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Created June 25, 2011 02:46
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  • Save AlexCuse/1046062 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AlexCuse/1046062 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
type Service = //snip
member this.Run() =
let mutable retryCount = 0
while retryCount < 10 do
//what to do on mono? Maybe setting up local log better
let errorCallback =
function(ex:System.Exception) -> this.EventLog.WriteEntry("error in BrewTelligence Indexing Service:\n\n" + ex.Message + "\n\n" + ex.StackTrace)
let threads =
seq {
yield new Thread(new ThreadStart(fun () -> Indexer.Run<Recipe>(errorCallback)))
yield new Thread(new ThreadStart(fun () -> Indexer.Run<Malt>(errorCallback)))
yield new Thread(new ThreadStart(fun () -> Indexer.Run<Hop>(errorCallback)))
yield new Thread(new ThreadStart(fun () -> Indexer.Run<Yeast>(errorCallback)))
} |> List.ofSeq
threads |> List.iter (fun t -> t.Start())
while threads |> List.forall (fun t -> t.IsAlive) do
Thread.Sleep 500
| _ as ex -> errorCallback ex
Thread.Sleep 1000
retryCount <- retryCount + 1
module Indexer =
let Run<'T when 'T: not struct and 'T:null and 'T:equality> (errorCallback) =
|> OptionSeq.unwrapAndDiscardEmpty
|> Seq.iter Async.RunSynchronously
|> ignore
| _ as ex -> errorCallback ex
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