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Last active March 11, 2024 14:48
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Advanced Markdown Usage Cheatsheet

Advanced Markdown Usage Cheatsheet

Github Flavoured Markdown

Github markdown is not strictly markdown (though, what is...?), and is referred to as Github Flavoured Markdown, making previewing .md files necessary to ensure you're getting what you intend.

Use the GitHub Markdown Preview extension.


NOTE: Some or all of these examples may work elsewhere. Validate portability.


Create an expandable section.


foo bar

Symbol: >



pre, kbd & samp

Use the '<kbd>' tag to display a key representation, such as ctlr+z.

Use the '<samp>' tag to display sample output.
The following demonstrates nesting '<kbd>' and '<samp>' in '<pre>' (not possible in code blocks) to emphasize the command in a terminal representation.

[user@laptop ~]# cmd
hello world
header links

Link to headers.

Handling notes:

  • Link id's all start with # regardless of header level
  • Header content is normalized to automatically create the id
    • Punctuation is removed
    • All lowercase
    • Spaces convert to hyphens
    • double or more hyphens convert to a single hyphen
    • duplicate id's increment with a digit starting at '1'


### Awesome Header

[link to awesome header](#awesome-header)
anchor links

Links to anchors anywhere in a document.


foo<a name="foo"></a>

See [here](#foo) for more on foo.
html & divs

See the following for examples of fancy markdown pages that take full advantage of Github's support for HTML and Divs.



Here is a simple footnote1. With some additional text after it.

The Code:

Here is a simple footnote[^1]. With some additional text after it.
[^1]: [Foo Reference](#example-footnotes)

Note that the footnote appears at the bottom of the markdown when rendered, as "Foo Reference" does for this example.


Github renders emojis such as 😄, or :trollface:. The item to note here is that your OS does not support all Github emojis, which causes ':trollface:' not to render it's respective icon in editors such as VSCode. This is due to the fact that they are not included in the unicode spec... yet?

  • See here for a complete list of supported emojis, including the Github Custom Emoji set.
  • Install the Markdown Emoji extension for VSCode to enable the preview of unicode emoji's in VSCode.
definition list

Create definition lists such as this:




While these are the highlights, there's more you can do, and there's no guarantee it's all documented anywhere. Reference the sanitization code to verify whether a tag is available in Github Flavoured Markdown.

Markdown Lint (VSCode)

Install the markdownlint extension.

Create a '.markdownlint.json' file in the root of your project directory, or any subdirectory to manage controls for that scope. For example, you might disable line-length and no-inline-html:

    "line-length": false,
    "no-inline-html": false

Specific violations can be ignored by embedding the appropriate configuration directly in a markdown file:

<!-- markdownlint-disable MD036 -->

**Table of Contents**

<!-- markdownlint-enable MD036 -->

This utility offers a lot of capability. Being aware of the Rules and Configurations available will allow you to make the most of it:


It is highly recommended to invest the time into making your MD files accessible. Have a look at the following resources for more on this topic.

Markdown Table Extension (VSCode)

This extension adds a lot of functionality to VSCode when editing tables.
Read the description for full details.

Mermaid Diagrams

Use Mermaid for text-driven diagram creation.

Get Preview Support (VSCode)

Install the Markdown Preview Mermaid Support extension.

Pretty Contact Links

Markdown is generally unkind to image manipulation, so the bottom alignment here is baked into the image itself.

You can either include the email icon and the name, or the name and multiple contact details below it using a definition list to provide nice formatting.



Note that because Github doens't support 'tel' href links, you cannot make the phone number clickable.
Note additionally that because markdown makes every image clickable, the best we can do with that is to link to the image id itself.

    <a href=""><img src="" width='18' hspace='4px'/></a>&nbsp;<br>
<a href="#santa-phone"><img id=santa-phone src="" width='16' hspace='5px'/></a>&nbsp; 951-262-3062
BONUS: GFL Email Link Subject Population

GFL supports injecting email link subjects via query strings. For example:

[Email Link]([GitHub]%20Example%20Subject)


  1. Foo Reference

Copy link

AlexAtkinson commented Nov 16, 2022

Resource: Pretty Contact Images.


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