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Forked from programus/
Created August 10, 2018 18:26
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Extended windows cd command

CDX Command - CD eXtension batch file

This is a batch file could help you change working directory easier especially you need to change many directories very often like me.


  • Save histroy of all navigated directories
  • No duplicated directories in histroy
  • Name history directories
  • Jump into any directory in histroy by index or name
  • Quich jump into previous directory
  • Maintain history list


cdx                 - display all saved path with leading id and name followed if any
cdx <path>          - save current path and jump to <path>
cdx :<n|name>       - jump to the Nth or named path in the saved list
cdx :               - jump to previous path
cdx name <n>:<name> - name the Nth path as <name>
cdx rm [:]<n|name>  - remove the Nth or named path from the list
cdx clear           - clear the list
cdx /help           - print out this help
cdx /?              - same as above


D:\>cdx "C:\Program Files"
C:\Program Files>cdx
[1] D:\

C:\Program Files>cdx d:\tmp
[1] D:\
[2] C:\Program Files

d:\tmp>cdx t:\UsrTmp
t:\UsrTmp>cdx .
[1] D:\
[2] C:\Program Files
[3] d:\tmp
[4] t:\UsrTmp

t:\UsrTmp>cdx :2
C:\Program Files>cdx
[1] D:\
[2] C:\Program Files
[3] d:\tmp
[4] t:\UsrTmp

C:\Program Files>cdx rm 1
C:\Program Files>cdx
[1] C:\Program Files
[2] d:\tmp
[3] t:\UsrTmp

C:\Program Files>cdx name 3:tmp
C:\Program Files>cdx
[1] C:\Program Files
[2] d:\tmp
[3] t:\UsrTmp   <--<<< (tmp)

C:\Program Files>cdx :tmp
t:\UsrTmp>cdx :
C:\Program Files>
@echo off
rem ***********************************************************************
rem This file is provided under MIT License:
rem This batch file is a extended cd command.
rem This could save the history and also jump in the histories.
rem For detail help, type <filename> /?
rem Author: Programus (
rem gist url:
rem this tool need or create 2 temporary files:
rem %BASEDIR%\dir-list.tmp
rem %BASEDIR%\dir-prev.tmp
rem ***********************************************************************
if /i [%1]==[/help] goto :printhelp
if /i [%1]==[/h] goto :printhelp
if [%1]==[/?] goto :printhelp
goto :main
echo %~n0 - display all saved path with leading id and name followed if any
echo %~n0 ^<path^> - save current path and jump to ^<path^>
echo %~n0 :^<n^|name^> - jump to the Nth or named path in the saved list
echo %~n0 : - jump to previous path
echo %~n0 name ^<n^>:^<name^> - name the Nth path as ^<name^>
echo %~n0 rm [:]^<n^|name^> - remove the Nth or named path from the list
echo %~n0 clear - clear the list
echo %~n0 /help - print out this help
echo %~n0 /? - same as above
goto :allover
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set tp=%BASEDIR%\dir-prev.tmp
set tf=%BASEDIR%\dir-list.tmp
rem extract previous path
set /p ppth=<%tp%
rem read list from file
set len=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%p in (%tf%) do (
set /a "len+=1"
set lines[!len!]=%%p
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=;" %%a in ("%%p") do set pp=%%a&set nn=%%b
set list[!len!]=!pp!
set list[!nn!]=!pp!
set names[!len!]=!nn!
rem list all history
if [%1]==[] (
for /l %%i in (1,1,%len%) do (
set nm=
if not "!names[%%i]!"=="" set nm= ^<--^<^<^<^ (!names[%%i]!^)
echo [%%i] !list[%%i]!!nm!
goto :end
rem goto previous directory and store current
if [%1]==[:] (
rem get the previous path
set pth="%ppth%"
set pth=!pth:"=!
goto :savecd
rem clear all
if /i [%1]==[clear] (
set len=0
goto :write
rem name an item
if /i [%1]==[name] (
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%a in ("%2") do set no=%%a&set name=%%b
if not "!name!"=="" (
set notNumeric=
for /f "delims=0123456789" %%x in ("!name!") do set notNumeric=%%x
if not defined notNumeric (
echo Error: name cannot be a number.
goto :allover
for /l %%i in (1,1,%len%) do (
set nm=!names[%%i]!
if "!nm!"=="!name!" (
echo Error: name has been existed.
goto :allover
set names[!no!]=!name!
goto :write
rem mark index should be removed
if /i [%1]==[rm] (
set rmno=%2
rem check names which is a non-numeric
set notNumeric=
for /f "delims=0123456789" %%x in ("%rmno%") do set notNumeric=%%x
if not defined notNumeric (
rem parameter is a name, find out the index
for /l %%i in (1,1,%len%) do (
set nm=!names[%%i]!
if "!nm!"=="!rmno!" (
set rmno=%%i
goto :endloopname
goto :write
rem other cases
rem store the argument as path
set pth=%1
rem remove all double-quotation
set pth=%pth:"=%
if [%pth:~0,1%]==[:] (
rem start with ':', mean jump to a history record
rem get the real path
set pth=!list[%pth::=%]!
rem store current path into history
set /a "len+=1"
set list[!len!]=%cd%
set lines[!len!]=%cd%
rem write back to file
echo off
set j=0
(for /l %%i in (1,1,%len%) do (
rem do not save rm directory
if not [%%i]==[%rmno::=%] (
set pt=!list[%%i]!
rem find out whether current directory is written already
for /l %%k in (0,1,!j!) do (
if /i "!pt!"=="!written[%%k]!" (
rem if it is written already, mark as included
set included=T
if not "!included!"=="T" (
rem only write the directory if it is not written already, not included.
echo !pt!;!names[%%i]!
rem mark the directory as written
set /a "j+=1"
set written[!j!]=!pt!
)) > %tf%
rem save current path as previous path
if /i not "%pth%"=="%cd%" (
if defined pth (
call :printcd "%tp%"
endlocal && set __pth=%pth%
rem change directory
if defined __pth (
cd /d "%__pth%"
set __pth=
exit /b 0
echo %cd%>%1
exit /b 0
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