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Forked from IlyaKornakov/graph.h
Created December 10, 2012 20:19
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Tarjan Subtree Decomposition
#ifndef GRAPH_H_
#define GRAPH_H_
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace sp {
class Graph {
struct Arc {
int head;
int weight;
Graph() {
arcs = 0;
firstArcs = 0;
~Graph() {
if (arcs) {
delete[] arcs;
if (firstArcs) {
delete[] firstArcs;
void load(const std::string &fileName) {
FILE *f = fopen(fileName.c_str(), "r");
if (f == NULL) {
throw std::runtime_error("can't open the input file");
if (fscanf(f, "%d%d", &numNodes, &numArcs) != 2) {
throw std::runtime_error("can't read numNodes or numArcs");
if (numNodes <= 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("numNodes <= 0");
if (numArcs < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("numArcs < 0");
InternalArc *readArcs = new InternalArc[numArcs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArcs; ++i) {
if (fscanf(f, "%d%d%d", &readArcs[i].tail, &readArcs[i].head, &readArcs[i].weight) != 3) {
throw std::runtime_error("can't read tail, head or weight");
if (readArcs[i].tail < 0 || readArcs[i].tail >= numNodes) {
throw std::runtime_error("invalid tail");
if (readArcs[i].head < 0 || readArcs[i].head >= numNodes) {
throw std::runtime_error("invalid head");
std::sort(readArcs, readArcs + numArcs);
firstArcs = new Arc*[numNodes + 1];
arcs = new Arc[numArcs];
for (int i = 0; i < numArcs; ++i) {
arcs[i].head = readArcs[i].head;
arcs[i].weight = readArcs[i].weight;
int curArc = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i) {
firstArcs[i] = &arcs[curArc];
while (curArc < numArcs && readArcs[curArc].tail == i) {
firstArcs[numNodes] = &arcs[curArc];
delete[] readArcs;
if (fclose(f) == EOF) {
throw std::runtime_error("can't close the input file");
inline int getNumNodes() const {
return numNodes;
inline std::pair<Arc*, Arc*> getOutgoingArcs(int node) {
return std::make_pair(firstArcs[node], firstArcs[node + 1]);
struct InternalArc {
int tail;
int head;
int weight;
bool operator<(const InternalArc &he) const {
return std::make_pair(tail, head) < std::make_pair(he.tail, he.head);
int numNodes;
int numArcs;
Arc *arcs;
Arc **firstArcs;
#include "graph.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
int main() {
sp::Graph g;
int time1 = clock();
int n = g.getNumNodes();
long long *d = new long long[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
d[i] = std::numeric_limits<long long>::max();
int *next = new int[n];
int *prev = new int[n];
int *degree = new int[n];
int *q = new int[n + 1];
int *type = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
type[i] = 0;
int *p = new int[n];
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
p[i] = -1;
int ql = 0, qr = 0;
d[0] = 0;
next[0] = prev[0] = 0;
degree[0] = 0;
q[qr++] = 0;
type[0] = 1;
int nodesScanned = 0;
int arcsScanned = 0;
int arcsRelaxed = 0;
int curQueueSize = 1;
int maxQueueSize = 1;
while (ql != qr) {
int curNode = q[ql++];
if (ql == n + 1) ql = 0;
if (type[curNode] == 0) continue;
std::pair<sp::Graph::Arc*, sp::Graph::Arc*> its = g.getOutgoingArcs(curNode);
for (sp::Graph::Arc* a = its.first; a != its.second; ++a) {
int he = a->head;
if (d[curNode] + a->weight >= d[he]) continue;
long long delta = d[he] - d[curNode] - a->weight;
d[he] = d[curNode] + a->weight;
if (type[he] != 1) {
q[qr++] = he;
if (qr == n + 1) qr = 0;
if (curQueueSize > maxQueueSize) {
maxQueueSize = curQueueSize;
if (type[he] != 0) {
int curSubtreeNode = next[he];
int score = degree[he];
while (score != 0) {
type[curSubtreeNode] = 0;
d[curSubtreeNode] -= delta - 1;
score += degree[curSubtreeNode];
curSubtreeNode = next[curSubtreeNode];
next[prev[he]] = curSubtreeNode;
prev[curSubtreeNode] = prev[he];
if (p[he] != -1) degree[p[he]]--;
prev[he] = curNode;
next[he] = next[curNode];
prev[next[he]] = he;
next[prev[he]] = he;
degree[he] = 0;
type[he] = 1;
p[he] = curNode;
type[curNode] = 2;
printf("%.3lf\n", (clock() - time1 + 0.0) / (CLOCKS_PER_SEC + 0.0));
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
std::pair<sp::Graph::Arc*, sp::Graph::Arc*> its = g.getOutgoingArcs(i);
for (sp::Graph::Arc* a = its.first; a != its.second; ++a) {
if (a->weight + d[i] - d[a->head] < 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("invalid distances");
if (p[a->head] == i && a->weight + d[i] - d[a->head] != 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("tree edge with non-zero reduced cost");
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (p[i] == -1 && i) {
throw std::runtime_error("p[v] == null and v != s");
delete[] type;
delete[] q;
delete[] d;
delete[] next;
delete[] prev;
delete[] degree;
printf("nodesScanned = %d\n", nodesScanned);
printf("arcsScanned = %d\n", arcsScanned);
printf("arcsRelaxed = %d\n", arcsRelaxed);
printf("maxQueueSize = %d\n", maxQueueSize);
return 0;
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