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Created March 22, 2016 18:22
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Notes from ASP.NET Community Standup - March 22nd, 2016
// if you want to use dotnetcli stuff in visual studio
// set your DNX feed to the dailies
// upgrade DNX from the unstable feed
// do this daily
dnvm upgrade -u
// run again with coreclr to get coreclr as well.
dnvm upgrade -u -r coreclr
// doing this will upgrade the default alias
// -- why would I alias thing around?
// test install
dnvm list
// open dotnetcli itself
// download binaries (assuming windows)
// unzip content to %APPDATA%\local\Microsoft\dotnet
// expect a root folder named "CLI"
// expect INSIDE THAT to have a bunch of files.
// install that folder in your windows PATH (so you can powershell the EXE)
// test install
dotnet --help
// if you see no errors then you won!
// you will not EVER have to do this in the real world.
// this is just for geeky fun.
// you can now use all the dotnet commands as a preview
// create an RC2 project
dotnet new
// open the project.json in visual studio
// OR "run it" and attach a debugger
// -- apparently "dotnet run --debug" ?
// if you want to make this work, there is a problem with the nuget file location
// and the sln basically you've got a bit of an uphill battle here only do this if
// you seriously just want to have a little fun. Working templates are still
// "coming soon"
// edit the project.json set: "Microsoft.NetCore.App": "1.0.0-rc2-*"
// *OR* change to "NetStandard.Library" : <use intellisense to get latest version>
// all these names are going to have guidance somewhere.
dotnet run
// breaks
dotnet build
// go to bin/debug/netstandard1.5
dotnet <projectnamespace>.dll
// as of the community standup this is broken, but it will
// probably work "tomorrow" or at the very least "soon"
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