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Last active May 22, 2017 14:05
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#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@protocol CardDelegate;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, kCardState) {
kCardStateIdle = 0,
kCardStateMoving = 1,
kCardStateGone = 2
// The Position of the Card
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, kCardPosition) {
kCardPositionTop = 0,
kCardPositionBack = 1
* Implements the Views inside the Cards
@interface CardView : UIView
#pragma mark - Properties
* Defines the current state of the card
@property (nonatomic) kCardState state;
* The Weight of the Card indicates its position in the stack
@property (nonatomic) kCardPosition position;
* The delegate that will listen to the notifications
* on created on pan gesture recognizers
@property (nonatomic, weak) id <CardDelegate> delegate;
* Where in the array is located the view
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger index;
#pragma mark - Methods
#pragma mark Init
* Designated Initializer
* This method inits the view
* and set the to fetch
* also renders the view with 's data
* @param CGRect frame for view's bounds
* @param ViewDelegate delegate to send events
* @param * to render the view info
- (void) setFrame:(CGRect)frame delegate:(id<CardDelegate>) delegate;
#pragma mark Instance
* Swipes the view to the left
* programatically
- (void) swipeLeft;
* Swipes the view to the right
* programatically
- (void) swipeRight;
* Swipes the view up
* programatically
- (void) swipeUp;
* Swipes the view down
* programatically
- (void) swipeDown;
* Cancels a Swipe
- (void) cancelSwipe;
@protocol CardDelegate <NSObject>
#pragma mark - Delegate Methods
* Method called when the view will begin pan gesture
* @param Card * Card
- (void) willBeginSwipeInCard : (CardView *) card;
* Method called when the view did end pan gesture
* @param Card * Card
- (void) didEndSwipeInCard : (CardView *) card;
* Method called when the view did not reach a detected position
* @param Card * Card
- (void) didCancelSwipeInCard : (CardView *) card;
* Method called when the view was swiped left
* @param Card * Card
- (void) swipedLeftInCard : (CardView *) card;
* Method called when the view was swiped right
* @param Card * Card
- (void) swipedRightInCard : (CardView *) card;
* Method called when the view was swiped up
* @param Card * Card
- (void) swipedUpInCard : (CardView *) card;
* Method called when the view was swiped down
* @param Card * Card
- (void) swipedDownInCard : (CardView *) card;
* Method called when the view button was pressed
* @param Card * Card;
- (void) wasTouchedDownInCard : (CardView *) card;
* Method called when the state was changed
* @param Card * Card;
- (void) didChangeStateInCard: (CardView *) card;
* Ask the delegate if the card should move
* @param Card the card
* @return YES if the card should move
- (BOOL) shouldMoveCard: (CardView *) card;
#import "CardView.h"
// Constants Declaration
// This constant represent the distance from the center
// where the action applies. A higher value means that
// the user needs to draw the view further in order for
// the action to be executed.
#define ACTION_MARGIN 120
// This constant is the distance from the center. But vertically
#define Y_ACTION_MARGIN 100
// This constant represent how quickly the view shrinks.
// The view will shrink when is beign moved out the visible
// area.
// A Higher value means slower shrinking
// This constant represent how much the view shrinks.
// A Higher value means less shrinking
#define SCALE_MAX .93
// This constant represent the rotation angle
// This constant represent the maximum rotation angle
// allowed in radiands.
// A higher value enables more rotation for the view
#define ROTATION_MAX 1
// This constant defines how fast
// the rotation should be.
// A higher values means a faster rotation.
@interface CardView()
// Internal Variables
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat xFromCenter;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat yFromCenter;
@property (nonatomic) CGPoint originalPoint;
@implementation CardView
@synthesize state = _state;
- (kCardState) state {
if (!_state) {
_state = kCardStateIdle;
return _state;
- (void) setState:(kCardState) state {
if (_state != state) {
_state = state;
[self.delegate didChangeStateInCard:self];
- (kCardPosition) position {
if (!_position) {
_position = kCardPositionTop;
return _position;
#pragma mark - Init
* Designated Initializer
* This method inits the view
* and set the feed to fetch
* also renders the view with feed's data
* @param CGRect frame for view's bounds
* @param CardDelegate delegate to send events
- (void) setFrame:(CGRect)frame delegate:(id<CardDelegate>) delegate {
self.frame = frame;
self.delegate = delegate;
[self setupView];
[self registerSwipeGestures];
#pragma mark Init Helper Methods
* Round corners of the view
* and draw a shadow
* Do another view related
* actions required on init
- (void) setupView {
// Draw Shadow
// And round the view
self.layer.cornerRadius = 10;
self.layer.shadowRadius = 3;
self.layer.shadowOpacity = 0.2;
self.layer.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(1,1);
* Register Pan Gesture
* and delegates
- (void) registerSwipeGestures {
UIPanGestureRecognizer * panRecognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithTarget:self action:@selector(handlePanGesture:)];
[self addGestureRecognizer:panRecognizer];
#pragma mark Pan Gesture Recognizer Handlers
* This is the main method for motion detection
* its called several times a second when the
* fingers are moved across the screen.
- (void) handlePanGesture: (UIPanGestureRecognizer *) panRecognizer {
// This extracts the coordinate data from the swipe movement.
// how much did fingers move.
// We need to know the X position.
// A positive value means movement to the right.
// A negative value means movement to the left.
self.xFromCenter = [panRecognizer translationInView:self].x;
// We need to know the Y position.
// A positive value means up movement.
// A negative value means down movement.
self.yFromCenter = [panRecognizer translationInView:self].y;
// Now we check on wich state our swipe is
// if is its starting, in the middle or ended
// the swiping.
switch (panRecognizer.state) {
// Swiping just started
case UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan: {
// We will save the original point
// when we started
self.originalPoint =;
if (self.delegate) {
if ([self.delegate shouldMoveCard:self]) {
// And tell the delegate
// that the movement just started
[self.delegate willBeginSwipeInCard:self];
// Swiping is in course
case UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged: {
// Animate the view
if (self.delegate) {
// If delegate is present
// ask if it should move the card
if ([self.delegate shouldMoveCard:self]) {
[self animateView];
} else {
[self animateView];
// Swiping ended
case UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded: {
if (self.delegate) {
if ([self.delegate shouldMoveCard:self]) {
[self detectSwipeDirection];
} else {
[self detectSwipeDirection];
#pragma mark Helper Methods
* Rotates the view
* and changes its scale and position
- (void) animateView {
// Do some black magic math
// for rotating and scale
// Gets the rotation quickness
// see constants.
CGFloat rotationQuickness = MIN(self.xFromCenter / ROTATION_QUICKNESS, ROTATION_MAX);
// Change the rotation in radians
CGFloat rotationAngle = (CGFloat) (ROTATION_ANGLE * rotationQuickness);
// the height will change when the view reaches certain point
CGFloat scale = MAX(1 - fabsf(rotationQuickness) / SCALE_QUICKNESS, SCALE_MAX);
// move the object center depending on the coordinate = CGPointMake(self.originalPoint.x + self.xFromCenter,
self.originalPoint.y + self.yFromCenter);
// rotate by the angle
CGAffineTransform rotateTransform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(rotationAngle);
// scale depending on the rotation
CGAffineTransform scaleTransform = CGAffineTransformScale(rotateTransform, scale, scale);
// apply transformations
self.transform = scaleTransform;
// Change state
[self changeStateToMoving];
* With all the values fetched
* from the pan gesture
* gets the direction of the swipe
* when the swipe is done
- (void) detectSwipeDirection {
if (self.xFromCenter > ACTION_MARGIN) {
[self performRightAnimation];
} else if (self.xFromCenter < - ACTION_MARGIN) {
[self performLeftAnimation];
} else if(self.yFromCenter < - Y_ACTION_MARGIN) {
[self performUpAnimation];
} else if(self.yFromCenter > Y_ACTION_MARGIN) {
[self performDownAnimation];
} else {
[self performCenterAnimation];
// And tell the delegate
// that the swipe just finished
[self.delegate didEndSwipeInCard:self];
- (void) changeStateToIdle {
// Idle state indicates that the card
// is showing in the view, but not moving.
self.state = kJMPTFeedCardStateIdle;
- (void) changeStateToGone {
// Gone state indicates that the card
// was removed from the view
self.state = kJMPTFeedCardStateGone;
- (void) changeStateToMoving {
self.state = kJMPTFeedCardStateMoving;
// Cancel Swipe if Moving but not should
if (self.delegate && ![self.delegate shouldMoveCard:self]) {
[self performCenterAnimation];
#pragma mark Animation Methods
* The view will go to the right
- (void) performRightAnimation {
CGPoint finishPoint = CGPointMake(500, 2 * self.yFromCenter + self.originalPoint.y);
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState animations:^{ = finishPoint;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self removeFromSuperview];
[self changeStateToGone];
[self.delegate swipedRightInCard:self];
* The view will got to the left
- (void) performLeftAnimation {
CGPoint finishPoint = CGPointMake(-500, 2 * self.yFromCenter + self.originalPoint.y);
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState animations:^{ = finishPoint;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self removeFromSuperview];
[self changeStateToGone];
[self.delegate swipedLeftInCard:self];
* The view will go up
* do not remove from view
* just perfom some goofy moves
- (void) performUpAnimation {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.7
animations:^{ = self.originalPoint;
self.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(0);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self changeStateToIdle];
[self.delegate swipedUpInCard:self];
* The view will go down
* do not remove from view
* just perfom some goofy moves
- (void) performDownAnimation {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.7
animations:^{ = self.originalPoint;
self.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(0);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self changeStateToIdle];
[self.delegate swipedDownInCard:self];
* The view will go to the center
* (cancel swipe) and reset the values
- (void) performCenterAnimation {
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.7
animations:^{ = self.originalPoint;
self.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(0);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self changeStateToIdle];
[self.delegate didCancelSwipeInCard:self];
#pragma mark - Programatically Swipe Methods
- (void) swipeLeft {
// The same animation but with a delay
CGPoint finishPoint = CGPointMake(-500, 2 * self.yFromCenter + self.originalPoint.y);
[self changeStateToMoving];
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 delay:0.3 options:UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState animations:^{ = finishPoint;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
if (finished) {
[self removeFromSuperview];
[self changeStateToGone];
[self.delegate swipedLeftInCard:self];
- (void) swipeRight {
// The same animation, but with a delay
CGPoint finishPoint = CGPointMake(500, 2 * self.yFromCenter + self.originalPoint.y);
[self changeStateToMoving];
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.3 delay:0.3 options:UIViewAnimationOptionBeginFromCurrentState animations:^{ = finishPoint;
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
if (finished) {
[self removeFromSuperview];
[self changeStateToGone];
[self.delegate swipedRightInCard:self];
- (void) swipeUp {
//TODO: Implement this
- (void) swipeDown {
//TODO: Implement this
- (void) cancelSwipe {
[self performCenterAnimation];
#pragma mark - IBActions
- (IBAction) cardButton: (id)sender {
[self.delegate wasTouchedDownInCard:self];
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AlexHedley commented May 22, 2017

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