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Last active July 22, 2021 17:04
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Tabbed DropDown Alacritty for X11
# Author:
# License: Apache 2.0
# This script can be used as a launcher for alacritty-inside-tabbed
# It monitors window manager events and when detects that tabbed has
# lost focus, script will minimize tabbed.
# If alacritty-in-tabbed is not running, it will launch it, if it is
# running but isn't focused, script will give it focus, if it is running
# and is focused, script will minimize it.
# The script should work in any POSIX compatible shell (at least according
# to ShellCheck), but was only tested on ZSH. In case something doesn't
# work as expected, please submit a PR or report the issue in a comment.
# TODO: get rid of mentions of tabbed to make script universal.
# TODO: investigate why are there always two copies of the script running
active_window_id=$(xprop -root 32x '\t$0' _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW | cut -f 2)
active_window=$(xprop -id "$active_window_id" WM_CLASS)
case "$active_window" in
*tabbed* )
xdotool windowminimize "$active_window_id"
exit 0;
* )
# find tabbed's window and make it active or if it's not running we'll launch it
wmctrl -vxR tabbed || tabbed -df alacritty --embed &
# sleep is needed to make sure WM has had time to finilize setting things up
# you might want to increase it on a slow machine, if window keeps disappearing
# when it shouldn't
sleep 0.5
tabbed_id=$(xdotool search --class tabbed)
# now we'll listen for WM events for tabbed window
xprop -spy -id "$tabbed_id" _NET_WM_STATE |
while read -r event; do
# check if the event is about tabbed losing focus
case "$event" in
# it's still in focus, nothing to do, keep listening
* )
xdotool windowminimize "$tabbed_id"
exit 0;
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Thaks for the feedback, I'll test that and if it works for me as well, will update the gist.

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