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Created June 7, 2011 23:00
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Save AlexCuse/1013392 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
parallel still not working for some reason
module Program
open System.Threading
open StructureMap
open BrewTelligence.Domain
open BrewTelligence.Search.Indexing
open BrewTelligence.ApplicationServices
open BrewTelligence.ApplicationServices.Messaging
printfn "indexing in: %s" BrewTelligence.Search.FileSystem.IndexDirectory.Path;
ObjectFactory.Initialize(fun x -> x.AddRegistry (new SearchRegistry()))
let write<'T> (item:'T) =
printfn "writing: %A" item
ObjectFactory.GetAllInstances<Indexer<'T>>() |> Seq.iter (fun idxr -> idxr.Index item)
let indexActions<'T when 'T: not struct and 'T:null and 'T:equality> =
let p = QueueProvider<'T>.Create()
seq {
while true do
let obj = p.Dequeue()
if obj = null then
yield None
Thread.Sleep 500 //this necessary?
yield Some(async { write obj })
|> Seq.merge indexActions<Addition>
|> Seq.merge indexActions<Hop>
|> Seq.merge indexActions<Malt>
|> Seq.merge indexActions<Recipe>
|> OptionSeq.unwrapAndDiscardEmpty
//|> Async.Parallel //not sure why this isn't working
|> Seq.iter Async.RunSynchronously
|> ignore
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