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Last active January 3, 2023 15:17
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Python script to parse EnergyPLAN's output data and convert it to JSON

EnergyPLAN Output Parser/Converter

Since EnergyPLAN's output is the opposite of "easy to parse" for a program, I have created this script to convert it to a handy JSON file. You can use it both as a standalone program to convert the output file to JSON, or import it as a library in your python program and get the data as a standard Python dictionary. In the future, I might also add a CSV output format - although I think it's much less suited for such a structured output.

Usage as a Standalone Script

$ python3 eplan_output.txt parsed_output.json
 ✓ - Read 8889 lines from "eplan_output.txt"
 ✓ - Parsed CO2 section
 ✓ - Parsed RES Share section
 ✓ - Parsed Fuel Consumption section
 ✓ - Parsed Annual Costs section
 ✓ - Parsed Yearly Totals section
 ✓ - Parsed Hourly Totals section
 ! - Costs overview parsing not yet implemented
 ! - Fuel balance parsing not yet implemented
 ✓ - Exported JSON dataset to "parsed_output.json" - 6.6 Mb (6928567 bytes) written

Usage as a Helper Library

from EnergyPLAN_output_parser import load_dataset

# [...]
# Run EnergyPLAN & whatever
# [...]

data = load_dataset("eplan_output.txt")
co2_emission = data['CO2 Emissions']['total']

If you've used this script and found it useful, please let me know if you got any errors or had good compatibility, especially if you're using a different version of EnergyPLAN.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re, sys, json
def print_err(msg):
print(' \u001b[31m✖\u001b[0m - ' + msg)
def print_wrn(msg):
print(' \u001b[33m!\u001b[0m - ' + msg)
def print_suc(msg):
print(' \u001b[32m✓\u001b[0m - ' + msg)
def print_inf(msg):
print(' \u001b[34mi\u001b[0m - ' + msg)
def check_index(lines, index, key, match_start=''):
return key in index and lines[index[key]].startswith(match_start)
def parse_co2_data(lines, index):
if not check_index(lines, index, 'CO2 Emissions', 'ANNUAL CO2 EMISSIONS'):
print_err("Error parsing CO2 data: section not present in index or bad index value")
return None
data = {}
idx = index['CO2 Emissions']
label_1, val_1, _ = lines[idx+1].split('\t', 2)
label_2, val_2, _ = lines[idx+2].split('\t', 2)
if label_1.strip() != 'CO2-emission (total)' or label_2.strip() != 'CO2-emission (corrected)':
print_err("CO2 section has an unexpected format")
return None
data['total'] = int(val_1.replace('.', ''))
data['corrected'] = int(val_2.replace('.', ''))
return data
def parse_res_share(lines, index):
if not check_index(lines, index, 'RES Share', 'SHARE OF RES'):
print_err("Error parsing RES Share data: section not present in index or bad index value")
return None
data = {}
idx = index['RES Share']
for i in range(3):
l, v, _ = lines[idx+i+1].split('\t', 2)
data[l] = float(v)
return data
def parse_fuel_annual(lines, index):
if not check_index(lines, index, 'Annual Fuel Consumption'):
print_err("Error parsing fuel data: section not present in index or bad index value")
return None
data = {}
idx = index['Annual Fuel Consumption']
l1, l2, l3, _ = lines[idx].split('\t', 3)
if not (
l1.startswith('ANNUAL FUEL CONSUMPTIONS') and
l2.startswith('TOTAL') and
print_err("Annual Fuel data has unexpected format")
return None
while True:
idx += 1
label, total, household, _ = lines[idx].split('\t', 3)
label = label.strip()
if label == '':
data[label] = {}
data[label]['total'] = float(total)
data[label]['household'] = float(household) if household.strip() else ''
return data
def parse_annual_costs(lines, index):
if not check_index(lines, index, 'Annual Costs'):
print_err("Error parsing annual costs data: section not present in index or bad index value")
return None
idx = index['Annual Costs']
data = {}
l1, l2, l3, l4, _ = lines[idx].split('\t', 4)
if not (
l1.startswith('ANNUAL COSTS') and
l2.startswith('TOTAL') and
l3.startswith('VARIABLE') and
print_err("Annual Costs data has unexpected format")
return None
while True:
idx += 1
if not lines[idx].strip():
label, tot, var, bd, _ = lines[idx].split('\t', 4)
label = label.strip()
if label:
data[label] = {}
data[label]['total'] = float(tot) if tot.strip() else ''
data[label]['variable'] = float(var) if var.strip() else ''
data[label]['breakdown'] = float(bd) if bd.strip() else ''
if label == 'TOTAL ANNUAL COSTS':
return data
def parse_yearly_totals(lines, index):
data = {}
header = get_yearly_totals_header(lines, index)
# Parse annual totals
if not check_index(lines, index, 'Yearly Totals'):
print_err('Error parsing yearly data: Yearly Totals not in index on bad index value')
return None
idx = index['Yearly Totals']
data['Yearly Totals'] = {label: {} for label in header}
annual_totals = lines[idx+1].strip().split('\t')[1:]
for i, v in enumerate(annual_totals):
col = header[i]
data['Yearly Totals'][col]['Annual Total'] = float(v) if v.strip() != 'Percent' else v.strip()
# Parse monthly totals
if not check_index(lines, index, 'Monthly Totals'):
print_err('Error parsing yearly data: Monthly Totals not in index or bad index value')
return None
idx = index['Monthly Totals']
for i in range(12):
l = lines[idx+i+1].strip().split('\t')
vals = map(float, l[1:])
month = l[0].strip()
for i, v in enumerate(vals):
col = header[i]
data['Yearly Totals'][col][month] = v
# Parse annual averages
idx += 14 # 1 (header) + 12 (months) + 1 (blank)
if not lines[idx].startswith('Annual Average'):
print_err('Yearly averages has unexpected format')
return None
for i in range(3):
l = lines[idx+i].strip().split('\t')
label = l[0].strip()
vals = list(float(v) if v.strip() != '-' else '-' for v in l[1:])
for i, v in enumerate(vals):
col = header[i]
data['Yearly Totals'][col][label] = v
return data
def parse_hourly_totals(lines, index):
data = {}
header = get_yearly_totals_header(lines, index)
if not check_index(lines, index, 'Hourly Totals'):
print_err('Error parsing hourly data: Hourly Totals not in index or bad index value')
return None
idx = index['Hourly Totals']
data['Hourly Totals'] = {label: [] for label in header}
for i in range(8784): # No. of lines = hours in one year
l = lines[idx+i+1].strip().split('\t')
vals = map(float, l[1:])
for i, v in enumerate(vals):
col = header[i]
data['Hourly Totals'][col].append(v)
return data
def get_yearly_totals_header(lines, index):
if not check_index(lines, index, 'Yearly Totals'):
print_err('Cannot find header for Yearly Totals in index')
return None
idx = index['Yearly Totals']
line_1, line_2 = lines[idx-3], lines[idx-2]
labels = zip(line_1.split('\t'), line_2.split('\t'))
labels = [(l1.strip() + ' ' + l2.strip()).strip() for l1, l2 in labels]
remaps = {'Indi- vidual': 'Individual'}
return list(remaps[l] if l in remaps else l for l in labels if l)
def parse_costs_overview_totals(lines, index):
print_wrn("Costs overview parsing not yet implemented")
return None
def parse_fuel_balance(lines, index):
print_wrn("Fuel balance parsing not yet implemented")
return None
def export_to_json(fname, dataset):
written_bytes = -1
with open(fname, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
written_bytes = f.write(json.dumps(dataset))
'Exported JSON dataset to "%s" - %.1f Mb (%d bytes) written' %
(fname, written_bytes/(1024*1024), written_bytes)
def read_energyplan_file(fname):
lines = []
with open(fname, encoding='iso-8859-15') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
print_suc('Read %d lines from "%s"' % (len(lines), fname))
return lines
def load_dataset(fname):
lines = read_energyplan_file(fname)
dataset = {}
index = {}
for i, l in enumerate(lines):
if l.startswith('EnergyPLAN model'):
index['Header'] = i
if l.startswith('ANNUAL CO2 EMISSIONS'):
index['CO2 Emissions'] = i
if l.startswith('SHARE OF RES'):
index['RES Share'] = i
if l.startswith('ANNUAL FUEL CONSUMPTIONS'):
index['Annual Fuel Consumption'] = i
if l.startswith('ANNUAL COSTS'):
index['Annual Costs'] = i
if l.startswith('TOTAL FOR ONE YEAR'):
index['Yearly Totals'] = i
if l.startswith('MONTHLY AVERAGE VALUES'):
index['Monthly Totals'] = i
if l.startswith('HOURLY VALUES'):
index['Hourly Totals'] = i
index['Costs Overview'] = i
if 'FUEL BALANCE' in l:
index['Fuel Balance'] = i
# Check EnergyPLAN version
tested_versions = ['16.22']
v = re.match(r'EnergyPLAN model ([0-9\.]+)', lines[index['Header']]).groups()[0]
if v not in tested_versions:
print_wrn('Warning: Dataset is from an untested version of EnergyPLAN (%s)' % v)
print_wrn(' This parser has been tested with versions: %s' % ', '.join(tested_versions))
print_wrn(' If you find any bugs or good compatibility please add a comment on:')
print_wrn(' <>')
# Read CO2 data
dataset['CO2 Emissions'] = parse_co2_data(lines, index)
print_suc('Parsed CO2 section') if dataset['CO2 Emissions'] else None
# Read RES Share
dataset['RES Share'] = parse_res_share(lines, index)
print_suc('Parsed RES Share section') if dataset['RES Share'] else None
# Read annnual fuel consumption
dataset['Annual Fuel Consumption'] = parse_fuel_annual(lines, index)
print_suc('Parsed Fuel Consumption section') if dataset['Annual Fuel Consumption'] else None
# Read annual costs
dataset['Annual Costs'] = parse_annual_costs(lines, index)
print_suc('Parsed Annual Costs section') if dataset['Annual Costs'] else None
# Read yearly totals
dataset['Yearly Totals'] = parse_yearly_totals(lines, index)
print_suc('Parsed Yearly Totals section') if dataset['Yearly Totals'] else None
# Read hourly totals
dataset['Hourly Totals'] = parse_hourly_totals(lines, index)
print_suc('Parsed Hourly Totals section') if dataset['Hourly Totals'] else None
# Read costs overview
dataset['Costs Overview'] = parse_costs_overview_totals(lines, index)
print_suc('Parsed Costs Overview section') if dataset['Costs Overview'] else None
# Read fuel balance
dataset['Fuel Balance'] = parse_fuel_balance(lines, index)
print_suc('Parsed Fuel Balance section') if dataset['Fuel Balance'] else None
return dataset
def main():
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print_inf("Usage: ./ <input.txt> <output.json>")
# Load the dataset
dataset = load_dataset(sys.argv[1])
# Export the dataset
export_to_json(sys.argv[2], dataset)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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