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Last active January 2, 2021 20:28
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  • Save AlexRogalskiy/e1f2a1087f7f0184b0c4f4406df975db to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Perl sed emulator
# colors 16-231 are a 6x6x6 color cube
for ($red = 0; $red < 6; $red++) {
for ($green = 0; $green < 6; $green++) {
for ($blue = 0; $blue < 6; $blue++) {
$code = 16 + ($red * 36) + ($green * 6) + $blue;
printf($line1, $code);
printf($line2, $code);
($red ? ($red * 40 + 55) : 0),
($green ? ($green * 40 + 55) : 0),
($blue ? ($blue * 40 + 55) : 0));
# colors 232-255 are a grayscale ramp, intentionally leaving out
# black and white
for ($gray = 0; $gray < 24; $gray++) {
$level = ($gray * 10) + 8;
$code = 232 + $gray;
printf($line1, $code);
printf($line2, $code);
$level, $level, $level);
use strict;
sub min {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
if($a < $b) { return $a; }
else { return $b; }
sub conv {
my ($col, $alpha) = @_;
return min(1, (($alpha)*$col/255 + (1-$alpha)));
sub convert {
my ($r,$g,$b,$a) = @_;
return sprintf('#%x%x%x',
255*conv($r, $a),
255*conv($g, $a),
255*conv($b, $a));
while(<>) {
my $line = $_;
if($line =~ /(background(-color)?: ?rgba\(([0-9]+), ?([0-9]+), ?([0-9]+), ?([0-9.]+)\);)/) {
my $hex = convert($3, $4, $5, $6);
my $pos = index($line, $1);
$line= substr($line, 0, $pos)."background-color: $hex; ".substr($line, $pos);
if($line =~ /(border(-[^:]*)?:([^;]*)?rgba\(([0-9]+), ?([0-9]+), ?([0-9]+), ?([0-9.]+)\);)/) {
my $hex = convert($4, $5, $6, $7);
my $pos = index($line, $1);
$line = substr($line, 0, $pos)."border$2: $3 $hex; ".substr($line, $pos);
print $line . "\n";
use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;
my $link = DBI->connect( "dbi:Pg:dbname=test;host=localhost;port=5432", "root", "***", {RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 1});
my $ds = $link->prepare("CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp_temp ( data bigint ); COPY tmp_temp FROM STDIN");
$link->func("1\n", "putline");
$link->func("2\n", "putline");
$link->func("3\n", "putline");
$link->func("4\n", "putline");
$ds = $link->prepare("SELECT * FROM tmp_temp");
while(my $line = $ds->fetchrow()){
print $line."\n";
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