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Last active January 3, 2024 21:26
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  • Save AlexAtkinson/0ab1f69ad33d7fb068d566359953cd87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AlexAtkinson/0ab1f69ad33d7fb068d566359953cd87 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Adding Images to GISTs - The GIST Way

Adding Images to GISTs - The Gist Way

This approach relies on images being public in secret gists so long as you have the url to them.

  1. Create a secret gist called something like "Images for Gists".

  2. Clone the gist:

  3. Add images and push them. Note that gists repos do not support directories.

  4. Create another Gist and embed images as usual using the links of the images from your secret gist. I like to use the img html tag because you can affect the width.

    <br><img alt="JIRA Epics Workflow with Labels" src="" width="50%" style="clear: left; display: inline; float: left;">

Here's an example:

An Evil Kitten

And here's another Gist that uses the approach.

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