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Last active October 15, 2021 22:03
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  • Save AlexMikhalev/3775ef3b82a7d677b91ce76123b06b63 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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BERT large QA benchmarks
(venv_the_pattern) ➜ qasearch git:(benchmark) ✗ python3
[101, 2040, 10438, 13434, 6726, 2426, 6001, 1029, 102, 2019, 17727, 2098, 14428, 3372, 2000, 2925, 2913, 1997, 10519, 6726, 1997, 16464, 15245, 2003, 1996, 3768, 1997, 2511, 4725, 2005, 1996, 10788, 1997, 10519, 16464, 12702, 21759, 7088, 19230, 6413, 2005, 4958, 5178, 4328, 10091, 2913, 102]
airborne transmission of respiratory infections is the lack of established methods for the detection of airborne respiratory microorganisms
10.494894326999999 seconds
(venv_the_pattern) ➜ qasearch git:(benchmark) ✗ redis-benchmark -p 30003 -h -n 10 get "bertqa{8YG}_PMC302072.xml:{8YG}:10_Who performs viral transmission among adults"
get bertqa{8YG}_PMC302072.xml:{8YG}:10_Who performs viral transmission among aduget bertqa{8YG}_PMC302072.xml:{8YG}:10_Who performs viral transmission among aduget bertqa{8YG}_PMC302072.xml:{8YG}:10_Who performs viral transmission among aduget bertqa{8YG}_PMC302072.xml:{8YG}:10_Who performs viral transmission among aduget bertqa{8YG}_PMC302072.xml:{8YG}:10_Who performs viral transmission among adu ====== get bertqa{8YG}_PMC302072.xml:{8YG}:10_Who performs viral transmission among adults ======
10 requests completed in 1.10 seconds
50 parallel clients
99 bytes payload
keep alive: 1
host configuration "save": 3600 1 300 100 60 10000
host configuration "appendonly": yes
multi-thread: no
Latency by percentile distribution:
0.000% <= 176.383 milliseconds (cumulative count 1)
50.000% <= 578.047 milliseconds (cumulative count 5)
75.000% <= 882.175 milliseconds (cumulative count 8)
87.500% <= 985.599 milliseconds (cumulative count 9)
93.750% <= 1088.511 milliseconds (cumulative count 10)
100.000% <= 1088.511 milliseconds (cumulative count 10)
Cumulative distribution of latencies:
0.000% <= 0.103 milliseconds (cumulative count 0)
10.000% <= 177.151 milliseconds (cumulative count 1)
20.000% <= 275.199 milliseconds (cumulative count 2)
30.000% <= 376.319 milliseconds (cumulative count 3)
40.000% <= 477.183 milliseconds (cumulative count 4)
50.000% <= 578.559 milliseconds (cumulative count 5)
60.000% <= 679.423 milliseconds (cumulative count 6)
70.000% <= 781.311 milliseconds (cumulative count 7)
80.000% <= 882.175 milliseconds (cumulative count 8)
90.000% <= 985.599 milliseconds (cumulative count 9)
100.000% <= 1088.511 milliseconds (cumulative count 10)
throughput summary: 9.06 requests per second
latency summary (msec):
avg min p50 p95 p99 max
629.536 176.256 578.047 1088.511 1088.511 1088.511
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