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Last active December 3, 2016 06:12
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converting scopes to symbols to make scope-sets more readable
#lang racket/base
(provide make-scope->symbol-function)
(module+ test
(require racket/function rackunit)
(define-syntax-rule (check f g [a b] ...)
(test-case (symbol->string 'f)
(check-equal? (f a) (g b)) ...)))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Generating Symbols for Scopes
;; A ScopeVec is a (vector Integer Any ...)
;; scope-vec->number : ScopeVec -> Integer
;; Finds the number associated with the given scope
(define (scope-vec->number scope-vec)
(vector-ref scope-vec 0))
;; make-scope->symbol-function : -> [ScopeVec -> Symbol]
;; Produces a function that generates new symbols in
;; lexicographic order for each new scope number
(define (make-scope->symbol-function)
;; scope-num->symbol : ScopeVec -> Symbol
(define scope-num->symbol (make-scope-num->symbol-function))
;; scope->symbol : ScopeVec -> Symbol
(define (scope->symbol scope-vec)
(scope-num->symbol (scope-vec->number scope-vec)))
;; make-scope-num->symbol-function :
;; -> [Integer -> Symbol]
;; Produces a function that generates new symbols in
;; lexicographic order for each new scope number
(module+ test
(define scope-num->symbol (make-scope-num->symbol-function))
(define scope-num->symbol-2 (make-scope-num->symbol-function))
(check scope-num->symbol quote
[3 a]
[1 b] [4 c] [1 b] [5 d] [9 e]
[2 f] [6 g] [5 d] [3 a] [5 d]
[8 h] [9 e] [7 i] [9 e] [32 j] [38 k] [46 l]
[26 m] [43 n] [38 k] [32 j] [79 o]
[50 p] [28 q] [84 r] [19 s] [71 t]
[69 u] [39 v] [93 w] [75 x] [10 y]
[58 z] [20 aa] [97 ab] [49 ac] [44 ad])
(check scope-num->symbol-2 quote
[6 a]
[2 b] [8 c] [3 d] [1 e] [8 c]
[5 f] [3 d] [0 g] [7 h] [1 e]
[7 h] [9 i] [5 f] [8 c] [6 a]
[4 j] [7 h] [6 a] [9 i] [2 b]
[52 k] [86 l] [76 m] [65 n] [59 o]
[00 g] [57 p] [68 q] [39 r] [43 s])
(check scope-num->symbol quote
[59 ae] [23 af] [07 i] [81 ag] [64 ah]
[06 g] [28 q] [62 ai] [08 h] [99 aj]
[86 ak] [28 q] [03 a] [48 al] [25 am]
[34 an] [21 ao] [17 ap] [06 g] [79 o]
[82 aq] [14 ar] [80 as] [86 ak] [51 at]
[32 j] [82 aq] [30 au] [66 av] [47 aw]
[09 e] [38 k] [44 ad] [60 ax] [95 ay]
[50 p] [58 z] [22 az] [31 ba] [72 bb]
[53 bc] [59 ae] [40 bd] [81 ag] [28 q]))
(define (make-scope-num->symbol-function)
;; generate-next-symbol : -> Symbol
(define generate-next-symbol (make-symbol-generator))
(memoize/eq (λ (scope-num) (generate-next-symbol))))
;; make-symbol-generator : -> [-> Symbol]
;; Produces a function that generates new symbols in
;; lexicographic order
(module+ test
(define generate-symbol (make-symbol-generator))
(check-equal? (build-list
(λ (i) (generate-symbol)))
'(a b c d e f g h
i j k l m n o p
q r s t u v w x
y z
aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah
ai aj ak al am an ao ap
aq ar as at au av aw ax
ay az
ba bb bc bd be bf bg bh
bi bj bk bl bm bn bo bp
bq br bs bt bu bv bw bx
by bz
ca cb cc cd ce cf cg ch
ci cj ck cl cm cn co cp
cq cr cs ct cu cv cw cx
cy cz)))
(define (make-symbol-generator)
;; num : Natural
;; A local mutable variable that tracks the next
;; number to use for the next symbol
(define num 1)
;; generate-next-symbol : -> Symbol
(define (generate-next-symbol)
(string->symbol (nth-string num))
(set! num (add1 num))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Memoization
;; memoize/eq : [A -> B] -> [A -> B]
;; Produces a memoized version of f
(define (memoize/eq f)
;; hsh : (Hashof A B)
;; A local mutable hash table mapping previous
;; arguments to their corresponding results
(define hsh (make-hasheq))
;; memoized : [A -> B]
;; The memoized verison of f
(define (memoized a)
(hash-ref! hsh a (λ () (f a))))
;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Lexicographic Order
(define alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
;; An [Integer-in a b] is a Natural number in the range
;; from a to b, inclusive
;; nth-letter : [Integer-in 0 25] -> 1String
;; Produces the nth letter of the alphabet (0-indexed)
(module+ test
(check nth-letter identity
[0 "a"]
[1 "b"]
[2 "c"]
[3 "d"]
[4 "e"]
[8 "i"]
[12 "m"]
[16 "q"]
[20 "u"]
[24 "y"]
[25 "z"]))
(define (nth-letter n)
(string (string-ref alphabet n)))
;; natural->string : Natural -> String
;; Produces the nth alphabetical string in lexicographic
;; order
(module+ test
(check nth-string identity
[ 0 ""]
[ 1 "a"]
[ 2 "b"]
[26 "z"]
[(+ (* 1 26) 1) "aa"]
[(+ (* 1 26) 2) "ab"]
[(+ (* 1 26) 26) "az"]
[(+ (* 2 26) 1) "ba"]
[(+ (* 2 26) 2) "bb"]
[(+ (* 2 26) 26) "bz"]
[(+ (* 26 26) 1) "za"]
[(+ (* 26 26) 2) "zb"]
[(+ (* 26 26) 26) "zz"]
[(+ (* (+ (* 1 26) 1) 26) 1) "aaa"]
[(+ (* (+ (* 1 26) 1) 26) 2) "aab"]
[(+ (* (+ (* 1 26) 2) 26) 1) "aba"]
[(+ (* (+ (* 2 26) 1) 26) 1) "baa"]
[(+ (* (+ (* 1 26) 2) 26) 26) "abz"]
[(+ (* (+ (* 1 26) 26) 26) 2) "azb"]
[(+ (* (+ (* 26 26) 1) 26) 2) "zab"]))
(define (nth-string n)
(cond [(zero? n) ""]
[else (string-append
(nth-string (quotient (- n 1) 26))
(nth-letter (remainder (- n 1) 26)))]))
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