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Last active April 12, 2024 16:02
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Analyzer AWS ELB logs (s3) with goaccess

GoAccess ELB Logs


Assuming you have an AWS account and a Load Balancer that's logging to S3, the only other things you'll need are:

  • s3 cli

  • goaccess

    • NOTE: Scroll down. You don't have to build from source.
  • goaccessrc file to map the log format. Create the file ~/.goaccessrc

      # AWS S3 Log Format
      # REF:
      date-format %d/%b/%Y
      log-format %^ %^ [%d:%^] %h %^ %^ %^ %^ "%^ %r %^" %s %^ %b %^ %^ %^ "%^" "%u" %^
      # AWS Elastic Load Balancer Log Format
      log-format %dT%t.%^ %^ %h:%^ %^ %T %^ %^ %^ %s %^ %b "%r" "%u"
      date-format %Y-%m-%d
      time-format %H:%M:%S



Get The Logs

Copy some logs from the s3 bucket to your local. This eample demonstrates recursively copying all the logs from July, 2023.

  1. mkdir s3logs && cd s3logs
  2. aws s3 cp s3://<bucket>/<prefix>/2023/07/ ./ --recursive

Analyze the Logs

find . -exec cat {} \; | goaccess -a
find . -exec cat {} \; | goaccess -a -o report_2023-07.html


# download the logs from s3
gunzip -c *.gz >> cloudfront.log
goaccess --log-format CLOUDFRONT logs.log


Sort the Log Files

If desired, you can sort the logs files, recurssively, with the following.

find . -type f -name "*.log" -ls | awk '{print $11}' | sort -k 7,7

Analyze In Order

Using the above...

while read line; do cat $line ; done <<< $(find . -type f -name "*.log" -ls | awk '{print $11}' | sort -k 7,7) | goaccess -a

Write a Helper Script

#!/usr/bin/env bash

rm logs.log
while read line; do
  file=$(awk '{print $4}' <<< $line)
  aws s3 cp ${s3_path}${file} .
  gunzip -c $file >> logs.log
  rm $file
done <<< $(aws s3 ls "$s3_path" | tail -n 10
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