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Last active September 19, 2023 18:59
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Running the script

-s or -f are required fields

py .\ -s 2

py .\ -f "test1.csv" test2.csv"

py .\ -p "\path\to\data" -f "test.csv" "test2.csv"

Installing new software using pip on windows

py -m pip install jupyter

py -m notebook

import os
import argparse
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pathlib import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class DataHandler(object):
""" Class to do some simple data access handling """
def __init__(self, data_path=None) -> None:
if not data_path:
self.data_path = "../data/sc_storage_test/"
self.data_path = data_path
if os.path.isdir(self.data_path):
raise FileNotFoundError(f"Directory {self.data_path} doesn't exist")
def get_chosen_files(self, files) -> list:
""" Get the user selected .csv files """
# Couldn't think of a nicer way to do this for lists of different length
res = []
avail_files = self.find_data_files()
for file in files:
for j in avail_files:
# Compare the names of the files
if file == j[2]:
return res
def find_data_files(self) -> list:
""" Find all test .csv files in each data in the directory path """
test_doc_paths = []
test_doc_names = []
test_dates = []
# find .csv files in all available dirs and get their creation times
for path in Path(self.data_path).rglob("*.csv"):
c_time = os.path.getctime(path)
temp_list = list(zip(test_dates, test_doc_paths, test_doc_names))
# sort by the creation! date of the file
res_list = sorted(temp_list, key = lambda x: x[0])
return res_list
def raw_to_df(file_name, file_date) -> pd.DataFrame:
""" Convert raw .csv data file to a useful dataframe """
data_types = {"time [s]": str,
"set_voltage [v]": np.float64,
"voltage [v]": np.float64,
"ramp [v/s]": np.float64,
"current [mA]": np.float64,
"current_cap": str,
"warn": str,
"error": str
# read data and skip some usually poorly behaved rows
df = pd.read_csv(file_name,
df["time [s]"] = [datetime.datetime.combine((file_date),
datetime.datetime.strptime(t, '%H:%M:%S').time()) for t in df['time [s]']]
times = df['time [s]']
start_time = df['time [s]'].values[0]
df["dt [s]"] = [(t - start_time).total_seconds() for t in times]
return df
class MakePlot(object):
""" Generic plotting functions - add more if you need them. """
def plot_t_v(self, df, ax, **args) -> None:
""" Plot voltage vs. time in a ramp """
t_start = df["time [s]"].values[0]
times = df["time [s]"]
ln = ax.plot([(t - t_start).total_seconds() for t in times],
[-i/1000 for i in df["voltage [v]"]], **args)
ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]")
ax.set_ylabel("Voltage [kV]")
def plot_t_i(self, df, ax, **args) -> None:
""" Plot current vs. time in a ramp """
t_start = df["time [s]"].values[0]
times = df["time [s]"]
ln = ax.plot([(t - t_start).total_seconds() for t in times],
[-i*1000 for i in df["current [mA]"]], **args)
ax.set_xlabel("Time [s]")
ax.set_ylabel("Current [uA]")
def parse_args():
""" Input arguments for the main function """
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="SC Data Plotter",
description="Help for data plotter ... ")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
parser.add_argument("--path", "-p", help="path to the overarching data directory",
group.add_argument("--files", "-f", help="list of files to plot", nargs="*")
group.add_argument("--selection", "-s", help="select last N files to plot",
return parser.parse_args()
def main():
""" Main function selecting what to do based on user input """
args = parse_args()
# Get new data path for .csv files
if args.path:
sc_files_path = args.path
sc_files_path = None
# Init the classes defined above
DH = DataHandler(data_path=sc_files_path)
MP = MakePlot()
# Use a list of file names to load their data
selected_file_info = []
file_list = []
if args.files:
print(f"Getting the files {args.files}")
for file_ in args.files:
selected_file_info = DH.get_chosen_files(file_list)
# Load the data from last N files
if args.selection:
print(f"Plotting last {args.selection} files")
n_select = args.selection
file_info = DH.find_data_files()
selected_file_info = file_info[-n_select:]
# Plotting the data we've got above
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7), facecolor="w")
ax = plt.subplot(121)
ax1 = plt.subplot(122)
# selected_file_info[N]; 0 : file_date, 1 : file_path, 2 : file_name
if selected_file_info:
for f in selected_file_info:
# get the dataframe and plot the data
print(f"Plotting: {f[2]}")
df = DH.raw_to_df(f[1], f[0])
MP.plot_t_v(df, ax, label=f[2])
MP.plot_t_i(df, ax1, label=f[2])
raise ValueError(f"Something went wrong the data list is empty ...")
return args
if __name__ == "__main__":
""" Running the entire thing """
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