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Created June 25, 2016 23:50
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Bash script that colors some given input text using ANSI escape codes
# ./ somecolor some text to be colored
#ex. ./ lightblue hello world
case "$1" in
black) color="\033[0;30m";;
darkgray) color="\033[1;30m";;
blue) color="\033[0;34m";;
lightblue) color="\033[1;34m";;
green) color="\033[0;32m";;
lightgreen) color="\033[1;32m";;
cyan) color="\033[0;36m";;
lightcyan) color="\033[1;36m";;
red) color="\033[0;31m";;
lightred) color="\033[1;31m";;
purple) color="\033[0;35m";;
lightpurple) color="\033[1;35m";;
orange) color="\033[0;33m";;
yellow) color="\033[1;33m";;
lightgray) color="\033[0;37m";;
white) color="\033[1;37m";;
nocolor) color="$nocolor";;
echo -e "${color}$2${nocolor}"
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