Open tickets before: 1718
Open tickets after: 1727
Number of tickets touched: 72
[resolved] RT#76120 backslash escapes in double-angle quotes [resolved] RT#79424 implement :: in regexes [resolved] RT#124696 sprintf %b does not support + plus option [resolved] RT#125021 Failing test in S05-modifier/perl5_5.t for regex with lazy quantifier on alternation [resolved] RT#126823 Failing test in S32-array/adverbs.t and S32-hash/adverbs.t: Code does not die as expected with 'use ' [resolved] RT#128300 On Linux, Rakudo should install shared libraries in /usr/lib [resolved] RT#128741 delimiter pairing doesn't work with diacritics [resolved] RT#131774 Simple, if artificial, string concatenation example hogs memory and time [resolved] RT#132020 Prepend character breaks case changing functions on MoarVM [resolved] RT#132287 stall/block in async heavy code [resolved] RT#132426 binary checksum [closed] GH#1230 CLOSE phaser can have busted outer scope [closed] GH#1236 Simplify INTERPOLATE and INTERPOLATE_ASSERTION [closed] GH#1239 Simplify INTERPOLATE_ASSERTION [closed] GH#1241 fix merge conflict [closed] GH#1242 RFC: Use IO::Spec in the method resolve of IO::Path [closed] GH#1246 RFC: IO::Path.resolve for windows 2nd attempt [closed] GH#1248 Fix frugal quant on the JVM [closed] GH#1250 Satisfy roast commit [closed] GH#1255 Proc regression on windows
[testneeded] RT#131478 Warning about $. when using metamethod [testneeded] RT#132353 error with using meta assign ops with bound SetHash [testneeded] RT#132447 IO.slurp throws exception when run in threads [testneeded] GH#1247 Reserved characters in the source code cause segfaults (#򫳞) [testneeded] GH#1254 Incorrect General_Category property for ascii-range uppercase letters (say ‘A’.uniprop)
[updated] RT#72234 Adding a double-colon "cut group" to the inside of a ratcheted expression causes it to backtrack in Rakudo [updated] RT#78200 LTA error message when using attributes on type objects [updated] RT#123465 /+/ is invalid as a literal regex, but causes an infinite loop when passed in as an indirect subrule call in Rakudo [new→open] RT#123826 caller() not yet implemented [updated] RT#124685 Roast rakudo skip test: S32-str/split.t:491 reason: 'No such method null for invocant of type Cursor' [updated] RT#124687 NDF form NYI. Roast rakudo skip test: S32-str/encode.t:34 [updated] RT#124860 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S05-mass/properties-general.t line:163 reason: No 'Lr' property defined [updated] RT#124874 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S05-mass/properties-derived.t line:67 reason: isGraphemeLink [updated] RT#124879 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S05-mass/properties-derived.t line:379 reason: 'isAny NYI' [updated] RT#124883 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S05-mass/properties-derived.t line:402 reason: 'isUnassigned NYI' [updated] RT#124884 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S05-mass/properties-derived.t line:416 reason: 'isCommon NYI' [updated] RT#124892 Roast rakudo skip/todo test: 05-mass/rx.t:57 reason: '::: [NYI] "full backtrace failure" [updated] RT#124897 Roast rakudo skip/todo test: S05-mass/rx.t:84 reason: ' [NYI]' [updated] RT#124903 S05-mass/rx.t line:1505 reason: 'parse error' [new→open] RT#125070 uniname :either option NYI [updated] RT#125072 exception: "unspace can't hide space between # and opening bracket" Roast rakudo todo test: S02-lexical-conventions/unspace.t:78 [new→open] RT#125559 .elems on stringy Ranges is eager [updated] RT#126721 $/ in closure arg of subst [updated] RT#127064 Variable interpolation in regex very slow [updated] RT#129131 Make .. a numeric operator, please (.say for ‘42’..‘51’) [resolved→open] RT#129812 `is rw` candidates get called even if a non-rw argument is passed [updated] RT#129926 Make everything in Learning Perl 6 work [updated] RT#130363 [@LARRY] there's no match for Any aka /./ codegens differently from m/./ [updated] RT#130982 "for $a..$b -> $i { ... }" loops are sometimes much slower than c-style loops [updated] RT#131925 Smartmatch against `m//` operator mishandles junctions [open→rejected] RT#132217 `unival` ignores everything but first chars [updated] RT#132225 segmentation fault while concurrently updating SetHash [updated] RT#132226 "impossible" undefined value in concurrent ENTER phasers [rejected→open] RT#132352 Set operators unfriendly to mutable types [updated] GH#1202 Async qqx sometimes hangs or dies ( await (^5).map({start { say qqx{… …} } }) ) [updated] GH#1203 Would be nice to have an easy way to work with SetHashes and its kin
[new] RT#132416 Symbols in nested packages not found in some cases [resolved] RT#132426 binary checksum [open] RT#132441 Windows REPL cannot handle «, » characters [testneeded] RT#132447 IO.slurp throws exception when run in threads [open] RT#132452 Unicode: Windows shells print garbage instead of "「」" [open] GH#1234 Whitespacey things in «» (say «a\nb».perl) [open] GH#1235 Caller-$/-setting is too invasive [closed] GH#1236 Simplify INTERPOLATE and INTERPOLATE_ASSERTION [open] GH#1237 Overriding precedence of ops silently fails for existing ops [open] GH#1238 but-ing a Hash only works the last time ( (%(:42foo) but A) but B ) [closed] GH#1239 Simplify INTERPOLATE_ASSERTION [open] GH#1240 Fix rt #128221 [closed] GH#1241 fix merge conflict [closed] GH#1242 RFC: Use IO::Spec in the method resolve of IO::Path [open] GH#1243 Unsure of method subparse, parameter %*opt 's behavior [open] GH#1244 Recursively deal with pod-table [open] GH#1245 Nil ignores default value in parameter list [closed] GH#1246 RFC: IO::Path.resolve for windows 2nd attempt [testneeded] GH#1247 Reserved characters in the source code cause segfaults (#򫳞) [closed] GH#1248 Fix frugal quant on the JVM [open] GH#1249 RFC && 3rd attempt: Fixed resolve of IO::Path for Windows [closed] GH#1250 Satisfy roast commit [open] GH#1251 Fix backtracking a subrule [open] GH#1252 Rakudo repo cleanup (mainly tools/ directory) [open] GH#1253 Catch literals passed to rw param at compile time [testneeded] GH#1254 Incorrect General_Category property for ascii-range uppercase letters (say ‘A’.uniprop) [closed] GH#1255 Proc regression on windows [open] GH#1256 Test failure on ARM (32 bits)