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Created January 19, 2021 13:46
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Sync notion to obsidian world md
from notion.client import NotionClient
import datetime
import os
from slugify import slugify
import re
import requests
import time
import hashlib
import shutil
import sys
from notion.markdown import notion_to_markdown
if NOTION_TOKEN is None:
sys.exit("The NOTION_TOKEN is missing, see the readme on how to set it.")
sys.exit("The NOTION_ROOT_PAGE_ID is missing, see the readme on how to set it.")
client = NotionClient(token_v2=NOTION_TOKEN)
root_page_id = NOTION_ROOT_PAGE_ID
dest_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), './World'))
markdown_pages = {}
regex_meta = re.compile(r'^== *(\w+) *:* (.+) *$')
ignore_root = True
def download_file(file_url, destination_folder):
r = requests.get(file_url, stream=True)
# converts response headers mime type to an extension (may not work with everything)
ext = r.headers['content-type'].split('/')[-1]
tmp_file_name = f'tmp.{ext}'
tmp_file_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, tmp_file_name)
print(f"-> Downloading {file_url}")
h = hashlib.sha1()
# open the file to write as binary - replace 'wb' with 'w' for text files
with open(tmp_file_path, 'wb') as f:
# iterate on stream using 1KB packets
for chunk in r.iter_content(1024):
f.write(chunk) # write the file
final_file_name = f'{h.hexdigest()}.{ext}'
final_file_path = os.path.join(destination_folder, final_file_name)
os.rename(tmp_file_path, final_file_path)
return final_file_name
def process_block(block, text_prefix=''):
was_bulleted_list = False
text = ''
metas = []
for content in block.children:
# Close the bulleted list.
if was_bulleted_list and content.type != 'bulleted_list':
text = text + '\n'
was_bulleted_list = False
if content.type == 'header':
text = text + f'# {content.title}\n\n'
elif content.type == 'sub_header':
text = text + f'## {content.title}\n\n'
elif content.type == 'sub_sub_header':
text = text + f'### {content.title}\n\n'
elif content.type == 'code':
text = text + f'```{content.language}\n{content.title}\n```\n\n'
elif content.type == 'image':
image_name = download_file(content.source, dest_path)
text = text + text_prefix + f'![{image_name}]({image_name})\n\n'
elif content.type == 'bulleted_list':
text = text + text_prefix + f'* {content.title}\n'
was_bulleted_list = True
elif content.type == 'divider':
text = text + f'---\n'
elif content.type == 'text':
matchMeta = regex_meta.match(content.title)
if matchMeta:
key =
value =
metas.append(f"{key}: '{value}'")
text = text + text_prefix + f'{content.title}\n\n'
elif content.type == 'video':
text = text + f'`video: {content.source}`\n\n'
elif content.type == 'page':
subpage_slug = to_markdown(, ignore=False)
text = text + f'[{content.title}](./{subpage_slug})\n\n'
print("Unsupported type: " + content.type)
text = text + notion_to_markdown(content.title)+'\n\n'
if len(content.children) and content.type != 'page':
child_text, child_metas = process_block(content, ' ')
text = text + child_text
metas = metas + child_metas
return text, metas
def to_markdown(page_id, ignore):
page = client.get_block(page_id)
page_title = page.title
slug = slugify(page_title)
text = ''
metas = []
# Handle Frontmatter
metas.append(f"# {page_title}")
if hasattr(page,'cover') and page.cover:
page_cover_url = '' + page.cover
cover_image_name = download_file(page_cover_url, dest_path)
metas.append(f"featured: '{cover_image_name}'")
text, child_metas = process_block(page)
metas = metas + child_metas
metaText = '\n'.join(metas) + '\n---\n'
text = metaText + text
# Save the page data if it is not the root page.
if not ignore:
markdown_pages[slug] = text
return slug
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f'-> Cleaning the "{dest_path}" folder')
to_markdown(root_page_id, ignore=ignore_root)
for slug, markdown in markdown_pages.items():
file_name = slug + '.md'
file_path = os.path.join(dest_path, file_name)
file = open(file_path, 'w')
print('-> Imported "' + file_name + '"')
print('Done: imported ' + str(len(markdown_pages)) + ' pages.')
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