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Created August 22, 2018 00:47
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use v6.c;
use Test;
plan 512;
# Basic tests functions specific to complex numbers.
isa-ok(1 + 2i, Complex, 'postfix:<i> creates a Complex number');
isa-ok(i, Complex, 'i creates a Complex number');
ok i == 1i, 'i == 1i';
ok 1 != 1i, '!= and complex numbers';
isa-ok((3)i, Complex, '($n)i form creates a Complex number');
isa-ok(3\i, Complex, '$n\i form creates a Complex number');
is_approx((2i)i, -2, 'postfix:<i> works on an imaginary number');
is_approx((2i + 3)i, -2 + 3i, 'postfix:<i> works on a Complex number');
# RT #104660
throws-like '(2 + 3i) > (2 + 2i)', Exception, '> comparison of complex numbers dies';
throws-like "(1 + 2i) < (2 + 4i)", Exception, 'Cannot arithmetically compare Complex numbers';
is_approx(i, 1i, 'standalone i works to generate a Complex number');
is_approx(1 - i, 1 - 1i, 'standalone i works to generate a Complex number');
is_approx(2i * i, -2, 'standalone i works times a Complex number');
# checked with the open CAS system "yacas":
# In> (3+4*I) / (2-I)
# Out> Complex(2/5,11/5)
# In> (3+4*I) * (2-I)
# Out> Complex(10,5)
# etc
is_approx (3+4i)/(2-1i), 2/5 + (11/5)i, 'Complex division';
is_approx (3+4i)*(2-1i), 10+5i, 'Complex multiplication';
is_approx (6+4i)/2, 3+2i, 'dividing Complex by a Real';
is_approx 2/(3+1i), 3/5 -(1/5)i, 'dividing a Real by a Complex';
is_approx 2 * (3+7i), 6+14i, 'Real * Complex';
is_approx (3+7i) * 2, 6+14i, 'Complex * Real';
isa-ok( EVAL((1+3i).perl), Complex, 'EVAL (1+3i).perl is Complex' );
is_approx( (EVAL (1+3i).perl), 1+3i, 'EVAL (1+3i).perl is 1+3i' );
isa-ok( EVAL((1+0i).perl), Complex, 'EVAL (1+0i).perl is Complex' );
is_approx( (EVAL (1+0i).perl), 1, 'EVAL (1+0i).perl is 1' );
isa-ok( EVAL((3i).perl), Complex, 'EVAL (3i).perl is Complex' );
is_approx( (EVAL (3i).perl), 3i, 'EVAL (3i).perl is 3i' );
#?niecza skip "NYI"
ok (1+0i).Real ~~ Real, "(1+0i).Real is a Real";
is (1+0i).Real, 1, "(1+0i).Real is 1";
isa-ok (1.2+0i).Int, Int, "(1.2+0i).Int is an Int";
is (1.2+0i).Int, 1, "(1.2+0i).Int is 1";
isa-ok (1.2.sin+0i).Rat, Rat, "(1.2.sin+0i).Rat is an Rat";
is_approx (1.2.sin+0i).Rat, 1.2.sin, "(1.2.sin+0i).Rat is 1.2.sin";
isa-ok (1.2+0i).Num, Num, "(1.2+0i).Num is an Num";
is_approx (1.2+0i).Num, 1.2, "(1.2+0i).Num is 1.2";
isa-ok (1.2+1i).Complex, Complex, "(1.2+1i).Complex is an Complex";
is_approx (1.2+1i).Complex, 1.2+1i, "(1.2+1i).Complex is 1.2+1i";
# MUST: test .Str
my @examples = (0i, 1 + 0i, -1 + 0i, 1i, -1i, 2 + 0i, -2 + 0i, 2i, -2i,
2 + 3i, 2 - 3i, -2 + 3i, -2 - 3i);
append @examples, cis(1.1), cis(3.1), cis(5.1), 35.unpolar(0.8), 40.unpolar(3.7);
for @examples -> $z {
is_approx($z + 0, $z, "$z + 0 = $z");
is_approx(0 + $z, $z, "0 + $z = $z");
is_approx($z + 0.0.Num, $z, "$z + 0.0.Num = $z");
is_approx(0.0.Num + $z, $z, "0.0.Num + $z = $z");
is_approx($z + 0 / 1, $z, "$z + 0/1 = $z");
is_approx(0 / 1 + $z, $z, "0/1 + $z = $z");
is_approx($z - 0, $z, "$z - 0 = $z");
is_approx(0 - $z, -$z, "0 - $z = -$z");
is_approx($z - 0.0.Num, $z, "$z - 0.0.Num = $z");
is_approx(0.0.Num - $z, -$z, "0.0.Num - $z = -$z");
is_approx($z - 0 / 1, $z, "$z - 0/1 = $z");
is_approx(0 / 1 - $z, -$z, "0/1 - $z = -$z");
is_approx($z + 2, $ + 2 + ($, "$z + 2");
is_approx(2 + $z, $ + 2 + ($, "2 + $z");
is_approx($z + 2.5.Num, $ + 2.5.Num + ($, "$z + 2.5.Num = $z");
is_approx(2.5.Num + $z, $ + 2.5.Num + ($, "2.5.Num + $z = $z");
is_approx($z + 3 / 2, $ + 3/2 + ($, "$z + 3/2");
is_approx(3 / 2 + $z, $ + 3/2 + ($, "3/2 + $z");
is_approx($z - 2, $ - 2 + ($, "$z - 2");
is_approx(2 - $z, -$ + 2 - ($, "2 - $z");
is_approx($z - 2.5.Num, $ - 2.5.Num + ($, "$z - 2.5.Num = $z");
is_approx(2.5.Num - $z, -$ + 2.5.Num - ($, "2.5.Num - $z = $z");
is_approx($z - 3 / 2, $ - 3/2 + ($, "$z - 3/2");
is_approx(3 / 2 - $z, -$ + 3/2 - ($, "3/2 - $z");
# L<S32::Numeric/Complex/=item re>
# L<S32::Numeric/Complex/=item im>
is (1 + 2i).re, 1, ' works';
is (1 + 2i).im, 2, ' works';
is_approx 0i ** 2, 0, "Complex 0 ** Int works";
is_approx 0i ** 2.5, 0, "Complex 0 ** Rat works";
is_approx 0i ** (2 + 0i), 0, "Complex 0 ** Complex works";
is_approx 0 ** (2 + 0i), 0, "Real 0 ** Complex works";
# used to be RT #68848
is_approx exp(3.0 * log(1i)), -1.83697e-16-1i,
'exp(3.0 * log(1i))';
sub iPower($a, $b) { exp($b * log($a)) };
is_approx iPower(1i, 3.0), -1.83697e-16-1i, 'same as wrapped as sub';
is_approx e.log(1i), -2i / pi, "log e base i == -2i / pi";
# Complex math with strings, to make sure type coercion is working correctly
is 3i + "1", 1 + 3i, '3i + "1"';
is "1" + 3i, 1 + 3i, '"1" + 3i';
is 3i - "1", 3i - 1, '3i - "1"';
is "1" - 3i, 1 - 3i, '"1" - 3i';
is 3i * "1", 3i * 1, '3i * "1"';
is "1" * 3i, 1 * 3i, '"1" * 3i';
is 3i / "1", 3i / 1, '3i / "1"';
is "1" / 3i, 1 / 3i, '"1" / 3i';
is 3i ** "1", 3i ** 1, '3i ** "1"';
is "1" ** 3i, 1 ** 3i, '"1" ** 3i';
# Conjugation
is (2+3i).conj, 2-3i, 'conj 2+3i -> 2-3i';
is (5-4i).conj, 5+4i, 'conj 5-4i -> 5+4i';
is <2+2i> cmp <2+2i>, Same, "<2+2i> cmp <2+2i>";
is <2-2i> cmp <2-2i>, Same, "<2-2i> cmp <2-2i>";
is <-2-2i> cmp <-2-2i>, Same, "<-2-2i> cmp <-2-2i>";
is <-2+2i> cmp <-2+2i>, Same, "<-2+2i> cmp <-2+2i>";
is <12+2i> cmp <2+2i>, More, "<12+2i> cmp <2+2i>";
is <-2+2i> cmp <2+2i>, Less, "<-2+2i> cmp <2+2i>";
is <2-12i> cmp <2-2i>, Less, "<2-12i> cmp <2-2i>";
is <12-2i> cmp <2-2i>, More, "<12-2i> cmp <2-2i>";
is <2+12i> cmp <2+2i>, More, "<2+12i> cmp <2+2i>";
is <2-12i> cmp <2-2i>, Less, "<2-12i> cmp <2-2i>";
is <2+2i> cmp <12+2i>, Less, "<2+2i> cmp <12+2i>";
is <2+2i> cmp <12+2i>, Less, "<2+2i> cmp <12+2i>";
is <2+2i> cmp 2, More, "<2+2i> cmp 2";
is <2-2i> cmp 2, Less, "<2-2i> cmp 2";
is <2+0i> cmp 2, Same, "<2+0i> cmp 2";
is 2 cmp <2-0i>, Same, "2 cmp <2-0i>";
is 1 cmp <2-2i>, Less, "1 cmp <2-2i>";
is 2 cmp <2+0i>, Same, "2 cmp <2+0i>";
is 2 cmp <2-2i>, More, "2 cmp <2-2i>";
is 2 cmp <2+2i>, Less, "2 cmp <2+2i>";
is <NaN+0i> cmp <0+0i>, More, "<NaN+0i> cmp <0+0i>";
is <0+NaNi> cmp <0+0i>, More, "<0+NaNi> cmp <0+0i>";
ok Num(exp i * π) == -1, 'Num(Complex) pays attention to $*TOLERANCE';
my $*TOLERANCE = 1e-20;
throws-like 'Num(exp i * π)', Exception, 'Num(Complex) pays attention to $*TOLERANCE';
# vim: ft=perl6
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