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Created January 15, 2020 20:03
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use lib ‘sandbox/’;
use Test;
use ADT;
plan 7;
my %res = create_adt("Tree = Branch Tree left, Tree right | Leaf Str storage");
my \Tree = %res<Tree>;
my $in-out = ' => => => 1), right => => 2)), right => => 3))';
my $t = => => => 1), right => => 2)), right => => 3));
is $t.gist, $in-out, "evaling a construction gists out exactly the same again.";
is $t.perl, $in-out, "evaling a construction perls out exactly the same again.";
my $t2 =,,;
is $t2.gist, $in-out, "positional args for constructors work, too";
my \Branch = %res<Branch>;
my \Leaf = %res<Leaf>;
sub treemap($t, *&code) {
given $t {
when Branch { return$t.left, &code), treemap($t.right, &code)) }
when Leaf { return$ }
$t2 = treemap($t2, * * 10);
my $counter;
treemap($t2, { $counter += $^val; $^val });
is $counter, 60, "example treemaps work";
ok $t ~~ Tree, "smartmatch against container class";
ok $t ~~ Branch, "smartmatch against one constructor";
ok $t.right ~~ Leaf, "smartmatch against another constructor";
module ADT {
grammar hs_adt {
has @.typevars;
rule TOP {
$<name>=<.ident> <params> '=' <definers>
rule params {
'[' ~ ']' [ '::' $<typevar>=<.ident> { @.typevars.push($<typevar>.Str) }]+ %% ',' | ''
rule parameters {
'[' ~ ']' [$<typevar>=<.ident> { $0 ~~ @.typevars }]+ | ''
rule definers {
'|' ? [ <definition> ]+ % '|'
rule definition {
$<constructor>=<.ident> [ $<typedecl>=<.ident><parameters> $<attrname>=<.ident> ]* %% ','
class hs_adt_actions {
has @.attributes;
method TOP($/) { make { name => $<name>.Str, params => $<params>.ast, definers => $<definers>.ast.Array }.item }
method params($/) { make $/.Str ?? $<typevar>>>.Str.Array.item !! [].item }
method parameters($/) { make $/.Str ?? make $<typevar>>>.Str.Array.item !! make [].item }
method definers($/) { make $<definition>>>.ast.Array.item }
method definition($/) {
die "no two attributes may lowercase to the same string" if $<attrname>.lc ~~ @.attributes;
push @.attributes, $<attrname>.lc;
make { constructor => $<constructor>.Str, types => ($<typedecl>>>.Str Z $<attrname>>>.Str Z $<parameters>>>.ast).Array }.item
# is parsed is NYI
#macro create_adt is parsed <hs_adt> {
# our ADT is made up of many parts:
# - a class that serves as kind of an entry point, called C<container-type> i.e. Tree
# - an attribute for each constructor that handles the attributes of that constructor, i.E. Tree.branch handles <attr_a attr_b>
# - a constructor method new-foo for each of the constructors, i.E. new-branch, new-tree
# - one class for each Constructor as part of the containing class, i.e. Tree::Branch, Tree::Leaf
# - one subset for each Constructor of the container class that validates the .definedness of the constructor attribute
our sub create_adt(Str $definition) is export {
my $adt_parse_result = hs_adt.parse($definition, :actions(;
die "could not parse adt definition:" ~ "\n" ~ $definition.indent(4) unless $adt_parse_result;
my $adt = $adt_parse_result.ast;
# create the type object for the containing class
my $container-type := Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type(name => $adt<name>);
#| for each of the constructors, save what attribute names they have here
my %handlers;
my %resulting-types;
my %collisions;
sub collide($name, $original?) {
die "Colliding definitions for name $name { $original ?? "(originally $original) " !! "" }in adt $adt<name>." if %collisions{$name}++;
#| create a class inside the container type for each of the constructors
sub create_constructor($name, @attrs) {
my $type := Metamodel::ClassHOW.new_type(:$name);
for @attrs -> ($atype, $aname, $type-params) {
# type-params is currently unused.
:name('$.' ~ $aname), :type(Any), # TODO: properly look up types :type(::{$atype}),
:has_accessor(1), :package($type)
push %handlers{$name}, $aname;
return $type;
# create each constructor class first
my %constructors = do for @($adt<definers>) {
$_<constructor> => create_constructor($_<constructor>, $_<types>)
# the default new method should just die.
$container-type.HOW.add_method($container-type, 'new', method {
die "cannot create a $adt<name> this way. try any of " ~ ("new-$_" for %constructors.keys>>.lc).join(', ') ~ ' instead.';
for %constructors.kv -> $name, $type {
# create one attribute for each of the constructors.
my $attr :=
:name('$.' ~ $, :type(Any), #:type($type.WHAT),
:has_accessor(1), :package($container-type));
collide($, $name);
$container-type.HOW.add_attribute($container-type, $attr);
# the constructor attribute shall handle each of the constructor's attribute
# in the containing class
trait_mod:<handles>($attr, -> {
=begin comment
# the following code causes a weeeeird error to happen.
sub eas(Str $code) {
say $code;
my Mu $rv = eval $code;
say $rv.perl;
return $rv;
# also, create a new-foo method to create such a value.
# this one takes named parameters and passes them on to the constructor of the
# contained type
my $signature = ((':$' ~ $_) for @(%handlers{$name})).join(", ");
$container-type.HOW.add_multi_method($container-type, "new-$", eas
"method ($signature) \{\n" ~
" say 'the named thingie was called';\n" ~
" return self.bless(:" ~ $ ~ "(::<$name>.new($signature)))\n" ~
# this new method takes positional parameters and passes them on as nameds.
my $pos-signature = ('$' ~ $_ for @(%handlers{$name})).join(", ");
my $named-signature = (':$' ~ $_ for @(%handlers{$name})).join(", ");
$container-type.HOW.add_multi_method($container-type, "new-$", eas
"method ($pos-signature) \{\n" ~
" say 'the positional thingie was called';\n" ~
" return self.bless(:" ~ $ ~ "(::<$name>.new($named-signature)))\n" ~
=end comment
# also, create a new-foo method to create such a value.
# it should take named or positional arguments
$container-type.HOW.add_multi_method($container-type, "new-$", method (|c) {
if +c.hash {
self.bless(|($ => $|c)))
} elsif c.list == %handlers{$name}.list {
my @args = c.list;
self.bless(|($ => $|(%handlers{$name}.list Z=> @args).hash)))
} elsif c.list == 1 {
if %handlers{$name}.list != 1 && c.list[0] ~~ Positional {
self.bless(|($ => $|(%handlers{$name}.list Z=> @(c.list[0])).hash)))
} else {
die "The subtype $name has { +%handlers{$name}.list } parameters. The single parameter ought to be Positional, but it is { c.list[0].^name }";
# create a pretty-printer
for <perl gist> -> $methname {
$container-type.HOW.add_method($container-type, $methname, method {
for %constructors.keys {
if self."$"().defined {
my $result = self."$"()."$methname"();
substr-rw($result, 0, $_.chars + ".new".chars) = $adt<name> ~ ".new-$";
return $result;
# it's imperative that we compose our class before we attempt to create the subsets.
for %constructors.keys -> $name {
# lastly, create a Subset of the containing class that checks for the definedness of our attribute.
my Mu $refinee := $container-type;
my $refinement = {$_."$"().defined};
%resulting-types{$name} = Metamodel::SubsetHOW.new_type(:$name, :$refinee, :$refinement);
%resulting-types{$adt<name>} = $container-type;
return %resulting-types;
our sub EXPORT(*@definitions) {
my %result;
for @definitions -> $def {
my %adts := ADT::create_adt($def);
%result.push: %adts;
return %result;
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