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Last active May 25, 2021 21:15
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  • Save AlexCallejas/c39da75056aa2ef6f8bc3fa1a94f4148 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Star Wars Lab - Bash script used to create ASCII trailer -- @dark_axl version
# shameless taken from @g0tmilk kali os-scripts
#### (Cosmetic) Colour output
RED="\033[01;31m" # Issues/Errors
GREEN="\033[01;32m" # Success
YELLOW="\033[01;33m" # Warnings/Information
BLUE="\033[01;34m" # Heading
BOLD="\033[01;01m" # Highlight
RESET="\033[00m" # Normal
# also shamelesly ganked from a stack overflow post at
# ascii art generated by Jp2a program by Christian Stigen Larsen at
## In addition to having shamelessly taken for a tribute to geekism on May 25, 2021 by @dark_axl.
## Original bash script →
function typewriter
for i in $(seq 0 $(expr length "${text}")) ; do
echo -e -n "${text:$i:1}"
sleep ${delay}
function typewriter_red
for i in $(seq 0 $(expr length "${text}")) ; do
echo -e -n "${RED}${text:$i:1}${RESET}"
sleep ${delay}
function typewriter_yellow
for i in $(seq 0 $(expr length "${text}")) ; do
echo -e -n "${YELLOW}${text:$i:1}${RESET}"
sleep ${delay}
function typewriter_green
for i in $(seq 0 $(expr length "${text}")) ; do
echo -e -n "${GREEN}${text:$i:1}${RESET}"
sleep ${delay}
function typewriter_blue
for i in $(seq 0 $(expr length "${text}")) ; do
echo -e -n "${BLUE}${text:$i:1}${RESET}"
sleep ${delay}
function typewriter_bold
for i in $(seq 0 $(expr length "${text}")) ; do
echo -e -n "${BOLD}${text:$i:1}${RESET}"
sleep ${delay}
echo # <-- Just for a newline
echo # <-- Just for a newline
echo -e "$RESET ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
echo -e "$GREEN __ .__.__ .__ __ .__ .__ "
echo -e "$RESET _______ ____ _____/ |________|__| | __________ ____ ____ | |___/ |_| | |__|"
echo -e "$GREEN \_ __ \/ _ \ / _ \ __\___ / | | / _ \\____ \ / _ \_/ ___\| | \ __\ | | |"
echo -e "$RESET | | \( <_> | <_> ) | / /| | |_( <_> ) |_> > <_> ) \___| Y \ | | |_| |"
echo -e "$GREEN |__| \____/ \____/|__| /_____ \__|____/\____/| __/ \____/ \___ >___| /__| |____/__|"
echo -e "$RESET \/ |__| \/ \/ "
echo -e "$GREEN ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
sleep 1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_bold " Presents...." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_bold " A Star Wars themed hacking challenge." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_bold " The story so far................" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
sleep 1
echo -e -n " _____\r\n"
echo -e -n " ___/O O\____\r\n"
echo -e -n " / O O \\r\n"
echo -e -n " \______________/\r\n"
echo -e -n " -===|____\///\\\/_____\r\n"
echo -e -n " \----------------/\r\n"
echo -e -n " \______________/ \/\r\n"
echo -e -n " /\__________/ //\r\n"
echo -e -n " >=o\ // //\\ || \\ //\r\n"
echo -e -n " \\o/ // \o || \o//\r\n"
echo -e -n " // || ||\r\n"
echo -e -n " /o==o |o \o==o \r\n"
echo -e -n " // // \\\r\n"
echo -e -n " /\ // /\ \r\n"
echo -e -n " /\ \r\n"
echo -e -n " \r\n"
typewriter_red "Empire Malware Agent Manager: " .1
typewriter "Hoth Edition V1.0.9 Beta" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "Injecting Malware : " .1
typewriter "Empire Metasploit Implant - Credentials Recovery and Recon 3.0" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_blue "[+] Acquiring process handle ...." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_blue "[+] Exploit - Malware Injected Successfully...Credential recovery beginning ...." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_yellow "[+] Usernames ..." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_yellow "[+] leah_organa,ben_kenobi,luke_skywalker,han_solo" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_yellow "[+] artoo_detoo,c_three_pio,chewbacca,lando_calrissian" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_blue "[+] Passwords ..." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_blue "[+] use_the_f0rce,corellian1,not-a-slug12,hanShotFirst!,rwaaaaawr5," .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_blue "[+] mesah_p@ssw0rd,thats_no_moon,beep_b00p,sh00t-first,help_me_obiw@n" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "[+] Usernames Yoda not found ..." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "[+] Searching ..." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_yellow "[+] UDP Flood inbound - Flood protection starting ..." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_yellow "[+] Exception Error in stack frame - 0x900x90Yoda" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_yellow "[+] Program terminated." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red " Implant communication lost - Empire Malware Agent failed" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter " Meanwhile, the Empire is not happy " .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter " and is holding a meeting with Lord Vader.......... " .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_yellow "[+] Connecting to :" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_yellow "[+] Generating encryption keys - Death Star Protocol - 4096 bits" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
sleep 1
typewriter_green "[+] Secure communications establishing ..." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
echo -e -n " . .\r\n"
echo -e -n " . . . . .\r\n"
echo -e -n " +. _____ . . + . .\r\n"
echo -e -n " . . ,-~s' '~-. +\r\n"
echo -e -n " ,^ ___ ^. + . . .\r\n"
echo -e -n " / .^ ^. \ . .\r\n"
echo -e -n " Y l o ! Y . . . .\r\n"
echo -e -n " . l_ '.___.' __[ . . . +\r\n"
echo -e -n " |^~'-----------''~ ^| + . . .\r\n"
echo -e -n " + . ! ! . . . . .\r\n"
echo -e -n " . \ / . . . \r\n"
echo -e -n " ^. .^ . +.\r\n"
echo -e -n " "-.._____.,-" . .\r\n"
echo -e -n " + . . + .\r\n"
echo -e -n " + . + .\r\n"
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "Death Star IRC Server V.101 : " .1
typewriter "Darkside Edition V9.26 Final." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "Communications protocol : " .1
typewriter "IronFist SSH V2.0 protocol 3.0" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "Awaiting Clients ...." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
sleep 1
typewriter_blue "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " Connected." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_blue "<Empire_1 >" .1
typewriter " Connected." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_blue "<Empire_2 >" .1
typewriter " Connected." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_blue "<Empire_3 >" .1
typewriter " Connected." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " Morning Cadets. I want the Rebel Alliance plans." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " Our malware was detected by the Rebels due to an agent failing me." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " He is no longer with us." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " I feel this distrubance in the force was caused by Yoda." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " He has interferred in Imperial business for the last time." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " Our malware did tell us that vital information is hidden" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " in files on the Rebel Alliance servers called secrets.txt" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " The Rebel Alliance will no doubt have increased their defenses," .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " you will overcome them." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " The Rebel Alliance is using the - range for their network." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " Malware Report: Rebel defenses detected at,," .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " and" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " DO NOT SCAN THEM, unless you want to incurr my wrath!!!" .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " We have instructions for our new security tools on your desktop." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " Report any tools related issues immediately to your designated handler." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter_yellow " Bring me Yoda's plans NOW. DO NOT FAIL ME !!!!!! " .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter_red " Bring me Yoda's plans NOW. DO NOT FAIL ME !!!!!! " .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
typewriter_red "<LordVader>" .1
typewriter " Out. Communication terminated." .1
echo # <-- Just for a newline
sleep 5
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