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Created July 28, 2021 23:56
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"Eslint Disable": {
"prefix": "eslint",
"body": "/* eslint-disable */",
"Simple log": {
"prefix": "cl",
"description": "Simple log",
"body": [
"Error log": {
"prefix": "cle",
"description": "Error log",
"body": [
"Log with string message": {
"prefix": "cls",
"description": "Log with string message",
"body": [
"Log with message and variable": {
"prefix": "clm",
"description": "Log with message and variable",
"body": [
"console.log(\"$1\", $2);"
"Log showing variable value": {
"prefix": "clv",
"description": "Log showing variable value",
"body": [
"console.log(\"$1:\", $1);"
"Angular inject HttpClient": {
"prefix": "inhttp",
"body": [
"private http: HttpClient,",
"Angular inject Router": {
"prefix": "inrouter",
"body": [
"private router: Router,",
"Angular inject ApiService": {
"prefix": "inapi",
"body": [
"private api: ApiService,",
"Angular inject AuthService": {
"prefix": "inauth",
"body": [
"private auth: AuthService,",
"Angular inject ValidatorService": {
"prefix": "inval",
"body": [
"private validators: ValidatorService,",
"Angular 2-way binding": {
"prefix": "twb",
"body": [
"private _$1: $2;",
"get $1() { return this._$1 }",
"@Input() set $1($1: $2) { this._$1 = $1 }",
"@Output() $1Change = new EventEmitter<$2>();",
"Angular Ngb modal imports": {
"prefix": "ngmodal-i",
"description": "Ngb modal imports",
"body": [
"import { Component, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';",
"import { NgbActiveModal } from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap';",
"Angular Ngb modal body": {
"prefix": "ngmodal-b",
"description": "Ngb modal body",
"body": [
"@Input() title = \"Title\";",
"\tprivate modal: NgbActiveModal,",
") {}",
"ngOnInit() {}",
"onCloseClicked() {",
"onConfirmClicked() {",
"Data Class": {
"prefix": "dclass",
"body": [
"export class $1 {",
"Property": {
"prefix": "prop",
"body": "$1: $2;"
"Property Any": {
"prefix": "propany",
"body": "$1: any;"
"Property Array": {
"prefix": "proparr",
"body": "$1: $2[];"
"Property Number": {
"prefix": "propnum",
"body": "$1: number;"
"Property String": {
"prefix": "propstr",
"body": "$1: string;"
"TypeScript Getter": {
"prefix": "getter",
"body": "get $1() { return $2; }"
"TypeScript Setter": {
"prefix": "setter",
"body": "set $1(value: $2) { $3 = value; }"
"TypeScript Getter and Setter": {
"prefix": "getset",
"body": [
"get $1() { return $2; }",
"set $1(value: $3) { $2 = value; }"
"HTML template string": {
"prefix": "html",
"body": [
"HTML template string const": {
"prefix": "htmlc",
"body": [
"const template = /*html*/`",
"CSS string const": {
"prefix": "cssc",
"body": [
"const styles = [/*css*/`",
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