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Created August 13, 2018 13:30
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/* eslint-disable */
declare module 'react-window' {
import { Requireable, Validator } from 'prop-types';
export type Direction = 'vertical' | 'horizontal';
export type Alignment = 'auto' | 'center' | 'end' | 'start';
export type RenderProps<TDataType extends any = any> = {
key?: string;
data?: TDataType;
index: number;
isScrolling?: boolean;
style: React.CSSProperties;
export type ItemsRenderedProps = {
overscanStartIndex: number;
ovserscanStopIndex: number;
visibleStartIndex: number;
visibleStopIndex: number;
export type OnScrollProps = {
scrollDirection: Direction;
scrollOffset: number;
scrollUpdateWasRequested: boolean;
export type OnItemsRendered = (o: ItemsRenderedProps) => void;
export type OnScroll = (o: OnScrollProps) => void;
export interface ListProps<TDataType> {
* React component responsible for rendering the individual item specified by an index prop. This component also receives a style prop (used for positioning).
* If useIsScrolling is enabled for the list, the component also receives an additional isScrolling boolean prop.
children(props: RenderProps<TDataType>): React.ReactNode;
* Optional CSS class to attach to outermost <div> element.
className?: string;
* Primary scroll direction of the list. Acceptable values are:
* - vertical (default) - Up/down scrolling.
* - horizontal - Left/right scrolling.
* Note that lists may scroll in both directions (depending on CSS) but content will only be windowed in the primary direction.
direction?: Direction;
* Height of the list.
* For vertical lists, this must be a number. It affects the number of rows that will be rendered (and displayed) at any given time.
* For horizontal lists, this can be a number or a string (e.g. "50%").
height: number | string;
* Scroll offset for initial render.
* For vertical lists, this affects scrollTop. For horizontal lists, this affects scrollLeft.
initialScrollOffset?: number;
* Ref to attach to the inner container element. This is an advanced property.
innerRef?: React.Ref<HTMLElement> | React.RefObject<HTMLElement>;
* Tag name passed to document.createElement to create the inner container element. This is an advanced property; in most cases, the default ("div") should be used.
innerTag?: string;
* Total number of items in the list. Note that only a few items will be rendered and displayed at a time.
itemCount: number;
* Contextual data to be passed to the item renderer as a data prop. This is a light-weight alternative to React's built-in context API.
itemData?: TDataType;
* By default, lists will use an item's index as its key. This is okay if:
* - Your collections of items is never sorted or modified
* - Your item renderer is not stateful and does not extend PureComponent
* If your list does not satisfy the above constraints, use the itemKey property to specify your own keys for items:
* @param {number} index
itemKey?(index: number): string;
* Size of a item in the direction being windowed. For vertical lists, this is the row height. For horizontal lists, this is the column width.
itemSize: number;
onItemsRendered?: OnItemsRendered;
onScroll?: OnScroll;
outerTagName?: string;
overscanCount?: number;
style?: React.CSSProperties | null;
useIsScrolling?: boolean;
width: number | string;
export class FixedSizeList<TDataType = any> extends React.PureComponent<ListProps<TDataType>> {
static propTypes: {
height: Requireable<number | string>;
width: Requireable<number | string>;
overscanCount: Validator<number>;
innerRef: Validator<ListProps<any>['innerRef']>;
innerTag?: Validator<string>;
itemData?: Validator<any>;
className?: Validator<string>;
itemSize?: Validator<number>;
itemKey: Validator<(index: number) => string>;
static defaultProps: {
direction: 'vertical',
initialScrollOffset: 0;
innerTagName: 'div';
outerTagName: 'div';
overscanCount: 1;
useIsScrolling: false;
style: null;
scrollTo(scrollOffset: number): void;
scrollToItem(index: number, align: Alignment): void;
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