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Last active November 2, 2021 16:40
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List of useful terminal commands for a beginner. Sorted approximately by difficulty & usefulness.
man # MANual for command
ls # LiSt files (-l more information, -R recursive)
cd # Change Directory (if no folder, go home)
pwd # Print Working Directory
mkdir -p # MaKe DIRectory (-p create missing parent directories)
touch # create file
rm -fr # ReMove directory and all its contents
[TAB key] # press tab key to autocomplete filename or command
* # wildcard
nano # open a file for editing in terminal
cat file1 file2 # conCATenate multiple files
less # view contents of file
cp # copy
mv # move (can also be used to rename)
find . -name "*.txt" # find files
grep # find (in file / in output of other command)
history # previous commands
clear (ctrl+L) # clear your terminal screen
source # execute file in terminal (or use ./
ctrl+U # delete all text to the left of the cursor
ctrl+R # search previously typed commands
ctrl+C # cancel running command
| # pipe output of command on left to input of command on right
> # write command output to file
>> # append command output to file
< # send file on right to command on left
!! # previous command
exit (ctrl+D) # exit
sudo # run command as superuser
ping # check internet connection
wc # word count (-l line count)
sort # sort (-r reverse -R randomly)
head -20 # view first 20 lines of file
tail -20 # view last 20 lines of file
ps -aux # process list (static)
top # process list (updating)
kill # stop some process
chmod ugo+rwx file # give user, group & owner read, write and execute permissions to file
chown # change owner of a file
alias hi #'echo hi' # shorten a command into what you want
env # list environment variables
export TEST #"test stuff" # set environment variable
unset TEST # remove environment variable
xargs # run input as command
curl -O # download a file from the internet (-O use same filename)
wget # download a file from the internet (can download recursively)
diff # compare 2 files
git diff --no-index # compare 2 files/folders with color highlighting
cat foo | tr "a" "b" > bar # replace all "a"'s with "b"'s in file foo and write that to bar
tee myfile # write to myfile and to the console at the same time
rsync -a --info=progress2 src/foo/ dest/foo # quickly clone a folder
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