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Last active December 21, 2015 05:28
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  • Save AlexLamson/6256988 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save AlexLamson/6256988 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Originally created for euler problem 17 (, this translates numbers to words. Ex. 37 => thirty seven Ex. 123456 => one hundred twenty three thousand four hundred fifty six The highest it can currently reach is 1 million. To do: 1. make it go higher (decillion) 2. clean up a little 3. load the number in chunks o…
import java.math.BigInteger; //
public class Prob17
public static BigInteger oneHundred = new BigInteger("100");
public static BigInteger oneThousand = new BigInteger("1000");
public static BigInteger tenThousand = new BigInteger("10000");
public static BigInteger oneMillion = new BigInteger("1000000");
public static void main(String[] args)
// note: longs stop at 1 quintillion
printNums(new BigInteger("1"), new BigInteger("100"));
// printNums(new BigInteger("999990"), new BigInteger("1000010"));
public static void printNums(long start, long end)
printNums(new BigInteger(""+start), new BigInteger(""+end));
public static void printNums(BigInteger start, BigInteger end)
BigInteger currentNum = new BigInteger(start.toString());
while(currentNum.compareTo(end) <= 0) //while it hasn't reached the end
System.out.println( numToString(currentNum) ); //print the number
currentNum = currentNum.add(BigInteger.ONE); //increment the number
public static String numToString(long num)
return numToString(new BigInteger(""+num));
public static String numToString(BigInteger bigInt)
String output = "";
// if(num < 0)
if(bigInt.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == -1)
output += "negative ";
// num *= -1;
bigInt = bigInt.multiply(new BigInteger("-1"));
// if(num == 0)
output = "zero";
// if(num < 100)
else if(bigInt.compareTo(oneHundred) == -1)
output += easyTens(bigInt.longValue());
// else if(num % 100 == 0 && num < 1000)
else if(bigInt.remainder(oneHundred).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && bigInt.compareTo(oneThousand) == -1)
output += ones(bigInt.longValue()/100);
output += " hundred";
// else if(num < 1000)
else if(bigInt.compareTo(oneThousand) == -1)
output += ones(bigInt.longValue()/100);
output += " hundred ";
output += easyTens(bigInt.longValue() % 100);
// else if(num % 1000 == 0 && num < 10000)
else if(bigInt.remainder(oneThousand).equals(BigInteger.ZERO) && bigInt.compareTo(tenThousand) == -1)
output += ones(bigInt.longValue()/1000);
output += " thousand";
// else if(num < 1000000)
else if(bigInt.compareTo(oneMillion) == -1)
output += hundreds(bigInt.longValue()/1000);
output += " ";
output += "thousand";
// if(num >= 1100 && !(num % 1000 < 100))
if(bigInt.compareTo(new BigInteger("1100")) >= 0 && bigInt.remainder(oneThousand).compareTo(oneHundred) == -1)
output += " "+ones(bigInt.longValue() % 1000 / 100);
output += " hundred";
output += " "+easyTens(bigInt.longValue() % 100);
// else if(num == 1000000)
else if(bigInt.equals(oneMillion))
output = "one million";
return output.trim();
// return removeSpaces(output);
public static String ones(long num)
int intNum = (int)num;
case 0: return "";
case 1: return "one";
case 2: return "two";
case 3: return "three";
case 4: return "four";
case 5: return "five";
case 6: return "six";
case 7: return "seven";
case 8: return "eight";
case 9: return "nine";
return "";
public static String teens(long num)
int intNum = (int)num;
case 10: return "ten";
case 11: return "eleven";
case 12: return "twelve";
case 13: return "thirteen";
case 14: return "fourteen";
case 15: return "fifteen";
case 16: return "sixteen";
case 17: return "seventeen";
case 18: return "eighteen";
case 19: return "nineteen";
return "";
public static String tens(long num)
int intNum = (int)num;
case 20: return "twenty";
case 30: return "thirty";
case 40: return "forty";
case 50: return "fifty";
case 60: return "sixty";
case 70: return "seventy";
case 80: return "eighty";
case 90: return "ninety";
return "";
public static String easyTens(long num)
String output = "";
if(num < 10)
output += ones(num);
else if(num < 20)
output += teens(num);
else if(num < 100)
output += tens(num/10*10);
output += " ";
output += ones(num - num/10*10);
return output;
public static String hundreds(long num)
String output = "";
if(num < 100 || num >= 1000)
return easyTens(num);
output += ones(num/100);
output += " hundred ";
output += easyTens(num % 100);
output = output.trim();
return output;
public static String thousands(long numbeOfZeros) // note: change this to an int
int place = (int)(numbeOfZeros/3)-1;
case 0: return "thousand";
case 1: return "million";
case 2: return "billion";
case 3: return "trillion";
case 4: return "quadrillion";
case 5: return "quintillion";
case 6: return "sextillion";
case 7: return "septillion";
case 8: return "octillion";
case 9: return "nonillion";
case 10: return "decillion";
return "";
// remove all instance of " " and replace it with " "
public static String removeSpaces(String numberName)
String save = numberName+"";
//keep removing double spaces until no changes have been made
save = numberName+"";
numberName = numberName.replace(" "," ");
save = numberName+"";
return numberName;
public static String capFirstLetter(String str)
return str.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()+str.substring(1,str.length());
public static String numToString(long num, boolean junk)
return capFirstLetter(numToString(num));
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