properties members).Members
$TokenSizes = @()
Foreach($UserDN in $UserDNs) {
# Get all nested groups using LDAP_IN_CHAIN (1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941)
$Groups = Get-ADGroup -LDAPFilter "(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=$UserDN)" -Properties sIDHistory
$Object = [PSCustomObject]@{
DistinguishedName = $UserDN
UserTokenSize = 1200
foreach ($Group in $Groups){
if ($Group.SIDHistory.Count -ge 1){
# Groups with sidhistory always counts as +40
$Object.TokenSize = 40
'Global' {$Object.UserTokenSize+=8}
'Universal' {$Object.UserTokenSize+=8}
'DomainLocal' {$Object.UserTokenSize+=40}
$TokenSizes += $Object
# Max default token size for 2012R2 is 48000
$BloatedTokens = $TokenSizes | ? {$_.UserTokenSize -gt 48000}
$BloatedTokenCount = ($BloatedTokens | Measure-Object).Count
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = "Directory"
TestName = "BloatedTokens"
Pass = $BloatedTokenCount -eq 0
Was = $BloatedTokenCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "Kerberos"
Message = ""
Data = $BloatedTokens
Tags = @('Groups','Tokens','Kerberos')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
# Check for no client site
$Job = Invoke-Command -AsJob -ComputerName $DomainControllers -ScriptBlock {
$NetLogonLog = Import-Csv "$env:SystemRoot\Debug\netlogon.log" -Delimiter " " -Header Date,Time,Pid,Domain,Message,ComputerName,IpAddress
$NoClientSite = $NetlogonLog | Where-Object Message -eq "NO_CLIENT_SITE:" | Select ComputerName,IpAddress
Return $NoClientSite
$Job | Wait-Job
$NoClientSiteResults = $Job | Receive-Job | Select-Object ComputerName,IpAddress
$NoClientSiteCount = ($NoClientSiteResults | Measure-Object).Count
Remove-Variable -Name NoClientSiteResults
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = "Directory"
TestName = "NoClientSite"
Pass = $NoClientSiteCount -eq 0
Was = $NoClientSiteCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "NetLogon"
Message = ""
Data = $NoClientSiteResults
Tags = @('Netlogon','Sites')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
# Check for unlinked GPO's
[xml]$GPOXmlReport = Get-GPOReport -All -ReportType Xml
$UnlinkedGPOs = ($GPOXmlReport.GPOS.GPO | Where-Object {$_.LinksTo -eq $null}).Name
$UnlinkedGPOCount = ($UnlinkedGPOs | Measure-Object).Count
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = "Directory"
TestName = "UnlinkedGPO"
Pass = $UnlinkedGPOCount -eq 0
Was = $UnlinkedGPOCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "Group Policy"
Message = ""
Data = $UnlinkedGPOs
Tags = @('Group Policy')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
# Check GPO's containing cPassword
$Path = "C:\Windows\SYSVOL\domain\Policies\"
# Get all GPO XMLs
$XMLs = Get-ChildItem $Path -recurse -Filter *.xml
# GPO's containing cpasswords
$cPasswordGPOs = @()
# Loop through all XMLs and use regex to parse out cpassword
# Return GPO display name if it returns
Foreach($XMLFile in $XMLs){
$Content = Get-Content -Raw -Path $XMLFile.FullName
[string]$CPassword = [regex]::matches($Content,'(cpassword=).+?(?=\")')
$CPassword = $CPassword.split('(\")')[1]
[string]$GPOguid = [regex]::matches($XMLFile.DirectoryName,'(?<=\{).+?(?=\})')
$GPODetail = Get-GPO -guid $GPOguid
$cPasswordGPOs += $GPODetail.DisplayName
$cPasswordGPOsCount = ($cPasswordGPOs | Measure-Object).Count
$ResultSplat = @{
Source = "Directory"
TestName = "GPOContainingCPassword"
Pass = $cPasswordGPOsCount -eq 0
Was = $cPasswordGPOsCount
ShouldBe = 0
Category = "Group Policy"
Message = "GPO's containing cPassword can easily be decrypted and used"
Data = $cPasswordGPOs
Tags = @('Group Policy','cPassword','Security')
$TestResults += New-AdhcResult @ResultSplat
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