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Last active July 3, 2017 08:14
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Page builder paragraphs authoring

The implementation of step definitions for paragraphs authoring is based on the sharing of the state of the most recently created content item.

There are 2 important pieces:

  1. Current host entity stack - tracks all entities through step definitions.
  2. Host entity lookup by current bundle and a field name - allows to traverse through host entity stack to find the first fitting candidate for currently added paragraphs item.

Step definition

Step definition can be used in 2 syntaxes:

  • And I add <bundle> paragraph to <host_field_name>
  • And I add <bundle> paragraph to <host_field_name> with fields: <TableNode>


  • <bundle> - paragraph_item bundle of the currently added paragraphs_item.
  • <host_field_name> - field name of the host entity that should accept the currently added paragraphs_item.
  • <TableNode> - table of field names and their values for the currently added paragraphs_item.

The definition will do the following:

  • Validate that current host entity is set (by default, host entity is a last created entity)
  • Validate that provided field exists on the entity and can accept a bundle of current paragraphs_item.
    • If validation fails - move up in the stack of host entity types and try to resolve with a parent.
      • If an valid host entity item is found in the stack - set this item as current parent host entity and proceed below.
      • If a valid host entity is not found - throw an exception notifying developer that steps in scenario are not in the expected order.
  • Create an instance of the bundle.
  • If fields for currently created paragraphs_item were provided - pupulate them.
  • Save host entity (also, need to make sure that this process saves the node itself).
Scenario: Page builder paragraphs authoring
Given I create a published 'page_builder' with content:
| title | Example page |
| field_theme | victory |
# Create section with title.
And I add Section paragraph to 'field_page_builder_section' with fields:
| title | Section 1 |
And I add WYSIWYG paragraph to 'field_left' with fields:
| body | W1 body |
And I add Video paragraph to 'field_left' with fields:
| fid | 123 |
# Add accordion with 2 Accordion Items.
And I add Accordion paragraph to 'field_left'
And I add Accordion Item paragraph to 'field_acordion_items' with fields:
| field_body | A1v1 |
And I add Accordion Item paragraph to 'field_acordion_items' with fields:
| field_body | A2v2 |
# Add another accordion with 2 Accordion Items.
And I add Accordion paragraph to 'field_left'
And I add Accordion Item paragraph o 'field_acordion_items' with fields:
| field_body | A1v1 |
And I add Accordion Item paragraph to 'field_acordion_items' with fields:
| field_body | A2v2 |
# Create another section with title.
And I add Section paragraph to 'field_page_builder_section' with fields:
| title | Section 2 |
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