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Last active November 11, 2018 14:51
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  • Save AlexBAV/61598f8a7f21e65a0299cdcc6ccbc7e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Script to fix NuGet packages exported by vcpkg.exe export --nuget command
# Fix-NuGetPackage.ps1
# This script fixes NuGet packages exported by vcpkg.exe utility
# In the current version (see issue #3954) multiple exported NuGet packages
# cannot be used in a single project
# This script fixes it by introducing a "namespace" to MsBuild properties
# used by exported NuGet packages
# First parameter is a NuGet package name with extension
# Second parameter is a namespace prefix (should be valid MsBuild property name)
param([string] $package_name, [string] $prefix)
$zip_file = $package_name + ".zip"
$temp_folder_name = $package_name + "-folder"
# Expand-Archive requires archive to have .zip extension
Rename-Item $package_name $zip_file
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $zip_file -DestinationPath $temp_folder_name
$targets_file = "$temp_folder_name\scripts\buildsystems\msbuild\vcpkg.targets"
[string] $targets = Get-Content $targets_file
$targets = ($targets).Replace('$(Vcpkg', '$(' + $prefix + '_Vcpkg').Replace('<Vcpkg', '<' + $prefix + '_Vcpkg').Replace('</Vcpkg', '</' + $prefix + '_Vcpkg')
Set-Content $targets_file $targets
Remove-Item $zip_file
Compress-Archive $temp_folder_name\* -DestinationPath $zip_file -CompressionLevel Optimal
Rename-Item $zip_file $package_name
Remove-Item $temp_folder_name -Recurse
.\vcpkg.exe install nlohmann-json nlohmann-json:x64-windows
.\vcpkg.exe export --nuget --nuget-id=nlohmann-json --nuget-version=3.4.0 nlohmann-json nlohmann-json:x64-windows
.\Fix-NuGetPackage.ps1 nlohmann-json.3.4.0.nupkg nlohmann
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