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Created March 17, 2023 15:16
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/// <reference types="vite/client" />
/// <reference types="vitest" />
import { defineConfig, splitVendorChunkPlugin } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react-swc";
import path from "path";
export default defineConfig({
// Provide any plugins required for Vite to work and perform additional setup.
plugins: [react(), splitVendorChunkPlugin()],
// Development server configuration
server: {
// Don't open the browser automatically, sometimes the Vite server is too fast and boots up before the server and causes an OKTA error
open: false,
// Provide a static port number for the project to run on, originally set via the .env file but we have access to the configuration now.
port: 3001,
// React-scripts did this via the package.json, Vite does it via the server proxy object
proxy: {
// Any incoming requests which start with /api then proxy them to the provided backend address
"/api": "http://localhost:7001",
// Any incoming requests to /config.js just forward them to the backend
"/config.js": "http://localhost:7001",
resolve: {
// Alias configuration
alias: {
// Okta doesn't support es-build just yet, fallback to the Universal Module Definition
"@okta/okta-auth-js": "@okta/okta-auth-js/dist/okta-auth-js.umd.js",
// A list of alias's we can use to access certain modules/packages e.g. ~bootstrap accesses bootstrap from the node_modules
"~bootstrap": path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/bootstrap"),
test: {
// By default Jest used globals (expect, it, describe etc) didn't require imports. However, Vitest offers lowlevel imports which are typesafe and far more explict
globals: false,
// When rendering React components use the jsdom environment
environment: "jsdom",
// Tests which have been converted to Vitest...
include: [
// Tests which aren't currently working with Vitest...
exclude: [],
// Don't watch the tests for changes, unless vast majority of developers want this ???
watch: false,
// For every time that is ran run the setupTests file (Extends any matchers, performs cleanup etc)
setupFiles: ["./src/setupTests.js"],
coverage: {
reportsDirectory: "./coverage/client",
// Build configuration
build: {
// By default this is dist, were updating it to use the react-scripts build folder
outDir: "build",
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